var highland = require("highland"); var Promise = require("bluebird"); var Sequelize = require("sequelize"); var underscore = require("underscore"); var utils = require("../utils"); var routing = require("../routing"); const Op = Sequelize.Op; let updateTimes = {}; module.exports = function(Database) { Database.prototype._init.push(function() { this._conn.define("RoutePoint", { routeId: { type: Sequelize.STRING, allowNull: false }, lat:, lon: this._TYPES.lon, zoom: { type: Sequelize.INTEGER.UNSIGNED, allowNull: false, validate: { min: 1, max: 20 } }, idx: { type: Sequelize.INTEGER.UNSIGNED, allowNull: false }, ele: { type: Sequelize.INTEGER, allowNull: true } }); }); // TODO: Clean all routes on start // ===================================================================================================================== utils.extend(Database.prototype, { getRoutePoints(routeId, bboxWithZoom, getCompleteBasicRoute) { let cond = { routeId, [Op.or]: [ this._makeBboxCondition(bboxWithZoom) ] }; if(bboxWithZoom) cond[Op.or][0] = Sequelize.and(cond[Op.or][0], { zoom: { [Op.lte]: bboxWithZoom.zoom } }); if(getCompleteBasicRoute) cond[Op.or].push({ zoom: { [Op.lte]: 5 } }); return this._conn.model("RoutePoint").findAll({ where: cond, attributes: [ "lon", "lat", "idx", "ele"], order: [[ "idx", "ASC" ]] }); }, generateRouteId() { // TODO: Check if exists return Promise.resolve(utils.generateRandomId(20)); }, createRoute(routePoints, mode) { return this.generateRouteId().then((routeId) => { return this.updateRoute(routeId, routePoints, mode, true); }); }, updateRoute(routeId, routePoints, mode, _noClear) { let line = { id: routeId, mode, routePoints }; let thisTime =; return utils.promiseAuto({ clear: () => { if(!_noClear) return this.deleteRoute(routeId); return this._conn.model("RoutePoint").destroy({ where: { routeId } }); }, trackPoints: () => { if(thisTime < updateTimes[routeId]) return; return this._calculateRouting(line); }, update: (clear, trackPoints) => { if(thisTime < updateTimes[routeId]) return; let create = [ ]; for(let trackPoint of trackPoints) { create.push(Object.assign(JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(trackPoint)), { routeId: routeId })); } return this._bulkCreateInBatches(this._conn.model("RoutePoint"), create); } }).then((res) => { if(thisTime < updateTimes[routeId]) return; updateTimes[routeId] = thisTime; line.trackPoints = res.trackPoints; return line; // Contains also distance, time, ascent, descent properties }); }, lineToRoute(routeId, padId, lineId) { return utils.promiseAuto({ routeId: () => (routeId ? routeId : this.generateRouteId()), clear: () => { if(routeId) { return this._conn.model("RoutePoint").destroy({ where: { routeId } }); } }, line: () => (this.getLine(padId, lineId)), linePoints: () => (this.getAllLinePoints(lineId)), update: (routeId, clear, line, linePoints) => { let create = []; for(let linePoint of linePoints) { create.push({ routeId, lat:, lon: linePoint.lon, ele: linePoint.ele, zoom: linePoint.zoom, idx: linePoint.idx }); } return this._bulkCreateInBatches(this._conn.model("RoutePoint"), create); } }).then((res) => { updateTimes[res.routeId] =; return { id: res.routeId, mode: res.line.mode, routePoints: res.line.routePoints, trackPoints: res.linePoints, distance: res.line.distance, time: res.line.time, ascent: res.line.ascent, descent: res.line.descent }; }); }, deleteRoute(routeId) { delete updateTimes[routeId]; return this._conn.model("RoutePoint").destroy({ where: { routeId } }).then(() => {}); }, getRoutePointsByIdx(routeId, indexes) { return this._conn.model("RoutePoint").findAll({ where: { routeId, idx: indexes }, attributes: [ "lon", "lat", "idx", "ele" ], order: [[ "idx", "ASC" ]] }); }, getAllRoutePoints(routeId) { return this._conn.model("RoutePoint").findAll({ where: {routeId}, attributes: [ "lon", "lat", "idx", "ele", "zoom"] }); } }); };