import config from "../config"; import { calculateDistance, DecodedRouteMode } from "facilmap-utils"; import { ExtraInfo, Point } from "facilmap-types"; import { throttle } from "../utils/utils"; import { RawRouteInfo } from "./routing"; import fetch from "node-fetch"; if (!config.orsToken) console.error("Warning: No ORS token configured, calculating routes will fail. Please set ORS_TOKEN in the environment or in config.env."); const ROUTING_URL = ``; const ROUTING_MODES: Record = { "car-": "driving-car", "car-hgv": "driving-hgv", "bicycle-": "cycling-regular", "bicycle-road": "cycling-road", // "bicycle-safe": "cycling-safe", "bicycle-mountain": "cycling-mountain", // "bicycle-tour": "cycling-tour", "bicycle-electric": "cycling-electric", "pedestrian-": "foot-walking", "pedestrian-hiking": "foot-hiking", "pedestrian-wheelchair": "wheelchair", }; const MAX_DISTANCE = { car: 6000000, bicycle: 30000000, pedestrian: 20000000 } as Record; export function getMaximumDistanceBetweenRoutePoints(decodedMode: DecodedRouteMode): number { return MAX_DISTANCE[decodedMode.mode]; } export const calculateORSRoute = throttle(calculateRouteInternal, 4); async function calculateRouteInternal(points: Point[], decodedMode: DecodedRouteMode): Promise { if (!config.orsToken) throw new Error("Warning: No ORS token configured. Please ask the administrator to set ORS_TOKEN in the environment or in config.env."); let currentGroup: Point[] = []; const coordGroups: Point[][] = [currentGroup]; for(const point of points) { if(calculateDistance(currentGroup.concat([point])) >= MAX_DISTANCE[decodedMode.mode]) { if(currentGroup.length == 1) throw new Error("Too much distance between route points. Consider adding some via points."); coordGroups.push(currentGroup = [currentGroup[currentGroup.length-1]]); if(calculateDistance(currentGroup.concat([point])) >= MAX_DISTANCE[decodedMode.mode]) throw new Error("Too much distance between route points. Consider adding some via points."); } currentGroup.push(point); } const results = await Promise.all( => { const req: any = { coordinates: => [point.lon,]), radiuses: => -1), instructions: false }; if(decodedMode.details) { req.elevation = true; req.extra_info = [ "surface", "waytype", "steepness" ]; if(decodedMode.mode == "car") { req.extra_info.push("tollways"); } } if(decodedMode.avoid) { req.options = { avoid_features: decodedMode.avoid }; } if(decodedMode.preference) req.preference = decodedMode.preference; return fetch(`${ROUTING_URL}/${ROUTING_MODES[`${decodedMode.mode}-${decodedMode.type || ""}`]}/geojson`, { method: "POST", headers: { ...(config.orsToken ? { "Authorization": config.orsToken } : {}), "Accept": "*/*", // Server sends application/geo+json "Content-type": "application/json" }, body: JSON.stringify(req) }).then((res) => res.json()); })); const ret = { trackPoints: [] as Array, distance: 0, time: 0, ascent: decodedMode.details ? 0 : undefined, descent: decodedMode.details ? 0 : undefined, extraInfo: decodedMode.details ? {} as ExtraInfo : undefined }; for(const body of results) { if(body?.error) { throw new Error(body.error?.message || body.error); } if (body?.metadata?.system_message) console.log("OpenRouteService:", body?.metadata?.system_message); if(!body?.features?.[0]) throw new Error("Invalid response from routing server."); let idxAdd = ret.trackPoints.length; const trackPoints = body.features[0] any) => ({ lat: it[1], lon: it[0], ele: it[2] })); if(trackPoints.length > 0 && ret.trackPoints.length > 0 && trackPoints[0].lat == ret.trackPoints[ret.trackPoints.length-1].lat && trackPoints[0].lon == ret.trackPoints[ret.trackPoints.length-1].lon) { trackPoints.shift(); idxAdd--; } ret.trackPoints.push(...trackPoints); ret.distance += body.features[0].properties.summary.distance/1000; ret.time += body.features[0].properties.summary.duration; if(decodedMode.details) { ret.ascent += body.features[0].properties.ascent; ret.descent += body.features[0].properties.descent; for(const i of Object.keys(body.features[0].properties.extras)) { if(!ret.extraInfo![i]) ret.extraInfo![i] = []; ret.extraInfo![i].push(...body.features[0].properties.extras[i] any) => ([v[0]+idxAdd, v[1]+idxAdd, v[2]]))); } } } return ret; }