import { Marker } from "facilmap-types"; import L, { LatLngExpression, LeafletMouseEvent, Map, Marker as LeafletMarker, MarkerOptions } from "leaflet"; import { getMarkerIcon } from "../utils/icons"; import { setLayerPane } from "leaflet-highlightable-layers"; import "./marker-layer.scss"; Map.addInitHook(function (this: Map) { this.createPane("fm-raised-marker"); }); export interface MarkerLayerOptions extends MarkerOptions { marker?: Partial & Pick; highlight?: boolean; raised?: boolean; } export default class MarkerLayer extends LeafletMarker { declare options: MarkerLayerOptions; _fmDragging: boolean = false; _fmDraggingMouseEvent?: LeafletMouseEvent; _fmMouseOver: boolean = false; constructor(latLng: LatLngExpression, options?: MarkerLayerOptions) { super(latLng, { riseOnHover: true, ...options }); this.on("dragstart", () => { this._fmDragging = true; }); this.on("dragend", () => { this._fmDragging = false; // Some of our code re-renders the icon on mouseover/mouseout. This breaks dragging if it's in place. // So we delay those events to when dragging has ended. if(this._fmDraggingMouseEvent) { if(!this._fmMouseOver && this._fmDraggingMouseEvent.type == "mouseover")"fmMouseOver", this._fmDraggingMouseEvent); else if(this._fmMouseOver && this._fmDraggingMouseEvent.type == "mouseout")"fmMouseOut", this._fmDraggingMouseEvent); this._fmDraggingMouseEvent = undefined; } }); this.on("mouseover", (e: LeafletMouseEvent) => { if(this._fmDragging) this._fmDraggingMouseEvent = e; else"fmMouseOver", e); }); this.on("mouseout", (e: LeafletMouseEvent) => { if(this._fmDragging) this._fmDraggingMouseEvent = e; else"fmMouseOut", e); }); this.on("fmMouseOver", () => { this._fmMouseOver = true; this.setStyle({}); }); this.on("fmMouseOut", () => { this._fmMouseOver = false; this.setStyle({}); }); } _initIcon(): void { if (this.options.marker) this.options.icon = getMarkerIcon(`#${this.options.marker.colour}`, this.options.marker.size, this.options.marker.symbol, this.options.marker.shape, this.options.highlight); super._initIcon(); this.setOpacity(this.options.highlight || this.options.raised || this._fmMouseOver ? 1 : 0.6); setLayerPane(this, this.options.highlight || this.options.raised ? "fm-raised-marker" : "markerPane"); } setStyle(style: Partial): this { L.Util.setOptions(this, style); if(this._map) this._initIcon(); return this; } }