import WithRender from "./line-info.vue"; import Vue from "vue"; import { Component, Prop, Ref } from "vue-property-decorator"; import { ExportFormat, ID, Line } from "facilmap-types"; import { IdType } from "../../utils/utils"; import { Client, InjectClient, InjectContext, InjectMapComponents, InjectMapContext } from "../../utils/decorators"; import { showErrorToast, showToast } from "../../utils/toasts"; import EditLine from "../edit-line/edit-line"; import ElevationStats from "../ui/elevation-stats/elevation-stats"; import { MapComponents, MapContext } from "../leaflet-map/leaflet-map"; import ElevationPlot from "../ui/elevation-plot/elevation-plot"; import Icon from "../ui/icon/icon"; import "./line-info.scss"; import { flyTo, getZoomDestinationForLine } from "../../utils/zoom"; import RouteForm from "../route-form/route-form"; import StringMap from "../../utils/string-map"; import { Context } from "../facilmap/facilmap"; import saveAs from "file-saver"; @WithRender @Component({ components: { EditLine, ElevationPlot, ElevationStats, Icon, RouteForm } }) export default class LineInfo extends Vue { @InjectContext() context!: Context; @InjectClient() client!: Client; @InjectMapContext() mapContext!: MapContext; @InjectMapComponents() mapComponents!: MapComponents; @Ref() routeForm?: RouteForm; @Prop({ type: IdType, required: true }) lineId!: ID; @Prop({ type: Boolean, default: false }) showBackButton!: boolean; isDeleting = false; isExporting = false; showElevationPlot = false; isMoving = false; get line(): Line | undefined { return this.client.lines[this.lineId]; } async deleteLine(): Promise { this.$bvToast.hide(`fm${}-line-info-delete`); if (!this.line || !await this.$bvModal.msgBoxConfirm(`Do you really want to remove the line “${}”?`)) return; this.isDeleting = true; try { await this.client.deleteLine({ id: this.lineId }); } catch (err) { showErrorToast(this, `fm${}-line-info-delete`, "Error deleting line", err); } finally { this.isDeleting = false; } } zoomToLine(): void { if (this.line) flyTo(, getZoomDestinationForLine(this.line)); } async exportRoute(format: ExportFormat): Promise { if (!this.line) return; this.$bvToast.hide(`fm${}-line-info-export-error`); this.isExporting = true; try { const exported = await this.client.exportLine({ id:, format }); saveAs(new Blob([exported], { type: "application/gpx+xml" }), `${}.gpx`); } catch(err) { showErrorToast(this, `fm${}-line-info-export-error`, "Error exporting line", err); } finally { this.isExporting = false; } } async moveLine(): Promise { this.$bvToast.hide(`fm${}-line-info-move-error`); if (!this.line) return;'fmInteractionStart'); const routeId = `l${}`; try { await this.client.lineToRoute({ id:, routeId }); this.mapComponents.linesLayer.hideLine(; showToast(this, `fm${}-line-info-move`, `Edit waypoints`, "Use the routing form or drag the line around to change it. Click “Finish” to save the changes.", { actions: [ { label: "Finish", onClick: () => { done(true); }}, { label: "Cancel", onClick: () => { done(false); } } ] }); this.isMoving = true; await new Promise((resolve) => { setTimeout(resolve); }); const done = async (save: boolean) => { const route = this.client.routes[routeId]; if (save && !route) return; this.$bvToast.hide(`fm${}-line-info-move`); try { if(save) await this.client.editLine({ id: this.line!.id, routePoints: route.routePoints, mode: route.mode }); } catch (err) { showErrorToast(this, `fm${}-line-info-move-error`, "Error saving line", err); } finally {'fmInteractionEnd'); this.isMoving = false; // Clear route after editing line so that the server can take the trackPoints from the route this.client.clearRoute({ routeId }).catch((err) => { console.error("Error clearing route", err); }); this.mapComponents.linesLayer.unhideLine(this.line!.id); } }; } catch (err) { showErrorToast(this, `fm${}-line-info-move-error`, "Error saving line", err); this.$bvToast.hide(`fm${}-line-info-move`);'fmInteractionEnd'); this.isMoving = false; this.client.clearRoute({ routeId }).catch((err) => { console.error("Error clearing route", err); }); this.mapComponents.linesLayer.unhideLine(this.line!.id); } } }