Escape square brackets in documentation as a workaround for whxaxes/check-md#4

Candid Dauth 2021-04-17 15:27:28 +02:00
rodzic e5f92ed235
commit bf6b04ddea
2 zmienionych plików z 11 dodań i 11 usunięć

Wyświetl plik

@ -68,35 +68,35 @@ _Type:_ [PadData](./types#paddata)
All markers that have been retrieved so far.
_Set:_ in response to [`marker`](./events#marker) and [`deleteMarker`](./events#deletemarker) events.\
_Type:_ [`{ [markerId: number]: Marker }`](./types#marker)
_Type:_ [<code>{ &#91;markerId: number&#93;: Marker }</code>](./types#marker)
## `lines`
All lines of the map along with the track points that have been retrieved so far.
_Set:_ in response to [`line`](./events#line), [`linePoints`](./events#linepoints) and [`deleteLine`](./events#deleteline) events.\
_Type:_ [`{ [lineId: number]: Line }`](./types#line) (with track points)
_Type:_ [<code>{ &#91;lineId: number&#93;: Line }</code>](./types#line) (with track points)
## `views`
All views of the map.
_Set:_ in response to [`view`](./events#view) and [`deleteView`](./events#deleteview) events.\
_Type:_ [`{ [viewId: number]: View }`](./types#view)
_Type:_ [<code>{ &#91;viewId: number&#93;: View }</code>](./types#view)
## `types`
All types of the map.
_Set:_ in response to [`type`](./events#type) and [`deleteType`](./events#deletetype) events.\
_Type:_ [`{ [typeId: number]: Type }`](./types#type)
_Type:_ [<code>{ &#91;typeId: number&#93;: Type }</code>](./types#type)
## `history`
All history entries that have been retrieved so far. Note that you have to subscribe to the history using [`listenToHistory()`](./methods#listentohistory).
_Set:_ in response to [`history`](./events#history) events.\
_Type:_ [`{ [entryId: number]: HistoryEntry }`](./types#historyentry)
_Type:_ [<code>{ &#91;entryId: number&#93;: HistoryEntry }</code>](./types#historyentry)
## `route`
@ -110,14 +110,14 @@ _Type:_ [`Route`](./types#route)
Details and track points (simplified for the current bbox) for the active routes set using [`setRoute()`](./methods#setroute-data) with `routeId` set to a string.
_Set:_ during [`setRoute()`](./methods#setroute-data) and in response to [`routePoints`](./events#routepoints) events.\
_Type:_ [`{ [routeId: string]: Route }`](./types#route)
_Type:_ [<code>{ &#91;routeId: string&#93;: Route }</code>](./types#route)
## `serverError`
If the opening the map failed ([`setPadId(padId)`](./methods#setpadid-padid) promise got rejected), the error message is stored in this property.
_Set:_ in response to a [`serverError`](./events#servererror) event (fired during [`setPadId`](./methods#setpadid-padid)).\
_Type:_ [`{ [routeId: string]: Route }`](./types#route)
_Type:_ Error
## `loading`

Wyświetl plik

@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ A bounding box that describes which part of the map the user is currently viewin
* `shape` (string): The shape name for the marker. Default is an empty string (equivalent to `"drop"`).
* `elevation` (number): The elevation of this marker in metres (set by the server)
* `typeId` (number): The ID of the type of this marker
* `data` (`{ [fieldName: string]: string }`): The filled out form fields of the marker. By default, this is a null-prototype object to avoid prototype pollution. Have a look at [marker/line data](./advanced#marker-line-data) for more details.
* `data` (<code>{ &#91;fieldName: string&#93;: string }</code>): The filled out form fields of the marker. By default, this is a null-prototype object to avoid prototype pollution. Have a look at [marker/line data](./advanced#marker-line-data) for more details.
## Line
@ -50,11 +50,11 @@ separately through `linePoints` events.
* `ascent`, `descent` (number): The total ascent/descent of the line in metres (set by the server)
* `time` (number): The time it takes to travel the route in seconds (only if routing mode is `car`, `bicycle` or `pedestrian`) (set by the server)
* `left`, `top`, `right`, `bottom` (number): The bounding box of the line (set by the server)
* `extraInfo` (`{ [type: string]: Array<[startIdx: number, endIdx: number, type: number]>> }`): Extra details about the route (set by the server). `type` can be for example `steepness`, `surface` or `waytype`. `startIdx` and `endIdx` describe a segment on the trackpoints of the route, the meaning of `type` can be seen in the documentation of [Leaflet.Heightgraph](
* `extraInfo` (<code>{ &#91;type: string&#93;: Array<&#91;startIdx: number, endIdx: number, type: number&#93;>> }</code>): Extra details about the route (set by the server). `type` can be for example `steepness`, `surface` or `waytype`. `startIdx` and `endIdx` describe a segment on the trackpoints of the route, the meaning of `type` can be seen in the documentation of [Leaflet.Heightgraph](
* `typeId` (number): The ID of the type of this line
* `data` (`{ [fieldName: string]: string }`): The filled out form fields of the line. By default, this is a null-prototype object to avoid prototype pollution. Have a look at [marker/line data](./advanced#marker-line-data) for more details.
* `data` (<code>{ &#91;fieldName: string&#93;: string }</code>): The filled out form fields of the line. By default, this is a null-prototype object to avoid prototype pollution. Have a look at [marker/line data](./advanced#marker-line-data) for more details.
* `trackPoints`:
* In the `lines` property of the client, an object of the format [`{ [idx: number]: TrackPoint }`](#trackpoint)
* In the `lines` property of the client, an object of the format [<code>{ &#91;idx: number&#93;: TrackPoint }</code>](#trackpoint)
* When creating/updating a line with the routing mode `track`, an array of the format [`TrackPoint[]`](#trackpoint)
## TrackPoint