
149 wiersze
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Czysty Zwykły widok Historia

"about-dialog": {
"header": "About FacilMap {{version}}",
"license-text": "{{facilmap}} is available under the {{license}}.",
"license-text-facilmap": "FacilMap",
"license-text-license": "GNU Affero General Public License, Version 3",
"issues-text": "If something does not work or you have a suggestion for improvement, please report on the {{tracker}}.",
"issues-text-tracker": "issue tracker",
"help-text": "If you have a question, please have a look at the {{documentation}}, raise a question in the {{discussions}} or ask in the {{chat}}.",
"help-text-documentation": "documentation",
"help-text-discussions": "discussion forum",
"help-text-chat": "Matrix chat",
"privacy-information": "Privacy information",
"map-data": "Map data",
"map-data-search": "Search",
"map-data-pois": "POIs",
"map-data-directions": "Directions",
"map-data-geoip": "GeoIP",
"map-data-geoip-description": "This product includes GeoLite2 data created by MaxMind, available from {{maxmind}}.",
"attribution-osm-contributors": "OSM Contributors",
"programs-libraries": "Programs/libraries",
"icons": "Icons"
"click-marker-tab": {
"look-up-error": "Error looking up point"
"client-provider": {
"loading-map-header": "Loading",
"loading-map": "Loading map…",
"connecting-header": "Connecting",
"connecting": "Connecting to server…",
"map-deleted-header": "Map deleted",
"map-deleted": "This map has been deleted.",
"close-map": "Close map",
"connection-error": "Error connecting to server",
"open-map-error": "Error opening map",
"disconnected-header": "Disconnected",
"disconnected": "The connection to the server was lost. Trying to reconnect…"
"edit-filter-dialog": {
"title": "Filter",
"apply": "Apply",
"introduction": "Here you can set an advanced expression to show/hide certain markers/lines based on their attributes. The filter expression only applies to your view of the map, but it can be persisted as part of a saved view or a shared link.",
"syntax-header": "Syntax",
"variable": "Variable",
"operator": "Operator",
"description": "Description",
"example": "Example",
"name-description": "Marker/Line name",
"type-description": "{{marker}} / {{line}}",
"typeId-description": "{{items}})",
"typeId-description-item": "{{typeId}} ({{typeName}})",
"typeId-description-separator": " / ",
"data-description-1": "Field values (example: {{example1}} or {{example2}}).",
"data-description-2": "For checkbox fields, the value is {{uncheckedValue}} (unchecked) or {{checkedValue}} (checked).",
"lon-lat-description": "Marker coordinates",
"colour-description": "Marker/line colour",
"size-description": "Marker size",
"symbol-description": "Marker icon",
"shape-description": "Marker shape",
"ele-description": "Marker elevation",
"mode-description": "Line routing mode ({{straight}} / {{car}} / {{bicycle}} / {{pedestrian}} / {{track}})",
"width-description": "Line width",
"stroke-description": "Line stroke ({{solid}} (solid) / {{dashed}} / {{dotted}})",
"distance-description": "Line distance in kilometers",
"time-description": "Line routing time in seconds",
"ascent-descent-description": "Total ascent/descent of line",
"routePoints-description": "Line point coordinates",
"number-description": "Numerical value",
"text-description": "Text value",
"mathematical-description": "Mathematical operations ({{modulo}}: modulo, {{power}}: power)",
"logical-description": "Logical operators",
"ternary-description": "if/then/else operator",
"comparison-description": "Comparison ({{notEqual}}: not equal) (case sensitive)",
"list-description": "List operator (case sensitive)",
"regexp-description": "Regular expression match (case sensitive)",
"lower-description": "Convert to lower case",
"round-description": "Round ({{ceil}}: up, {{floor}}: down)",
"functions-description": "Mathematical functions",
"min-max-description": "Smallest/highest value"
"modal-dialog": {
"close": "Close",
"cancel": "Cancel",
"save": "Save"
"user-preferences-dialog": {
"title": "User preferences",
"introduction": "These settings are stored on your computer as a cookie and are applied independently of the opened map.",
"language": "Language",
"units": "Units",
"units-metric": "Metric",
"units-us": "US customary (miles, feet)"
"toolbox-add-dropdown": {
"label": "Add",
"manage-types": "Manage types"
"toolbox-collab-maps-dropdown": {
"label": "Collaborative maps",
"bookmark": "Bookmark map “{{padName}}”",
"manage-bookmarks": "Manage bookmarks",
"create-map": "Create a new map",
"open-map": "Open an existing map",
"open-other-map": "Open another map",
"close-map": "Close map “{{padName}}”"
"toolbox-help-dropdown": {
"label": "Help",
"documentation": "Documentation",
"matrix-chat": "Matrix chat room",
"bugtracker": "Report a problem",
"forum": "Ask a question",
"about": "About {{appName}}"
"toolbox-map-style-dropdown": {
"label": "Map style",
"openstreetmap": "OpenStreetMap",
"google-maps": "Google Maps",
"google-maps-satellite": "Google Maps (Satellite)",
"bing-maps": "Bing Maps"
"toolbox-tools-dropdown": {
"label": "Tools",
"share": "Share",
"open-file": "Open file",
"export": "Export",
"filter": "Filter",
"settings": "Settings",
"history": "History",
"user-preferences": "User preferences"
"toolbox-views-dropdown": {
"label": "Views",
"save-current-view": "Save current view",
"manage-views": "Manage views"