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2021-03-11 17:01:40 +00:00
import WithRender from "./edit-type-dropdown.vue";
import Vue from "vue";
import { Component, Prop, Ref, Watch } from "vue-property-decorator";
import { Field, FieldOptionUpdate, FieldUpdate, Line, Marker, Type } from "facilmap-types";
import { clone } from "facilmap-utils";
import { canControl, mergeObject } from "../../utils/utils";
import { isEqual } from "lodash";
import { showErrorToast } from "../../utils/toasts";
import ColourField from "../ui/colour-field/colour-field";
import draggable from "vuedraggable";
import Icon from "../ui/icon/icon";
import FormModal from "../ui/form-modal/form-modal";
import ShapeField from "../ui/shape-field/shape-field";
import SizeField from "../ui/size-field/size-field";
import SymbolField from "../ui/symbol-field/symbol-field";
import WidthField from "../ui/width-field/width-field";
import { extend, ValidationProvider } from "vee-validate";
2021-03-27 17:17:28 +00:00
import "./edit-type-dropdown.scss";
import { Context } from "../facilmap/facilmap";
import { InjectContext } from "../../utils/decorators";
2021-03-11 17:01:40 +00:00
extend("uniqueFieldOptionValue", {
validate: (value: string, args: any) => {
const field: Field | undefined = args.field?.field;
return !field || field.options!.filter((option) => option.value == value).length <= 1;
message: "Multiple options cannot have the same label.",
2021-04-09 22:28:59 +00:00
params: ["field"],
computesRequired: true // To check empty values as well
2021-03-11 17:01:40 +00:00
extend("fieldOptionNumber", {
validate: ({ field, type }: { field: FieldUpdate, type: Type }, args: any) => {
return getControlNumber(type, field) == 0 || (!!field.options && field.options.length > 0);
message: "Controlling fields need to have at least one option.",
params: ["controlNumber"]
function getControlNumber(type: Type, field: FieldUpdate): number {
return [
...(type.type == "marker" ? [
] : []),
...(type.type == "line" ? [
] : [])
].filter((v) => v).length;
components: { ColourField, draggable, Icon, FormModal, ShapeField, SizeField, SymbolField, ValidationProvider, WidthField }
export default class EditTypeDropdown extends Vue {
@InjectContext() context!: Context;
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@Prop({ type: String, required: true }) id!: string;
@Prop({ type: Object, required: true }) type!: Type;
@Prop({ type: Object, required: true }) field!: Field;
@Ref() fieldValidationProvider?: InstanceType<typeof ValidationProvider>;
fieldValue: FieldUpdate = null as any;
initialize(): void {
this.fieldValue = clone(this.initialField);
clear(): void {
this.fieldValue = null as any;
2021-03-11 17:01:40 +00:00
get initialField(): FieldUpdate {
const field: FieldUpdate = clone(this.field);
if(field.type == 'checkbox') {
if(!field.options || field.options.length != 2) {
field.options = [
{ value: '' },
{ value: field.name }
2021-03-11 17:01:40 +00:00
// Convert legacy format
if(field.options[0].value == "0")
field.options[0].value = "";
if(field.options[1].value == "1")
field.options[1].value = field.name;
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for(let option of (field.options || []))
option.oldValue = option.value;
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return field;
@Watch("field", { deep: true })
handleFieldChange(newField: Field, oldField: Field): void {
if (this.fieldValue) {
if (newField == null) {
// TODO: Show message
} else {
mergeObject(oldField, newField, this.fieldValue);
@Watch("fieldValue", { deep: true })
handleChange(field: FieldUpdate): void {
this.fieldValidationProvider?.validate({ type: this.type, field });
get isModified(): boolean {
return !isEqual(this.fieldValue, this.initialField);
get canControl(): Array<keyof Marker | keyof Line> {
return canControl(this.type, this.field);
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addOption(): void {
if(this.fieldValue.options == null)
Vue.set(this.fieldValue, "options", [ ]);
this.fieldValue.options!.push({ value: "" });
async deleteOption(option: FieldOptionUpdate): Promise<void> {
if (!await this.$bvModal.msgBoxConfirm(`Do you really want to delete the option “${option.value}”?`))
var idx = this.fieldValue.options!.indexOf(option);
if(idx != -1)
this.fieldValue.options!.splice(idx, 1);
save(): void {
2021-03-11 17:01:40 +00:00
const idx = this.type.fields.indexOf(this.field);
if (idx === -1)
showErrorToast(this, `fm${this.context.id}-edit-type-dropdown-error`, "Error updating field", new Error("The field cannot be found on the type anymore."));
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else {
Vue.nextTick(() => {
Vue.set(this.type.fields, idx, this.fieldValue);
get controlNumber(): number {
return getControlNumber(this.type, this.fieldValue);