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Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env python
# cad_path
# .cad to .path
# Neil Gershenfeld
# CBA MIT 11/6/10
# (c) Massachusetts Institute of Technology 2010
# Permission granted for experimental and personal use;
# license for commercial sale available from MIT.
import sys, os, string
# command line args
if ((len(sys.argv) < 3) | (len(sys.argv) > 11)):
print "command line: cad_path in.cad out.path [resolution [error [offset_diameter [offset_number [offset_overlap [z_thickness [z_top [z_bottom]]]]]]]]"
print " in.cad = input .cad file"
print " out.path = output .path file"
print " resolution = pixels per mm (optional, default 10)"
print " error = allowable vector fit deviation (optional, pixels, default 1.1)"
print " offset_diameter = diameter to offset (optional, mm, default 0)"
print " offset_number = number of contours to offset (optional, -1 to fill all, default 1)"
print " offset_overlap = tool offset overlap fraction (optional, 0 (no overlap) - 1 (complete overlap, default 0.5))"
print " z_thickness = slice z thickness (optional, mm, default in.cad value)"
print " z_top = top slice z value (optional, mm, default in.cad value)"
print " z_bottom = bottom slice z value (optional, mm, default in.cad value)"
resolution = "10"
if (len(sys.argv) > 3):
resolution = sys.argv[3]
error = "1.1"
if (len(sys.argv) > 4):
error = sys.argv[4]
offset_diameter = "0"
if (len(sys.argv) > 5):
offset_diameter = sys.argv[5]
offset_numer = "1"
if (len(sys.argv) > 6):
offset_number = sys.argv[6]
offset_overlap = ".5"
if (len(sys.argv) > 7):
offset_overlap = sys.argv[7]
# convert to .math
cad_file_name = sys.argv[1]
math_file_name = (os.path.splitext(cad_file_name)[0])+".math"
os.system("cad_math "+cad_file_name+" "+math_file_name)
# get dims from .math
math_file = open(math_file_name,'r')
file_type = math_file.readline()
units = float(math_file.readline())
(dx,dy,dz) = string.split(math_file.readline())
dx = units*float(dx)
dy = units*float(dy)
dz = units*float(dz)
(xmin,ymin,zmin) = string.split(math_file.readline())
xmin = units*float(xmin)
ymin = units*float(ymin)
zmin = units*float(zmin)
z_thickness = dz
if (len(sys.argv) > 8):
z_thickness = float(sys.argv[8])
z_top = zmin + dz
if (len(sys.argv) > 9):
z_top = float(sys.argv[9])
z_bottom = zmin
if (len(sys.argv) > 10):
z_bottom = float(sys.argv[10])
# make image
png_file_name = (os.path.splitext(cad_file_name)[0])+".png"
nz = int(1 + (z_top-z_bottom)/z_thickness)
os.system("math_png %s %s %s %d"%(math_file_name,png_file_name,resolution,nz))
# make path
os.system("png_path %s %s %s %s %s %s 1 0 %f %f %f"%(png_file_name,sys.argv[2],error,offset_diameter,offset_number,offset_overlap,z_top,z_bottom,z_thickness))