#!/usr/bin/env python """ This is a setup.py script generated by py2applet Usage: python setup.py py2app """ from setuptools import setup import shutil import os import stat import subprocess import glob # Trick to make this run properly import sys sys.argv += ['py2app'] subprocess.call(['make','fab'], cwd='../..') # Delete old build stuff try: shutil.rmtree('build') except OSError: pass try: shutil.rmtree('koko') except OSError: pass try: os.remove('kokopelli.py') except OSError: pass # This is the pythons script that we're bundling into an application. shutil.copy('../../bin/kokopelli','kokopelli.py') shutil.copytree('../../bin/koko','koko') APP = ['kokopelli.py'] DATA_FILES = glob.glob('../bin/koko/lib/*.py') + ['cba_icon.png'] OPTIONS = {'argv_emulation': True, 'iconfile':'cba.icns'} # Run py2app to bundle everything. setup( app=APP, data_files=DATA_FILES, options={'py2app': OPTIONS}, setup_requires=['py2app'], ) # Copy libtree os.mkdir('dist/kokopelli.app/Contents/lib') shutil.copy('../../lib/libfab.dylib', 'dist/kokopelli.app/Contents/lib/libfab.dylib') # Copy the readme and examples into the distribution directory, then zip it up shutil.copy('README','dist') shutil.copy('../../../../Web/examples.zip', 'dist/examples.zip') os.system('cd dist; unzip examples.zip; rm -rf __MACOSX;'+ 'zip -r kokopelli.zip kokopelli.app README examples') shutil.rmtree('build') shutil.rmtree('koko') shutil.os.remove('kokopelli.py')