// // path_gcc.c // convert path to GCC lasercutter .gcc // Based on path_epi.c // // Neil Gershenfeld 8/18/13 // (c) Massachusetts Institute of Technology 2013 // Jon Nordby 9/1/14 // (c) Jon Nordby, Fellesverkstedet 2014 // // This work may be reproduced, modified, distributed, // performed, and displayed for any purpose, but must // acknowledge the fab modules project. Copyright is // retained and must be preserved. The work is provided // as is; no warranty is provided, and users accept all // liability. // #include "fab.h" // Machine expects 16 pen values for PPI/power/speed, encoded as ascii static int write_pen_values(char *str, size_t n, int v[16]) { int written = snprintf(str, n, "%04d%04d%04d%04d%04d%04d%04d%04d%04d%04d%04d%04d%04d%04d%04d%04d", v[0], v[1], v[2], v[3], v[4], v[5], v[6], v[7], v[8], v[9], v[10], v[11], v[12], v[13], v[14], v[15], v[16], v[17]); return written; } void fab_write_gcc(struct fab_vars *v, char *output_file_name, int power, int speed, int focus, float ox, float oy, char loc, int rate, int max_power) { // // write path to GCC lasercutter file // FILE *output_file; int i,x,y,z,current_z,layer_power,nsegs=0,npts=0; float scale,xoffset,yoffset; output_file = fopen(output_file_name,"w"); // scale = 600.0*v->dx/(25.4*(v->nx-1.0)); // 600 DPI // FIXME: calculate proper scale scale = 3.35f; if (loc == 'l') { xoffset = 600.0*(ox)/25.4; yoffset = 600.0*(oy - v->dy)/25.4; } else if (loc == 'r') { xoffset = 600.0*(ox - v->dx)/25.4; yoffset = 600.0*(oy - v->dy)/25.4; } else if (loc == 'L') { xoffset = 600.0*(ox)/25.4; yoffset = 600.0*(oy)/25.4; } else if (loc == 'R') { xoffset = 600.0*(ox - v->dx)/25.4; yoffset = 600.0*(oy)/25.4; } // Limit filename to 80 chars char *filename[80]; snprintf(filename, 80, "%s", output_file_name); // Start fprintf(output_file,"@PJL JOB NAME=%s\r\nE@PJL ENTER LANGUAGE=PCL\r\n%%-12345X", filename); // Reset fprintf(output_file,"E"); // Unit fprintf(output_file,"&u%dD", 254); // Cursor fprintf(output_file,"*p%dX", 100); fprintf(output_file,"*p%dY", 100); // Set filename fprintf(output_file,"!m%dN%s", strlen(filename), filename); // Set raster power+velocity. Works but only affects raster. Shows in display before start fprintf(output_file,"!r%dI", rate); fprintf(output_file,"!r%dP", power*10); // Select first (and only) pen // fprintf(output_file,"!v%dD", 1); // fprintf(output_file,"!m%dA", 2); // somehow triggers auto-focus?? // Use same value for all 16 pens int velocities[16]; int ppis[16]; int powers[16]; { int i; for (i=0; i<16; i++) { velocities[i] = speed*10; // thousands powers[i] = power*10; // thousands ppis[i] = rate; } } char buf[65]; // Set power write_pen_values(buf, 65, powers); fprintf(output_file,"!v%dP%s", 64, buf); // Velocity write_pen_values(buf, 65, velocities); fprintf(output_file,"!v%dV%s", 64, buf); // PPI write_pen_values(buf, 65, ppis); fprintf(output_file,"!v%dI%s", 64, buf); // Enter HPGL vector mode fprintf(output_file,"%%1B"); current_z = 0; // fprintf(output_file,"YP%d;\n",power); v->path->segment = v->path->last; while (1) { // // follow segments in reverse order // v->path->segment->point = v->path->segment->first; x = xoffset + scale * v->path->segment->point->first->value; y = yoffset + scale * v->path->segment->point->first->next->value; if (v->path->dof >= 3) { z = v->path->segment->point->first->next->next->value; if (z != current_z) { layer_power = power + (max_power-power) * z / (v->nz - 1.0); //fprintf(output_file,"YP%d;\n",layer_power); current_z = z; } } if (x < 0) x = 0; if (y < 0) y = 0; fprintf(output_file,"PU%d,%d;",x,y); nsegs += 1; while (1) { // // follow points // if (v->path->segment->point->next == 0) break; v->path->segment->point = v->path->segment->point->next; x = xoffset + scale * v->path->segment->point->first->value; y = yoffset + scale * v->path->segment->point->first->next->value; if (v->path->dof >= 3) { z = v->path->segment->point->first->next->next->value; if (z != current_z) { layer_power = power + (max_power-power) * z / (v->nz - 1.0); //fprintf(output_file,"YP%d;\n",layer_power); current_z = z; } } if (x < 0) x = 0; if (y < 0) y = 0; fprintf(output_file,"PD%d,%d;",x,y); npts += 1; } fprintf(output_file,"\n"); if (v->path->segment == v->path->first) break; v->path->segment = v->path->segment->previous; } // Leave HPGL vector mode fprintf(output_file,"%%1A"); // Reset fprintf(output_file,"E"); // End fprintf(output_file,"%%-12345X@PJL EOJ \r\n"); // close and return // fclose(output_file); printf("wrote %s\n",output_file_name); printf(" segments: %d, points: %d\n",nsegs,npts); } int main(int argc, char **argv) { // // local vars // struct fab_vars v; init_vars(&v); int power,max_power,speed,focus,rate; float ox,oy; char loc; // // command line args // if (!((argc == 3) || (argc == 4) || (argc == 5) || (argc == 6) || (argc == 8) || (argc == 9) || (argc == 10) || (argc == 11))) { printf("command line: path_gcc in.path out.gcc [power [speed [focus [x y [ location [rate [max_power]]]]]]]\n"); printf(" in.path = input path file\n"); printf(" out.gcc= output GCC lasercutter file\n"); printf(" power = percent power, for minimum z value (optional, 0-100, default 50)\n"); printf(" speed = percent speed (optional, 0-100, default 50)\n"); printf(" focus = autofocus (optional, 0=off | 1=on, default on)\n"); printf(" x = origin x (optional, mm, default 0 = left side of bed)\n"); printf(" y = origin y (optional, mm, default 0 = back side of bed, front positive)\n"); printf(" location = origin location (optional, bottom left:l, bottom right:r, top left:L, top right:R, default l)\n"); printf(" rate = pulse rate (optional, frequency, default 2500)\n"); printf(" max_power = percent power, for maximum z value (optional, 0-100, default power)\n"); exit(-1); } power = 50; speed = 50; focus = 1; ox = 0; oy = 0; loc = 'l'; rate = 2500; max_power = power; if (argc >= 4) { sscanf(argv[3],"%d",&power); } if (argc >= 5) { sscanf(argv[4],"%d",&speed); } if (argc >= 6) { sscanf(argv[5],"%d",&focus); } if (argc >= 8) { sscanf(argv[6],"%f",&ox); sscanf(argv[7],"%f",&oy); } if (argc >= 9) { sscanf(argv[8],"%c",&loc); } if (argc >= 10) { sscanf(argv[9],"%d",&rate); } if (argc >= 11) { sscanf(argv[10],"%d",&max_power); } // // read path // fab_read_path(&v,argv[1]); // // write .gcc // fab_write_gcc(&v,argv[2],power,speed,focus,ox,oy,loc,rate,max_power); }