# The lines below extract out program names from the cmake cache # This is used to automatically generate a documentation page. C_ = $(shell sed -n -e 's/;/ /g' \ -e 's/SOLVER_EXECUTABLES:STRING=//gp' \ -e 's/PROGRAMS:STRING=//gp' \ build/CMakeCache.txt) C = $(addprefix bin/, $(C_)) Python_ = $(shell sed -n -e 's/;/ /g' \ -e 's/PYs:STRING=//gp' \ build/CMakeCache.txt) Python = $(addprefix bin/, $(Python_)) scripts_ = $(shell sed -n -e 's/;/ /g' \ -e 's/SCRIPTS:STRING=//gp' \ build/CMakeCache.txt) scripts = $(addprefix bin/, $(scripts_)) GUIs_ = $(shell sed -n -e 's/;/ /g' \ -e 's/GUIs:STRING=//gp' \ build/CMakeCache.txt) GUIs = $(addprefix bin/, $(GUIs_)) PWD := $(shell pwd) help: @echo "Makefile options:" @echo " make fab Compile all files and copy scripts from src to bin" @echo " make doc Saves command names and docstrings into commands.html" @echo " make zip Bundles relevant files in fab.zip" @echo " make dist Copies files to Web directory" @echo " make install Copies files to /usr/local/bin" @echo " make clean Removes compiled executables and scripts from bin" @echo " make wxpython2.9 Downloads, compiles, and installs wxpython" @echo " (Linux only)" fab: @echo "Building with CMake" @mkdir -p build @cd build; \ cmake ../src; \ make -j4; \ make install | sed "s@$(PWD)/src/../@@g" doc: commands.html commands.html: fab @# Dump all of the command names @echo " Storing command names" @echo "\n\n
\ncommands:" > commands.html
	@for name in $(C) $(scripts) $(GUIs); do               \
	    echo "   "$$name >> commands.html;                 \
	@echo "" >> commands.html
	@# Dump command docstrings
	@echo "	Storing command docstrings"
	@for name in $(C) $(scripts) ; do                        \
	   ./$$name >> commands.html;                           \
	   echo "" >> commands.html;                            \

zip: commands.html
	rm -f fab_src.zip
	rm -rf src/apps/dist
	rm -rf src/apps/build
#	@echo "Copying revision number to kokopelli About panel"
#	@if which hg &>/dev/null && hg summary &> /dev/null; \
#	 then \
#	    sed "s/CHANGESET = .*/CHANGESET = '`hg id --num`:`hg id --id`'/g" \
#	    src/guis/koko/__init__.py > tmp; \
#	    mv tmp src/guis/koko/__init__.py; \
#	 fi
	zip -r fab_src.zip commands.html Makefile src
#	@sed "s/CHANGESET = .*/CHANGESET = None/g" \
#	    src/guis/koko/__init__.py > tmp; \
#	    mv tmp src/guis/koko/__init__.py; \

dist: zip
	cp fab_src.zip ../../Web/fab_src.zip
	cp commands.html ../../Web/
	sed -e "s/Snapshot from [^\)]*/Snapshot from `date '+%B %d, %Y, %I:%M%p'`/g" \
	    ../../Web/downloads.html > ../../Web/_downloads.html
	mv ../../Web/_downloads.html ../../Web/downloads.html

install: fab
	@echo "Installing executables and scripts to /usr/local/bin"
	@if [ -e "/usr/local/bin/fab_send" ]; \
	then \
	    mv /usr/local/bin/fab_send /usr/local/bin/fab_send.old; \
	@cp -r bin/* /usr/local/bin/
	@if [ -e "/usr/local/bin/fab_send.old" ]; \
	then \
	    mv /usr/local/bin/fab_send /usr/local/bin/fab_send.new; \
	    mv /usr/local/bin/fab_send.old /usr/local/bin/fab_send; \
	    echo "Note:"; \
	    echo "   Pre-existing fab_send has not been overwritten, and"; \
	    echo "   the new version of fab_send has been named fab_send.new"; \

	@echo "Deleting build directory"
	@rm -rf build