
466 wiersze
14 KiB

2014-07-04 15:09:46 +00:00
#!/usr/bin/env python
# math_stl
# compile and evaluate .math to STL
# todo
# run-length code
# prune triangulation
# Neil Gershenfeld
# CBA MIT 10/29/11
# (c) Massachusetts Institute of Technology 2011
# Permission granted for experimental and personal use;
# license for commercial sale available from MIT.
import sys
import string
import Image
import os
from numpy import *
# command line args
if (not((len(sys.argv) == 3) | (len(sys.argv) == 4))):
print "command line: math_stl in.math out.stl [resolution]"
print " in.math = input math string file"
print " out.stl = output STL image"
print " resolution = pixels per mm (optional, default 1)"
resolution = "1"
if (len(sys.argv) == 4):
resolution = sys.argv[3]
# read .math file
input_file_name = sys.argv[1]
output_file_name = sys.argv[2]
input_file = open(input_file_name,'r')
(file_type,) = string.split(input_file.readline())
(units,) = string.split(input_file.readline())
units = float(units)
(dx,dy,dz) = string.split(input_file.readline())
(xmin,ymin,zmin) = string.split(input_file.readline())
math_string = input_file.readline()
print "read "+input_file_name
print " math string type: "+file_type
print " ",units,"mm per unit"
print " dx: "+dx+", dy: "+dy+", dz: "+dz
print " xmin: "+xmin+", ymin: "+ymin+", zmin: "+zmin
# write evaluation program
program = """//
// math_stl_eval.c
// math string to STL evaluation generated by math_stl
// Neil Gershenfeld
// CBA MIT 10/29/11
// (c) Massachusetts Institute of Technology 2011
// Permission granted for experimental and personal use;
// license for commercial sale available from MIT.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <png.h>
// data structures
struct fab_vars {
unsigned char empty;
unsigned char interior;
unsigned char edge;
unsigned char north;
unsigned char south;
unsigned char east;
unsigned char west;
unsigned char stop;
unsigned char corner;
unsigned char corner2;
unsigned char direction;
unsigned int nx,ny,nz;
unsigned int bit_depth;
unsigned int word_size;
double dx,dy,dz;
double xmin,ymin,zmin;
unsigned char **array;
uint32_t **rgb0,**rgb1;
short int **xptr, **yptr;
struct fab_path_type *path;
struct fab_mesh_type *mesh;
png_bytep *row_pointers;
png_structp png_ptr;
png_infop info_ptr;
struct fab_vars init_vars() {
// fab_vars constructor
struct fab_vars v;
v.empty = 0;
v.interior = 1;
v.edge = (1 << 1);
v.north = (1 << 2);
v.west = (2 << 2);
v.east = (3 << 2);
v.south = (4 << 2);
v.stop = (5 << 2);
v.corner = (6 << 2);
v.corner2 = (7 << 2);
v.direction = (7 << 2);
return v;
main(int argc, char **argv) {
// local vars
struct fab_vars v = init_vars(&v);
double units = 25.4;
double X,Y,Z;
double dx,dy,dz;
v.dx = units*"""+dx+""";
v.dy = units*"""+dy+""";
v.dz = units*"""+dz+""";
v.xmin = units*"""+xmin+""";
v.ymin = units*"""+ymin+""";
v.zmin = units*"""+zmin+""";
double resolution="""+resolution+""";
v.nx = resolution*v.dx;
v.ny = resolution*v.dy;
v.nz = resolution*v.dz;
int x,y,z;
uint32_t val;
// create RGB arrays
v.rgb0 = malloc(v.ny*sizeof(uint32_t *));
for (y = 0; y < v.ny; ++y)
v.rgb0[y] = (uint32_t*) malloc(v.nx*sizeof(uint32_t));
v.rgb1 = malloc(v.ny*sizeof(uint32_t *));
for (y = 0; y < v.ny; ++y)
v.rgb1[y] = (uint32_t*) malloc(v.nx*sizeof(uint32_t));
// create triangle array
uint32_t triangle_count=0;
struct triangle_type {
int v0x,v0y,v0z;
int v1x,v1y,v1z;
int v2x,v2y,v2z;
struct triangle_type *next;
struct triangle_type *t,*tstart,*tnew;
t = malloc(sizeof(struct triangle_type));
tstart = t;
// loop over layers
for (z = 0; z < v.nz; ++z) {
Z = (v.zmin + v.dz*z/(v.nz-1.0))/units;
printf(" Z = %f\\n",Z);
// evaluate new layer
for (y = 0; y < v.ny; ++y) {
Y = (v.ymin + v.dy*(v.ny-y-1)/(v.ny-1.0))/units;
for (x = 0; x < v.nx; ++x) {
X = (v.xmin + v.dx*x/(v.nx-1.0))/units;
v.rgb0[y][x] = v.rgb1[y][x];
v.rgb1[y][x] = """+math_string+""";
// check voxel faces
for (y = 0; y < (v.ny-1); ++y) {
for (x = 0; x < (v.nx-1); ++x) {
// left
if ((v.rgb0[y][x] != 0) && (v.rgb0[y+1][x] != 0) && (v.rgb1[y][x] != 0) && (v.rgb1[y+1][x] != 0)) {
if ((v.rgb0[y][x+1] == 0) || (v.rgb0[y+1][x+1] == 0) || (v.rgb1[y][x+1] == 0) || (v.rgb1[y+1][x+1] == 0)) {
triangle_count += 1;
(*t).v0x = x;
(*t).v0y = y;
(*t).v0z = z;
(*t).v1x = x;
(*t).v1y = y;
(*t).v1z = z+1;
(*t).v2x = x;
(*t).v2y = y+1;
(*t).v2z = z+1;
tnew = malloc(sizeof(struct triangle_type));
(*t).next = tnew;
t = tnew;
triangle_count += 1;
(*t).v0x = x;
(*t).v0y = y;
(*t).v0z = z;
(*t).v1x = x;
(*t).v1y = y+1;
(*t).v1z = z+1;
(*t).v2x = x;
(*t).v2y = y+1;
(*t).v2z = z;
tnew = malloc(sizeof(struct triangle_type));
(*t).next = tnew;
t = tnew;
// right
if ((v.rgb0[y][x+1] != 0) && (v.rgb0[y+1][x+1] != 0) && (v.rgb1[y][x+1] != 0) && (v.rgb1[y+1][x+1] != 0)) {
if ((v.rgb0[y][x] == 0) || (v.rgb0[y+1][x] == 0) || (v.rgb1[y][x] == 0) || (v.rgb1[y+1][x] == 0)) {
triangle_count += 1;
(*t).v0x = x+1;
(*t).v0y = y;
(*t).v0z = z;
(*t).v1x = x+1;
(*t).v1y = y+1;
(*t).v1z = z+1;
(*t).v2x = x+1;
(*t).v2y = y;
(*t).v2z = z+1;
tnew = malloc(sizeof(struct triangle_type));
(*t).next = tnew;
t = tnew;
triangle_count += 1;
(*t).v0x = x+1;
(*t).v0y = y;
(*t).v0z = z;
(*t).v1x = x+1;
(*t).v1y = y+1;
(*t).v1z = z;
(*t).v2x = x+1;
(*t).v2y = y+1;
(*t).v2z = z+1;
tnew = malloc(sizeof(struct triangle_type));
(*t).next = tnew;
t = tnew;
// front
if ((v.rgb0[y][x] != 0) && (v.rgb0[y][x+1] != 0) && (v.rgb1[y][x] != 0) && (v.rgb1[y][x+1] != 0)) {
if ((v.rgb0[y+1][x] == 0) || (v.rgb0[y+1][x+1] == 0) || (v.rgb1[y+1][x] == 0) || (v.rgb1[y+1][x+1] == 0)) {
triangle_count += 1;
(*t).v0x = x;
(*t).v0y = y;
(*t).v0z = z;
(*t).v1x = x+1;
(*t).v1y = y;
(*t).v1z = z;
(*t).v2x = x+1;
(*t).v2y = y;
(*t).v2z = z+1;
tnew = malloc(sizeof(struct triangle_type));
(*t).next = tnew;
t = tnew;
triangle_count += 1;
(*t).v0x = x;
(*t).v0y = y;
(*t).v0z = z;
(*t).v1x = x+1;
(*t).v1y = y;
(*t).v1z = z+1;
(*t).v2x = x;
(*t).v2y = y;
(*t).v2z = z+1;
tnew = malloc(sizeof(struct triangle_type));
(*t).next = tnew;
t = tnew;
// back
if ((v.rgb0[y+1][x] != 0) && (v.rgb0[y+1][x+1] != 0) && (v.rgb1[y+1][x] != 0) && (v.rgb1[y+1][x+1] != 0)) {
if ((v.rgb0[y][x] == 0) || (v.rgb0[y][x+1] == 0) || (v.rgb1[y][x] == 0) || (v.rgb1[y][x+1] == 0)) {
triangle_count += 1;
(*t).v0x = x;
(*t).v0y = y+1;
(*t).v0z = z;
(*t).v1x = x+1;
(*t).v1y = y+1;
(*t).v1z = z;
(*t).v2x = x+1;
(*t).v2y = y+1;
(*t).v2z = z+1;
tnew = malloc(sizeof(struct triangle_type));
(*t).next = tnew;
t = tnew;
triangle_count += 1;
(*t).v0x = x;
(*t).v0y = y+1;
(*t).v0z = z;
(*t).v1x = x+1;
(*t).v1y = y+1;
(*t).v1z = z+1;
(*t).v2x = x;
(*t).v2y = y+1;
(*t).v2z = z+1;
tnew = malloc(sizeof(struct triangle_type));
(*t).next = tnew;
t = tnew;
// top
if ((v.rgb0[y][x] != 0) && (v.rgb0[y][x+1] != 0) && (v.rgb0[y+1][x] != 0) && (v.rgb0[y+1][x+1] != 0)) {
if ((v.rgb1[y][x] == 0) || (v.rgb1[y][x+1] == 0) || (v.rgb1[y+1][x] == 0) || (v.rgb1[y+1][x+1] == 0)) {
triangle_count += 1;
(*t).v0x = x;
(*t).v0y = y;
(*t).v0z = z;
(*t).v1x = x+1;
(*t).v1y = y+1;
(*t).v1z = z;
(*t).v2x = x;
(*t).v2y = y+1;
(*t).v2z = z;
tnew = malloc(sizeof(struct triangle_type));
(*t).next = tnew;
t = tnew;
triangle_count += 1;
(*t).v0x = x;
(*t).v0y = y;
(*t).v0z = z;
(*t).v1x = x+1;
(*t).v1y = y;
(*t).v1z = z;
(*t).v2x = x+1;
(*t).v2y = y+1;
(*t).v2z = z;
tnew = malloc(sizeof(struct triangle_type));
(*t).next = tnew;
t = tnew;
// bottom
if ((v.rgb1[y][x] != 0) && (v.rgb1[y][x+1] != 0) && (v.rgb1[y+1][x] != 0) && (v.rgb1[y+1][x+1] != 0)) {
if ((v.rgb0[y][x] == 0) || (v.rgb0[y][x+1] == 0) || (v.rgb0[y+1][x] == 0) || (v.rgb0[y+1][x+1] == 0)) {
triangle_count += 1;
(*t).v0x = x;
(*t).v0y = y;
(*t).v0z = z+1;
(*t).v1x = x+1;
(*t).v1y = y+1;
(*t).v1z = z+1;
(*t).v2x = x+1;
(*t).v2y = y;
(*t).v2z = z+1;
tnew = malloc(sizeof(struct triangle_type));
(*t).next = tnew;
t = tnew;
triangle_count += 1;
(*t).v0x = x;
(*t).v0y = y;
(*t).v0z = z+1;
(*t).v1x = x;
(*t).v1y = y+1;
(*t).v1z = z+1;
(*t).v2x = x+1;
(*t).v2y = y+1;
(*t).v2z = z+1;
tnew = malloc(sizeof(struct triangle_type));
(*t).next = tnew;
t = tnew;
// write STL
char header[80];
uint16_t attribute;
int i;
t = tstart;
float v0x,v0y,v0z;
float v1x,v1y,v1z;
float v2x,v2y,v2z;
FILE *output_file;
output_file = fopen(\""""+output_file_name+"""\","wb");
float zero = 0;
for (i = 0; i < triangle_count; ++i) {
v0x = (v.xmin + v.dx*((*t).v0x)/(v.nx-1.0))/units;
v0y = (v.ymin + v.dy*((*t).v0y)/(v.ny-1.0))/units;
v0z = (v.zmin + v.dz*((*t).v0z)/(v.nz-1.0))/units;
v1x = (v.xmin + v.dx*((*t).v1x)/(v.nx-1.0))/units;
v1y = (v.ymin + v.dy*((*t).v1y)/(v.ny-1.0))/units;
v1z = (v.zmin + v.dz*((*t).v1z)/(v.nz-1.0))/units;
v2x = (v.xmin + v.dx*((*t).v2x)/(v.nx-1.0))/units;
v2y = (v.ymin + v.dy*((*t).v2y)/(v.ny-1.0))/units;
v2z = (v.zmin + v.dz*((*t).v2z)/(v.nz-1.0))/units;
t = (*t).next;
eval_file = open("math_stl_eval.c",'w')
# compile
print "compile"
if os.uname()[0] == 'Darwin':
os.system("gcc -O math_stl_eval.c -o math_stl_eval -lm -I/usr/X11/include -L/usr/X11/lib -lpng")
os.system("gcc -O math_stl_eval.c -o math_stl_eval -lm -lpng")
# execute
print "execute"
os.system("rm ./math_stl_eval.c")
os.system("rm ./math_stl_eval")