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This file contains invisible Unicode characters!

This file contains invisible Unicode characters that may be processed differently from what appears below. If your use case is intentional and legitimate, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to reveal hidden characters.

Uses "UI"
Uses "COMM"
Uses "WMI"
Uses "OS"
'---Constant declarations
Begin ControlID
End ControlID
%TIMER_DELAY = 100 '---Timer delay (in milliseconds, not very accurate below about 100)
Global hComm As Long
Global nBytes As Long
Global sBuffer As String
Global gPortOpen As Boolean
Global pID As Number
Global vData() As String
Global nItems As Long
Global Counter As Long
Global Position As Long
Global ComputerName As String Value OS_GetComputerName
Global Ports() As String
Global CountATI As Long
Global sHexFilename As String
Global sFirmwareNumber As String
Global bConsole As Boolean
Global bUpdaterConsole As Boolean
Global sCommandLine As String
' Replace the filename in the next two lines to change which HEX file gets programmed
#BUNDLE File "HEX", ".\EBF_v301.hex", "", ReplaceExisting=1
sFirmwareNumber = "3.0.1"
bConsole = TRUE ' for normal printfs
bUpdaterConsole = TRUE ' for mphidflash
sHexFilename = "EBF_v" & Replace$(sFirmwareNumber, ".", "") & ".hex"
#BUNDLE File "app", ".\mphidflash-1.6-win-32.exe", "", ReplaceExisting=1
#BUNDLE Icon "WhiteEBBv20.ico"
' Program start point
Function TBMain() As Long
Local hDlg As DWord '---Used to store window handle of main dialog
gPortOpen = FALSE
'---Create a new dialog
hDlg = Dialog_New Pixels, 0, "EBB Update to firmware v" & sFirmwareNumber, -1, -1, 400, 400,
'---Set window minimum size
Dialog Set Minsize hDlg, 400, 400
'---Show dialog in modal mode
'---cbDialog function is the callback function handling dialog events
'---Application control will pass to dialog callback till dialog will exists
Dialog Show Modal hDlg, Call cbDialog
'---If execution comes here it means main dialog as been destroyed
If (bConsole) Then Console_WriteLine "---Application finished ---"
End Function
' Callback procedure for main window
CallBack Function cbDialog() As Long
'If (bConsole) Then Console_Writeline CBHNDL, CBCTL, CBCTLMSG, CBLPARAM, CBWPARAM
Select Case CBMSG
If (bConsole) Then Console_WriteLine Time$, "Fired %WM_CREATE dialog message"
If (bConsole) Then Console_WriteLine Time$, "Fired %WM_INITDIALOG dialog message"
'---Add controls
Control Add Button, CBHNDL, %ID_StartUpdateButton, "Start Update", 160, 10, 80, 25, %BS_NOTIFY | %WS_TABSTOP Call cbButton
Control Add Button, CBHNDL, %ID_ExitButton, "Exit" , 160, 350, 80, 25, %BS_NOTIFY | %WS_TABSTOP Call cbButton
Control Add Textbox, CBHNDL, %ID_CommandOutputTexBox, "" , 10, 40, 380, 300, %ES_MULTILINE | %ES_AUTOVSCROLL | %WS_HSCROLL | %ES_AUTOHSCROLL | %WS_VSCROLL |%ES_READONLY
'If (bConsole) Then Console_Writeline Time$, "Fired %WM_COMMAND dialog message", CBCTL
Case %WM_SIZE '---The WM_SIZE message is sent to a window after its size has changed.
'If (bConsole) Then Console_Writeline Time$, "Fired %WM_SIZE dialog message", CBWPARAM, LOWRD(CBLPARAM), HIWRD(CBLPARAM)
Case %WM_SIZING '---The WM_SIZING message is sent to a window that the user is resizing.
'If (bConsole) Then Console_Writeline Time$, "Fired %WM_SIZING dialog message", CBWPARAM, LOWRD(CBLPARAM), HIWRD(CBLPARAM)
'If (bConsole) Then Console_Writeline Time$, "Fired %WM_MOVE dialog message", LO(Integer, CBLPARAM), HI(Integer, CBLPARAM)
'---Do whatever needed just before dialog is destroyed.
If gPortOpen = TRUE Then
gPortOpen = FALSE
End If
'If (bConsole) Then Console_Writeline Time$, "Fired %WM_DESTROY dialog message"
Select Case CBWPARAM
'' If gPortOpen = TRUE Then
'' nBytes = COMM_Get(hComm, %COMM_RXQUE)
'' COMM_Recv(hComm, nBytes, sBuffer)
'' add_new_bytes(sBuffer, CBHNDL)
'' EndIf
End Select
End Select
End Function
function DoFirmwareUpdate() as Long
sCommandLine = "mphidflash-1.6-win-32.exe -r -w " & sHexFilename
If (bConsole) Then Console_WriteLine sCommandLine
If (bUpdaterConsole) Then
Sleep 2000
If (bConsole) Then Console_WriteLine("pID = " & pID)
DoFirmwareUpdate = pID
end function
' Callback procedure for button control
CallBack Function cbButton() As Long
Local sComPort As String
Local sTemp As String
Local dFloat As Double
Select Case CBCTLMSG
Select Case CBCTL
Case %ID_StartUpdateButton
Control Append Text CBHNDL, %ID_CommandOutputTexBox, "Building a list of EBB COM ports ..." + Chr$(13) + Chr$(10)
sBuffer = WMI_GetData(ComputerName, "", "", "", "Win32_PnPEntity", "", "Name" )
nItems = Parse( sBuffer, vData(), $CRLF)
ReDim Ports()
For Counter = 1 To nItems
Position = InStr(Ucase$(vData(Counter)),"(COM")
If Position Then
' If we have a "COMxx" port, then look for the PID/VID of EBB
If InStr(Ucase$(vData(Counter-1)), "VID_04D8&PID_FD92") Then
ReDim Preserve Ports(UBound(Ports)+1)
Ports(UBound(Ports)) = Extract$(Position+1,vData(Counter),")")
End If
End If
' Check for no COM ports found
If LBound(Ports) = 1 And UBound(Ports) = 1 Then
Control Append Text CBHNDL, %ID_CommandOutputTexBox, "No EBB COM ports found on this computer." + Chr$(13) + Chr$(10)
Control Append Text CBHNDL, %ID_CommandOutputTexBox, "Attempting recovery update directly into bootloader mode..." + Chr$(13) + Chr$(10)
if (DoFirmwareUpdate() <> 0) then
Control Append Text CBHNDL, %ID_CommandOutputTexBox, "Update failed. Click Exit." + Chr$(13) + Chr$(10)
Control Append Text CBHNDL, %ID_CommandOutputTexBox, "Update succeded. Click Exit to quit," + Chr$(13) + Chr$(10)
Control Append Text CBHNDL, %ID_CommandOutputTexBox, "or click Start Update to restart normal firmware update process." + Chr$(13) + Chr$(10)
Control Append Text CBHNDL, %ID_CommandOutputTexBox, "Found the following EBB COM ports:" + Chr$(13) + Chr$(10)
For Counter = LBound(Ports) To UBound(Ports)
Control Append Text CBHNDL, %ID_CommandOutputTexBox, Ports(Counter) + Chr$(13) + Chr$(10)
For Counter = LBound(Ports) To UBound(Ports)
hComm = COMM_FreeFile
Control Append Text CBHNDL, %ID_CommandOutputTexBox, "Testing port " & Ports(Counter) & " ... "
COMM_Open("\\.\" & Ports(Counter), hComm)
If Err = 0 Then
COMM_Set(hComm, %COMM_BAUD, 123)
COMM_Print(hComm, "V" & Chr$(13))
Sleep 100
nBytes = COMM_Get(hComm, %COMM_RXQUE)
COMM_TRecv(hComm, nBytes, sBuffer, 1000)
COMM_Print(hComm, "V" & Chr$(13))
Sleep 100
nBytes = COMM_Get(hComm, %COMM_RXQUE)
COMM_TRecv(hComm, nBytes, sBuffer, 1000)
sBuffer = Trim$(sbuffer, Any Chr$(13) & Chr$(10))
If LEFT$(sBuffer, 3) = "EBB" Then
Control Append Text CBHNDL, %ID_CommandOutputTexBox, "Found an EBB with firmware version " & RIGHT$(sBuffer, 5) + Chr$(13) + Chr$(10)
Control Append Text CBHNDL, %ID_CommandOutputTexBox, "Attempting update to version " & sFirmwareNumber + Chr$(13) + Chr$(10)
COMM_Print(hComm, "BL" & Chr$(13))
Sleep 1000
Sleep 5000
Sleep 2000
If pID = 0 Then
COMM_Open("\\.\" & Ports(Counter), hComm)
If Err = 0 Then
COMM_Print(hComm, "V" & Chr$(13))
Sleep 500
nBytes = COMM_Get(hComm, %COMM_RXQUE)
COMM_TRecv(hComm, nBytes, sBuffer, 1000)
COMM_Print(hComm, "V" & Chr$(13))
Sleep 500
nBytes = COMM_Get(hComm, %COMM_RXQUE)
COMM_TRecv(hComm, nBytes, sBuffer, 1000)
sBuffer = Trim$(sBuffer, Any Chr$(13) & Chr$(10))
If (RIGHT$(sBuffer,5) = sFirmwareNumber) Then
Control Append Text CBHNDL, %ID_CommandOutputTexBox, "Updated to version " & RIGHT$(sBuffer,5) & " successfully" + Chr$(13) + Chr$(10)
Control Append Text CBHNDL, %ID_CommandOutputTexBox, "Incorrect version detected. EBB=" & RIGHT$(sBuffer,5) & " File=" & sFirmwareNumber & " Updated failed." + Chr$(13) + Chr$(10)
Control Append Text CBHNDL, %ID_CommandOutputTexBox, "Programming EBB failed with an error." + Chr$(13) + Chr$(10)
Control Append Text CBHNDL, %ID_CommandOutputTexBox, " no EBB found" + Chr$(13) + Chr$(10)
'If (bConsole) Then Console_WriteLine("...closing port " & "\\.\" & Ports(Counter))
Control Append Text CBHNDL, %ID_CommandOutputTexBox, "Error: " & Err + Chr$(13) + Chr$(10)
End If
Control Append Text CBHNDL, %ID_CommandOutputTexBox, "Click Exit (or click Start Upgrade again to update more EBBs)" + Chr$(13) + Chr$(10)
End If
Case %ID_ExitButton
If (bConsole) Then Console_WriteLine Time$, "CloseCommButton"
If gPortOpen = TRUE Then
gPortOpen = FALSE
End If
If (bConsole) Then Console_WriteLine("port closed")
Dialog End CBHNDL
End Select
End Select
'---If button callback does not return %TRUE, message is passed
'---to parent window
Function = %TRUE
End If
End Function
' Take new string from com port, look for CR/LF
' Then handle the line based on first character
Function add_new_bytes(sNewBytes As String, hndl As Long)
Local x As Long
For x = 1 To Len(sNewBytes)
sCurrentLine = sCurrentLine + Mid$(sNewBytes, x, 1)
If RIGHT$(sCurrentLine, 1) = Chr$(13) Then
' We have a new line
If LEFT$(sCurrentLine, 1) = "~" Then
handle_PI_line(sCurrentLine, hndl)
handle_normal_line(sCurrentLine, hndl)
End If
sCurrentLine = ""
End If
Next x
End Function
Function handle_normal_line(sNormalLine As String, hndl As Long)
Control Append Text hndl, %ID_CommandOutputTexBox, sNormalLine + Chr$(13) + Chr$(10)
If (bConsole) Then Console_Write sNormalLine + Chr$(10)
End Function
' We need to write slowly so that we don't over-run the handle's one-byte buffer
Function write_to_com(sLine As String, hndl As Long)
Local StartTime As Long
Local x As Long
sLine = sLine + Chr$(13)
For x = 1 To Len(sLine)
StartTime = GetTickCount
While (StartTime + 10) > GetTickCount
COMM_Send(hComm, Mid$(sLine, x, 1))
Next x
Control Append Text hndl, %ID_CommandOutputTexBox, sLine + Chr$(10)
If (bConsole) Then Write sLine + Chr$(10)
End Function