
156 wiersze
3.8 KiB
Executable File

use strict;
use warnings;
use EggBot;
use HPGL;
use Getopt::Long;
my $dev = "/dev/ttyACM0";
my $test_num = -1;
my $limit = "3200,1000";
my $verbose = 0;
my $flip = 0;
'port|device=s' => \$dev,
'test=i' => \$test_num,
'limits=s' => \$limit,
'debug+' => \$verbose,
'flip+' => \$flip,
print "EggPlot v0.5, Dec 2010 by C. McManis\n";
my $egg = EggBot->new(device => $dev,
debug => $verbose,
flip => $flip,
limits => $limit)
|| die "Cannot talk to the EggBot.\n";
print "EggBot found!\n";
my $pi = 3.141592654;
my $deg2rad = $pi / 180.0;
if ($test_num == 1) {
print "Test 1:\n Move pen to home position.\n";
print "Then hit enter when ready to plot.\n";
my $line = <STDIN>;
exit 0;
} elsif ($test_num == 2) {
print "Test 2:\n Move pen to home position.\n";
print "Then hit enter when ready to plot.\n";
my $line = <STDIN>;
exit 0;
my $filename = shift @ARGV;
die "Nothing to plot" if (not defined $filename);
print "Reading $filename ...";
my $plt = HPGL->new($filename);
if (defined $plt) {
my ($w, $h) = $plt->size();
print "Done.\n Move pen to home position.\n";
print "Then hit enter when ready to plot.\n";
print "Plot is $w wide by $h tall.\n";
print "Note output is FLIPPED.\n" if $flip;
my $line = <STDIN>;
print "Read in $filename.\n";
print "It uses the following pens: \n";
my $pens = $plt->pens();
my @pen_list = grep (!/black/, @{$pens});
push @pen_list, "black";
foreach my $p (@pen_list) {
my $points = $plt->points($p);
print "Please put in the $p colored pen and press enter.\n";
my $xx = <STDIN>;
print "Plotting ", scalar @{$points}," points in $p\n";
foreach my $cmd (@{$points}) {
my ($nx, $ny) = ($cmd->[1], $cmd->[2]);
if ($cmd->[0] eq 'm') {
$egg->move_to($nx, $ny);
} elsif ($cmd->[0] eq 'd') {
$egg->draw_to($nx, $ny);
exit 0;
# Test 2 really checks to see if the pen up/down
# logic is working correctly. It draws a few
# circles of varying size.
sub test2 {
my @circles = (
[50, 50, 50],
[100, 400, 50],
[300, 600, 100],
[400, 500, 75],
[475, 425, 50],
[525, 375, 25]
foreach my $c (@circles) {
# Test 1 draws lines back and forth the full Y travel
# and completely around the egg/ball. It gives a good
# example of linearity of the setup.
sub test1 {
my @lines = (
[0, 0],
[0, 800],
[200, 800],
[200, 0]
for (my $x = 0; $x < 3200; $x += 400) {
foreach my $p (@lines) {
my $err = $egg->draw_to($x+$p->[0], $p->[1]);
if ($err) {
print "Eggbot returned an error.\n";
exit 1;
# utility routine to draw circles as 36 segments.
sub circle {
my ($x, $y, $r) = @_;
print "Draw circle @ [$x, $y] of radius $r\n";
if ($egg->move_to($x+$r, $y)) {
print "EggBot error.\n";
for (my $i = 0; $i <= 360; $i += 10) {
my ($nx, $ny);
$nx = $x + int ($r * cos($i*$deg2rad) + 0.5);
$ny = $y + int ($r * sin($i*$deg2rad) + 0.5);
if ($egg->draw_to($nx, $ny)) {
print "EggBot error.\n";