
1182 wiersze
54 KiB
Executable File

# coding=utf-8
# eggbot.py
# Part of the Eggbot driver for Inkscape
# https://github.com/evil-mad/EggBot
# Version 2.8.5, dated August 9, 2021.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
import gettext
import math
import time
from lxml import etree
from plot_utils_import import from_dependency_import # plotink
simplepath = from_dependency_import('ink_extensions.simplepath')
simplestyle = from_dependency_import('ink_extensions.simplestyle')
cubicsuperpath = from_dependency_import('ink_extensions.cubicsuperpath')
simpletransform = from_dependency_import('ink_extensions.simpletransform')
inkex = from_dependency_import('ink_extensions.inkex')
exit_status = from_dependency_import('ink_extensions_utils.exit_status')
message = from_dependency_import('ink_extensions_utils.message')
ebb_serial = from_dependency_import('plotink.ebb_serial') # Requires v 0.13 in plotink https://github.com/evil-mad/plotink
ebb_motion = from_dependency_import('plotink.ebb_motion') # Requires v 0.16 in plotink
plot_utils = from_dependency_import('plotink.plot_utils') # Requires v 0.15 in plotink
import eggbot_conf # Some settings can be changed here.
N_PEN_DOWN_DELAY = 400 # delay (ms) for the pen to go down before the next move
N_PEN_UP_DELAY = 400 # delay (ms) for the pen to up down before the next move
N_PEN_UP_POS = 50 # Default pen-up position
N_PEN_DOWN_POS = 40 # Default pen-down position
N_SERVOSPEED = 50 # Default pen-lift speed
N_WALK_DEFAULT = 10 # Default steps for walking stepper motors
N_DEFAULT_LAYER = 1 # Default inkscape layer
class EggBot(inkex.Effect):
def __init__(self):
action="store", type="float",
dest="smoothness", default=.2,
help="Smoothness of curves")
action="store", type="inkbool",
dest="returnToHome", default=True,
help="Return to home at end of plot.")
action="store", type="inkbool",
dest="wraparound", default=True,
help="Egg (x) axis wraps around-- take shortcuts!")
action="store", type="int",
dest="penUpSpeed", default=F_DEFAULT_SPEED,
help="Speed (step/sec) while pen is up.")
action="store", type="int",
dest="penDownSpeed", default=F_DEFAULT_SPEED,
help="Speed (step/sec) while pen is down.")
action="store", type="int",
dest="penDownDelay", default=N_PEN_DOWN_DELAY,
help="Delay after pen down (msec).")
action="store", type="int",
dest="penUpDelay", default=N_PEN_UP_DELAY,
help="Delay after pen up (msec).")
action="store", type="inkbool",
dest="engraving", default=False,
help="Enable optional engraving tool.")
action="store", type="string",
dest="tab", default="controls",
help="The active tab when Apply was pressed")
action="store", type="int",
dest="penUpPosition", default=N_PEN_UP_POS,
help="Position of pen when lifted")
action="store", type="int",
dest="ServoDownSpeed", default=N_SERVOSPEED,
help="Rate of lowering pen ")
action="store", type="int",
dest="ServoUpSpeed", default=N_SERVOSPEED,
help="Rate of lifting pen ")
action="store", type="int",
dest="penDownPosition", default=N_PEN_DOWN_POS,
help="Position of pen when lowered")
action="store", type="int",
dest="layernumber", default=N_DEFAULT_LAYER,
help="Selected layer for multilayer plotting")
action="store", type="string",
dest="setupType", default="controls",
help="The active option when Apply was pressed")
action="store", type="string",
dest="manualType", default="controls",
help="The active option when Apply was pressed")
action="store", type="int",
dest="WalkDistance", default=N_WALK_DEFAULT,
help="Selected layer for multilayer plotting")
action="store", type="inkbool",
dest="cancelOnly", default=False,
help="Cancel plot and return home only.")
action="store", type="inkbool",
dest="revPenMotor", default=False,
help="Reverse motion of pen motor.")
action="store", type="inkbool",
dest="revEggMotor", default=False,
help="Reverse motion of egg motor.")
self.allLayers = None
self.plotCurrentLayer = None
self.LayerFound = None
self.sCurrentLayerName = None
self.bPenIsUp = None # Initial state of pen is neither up nor down, but _unknown_.
self.virtualPenIsUp = False # Keeps track of pen position when stepping through plot before resuming
self.engraverIsOn = False
self.penDownActivatesEngraver = False
self.fX = None
self.fY = None
self.fPrevX = None
self.fPrevY = None
self.ptFirst = None
self.bStopped = False
self.fSpeed = 1
self.resumeMode = False
self.nodeCount = 0 # NOTE: python uses 32-bit ints.
self.nodeTarget = 0
self.pathcount = 0
self.LayersPlotted = 0
self.svgLayer = 0
self.svgNodeCount = 0
self.svgDataRead = False
self.svgLastPath = 0
self.svgLastPathNC = 0
self.svgTotalDeltaX = 0
self.svgTotalDeltaY = 0
self.serialPort = None
self.svg = None
self.svgWidth = float(eggbot_conf.N_PAGE_WIDTH)
self.svgHeight = float(eggbot_conf.N_PAGE_HEIGHT)
self.svgTransform = [[1.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 1.0, 0.0]]
# So that we only generate a warning once for each
# unsupported SVG element, we use a dictionary to track
# which elements have received a warning
self.warnings = {}
# "Normal" value: self.step_scaling_factor = 2, for 3200 steps/revolution.
self.step_scaling_factor = eggbot_conf.STEP_SCALE
self.wrapSteps = 6400 / self.step_scaling_factor
self.halfWrapSteps = self.wrapSteps / 2
def effect(self):
"""Main entry point: check to see which tab is selected, and act accordingly."""
self.svg = self.document.getroot()
# Input sanitization:
self.options.tab = self.options.tab.strip("\"")
self.options.setupType = self.options.setupType.strip("\"")
self.options.manualType = self.options.manualType.strip("\"")
if self.options.tab in ["Help", "options", "timing"]:
self.serialPort = ebb_serial.openPort()
if self.serialPort is None:
inkex.errormsg(gettext.gettext("Failed to connect to EggBot. :("))
if self.options.tab == "splash":
self.allLayers = True
self.plotCurrentLayer = True
self.svgNodeCount = 0
self.svgLastPath = 0
unused_button = ebb_motion.QueryPRGButton(self.serialPort) # Query if button pressed
self.svgLayer = 12345 # indicate that we are plotting all layers.
elif self.options.tab == "resume":
unused_button = ebb_motion.QueryPRGButton(self.serialPort) # Query if button pressed
if self.resumeMode:
elif self.options.cancelOnly:
inkex.errormsg(gettext.gettext("Truly sorry, there does not seem to be any in-progress plot to resume."))
elif self.options.tab == "layers":
self.allLayers = False
self.plotCurrentLayer = False
self.LayersPlotted = 0
self.svgLastPath = 0
unused_button = ebb_motion.QueryPRGButton(self.serialPort) # Query if button pressed
self.svgNodeCount = 0
self.svgLayer = self.options.layernumber
if self.LayersPlotted == 0:
inkex.errormsg(gettext.gettext("Truly sorry, but I did not find any numbered layers to plot."))
elif self.options.tab == "setup":
elif self.options.tab == "manual":
if self.options.manualType == "strip-data":
for node in self.svg.xpath('//svg:WCB', namespaces=inkex.NSS):
for node in self.svg.xpath('//svg:eggbot', namespaces=inkex.NSS):
inkex.errormsg(gettext.gettext("I've removed all EggBot data from this SVG file. Have a great day!"))
if self.serialPort is not None:
ebb_motion.doTimedPause(self.serialPort, 10) # Pause a moment for underway commands to finish...
self.svgDataRead = False
def CheckSVGforEggbotData(self):
self.svgDataRead = False
if not self.svgDataRead: # if there is no eggbot data, add some:
eggbotlayer = inkex.etree.SubElement(self.svg, 'eggbot')
eggbotlayer.set('layer', '0')
eggbotlayer.set('node', '0')
eggbotlayer.set('lastpath', '0')
eggbotlayer.set('lastpathnc', '0')
eggbotlayer.set('totaldeltax', '0')
eggbotlayer.set('totaldeltay', '0')
def recursiveEggbotDataScan(self, a_node_list):
if not self.svgDataRead:
for node in a_node_list:
if node.tag == 'svg':
elif node.tag in [inkex.addNS('eggbot', 'svg'), 'eggbot']:
self.svgLayer = int(node.get('layer'))
self.svgNodeCount = int(node.get('node'))
self.svgLastPath = int(node.get('lastpath'))
self.svgLastPathNC = int(node.get('lastpathnc'))
self.svgTotalDeltaX = int(node.get('totaldeltax'))
self.svgTotalDeltaY = int(node.get('totaldeltay'))
self.svgDataRead = True
node.set('lastpath', '0')
node.set('lastpathnc', '0')
node.set('totaldeltax', '0')
node.set('totaldeltay', '0')
self.svgDataRead = True
def UpdateSVGEggbotData(self, a_node_list):
if not self.svgDataRead:
for node in a_node_list:
if node.tag == 'svg':
elif node.tag in [inkex.addNS('eggbot', 'svg'), 'eggbot']:
node.set('layer', str(self.svgLayer))
node.set('node', str(self.svgNodeCount))
node.set('lastpath', str(self.svgLastPath))
node.set('lastpathnc', str(self.svgLastPathNC))
node.set('totaldeltax', str(self.svgTotalDeltaX))
node.set('totaldeltay', str(self.svgTotalDeltaY))
self.svgDataRead = True
def resumePlotSetup(self):
self.LayerFound = False
if 101 > self.svgLayer >= 0:
self.options.layernumber = self.svgLayer
self.allLayers = False
self.plotCurrentLayer = False
self.LayerFound = True
elif self.svgLayer == 12345: # Plot all layers
self.allLayers = True
self.plotCurrentLayer = True
self.LayerFound = True
if self.LayerFound:
if self.svgNodeCount > 0:
self.nodeTarget = self.svgNodeCount
self.resumeMode = True
if self.options.cancelOnly:
self.resumeMode = False
self.penUp() # Preemptively raise pen, before returning home.
self.fPrevX = self.svgTotalDeltaX
self.fPrevY = self.svgTotalDeltaY
self.fX = 0
self.fY = 0
self.svgLayer = 0
self.svgNodeCount = 0
self.svgLastPath = 0
self.svgLastPathNC = 0
self.svgTotalDeltaX = 0
self.svgTotalDeltaY = 0
def manualCommand(self):
"""Execute commands from the "manual" tab"""
if self.options.manualType == "none":
if self.serialPort is None:
if self.options.manualType == "raise-pen":
elif self.options.manualType == "lower-pen":
elif self.options.manualType == "enable-motors":
ebb_motion.sendEnableMotors(self.serialPort, 1) # 16X microstepping
elif self.options.manualType == "disable-motors":
elif self.options.manualType == "version-check":
str_version = ebb_serial.query(self.serialPort, 'v\r')
inkex.errormsg('I asked the EBB for its version info, and it replied:\n ' + str_version)
elif self.options.manualType == "enable-engraver":
if not self.options.engraving:
inkex.errormsg(gettext.gettext("The engraver option is disabled. "
" Please enable it first from the \"Options\" tab."))
elif self.options.manualType == 'disable-engraver':
self.engraverOffManual() # Force engraver off, even if it is not enabled.
else: # self.options.manualType is "walk-egg-motor" or "walk-pen-motor":
if self.options.manualType == "walk-egg-motor":
n_delta_x = self.options.WalkDistance
n_delta_y = 0
elif self.options.manualType == "walk-pen-motor":
n_delta_y = self.options.WalkDistance
n_delta_x = 0
ebb_motion.sendEnableMotors(self.serialPort, 1) # 16X microstepping
# Query pen position: 1 up, 0 down (followed by OK)
str_version = ebb_serial.query(self.serialPort, 'QP\r')
if str_version[0] == '0':
self.fSpeed = self.options.penDownSpeed
if str_version[0] == '1':
self.fSpeed = self.options.penUpSpeed
if self.options.revPenMotor:
n_delta_y *= -1
if self.options.revEggMotor:
n_delta_x *= -1
n_time = 10000.00 / self.fSpeed * plot_utils.distance(n_delta_x, n_delta_y)
n_time = int(math.ceil(n_time / 10.0))
str_output = ','.join(['SM', str(n_time), str(n_delta_y), str(n_delta_x)]) + '\r'
# inkex.errormsg( 'str_output: ' + str_output )
ebb_serial.command(self.serialPort, str_output)
def setupCommand(self):
"""Execute commands from the "setup" tab"""
if self.serialPort is None:
if self.options.setupType == "align-mode":
def plotToEggBot(self):
"""Perform the actual plotting, if selected in the interface:"""
# parse the svg data as a series of line segments and send each segment to be plotted
if self.serialPort is None:
if not self.getDocProps():
# Cannot handle the document's dimensions!!!
'This document does not have valid dimensions.\r\r' +
'Consider starting with the EggBot template, or ' +
'setting the document size to 3200 px (wide) x 800 px (tall).\r\r' +
'Document dimensions may be set in Inkscape with ' +
'File > Document Properties.\r\rThe document dimensions must be unitless or have ' +
'units of pixels (px) or percentages (%). '))
# Viewbox handling
# Also ignores the preserveAspectRatio attribute
viewbox = self.svg.get('viewBox')
if viewbox:
vinfo = viewbox.strip().replace(',', ' ').split(' ')
if float(vinfo[2]) != 0 and float(vinfo[3]) != 0:
sx = self.svgWidth / float(vinfo[2])
sy = self.svgHeight / float(vinfo[3])
self.svgTransform = simpletransform.parseTransform('scale({0:f},{1:f}) translate({2:f},{3:f})'.format(sx, sy, -float(vinfo[0]), -float(vinfo[1])))
ebb_motion.sendEnableMotors(self.serialPort, 1) # 16X microstepping
# Ensure that the engraver is turned off for the time being
# It will be turned back on when the first non-virtual pen-down occurs
if self.options.engraving:
# wrap everything in a try so we can for sure close the serial port
# self.recursivelyTraverseSvg(self.document.getroot())
self.penDownActivatesEngraver = True
self.recursivelyTraverseSvg(self.svg, self.svgTransform)
self.penUp() # Always end with pen-up
# Logically, we want to turn the engraver off here as well,
# but we put that in our finally clause instead
# self.engraverOff()
# return to home, if returnToHome = True
if (not self.bStopped) and self.options.returnToHome and self.ptFirst:
self.fX = self.ptFirst[0]
self.fY = self.ptFirst[1]
# self.penUp()
self.nodeCount = self.nodeTarget # enables fpx return-to-home only option
# inkex.errormsg('Final node count: ' + str(self.svgNodeCount)) #Node Count - Debug option
if not self.bStopped:
self.svgLayer = 0
self.svgNodeCount = 0
self.svgLastPath = 0
self.svgLastPathNC = 0
self.svgTotalDeltaX = 0
self.svgTotalDeltaY = 0
# We may have had an exception and lost the serial port...
self.penDownActivatesEngraver = False
if self.serialPort is not None and self.options.engraving:
def recursivelyTraverseSvg(self, a_node_list,
Recursively traverse the svg file to plot out all of the
paths. The function keeps track of the composite transformation
that should be applied to each path.
This function handles path, group, line, rect, polyline, polygon,
circle, ellipse and use (clone) elements. Notable elements not
handled include text. Unhandled elements should be converted to
paths in Inkscape.
if mat_current is None:
mat_current = [[1.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 1.0, 0.0]]
for node in a_node_list:
if self.bStopped:
# Ignore invisible nodes
v = node.get('visibility', parent_visibility)
if v == 'inherit':
v = parent_visibility
if v in ['hidden', 'collapse']:
# first apply the current matrix transform to this node's transform
mat_new = simpletransform.composeTransform(mat_current, simpletransform.parseTransform(node.get("transform")))
if node.tag in [inkex.addNS('g', 'svg'), 'g']:
if node.get(inkex.addNS('groupmode', 'inkscape')) == 'layer':
self.sCurrentLayerName = node.get(inkex.addNS('label', 'inkscape'))
if not self.allLayers:
self.recursivelyTraverseSvg(node, mat_new, parent_visibility=v)
elif node.tag in [inkex.addNS('switch', 'svg'), 'switch']:
# Treat switch as a container element to plot
self.recursivelyTraverseSvg(node, mat_new, parent_visibility=v)
elif node.tag in [inkex.addNS('use', 'svg'), 'use']:
# A <use> element refers to another SVG element via an xlink:href="#blah"
# attribute. We will handle the element by doing an XPath search through
# the document, looking for the element with the matching id="blah"
# attribute. We then recursively process that element after applying
# any necessary (x,y) translation.
# Notes:
# 1. We ignore the height and width attributes as they do not apply to
# path-like elements, and
# 2. Even if the use element has visibility="hidden", SVG still calls
# for processing the referenced element. The referenced element is
# hidden only if its visibility is "inherit" or "hidden".
refid = node.get(inkex.addNS('href', 'xlink'))
if refid:
# [1:] to ignore leading '#' in reference
path = '//*[@id="{0}"]'.format(refid[1:])
refnode = node.xpath(path)
if refnode:
x = float(node.get('x', '0'))
y = float(node.get('y', '0'))
# Note: the transform has already been applied
if x != 0 or y != 0:
mat_new2 = simpletransform.composeTransform(mat_new, simpletransform.parseTransform('translate({0:f},{1:f})'.format(x, y)))
mat_new2 = mat_new
v = node.get('visibility', v)
self.recursivelyTraverseSvg(refnode, mat_new2, parent_visibility=v)
elif self.plotCurrentLayer: # Skip subsequent tag checks unless we are plotting this layer.
if node.tag == inkex.addNS('path', 'svg'):
# if we're in resume mode AND self.pathcount < self.svgLastPath,
# then skip over this path.
# if we're in resume mode and self.pathcount = self.svgLastPath,
# then start here, and set
# self.nodeCount equal to self.svgLastPathNC
do_we_plot_this_path = False
if self.resumeMode:
if self.pathcount < self.svgLastPath:
self.pathcount += 1
elif self.pathcount == self.svgLastPath:
self.nodeCount = self.svgLastPathNC
do_we_plot_this_path = True
do_we_plot_this_path = True
if do_we_plot_this_path:
self.pathcount += 1
self.plotPath(node, mat_new)
if not self.bStopped: # an "index" for resuming plots quickly-- record last complete path
self.svgLastPath += 1
self.svgLastPathNC = self.nodeCount
elif node.tag in [inkex.addNS('rect', 'svg'), 'rect']:
# Manually transform
# <rect x="X" y="Y" width="W" height="H"/>
# into
# <path d="MX,Y lW,0 l0,H l-W,0 z"/>
# I.e., explicitly draw three sides of the rectangle and the
# fourth side implicitly
do_we_plot_this_path = False
if self.resumeMode:
if self.pathcount < self.svgLastPath:
self.pathcount += 1
elif self.pathcount == self.svgLastPath:
self.nodeCount = self.svgLastPathNC
do_we_plot_this_path = True
do_we_plot_this_path = True
if do_we_plot_this_path:
self.pathcount += 1
newpath = inkex.etree.Element(inkex.addNS('path', 'svg'))
x = float(node.get('x'))
y = float(node.get('y'))
w = float(node.get('width'))
h = float(node.get('height'))
s = node.get('style')
if s:
newpath.set('style', s)
t = node.get('transform')
if t:
newpath.set('transform', t)
a = [['M ', [x, y]],
[' l ', [w, 0]],
[' l ', [0, h]],
[' l ', [-w, 0]],
[' Z', []],
newpath.set('d', simplepath.formatPath(a))
self.plotPath(newpath, mat_new)
if not self.bStopped: # an "index" for resuming plots quickly-- record last complete path
self.svgLastPath += 1
self.svgLastPathNC = self.nodeCount
elif node.tag in [inkex.addNS('line', 'svg'), 'line']:
# Convert
# <line x1="X1" y1="Y1" x2="X2" y2="Y2/>
# to
# <path d="MX1,Y1 LX2,Y2"/>
do_we_plot_this_path = False
if self.resumeMode:
if self.pathcount < self.svgLastPath:
self.pathcount += 1
elif self.pathcount == self.svgLastPath:
self.nodeCount = self.svgLastPathNC
do_we_plot_this_path = True
do_we_plot_this_path = True
if do_we_plot_this_path:
self.pathcount += 1
newpath = inkex.etree.Element(inkex.addNS('path', 'svg'))
x1 = float(node.get('x1'))
y1 = float(node.get('y1'))
x2 = float(node.get('x2'))
y2 = float(node.get('y2'))
s = node.get('style')
if s:
newpath.set('style', s)
t = node.get('transform')
if t:
newpath.set('transform', t)
a = [['M ', [x1, y1]],
[' L ', [x2, y2]],
newpath.set('d', simplepath.formatPath(a))
self.plotPath(newpath, mat_new)
if not self.bStopped: # an "index" for resuming plots quickly-- record last complete path
self.svgLastPath += 1
self.svgLastPathNC = self.nodeCount
elif node.tag in [inkex.addNS('polyline', 'svg'), 'polyline']:
# Convert
# <polyline points="x1,y1 x2,y2 x3,y3 [...]"/>
# to
# <path d="Mx1,y1 Lx2,y2 Lx3,y3 [...]"/>
# Note: we ignore polylines with no points
pl = node.get('points', '').strip()
if pl == '':
do_we_plot_this_path = False
if self.resumeMode:
if self.pathcount < self.svgLastPath:
self.pathcount += 1
elif self.pathcount == self.svgLastPath:
self.nodeCount = self.svgLastPathNC
do_we_plot_this_path = True
do_we_plot_this_path = True
if do_we_plot_this_path:
self.pathcount += 1
pa = pl.split()
if not len(pa):
# Issue 29: pre 2.5.? versions of Python do not have
# "statement-1 if expression-1 else statement-2"
# which came out of PEP 308, Conditional Expressions
# d = "".join( ["M " + pa[i] if i == 0 else " L " + pa[i] for i in range( 0, len( pa ) )] )
d = "M " + pa[0]
for i in range(1, len(pa)):
d += " L " + pa[i]
newpath = inkex.etree.Element(inkex.addNS('path', 'svg'))
newpath.set('d', d)
s = node.get('style')
if s:
newpath.set('style', s)
t = node.get('transform')
if t:
newpath.set('transform', t)
self.plotPath(newpath, mat_new)
if not self.bStopped: # an "index" for resuming plots quickly-- record last complete path
self.svgLastPath += 1
self.svgLastPathNC = self.nodeCount
elif node.tag in [inkex.addNS('polygon', 'svg'), 'polygon']:
# Convert
# <polygon points="x1,y1 x2,y2 x3,y3 [...]"/>
# to
# <path d="Mx1,y1 Lx2,y2 Lx3,y3 [...] Z"/>
# Note: we ignore polygons with no points
pl = node.get('points', '').strip()
if pl == '':
do_we_plot_this_path = False
if self.resumeMode:
if self.pathcount < self.svgLastPath:
self.pathcount += 1
elif self.pathcount == self.svgLastPath:
self.nodeCount = self.svgLastPathNC
do_we_plot_this_path = True
do_we_plot_this_path = True
if do_we_plot_this_path:
self.pathcount += 1
pa = pl.split()
if not len(pa):
d = "M " + pa[0]
for i in range(1, len(pa)):
d += " L " + pa[i]
d += " Z"
newpath = inkex.etree.Element(inkex.addNS('path', 'svg'))
newpath.set('d', d)
s = node.get('style')
if s:
newpath.set('style', s)
t = node.get('transform')
if t:
newpath.set('transform', t)
self.plotPath(newpath, mat_new)
if not self.bStopped: # an "index" for resuming plots quickly-- record last complete path
self.svgLastPath += 1
self.svgLastPathNC = self.nodeCount
elif node.tag in [inkex.addNS('ellipse', 'svg'), 'ellipse',
inkex.addNS('circle', 'svg'), 'circle']:
# Convert circles and ellipses to a path with two 180 degree arcs.
# In general (an ellipse), we convert
# <ellipse rx="RX" ry="RY" cx="X" cy="Y"/>
# to
# <path d="MX1,CY A RX,RY 0 1 0 X2,CY A RX,RY 0 1 0 X1,CY"/>
# where
# X1 = CX - RX
# X2 = CX + RX
# Note: ellipses or circles with a radius attribute of value 0 are ignored
if node.tag in [inkex.addNS('ellipse', 'svg'), 'ellipse']:
rx = float(node.get('rx', '0'))
ry = float(node.get('ry', '0'))
rx = float(node.get('r', '0'))
ry = rx
if rx == 0 or ry == 0:
do_we_plot_this_path = False
if self.resumeMode:
if self.pathcount < self.svgLastPath:
self.pathcount += 1
elif self.pathcount == self.svgLastPath:
self.nodeCount = self.svgLastPathNC
do_we_plot_this_path = True
do_we_plot_this_path = True
if do_we_plot_this_path:
self.pathcount += 1
cx = float(node.get('cx', '0'))
cy = float(node.get('cy', '0'))
x1 = cx - rx
x2 = cx + rx
d = 'M {x1:f},{cy:f} ' \
'A {rx:f},{ry:f} ' \
'0 1 0 {x2:f},{cy:f} ' \
'A {rx:f},{ry:f} ' \
'0 1 0 {x1:f},{cy:f}'.format(x1=x1,
newpath = inkex.etree.Element(inkex.addNS('path', 'svg'))
newpath.set('d', d)
s = node.get('style')
if s:
newpath.set('style', s)
t = node.get('transform')
if t:
newpath.set('transform', t)
self.plotPath(newpath, mat_new)
if not self.bStopped: # an "index" for resuming plots quickly-- record last complete path
self.svgLastPath += 1
self.svgLastPathNC = self.nodeCount
elif node.tag in [inkex.addNS('metadata', 'svg'), 'metadata']:
elif node.tag in [inkex.addNS('defs', 'svg'), 'defs']:
elif node.tag in [inkex.addNS('namedview', 'sodipodi'), 'namedview']:
elif node.tag in [inkex.addNS('eggbot', 'svg'), 'eggbot']:
elif node.tag in [inkex.addNS('WCB', 'svg'), 'WCB']:
elif node.tag in [inkex.addNS('title', 'svg'), 'title']:
elif node.tag in [inkex.addNS('desc', 'svg'), 'desc']:
elif node.tag in [inkex.addNS('text', 'svg'), 'text',
inkex.addNS('flowRoot', 'svg'), 'flowRoot']:
if 'text' not in self.warnings:
inkex.errormsg(gettext.gettext('Warning: in layer "' +
str(self.sCurrentLayerName) + '" unable to draw text; ' +
'please convert it to a path first. Consider using the ' +
'Hershey Text extension which is located in the menu' +
'under Extensions > Text.'))
self.warnings['text'] = 1
elif node.tag in [inkex.addNS('image', 'svg'), 'image']:
if 'image' not in self.warnings:
inkex.errormsg(gettext.gettext('Warning: in layer "' +
str(self.sCurrentLayerName) + '" unable to draw bitmap images; ' +
'please convert them to line art first. Consider using the "Trace bitmap..." ' +
'tool of the "Path" menu. Mac users please note that some X11 settings may ' +
'cause cut-and-paste operations to paste in bitmap copies.'))
self.warnings['image'] = 1
elif node.tag in [inkex.addNS('pattern', 'svg'), 'pattern']:
elif node.tag in [inkex.addNS('radialGradient', 'svg'), 'radialGradient']:
# Similar to pattern
elif node.tag in [inkex.addNS('linearGradient', 'svg'), 'linearGradient']:
# Similar in pattern
elif node.tag in [inkex.addNS('style', 'svg'), 'style']:
# This is a reference to an external style sheet and not the value
# of a style attribute to be inherited by child elements
elif node.tag in [inkex.addNS('cursor', 'svg'), 'cursor']:
elif node.tag in [inkex.addNS('color-profile', 'svg'), 'color-profile']:
# Gamma curves, color temp, etc. are not relevant to single color output
elif node.tag in [inkex.addNS('foreignObject', 'svg'), 'foreignObject']:
if str(node.tag) not in self.warnings:
t = str(node.tag).split('}')
inkex.errormsg(gettext.gettext('Warning: in layer "' +
str(self.sCurrentLayerName) + '" unable to draw <' + str(t[-1]) +
'> object, please convert it to a path first.'))
self.warnings[str(node.tag)] = 1
def DoWePlotLayer(self, str_layer_name):
We are only plotting *some* layers. Check to see
whether or not we're going to plot this one.
First: scan first 4 chars of node id for first non-numeric character,
and scan the part before that (if any) into a number
Then, see if the number matches the layer.
temp_num_string = 'x'
string_pos = 1
current_layer_name = str(str_layer_name)
current_layer_name.lstrip() # Remove leading whitespace
# Look at layer name. Sample first character, then first two, and
# so on, until the string ends or the string no longer consists of
# digit characters only.
max_length = len(current_layer_name)
if max_length > 0:
while string_pos <= max_length:
if current_layer_name[:string_pos].isdigit():
temp_num_string = current_layer_name[:string_pos] # Store longest numeric string so far
string_pos += 1
self.plotCurrentLayer = False # Temporarily assume that we aren't plotting the layer
if temp_num_string.isdigit():
if self.svgLayer == int(float(temp_num_string)):
self.plotCurrentLayer = True # We get to plot the layer!
self.LayersPlotted += 1
# Note: this function is only called if we are NOT plotting all layers.
def getDocProps(self):
Get the document's height and width attributes from the <svg> tag.
Use a default value in case the property is not present or is
expressed in units of percentages.
self.svgHeight = plot_utils.getLength(self, 'height', eggbot_conf.N_PAGE_HEIGHT)
self.svgWidth = plot_utils.getLength(self, 'width', eggbot_conf.N_PAGE_WIDTH)
if (self.svgHeight is None) or (self.svgWidth is None):
return False
return True
def plotPath(self, path, mat_transform):
Plot the path while applying the transformation defined
by the matrix [mat_transform].
# turn this path into a cubicsuperpath (list of beziers)...
d = path.get('d')
if len(simplepath.parsePath(d)) == 0:
p = cubicsuperpath.parsePath(d)
# ...and apply the transformation to each point
simpletransform.applyTransformToPath(mat_transform, p)
# p is now a list of lists of cubic beziers [control pt1, control pt2, endpoint]
# where the start-point is the last point in the previous segment.
for sp in p:
plot_utils.subdivideCubicPath(sp, self.options.smoothness)
n_index = 0
for csp in sp:
if self.bStopped:
self.fX = 2 * float(csp[1][0]) / self.step_scaling_factor
self.fY = 2 * float(csp[1][1]) / self.step_scaling_factor
# store home
if self.ptFirst is None:
# Start with pen centered:
self.fPrevX = self.svgWidth / self.step_scaling_factor
self.fPrevY = self.svgHeight / self.step_scaling_factor
self.ptFirst = (self.fPrevX, self.fPrevY)
if self.plotCurrentLayer:
if n_index == 0:
if plot_utils.distance(self.fX - self.fPrevX, self.fY - self.fPrevY) > eggbot_conf.MIN_GAP:
# Only raise pen between two points if there is at least a 1 step gap between them.
self.virtualPenIsUp = True
elif n_index == 1:
self.virtualPenIsUp = False
n_index += 1
if self.plotCurrentLayer:
self.fPrevX = self.fX
self.fPrevY = self.fY
def sendDisableMotors(self):
# Insist on turning the engraver off. Otherwise, if it is on
# and the pen is down, then the engraver's vibration may cause
# the loose pen arm to start moving or the egg to start turning.
def penUp(self):
self.virtualPenIsUp = True # Virtual pen keeps track of state for resuming plotting.
if not self.bPenIsUp: # Continue only if pen state is down (or unknown)
if not self.resumeMode: # or if we're resuming.
ebb_motion.sendPenUp(self.serialPort, self.options.penUpDelay)
if self.options.penUpDelay > 15:
if self.options.tab != "manual":
time.sleep(float(self.options.penUpDelay - 10) / 1000.0) # pause before issuing next command
self.bPenIsUp = True
def penDown(self):
self.virtualPenIsUp = False # Virtual pen keeps track of state for resuming plotting.
if self.bPenIsUp or self.bPenIsUp == None: # Continue only if pen state is up (or unknown)
if not self.resumeMode and not self.bStopped: # skip if we're resuming or stopped
self.bPenIsUp = False
if self.penDownActivatesEngraver:
self.engraverOn() # will check self.enableEngraver
ebb_motion.sendPenDown(self.serialPort, self.options.penDownDelay)
if self.options.penUpDelay > 15:
if self.options.tab != "manual":
time.sleep(float(self.options.penDownDelay - 10) / 1000.0) # pause before issuing next command
def engraverOff(self):
# Note: we don't bother checking self.engraverIsOn -- turn it off regardless
# Reason being that we may not know the true hardware state
if self.options.engraving:
ebb_serial.command(self.serialPort, 'PO,B,3,0\r')
self.engraverIsOn = False
def engraverOffManual(self):
# Turn off engraver, whether or not the engraver is enabled.
# This is only called by manual commands like "engraver off" and "motors off."
ebb_serial.command(self.serialPort, 'PO,B,3,0\r')
self.engraverIsOn = False
def engraverOn(self):
if self.options.engraving and not self.engraverIsOn:
self.engraverIsOn = True
ebb_serial.command(self.serialPort, 'PD,B,3,0\r') # Added 6/6/2011, necessary.
ebb_serial.command(self.serialPort, 'PO,B,3,1\r')
def ServoSetupWrapper(self):
str_version = ebb_serial.query(self.serialPort, 'QP\r') # Query pen position: 1 up, 0 down (followed by OK)
if str_version[0] == '0':
ebb_motion.sendPenDown(self.serialPort, 0)
ebb_motion.sendPenUp(self.serialPort, 0)
def ServoSetup(self):
# Pen position units range from 0% to 100%, which correspond to
# a timing range of 6000 - 30000 in units of 1/(12 MHz).
# 1% corresponds to 20 us, or 240 units of 1/(12 MHz).
int_temp = 240 * (self.options.penUpPosition + 25)
ebb_serial.command(self.serialPort, 'SC,4,' + str(int_temp) + '\r')
int_temp = 240 * (self.options.penDownPosition + 25)
ebb_serial.command(self.serialPort, 'SC,5,' + str(int_temp) + '\r')
# Servo speed units are in units of %/second, referring to the
# percentages above. The EBB takes speeds in units of 1/(12 MHz) steps
# per 21 ms. Scaling as above, 1% in 1 second corresponds to
# 240 steps/s, which corresponds to 0.240 steps/ms, which corresponds
# to 5.04 steps/21 ms. Rounding this to 5 steps/21 ms is correct
# to within 1 %.
int_temp = 5 * self.options.ServoUpSpeed
ebb_serial.command(self.serialPort, 'SC,11,' + str(int_temp) + '\r')
int_temp = 5 * self.options.ServoDownSpeed
ebb_serial.command(self.serialPort, 'SC,12,' + str(int_temp) + '\r')
def stop(self):
self.bStopped = True
def plotLineAndTime(self):
Send commands out the com port as a line segment (dx, dy) and a time (ms) the segment
should take to implement
if self.bStopped:
if self.fPrevX is None:
n_delta_x = int(self.fX) - int(self.fPrevX)
n_delta_y = int(self.fY) - int(self.fPrevY)
if self.bPenIsUp:
self.fSpeed = self.options.penUpSpeed
if self.options.wraparound:
if n_delta_x > self.halfWrapSteps:
while n_delta_x > self.halfWrapSteps:
n_delta_x -= self.wrapSteps
elif n_delta_x < -1 * self.halfWrapSteps:
while n_delta_x < -1 * self.halfWrapSteps:
n_delta_x += self.wrapSteps
self.fSpeed = self.options.penDownSpeed
if plot_utils.distance(n_delta_x, n_delta_y) > 0:
self.nodeCount += 1
if self.resumeMode:
if self.nodeCount > self.nodeTarget:
self.resumeMode = False
if not self.virtualPenIsUp:
self.fSpeed = self.options.penDownSpeed
n_time = int(math.ceil(1000.0 / self.fSpeed * plot_utils.distance(n_delta_x, n_delta_y)))
while abs(n_delta_x) > 0 or abs(n_delta_y) > 0:
xd = int(n_delta_x)
yd = int(n_delta_y)
td = n_time
if td < 1:
td = 1 # don't allow zero-time moves.
if abs((float(xd) / float(td))) < 0.002:
xd = 0 # don't allow too-slow movements of this axis
if abs((float(yd) / float(td))) < 0.002:
yd = 0 # don't allow too-slow movements of this axis
if not self.resumeMode:
if self.options.revPenMotor:
yd2 = yd
yd2 = -yd
if self.options.revEggMotor:
xd2 = -xd
xd2 = xd
self.svgTotalDeltaX += xd
self.svgTotalDeltaY += yd
ebb_motion.doXYMove(self.serialPort, xd2, yd2, td)
if td > 50:
time.sleep(float(td - 50) / 1000.0) # pause before issuing next command
n_delta_x -= xd
n_delta_y -= yd
n_time -= td
str_button = ebb_motion.QueryPRGButton(self.serialPort) # Query if button pressed
if str_button == "":
# Can't get a response from EBB, so
# attempt to shut down in a way which allows user to continue.
b_no_response_from_ebb = True
str_button = '1' # simulate pushed button for pause
b_no_response_from_ebb = False
if str_button[0] == '1': # button pressed, or simulated pressed because of communication error to allow resume
self.svgNodeCount = self.nodeCount
if b_no_response_from_ebb:
inkex.errormsg('Plot halted by communication error after node number ' + str(self.nodeCount) + '.')
inkex.errormsg('Plot paused by button press after node number ' + str(self.nodeCount) + '.')
inkex.errormsg('Use the "resume" feature to continue.')
self.bStopped = True
e = EggBot()