# coding=utf-8 import time from math import sqrt import thread N_PEN_AXIS_STEPS = 800 # steps the pen motor can move N_EGG_AXIS_STEPS = 3200 # steps for the egg motor move in one revolution class EggbotPlotEAGLE: def __init__(self, parent): self.parent = parent self.serialPort = parent.serialPort def reset(self): self.fX = None self.fY = None self.fPrevX = None self.fPrevY = None self.bPenIsUp = True self.ptFirst = None self.bStartingFirstLayer = True def plot(self): if self.serialPort is None or not self.serialPort.isConnected(): return self.reset() self.initializeServo() """ Start the plot function on a new thread so the gui still runs """ args = ('filename',) thread.start_new_thread(self.start, args) """ Send the EBB the up, down, and speed settings for the servo. """ def initializeServo(self): self.serialPort.sendServoUpSetting(self.parent.nPenUpPos) self.serialPort.sendServoDownSetting(self.parent.nPenDownPos) self.serialPort.sendServoSpeedSetting(self.parent.nPenRaiseSpeed) """ start the recursive calls to plot the svg file, and update the gui when plot is finished """ def start(self, filen): try: self.penUp(True) # force a pen up at the start """ store home """ self.fPrevX = N_EGG_AXIS_STEPS self.fX = 0 self.fPrevY = N_PEN_AXIS_STEPS / 2 self.ptFirst = (self.fPrevX, self.fPrevY) self.plotfile(filen) self.serialPort.sendPenUp() self.penUp(True) # force a pen up at the end if self.parent.bReturnToHome and self.ptFirst is not None: (self.fX, self.fY) = self.ptFirst self.plotLineAndTime() # return to home line self.parent.plotHasFinished() except Exception as ex: self.parent.reportError('Exception during plot: ' + str(ex)) """ Plot a simple pen plotter style file containing commands of the form C ;; select pen M, ;; Move to x,y with pen up. D, ;; Move to x,y with pen down. x and y are in steps. EAGLE (and probably other programs) can be coerced into generating this format of file. The main purpose of this program is to convert absolute coordinates to the relative step counts and timing needed by eggbot. """ def plotfile(self, filen): self.infile = open('/tmp/plot.out', 'r') for line in self.infile: """ check if the user has hit the "stop" button """ if self.parent.isStopped(): return if self.parent.isPaused(): while self.parent.isPaused(): time.sleep(.5) # wait half a second before checking again """ make sure the pen is still in the right start before we start """ if self.bPenIsUp: self.penUp(True) else: self.penDown(True) # print line[:-1] if line[0] == 'C': """ pause between layers, but don't pause before the first layer """ if self.bStartingFirstLayer: self.bStartingFirstLayer = False else: self.parent.pauseForPenChange(line) elif line[0] == 'M': self.fX = N_EGG_AXIS_STEPS - int(line.split(',')[0][1:]) self.fY = int(line.split(',')[1]) # print " Move ", self.fX, self.fY self.penUp() self.plotLineAndTime() self.fPrevX = self.fX self.fPrevY = self.fY elif line[0] == 'D': self.fX = N_EGG_AXIS_STEPS - int(line.split(',')[0][1:]) self.fY = int(line.split(',')[1]) # print " Draw ", self.fX, self.fY self.penDown() self.plotLineAndTime() self.fPrevX = self.fX self.fPrevY = self.fY else: # Nothing yet pass def penUp(self, bForcePenUp=False): if (not self.bPenIsUp) or bForcePenUp: self.serialPort.sendPenUp() self.bPenIsUp = True self.serialPort.sendPause(self.parent.nPenUpDelay) def penDown(self, bForcePenDown=False): if self.bPenIsUp or bForcePenDown: self.serialPort.sendPenDown() self.bPenIsUp = False self.serialPort.sendPause(self.parent.nPenDownDelay) """ Send commands out the com port as a line segment (dx, dy) and a time (ms) the segment should take to implement """ def plotLineAndTime(self): if self.fPrevX is None: return if self.bPenIsUp: nSpeed = self.parent.nPenUpSpeed else: nSpeed = self.parent.nPenDownSpeed nDeltaX = int(self.fX) - int(self.fPrevX) nDeltaY = int(self.fY) - int(self.fPrevY) nTime = int(round(1000.0 / nSpeed * distance(nDeltaX, nDeltaY))) self.serialPort.sendMove(nDeltaX, nDeltaY, nTime) """ overload this function since we don't need to access the svg document """ def uniqueId(self, prefix): return "1" """ Pythagorean theorem """ def distance(x, y): return sqrt(x * x + y * y)