import _winreg import re def findEiBotBoards(): hReg = _winreg.ConnectRegistry( None, _winreg.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE ) hKey = _winreg.OpenKey( hReg, r"SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Enum\USB\VID_04D8&PID_FD92" ) nKeys,nVals,nTime = _winreg.QueryInfoKey( hKey ) for i in range( nKeys ): dev = _winreg.EnumKey( hKey, i ) hKey2 = _winreg.OpenKey( hKey, dev ) try: fname,t = _winreg.QueryValueEx( hKey2, "FriendlyName" ) match = r".*\((.*)\)$", fname ) yield 1 ) except GeneratorExit: _winreg.CloseKey( hKey ) _winreg.CloseKey( hReg ) raise StopIteration except: pass finally: _winreg.CloseKey( hKey2 ) # The next two lines may not executed when our caller # succeeds in finding an Eggbot device: in that case # the caller may do a "break" which then triggers the # "except GeneratorExit" clause above. _winreg.CloseKey( hKey ) _winreg.CloseKey( hReg ) def findPorts(): found = 0 hReg = _winreg.ConnectRegistry( None, _winreg.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE ) hKey = _winreg.OpenKey( hReg, r"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Ports" ) nKeys,nVals,nTime = _winreg.QueryInfoKey( hKey ) for i in range( nVals ): n,v,t = _winreg.EnumValue( hKey, i ) if n[0:3] == 'COM': found = 1 try: if n[-1] == ':': yield n[:-1] else: yield n except GeneratorExit: _winreg.CloseKey( hKey ) _winreg.CloseKey( hReg ) raise StopIteration # The next two lines may not executed when our caller # succeeds in finding an Eggbot device: in that case # the caller may do a "break" which then triggers the # "except GeneratorExit" clause above. _winreg.CloseKey( hKey ) _winreg.CloseKey( hReg ) # If we didn't find anything, then produce COM1, COM2, COM3, ..., COM99 if found == 0: for i in range( 1, 100 ): yield "COM" + str( i ) if __name__ == '__main__': print "Looking for EiBotBoards" for port in findEiBotBoards(): print " ", port print "Looking for COM ports" for port in findPorts(): print " ", port