
1980 wiersze
51 KiB

#include "c_types.h"
#include "mem.h"
#include "osapi.h"
#include "lang.h"
#include "global.h"
#ifdef NTP
#include "ntp.h"
#ifdef GPIO
#include "easygpio.h"
#ifdef GPIO_PWM
#include "pwm.h"
#ifdef ADC
#include "adc.h"
#include "json_path.h"
#define lang_debug //os_printf
#define lang_log(...) {if (lang_logging){char log_buffer[256]; os_sprintf (log_buffer, "%s: ", get_timestr()); con_print(log_buffer); os_sprintf (log_buffer, __VA_ARGS__); con_print(log_buffer);}}
//#define lang_log //os_printf
static char EOT[] = "end of text";
#define len_check(x) \
if (interpreter_status==SYNTAX_CHECK && next_token+(x) >= max_token) \
return syntax_error(next_token+(x), EOT)
#define syn_chk (interpreter_status==SYNTAX_CHECK)
typedef enum {INVALID = 0, HAPPENED, NOT_HAPPENED, UNDEFINED} Alarm_State;
typedef struct _timestamp_entry_t {
uint8_t ts[9];
Alarm_State state;
} timestamp_entry_t;
#ifdef GPIO
typedef struct _gpio_entry_t {
os_timer_t inttimer;
uint8_t no;
bool val;
} gpio_entry_t;
static gpio_entry_t gpios[MAX_GPIOS];
int gpio_counter;
#ifdef GPIO_PWM
static uint8_t pwm_channels[PWM_MAX_CHANNELS];
int pwm_counter;
bool lang_logging = false;
char **my_token;
int max_token;
bool script_enabled = false;
bool in_topic_statement;
Interpreter_Status interpreter_status;
char *interpreter_topic;
char *interpreter_data;
int interpreter_data_len;
int interpreter_timer;
int interpreter_timestamp;
bool in_serial_statement;
char *interpreter_serial_data;
int interpreter_serial_data_len;
#ifdef GPIO
bool in_gpio_statement;
int interpreter_gpio;
int interpreter_gpioval;
#ifdef HTTPC
bool in_http_statement;
int interpreter_http_status;
char *interpreter_http_path;
char *interpreter_http_hostname;
void interpreter_http_reply(char *hostname, char *path, char *response_body, int http_status, char *response_headers, int body_size);
static os_timer_t timers[MAX_TIMERS];
var_entry_t vars[MAX_VARS];
static timestamp_entry_t timestamps[MAX_TIMESTAMPS];
var_entry_t ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR *find_var(const uint8_t *name, var_entry_t **free_var) {
int i;
*free_var = NULL;
for (i = 0; i<MAX_VARS; i++) {
if (!vars[i].free) {
if (os_strncmp(name, vars[i].name, 14) == 0) {
lang_debug("var %s found at %d\r\n", vars[i].name, i);
return &vars[i];
} else {
if (*free_var == NULL)
*free_var = &vars[i];
return NULL;
static void ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR lang_timers_timeout(void *arg) {
interpreter_timer = (int)arg;
if (!script_enabled)
lang_debug("timer %d expired\r\n", interpreter_timer + 1);
interpreter_topic = interpreter_data = "";
interpreter_data_len = 0;
interpreter_status = TIMER;
void ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR check_timestamps(uint8_t * curr_time) {
int i;
if (!script_enabled)
for (i = 0; i < MAX_TIMESTAMPS; i++) {
if (timestamps[i].state == INVALID)
if (os_strcmp(curr_time, timestamps[i].ts) >= 0) {
if (timestamps[i].state == UNDEFINED) {
timestamps[i].state = HAPPENED;
if (timestamps[i].state == HAPPENED)
lang_debug("timerstamp %s happened\r\n", timestamps[i].ts);
interpreter_topic = interpreter_data = "";
interpreter_data_len = 0;
interpreter_status = ALARM;
interpreter_timestamp = i;
timestamps[i].state = HAPPENED;
} else {
timestamps[i].state = NOT_HAPPENED;
#ifdef GPIO
// GPIO int timer - debouncing
void ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR inttimer_func(void *arg){
gpio_entry_t *my_gpio_entry = (gpio_entry_t *)arg;
interpreter_gpioval = easygpio_inputGet(my_gpio_entry->no);
//os_printf("GPIO %d %d\r\n", my_gpio_entry->no, interpreter_gpioval);
// Reactivate interrupts for GPIO
gpio_pin_intr_state_set(GPIO_ID_PIN(my_gpio_entry->no), GPIO_PIN_INTR_ANYEDGE);
if (script_enabled) {
lang_debug("interpreter GPIO %d %d\r\n", my_gpio_entry->no, interpreter_gpioval);
interpreter_status = GPIO_INT;
interpreter_topic = interpreter_data = "";
interpreter_data_len = 0;
interpreter_gpio = my_gpio_entry->no;
my_gpio_entry->val = interpreter_gpioval;
// Interrupt handler - this function will be executed on any edge of a GPIO
LOCAL void gpio_intr_handler(void *arg)
int i;
uint32 gpio_status = GPIO_REG_READ(GPIO_STATUS_ADDRESS);
for (i = 0; i < gpio_counter; i++) {
if (gpio_status & BIT(gpios[i].no)) {
// Disable interrupt for GPIO
gpio_pin_intr_state_set(GPIO_ID_PIN(gpios[i].no), GPIO_PIN_INTR_DISABLE);
// Clear interrupt status for GPIO
GPIO_REG_WRITE(GPIO_STATUS_W1TC_ADDRESS, gpio_status & BIT(gpios[i].no));
// Start the timer
os_timer_setfn(&gpios[i].inttimer, inttimer_func, &gpios[i]);
os_timer_arm(&gpios[i].inttimer, 50, 0);
void ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR init_gpios() {
int i;
if (!script_enabled)
for (i = 0; i < gpio_counter; i++) {
gpio_pin_intr_state_set(GPIO_ID_PIN(gpios[i].no), GPIO_PIN_INTR_ANYEDGE);
void ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR stop_gpios() {
int i;
for (i = 0; i < gpio_counter; i++) {
gpio_pin_intr_state_set(GPIO_ID_PIN(gpios[i].no), GPIO_PIN_INTR_DISABLE);
#ifdef GPIO_PWM
int32_t ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR pwm_channel_from_pin(int pin) {
int32_t i;
for (i = 0; i < pwm_counter; i++) {
if (pin == pwm_channels[i])
return i;
return -1;
void ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR init_pwm() {
uint32 io_info[pwm_counter][3];
int32_t i;
if (!script_enabled || pwm_counter == 0)
for (i = 0; i < pwm_counter; i++) {
io_info[i][2] = pwm_channels[i];
// initial duty: all off
pwm_init(config.pwm_period, NULL, pwm_counter, io_info);
#endif /* GPIO_PWM */
#endif /* GPIO */
void ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR test_tokens(void) {
int i;
for (i = 0; i < max_token; i++) {
lang_debug("<%s>", my_token[i]);
int ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR text_into_tokens(char *str) {
char *p, *q;
int token_count = 0;
bool in_token = false;
// preprocessing
lang_debug("lexxer preprocessing (prog_len: %d)\r\n", os_strlen(str));
for (p = q = str; *p != 0; p++) {
if (*p == '\\') {
// next char is quoted, copy that - skip this one
if (*(p + 1) != 0)
*q++ = *++p;
} else if (*p == '"') {
// string quotation
if (in_token)
*q++ = 1; // end of string
*q++ = *p; // start of string - copy "
in_token = !in_token;
} else if (*p == '%' && !in_token) {
// comment till eol
for (; *p != 0; p++)
if (*p == '\n')
else if (*p <= ' ' && !in_token) {
// mark this as whitespace
*q++ = 1;
} else if (*p == '|' && !in_token) {
// mark this as concat
*q++ = 2;
} else if (*p == '+' && !in_token) {
// mark this as add
*q++ = 3;
} else if (*p == '-' && !in_token) {
// mark this as sub
*q++ = 4;
} else if (*p == '*' && !in_token) {
// mark this as mult
*q++ = 5;
} else if (*p == '=' && !in_token) {
// mark this as div
*q++ = 6;
} else if (*p == '>' && !in_token) {
// mark this as gt
*q++ = 7;
} else if (*p == '(' && !in_token) {
// mark this as bracket open
*q++ = 8;
} else if (*p == ')' && !in_token) {
// mark this as bracket close
*q++ = 9;
} else if (*p == ',' && !in_token) {
// mark this as colon
*q++ = 10;
} else {
*q++ = *p;
*q = 0;
// eliminate double whitespace, detect operators and count tokens
lang_debug("lexxer whitespaces\r\n");
in_token = false;
for (p = q = str; *p != 0; p++) {
if (*p < ' ') {
// it is a whitespace or an operator
if (*p == 1 && in_token) {
// it is a whitespace
*q++ = *p;
in_token = false;
if (*p > 1) {
// it is an operator
*q++ = *p;
in_token = false;
} else {
if (!in_token) {
in_token = true;
*q++ = *p;
*q = 0;
lang_debug("found %d tokens\r\n", token_count);
// resize (shrink) the mem needed for the script
lang_debug("prog_len compact: %d\r\n", (q-str)+1);
my_script = (char *)os_realloc(my_script, (q-str)+5);
str = &my_script[4];
my_token = (char **)os_malloc(token_count * sizeof(char *));
if (my_token == 0)
return 0;
// assign tokens
lang_debug("lexxer tokenize\r\n");
in_token = false;
token_count = 0;
for (p = str; *p != 0; p++) {
if (*p == 1) {
*p = '\0';
in_token = false;
else if (*p == 2) {
my_token[token_count++] = "|";
*p = '\0';
in_token = false;
else if (*p == 3) {
my_token[token_count++] = "+";
*p = '\0';
in_token = false;
else if (*p == 4) {
my_token[token_count++] = "-";
*p = '\0';
in_token = false;
else if (*p == 5) {
my_token[token_count++] = "*";
*p = '\0';
in_token = false;
else if (*p == 6) {
my_token[token_count++] = "=";
*p = '\0';
in_token = false;
else if (*p == 7) {
my_token[token_count++] = ">";
*p = '\0';
in_token = false;
else if (*p == 8) {
my_token[token_count++] = "(";
*p = '\0';
in_token = false;
else if (*p == 9) {
my_token[token_count++] = ")";
*p = '\0';
in_token = false;
else if (*p == 10) {
my_token[token_count++] = ",";
*p = '\0';
in_token = false;
else {
if (!in_token) {
my_token[token_count++] = p;
in_token = true;
max_token = token_count;
return max_token;
void ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR free_tokens(void) {
if (my_token != NULL)
os_free((uint32_t *) my_token);
my_token = NULL;
bool ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR is_token(int i, char *s) {
if (i >= max_token)
return false;
//os_printf("cmp: %s %s\r\n", s, my_token[i]);
return os_strcmp(my_token[i], s) == 0;
int ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR search_token(int i, char *s) {
for (; i < max_token; i++)
if (is_token(i, s))
return i;
return max_token;
int ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR syntax_error(int i, char *message) {
int j;
os_sprintf(tmp_buffer, "Error (%s) at >>", message);
for (j = i; j < i + 8 && j < max_token; j++) {
int pos = os_strlen(tmp_buffer);
if (sizeof(tmp_buffer) - pos - 2 > os_strlen(my_token[j])) {
os_sprintf(tmp_buffer + pos, "%s ", my_token[j]);
return -1;
int ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR parse_statement(int next_token) {
bool event_happened;
int on_token;
uint32_t start = system_get_time();
while ((next_token = syn_chk ? next_token : search_token(next_token, "on")) < max_token) {
in_topic_statement = false;
in_serial_statement = false;
#ifdef GPIO
in_gpio_statement = false;
#ifdef HTTPC
in_http_statement = false;
if (is_token(next_token, "on")) {
lang_debug("statement on\r\n");
if ((next_token = parse_event(next_token + 1, &event_happened)) == -1)
return -1;
if (!syn_chk && !event_happened)
if (syn_chk && !is_token(next_token, "do"))
return syntax_error(next_token, "'do' expected");
if ((next_token = parse_action(next_token + 1, event_happened)) == -1)
return -1;
} else if (is_token(next_token, "config")) {
next_token += 3;
} else {
return syntax_error(next_token, "'on' or 'config' expected");
lang_debug("Interpreter loop: %d us\r\n", (system_get_time()-start));
if (interpreter_status == INIT)
loop_time = system_get_time()-start;
loop_time = (loop_time * 7 + (system_get_time()-start)) / 8;
return next_token;
int ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR parse_event(int next_token, bool * happend) {
*happend = false;
if (is_token(next_token, "init")) {
lang_debug("event init\r\n");
*happend = (interpreter_status == INIT);
if (*happend)
lang_log("on init\r\n");
return next_token + 1;
if (is_token(next_token, "mqttconnect")) {
lang_debug("event mqttconnect\r\n");
*happend = (interpreter_status == MQTT_CLIENT_CONNECT);
if (*happend)
lang_log("on mqttconnect\r\n");
return next_token + 1;
if (is_token(next_token, "wificonnect")) {
lang_debug("event wificonnect\r\n");
*happend = (interpreter_status == WIFI_CONNECT);
if (*happend)
lang_log("on wificonnect\r\n");
return next_token + 1;
if (is_token(next_token, "wifidisconnect")) {
lang_debug("event wifidisconnect\r\n");
*happend = (interpreter_status == WIFI_DISCONNECT);
if (*happend)
lang_log("on wifidisconnect\r\n");
return next_token + 1;
if (is_token(next_token, "topic")) {
char *topic;
int topic_len;
Value_Type topic_type;
int lr_token = next_token + 1;
lang_debug("event topic\r\n");
in_topic_statement = true;
if ((next_token = parse_value(next_token + 2, &topic, &topic_len, &topic_type)) == -1)
return -1;
if (is_token(lr_token, "remote")) {
if (interpreter_status != TOPIC_REMOTE)
return next_token;
} else if (is_token(lr_token, "local")) {
if (interpreter_status != TOPIC_LOCAL)
return next_token;
} else {
return syntax_error(next_token + 1, "'local' or 'remote' expected");
*happend = Topics_matches(topic, true, interpreter_topic);
if (*happend)
lang_log("on topic %s %s matched %s\r\n", my_token[lr_token],
topic, interpreter_topic);
return next_token;
if (is_token(next_token, "timer")) {
lang_debug("event timer\r\n");
uint32_t timer_no = atoi(my_token[next_token + 1]);
if (timer_no == 0 || timer_no > MAX_TIMERS)
return syntax_error(next_token + 1, "invalid timer number");
if (interpreter_status == TIMER && interpreter_timer == --timer_no) {
lang_log("on timer %s\r\n", my_token[next_token + 1]);
*happend = true;
return next_token + 2;
if (is_token(next_token, "alarm")) {
lang_debug("event alarm\r\n");
uint32_t timer_no = atoi(my_token[next_token + 1]);
if (timer_no == 0 || timer_no > MAX_TIMESTAMPS)
return syntax_error(next_token + 1, "invalid alarm number");
if (interpreter_status == ALARM && interpreter_timestamp == --timer_no) {
lang_log("on alarm %s\r\n", my_token[next_token + 1]);
*happend = true;
return next_token + 2;
if (is_token(next_token, "serial")) {
lang_debug("event serial\r\n");
in_serial_statement = true;
*happend = (interpreter_status == SERIAL_INPUT);
if (*happend)
lang_log("on serial\r\n");
return next_token + 1;
#ifdef GPIO
if (is_token(next_token, "gpio_interrupt")) {
lang_debug("event gpio\r\n");
in_gpio_statement = true;
uint32_t gpio_no = atoi(my_token[next_token + 1]);
if (syn_chk) {
if (gpio_no > 16)
return syntax_error(next_token + 1, "invalid gpio number");
#ifdef GPIO_PWM
if (pwm_channel_from_pin(gpio_no) != -1)
return syntax_error(next_token, "pin defined as pwm before");
if (!is_token(next_token+2, "pullup") && !is_token(next_token+2, "nopullup"))
return syntax_error(next_token + 2, "expected 'pullup' or 'nopullup'");
int pullup = is_token(next_token+2, "pullup") ? EASYGPIO_PULLUP : EASYGPIO_NOPULL;
if (gpio_counter >= MAX_GPIOS)
return syntax_error(next_token, "too many gpio_interrupt");
gpios[gpio_counter].no = gpio_no;
easygpio_pinMode(gpio_no, pullup, EASYGPIO_INPUT);
easygpio_attachInterrupt(gpio_no, pullup, gpio_intr_handler, NULL);
if (interpreter_status == GPIO_INT && interpreter_gpio == gpio_no) {
lang_log("on gpio_interrupt %s\r\n", my_token[next_token + 1]);
*happend = true;
return next_token + 3;
#ifdef HTTPC
if (is_token(next_token, "http_response")) {
lang_debug("event http_response\r\n");
in_http_statement = true;
*happend = (interpreter_status == HTTP_RESPONSE);
if (*happend)
lang_log("on http_response\r\n");
return next_token + 1;
return syntax_error(next_token, "event spec (like 'topic') expected");
int ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR parse_action(int next_token, bool doit) {
while (next_token < max_token && !is_token(next_token, "on")
&& !is_token(next_token, "config") && !is_token(next_token, "else")
&& !is_token(next_token, "endif")) {
bool is_nl = false;
if (doit) {
lang_debug("action %s\r\n", my_token[next_token]);
//os_printf("action %s %s\r\n", my_token[next_token], doit ? "do" : "ignore");
if ((is_nl = is_token(next_token, "println")) || is_token(next_token, "print")) {
char *p_char;
int p_len;
Value_Type p_type;
if ((next_token = parse_expression(next_token + 1, &p_char, &p_len, &p_type, doit)) == -1)
return -1;
if (doit) {
if (is_nl)
else if (is_token(next_token, "serial_out")) {
char *p_char;
int p_len;
Value_Type p_type;
if ((next_token = parse_expression(next_token + 1, &p_char, &p_len, &p_type, doit)) == -1)
return -1;
if (doit) {
lang_log("serial_out '%s'\r\n", p_char);
else if (is_token(next_token, "system")) {
char *p_char;
int p_len;
Value_Type p_type;
if ((next_token = parse_expression(next_token + 1, &p_char, &p_len, &p_type, doit)) == -1)
return -1;
if (doit) {
lang_log("system '%s'\r\n", p_char);
do_command(p_char, "", "");
else if (is_token(next_token, "publish")) {
bool retained = false;
char *data;
int data_len;
Value_Type data_type;
char *topic;
int topic_len;
Value_Type topic_type;
int lr_token = next_token + 1;
if ((next_token = parse_value(next_token + 2, &topic, &topic_len, &topic_type)) == -1)
return -1;
if ((next_token = parse_expression(next_token, &data, &data_len, &data_type, doit)) == -1)
return -1;
if (next_token < max_token && is_token(next_token, "retained")) {
retained = true;
if (doit) {
if (topic_type != STRING_T || Topics_hasWildcards(topic)) {
os_printf("invalid topic string\r\n");
return next_token;
if (is_token(lr_token, "remote")) {
if (doit && mqtt_connected) {
if (data_type == STRING_T) {
lang_log("publish remote %s %s\r\n", topic, data);
} else {
lang_log("publish remote %s binary (%d bytes)\r\n", topic, data_len);
MQTT_Publish(&mqttClient, topic, data, data_len, 0, retained);
} else
if (is_token(lr_token, "local")) {
if (doit) {
if (data_type == STRING_T) {
lang_log("publish local %s %s\r\n", topic, data);
} else {
lang_log("publish local %s binary (%d bytes)\r\n", topic, data_len);
MQTT_local_publish(topic, data, data_len, 0, retained);
} else {
return syntax_error(lr_token, "'local' or 'remote' expected");
else if (is_token(next_token, "subscribe")) {
char *topic;
int topic_len;
Value_Type topic_type;
bool retval;
int rl_token = next_token + 1;
if ((next_token = parse_value(next_token + 2, &topic, &topic_len, &topic_type)) == -1)
return -1;
if (is_token(rl_token, "remote")) {
if (doit && mqtt_connected) {
lang_log("subscribe remote %s\r\n", topic);
retval = MQTT_Subscribe(&mqttClient, topic, 0);
} else
if (is_token(rl_token, "local")) {
if (doit) {
lang_log("subscribe local %s\r\n", topic);
retval = MQTT_local_subscribe(topic, 0);
} else {
return syntax_error(next_token + 1, "'local' or 'remote' expected");
else if (is_token(next_token, "unsubscribe")) {
char *topic;
int topic_len;
Value_Type topic_type;
bool retval;
int rl_token = next_token + 1;
if ((next_token = parse_value(next_token + 2, &topic, &topic_len, &topic_type)) == -1)
return -1;
if (is_token(rl_token, "remote")) {
if (doit && mqtt_connected) {
lang_log("unsubscribe remote %s\r\n", topic);
retval = MQTT_UnSubscribe(&mqttClient, topic);
} else
if (is_token(rl_token, "local")) {
if (doit) {
lang_log("subscribe local %s\r\n", topic);
retval = MQTT_local_unsubscribe(topic);
} else {
return syntax_error(next_token + 1, "'local' or 'remote' expected");
else if (is_token(next_token, "if")) {
uint32_t if_val;
char *if_char;
int if_len;
Value_Type if_type;
int exp_token;
exp_token = next_token + 1;
if ((next_token = parse_expression(next_token + 1, &if_char, &if_len, &if_type, doit)) == -1)
return -1;
if (syn_chk && !is_token(next_token, "then"))
return syntax_error(next_token, "'then' expected");
if (doit) {
if_val = atoi(if_char);
if (if_val != 0)
lang_log("if %s %s... (done) \r\n", my_token[exp_token++], my_token[exp_token]);
if ((next_token = parse_action(next_token + 1, doit && if_val != 0)) == -1)
return -1;
if (is_token(next_token, "else")) {
if (doit && if_val == 0)
lang_log("if %s %s... else (done) \r\n", my_token[exp_token++], my_token[exp_token]);
if ((next_token = parse_action(next_token + 1, doit && if_val == 0)) == -1)
return -1;
if (syn_chk && !is_token(next_token - 1, "endif"))
return syntax_error(next_token - 1, "'endif' expected");
else if (is_token(next_token, "settimer")) {
uint32_t timer_no = atoi(my_token[next_token + 1]);
if (timer_no == 0 || timer_no > MAX_TIMERS)
return syntax_error(next_token + 1, "invalid timer number");
uint32_t timer_val;
char *timer_char;
int timer_len;
Value_Type timer_type;
if ((next_token = parse_expression(next_token + 2, &timer_char, &timer_len, &timer_type, doit)) == -1)
return -1;
if (doit) {
timer_val = atoi(timer_char);
lang_log("settimer %d %d\r\n", timer_no, timer_val);
if (timer_val != 0) {
os_timer_setfn(&timers[timer_no], (os_timer_func_t *) lang_timers_timeout, (void *)timer_no);
os_timer_arm(&timers[timer_no], timer_val, 0);
else if (is_token(next_token, "setalarm")) {
uint32_t alarm_no = atoi(my_token[next_token + 1]);
if (alarm_no == 0 || alarm_no > MAX_TIMESTAMPS)
return syntax_error(next_token + 1, "invalid alarm number");
char *timer_char;
int timer_len;
Value_Type timer_type;
if ((next_token = parse_expression(next_token + 2, &timer_char, &timer_len, &timer_type, doit)) == -1)
return -1;
if (doit) {
lang_log("setalarm %d %d\r\n", alarm_no, timer_char);
os_strncpy(timestamps[alarm_no].ts, timer_char, 9);
timestamps[alarm_no].state = UNDEFINED;
else if (is_token(next_token, "setvar")) {
bool flash_var = false;
uint32_t slot_no;
var_entry_t *this_var, *free_var;
uint8_t *var_id = my_token[next_token + 1];
if (var_id[0] == '@') {
slot_no = atoi(&var_id[1]);
if (syn_chk && (slot_no == 0 || slot_no > MAX_FLASH_SLOTS))
return syntax_error(next_token + 1, "invalid flash var number");
flash_var = true;
else if (var_id[0] == '$') {
if (syn_chk && var_id[1] == '\0')
return syntax_error(next_token, "invalid var identifier");
this_var = find_var(&var_id[1], &free_var);
if (this_var == NULL) {
if (free_var == NULL)
return syntax_error(next_token, "too many vars used");
this_var = free_var;
this_var->free = 0;
os_strncpy(this_var->name, &var_id[1], 14);
this_var->name[14] = '\0';
this_var->data = (uint8_t *)os_malloc(DEFAULT_VAR_LEN);
this_var->buffer_len = DEFAULT_VAR_LEN;
} else {
return syntax_error(next_token, "invalid var identifier");
if (syn_chk && os_strcmp(my_token[next_token + 2], "=") != 0)
return syntax_error(next_token + 2, "'=' expected");
char *var_data;
int var_len;
Value_Type var_type;
if ((next_token = parse_expression(next_token + 3, &var_data, &var_len, &var_type, doit)) == -1)
return -1;
if (doit) {
if (var_type == STRING_T) {
lang_log("setvar %s = %s\r\n", var_id, var_data);
} else {
lang_log("setvar %s = binary (%d bytes)\r\n", var_id, var_len);
lang_debug("setvar $%s\r\n", var_id);
if (flash_var) {
if (var_len > FLASH_SLOT_LEN)
var_len = FLASH_SLOT_LEN;
blob_load(1, (uint32_t *)slots, sizeof(slots));
os_memcpy(&slots[slot_no*FLASH_SLOT_LEN], var_data, var_len);
slots[slot_no*FLASH_SLOT_LEN+FLASH_SLOT_LEN-1] = '\0';
blob_save(1, (uint32_t *)slots, sizeof(slots));
} else {
if (var_len > this_var->buffer_len - 1) {
this_var->data = (uint8_t *)os_malloc(var_len+1);
this_var->buffer_len = var_len+1;
if (this_var->data == NULL) {
os_printf("Out of mem for var $%s\r\n", this_var->name);
this_var->data = (uint8_t *)os_malloc(DEFAULT_VAR_LEN);
this_var->buffer_len = DEFAULT_VAR_LEN;
return next_token;
os_memcpy(this_var->data, var_data, var_len);
this_var->data[var_len] = '\0';
this_var->data_len = var_len;
this_var->data_type = var_type;
#ifdef HTTPC
else if (is_token(next_token, "http_get")) {
char *url_data;
int url_len;
Value_Type url_type;
if ((next_token = parse_expression(next_token + 1, &url_data, &url_len, &url_type, doit)) == -1)
return -1;
if (doit) {
http_get(url_data, "", interpreter_http_reply);
else if (is_token(next_token, "http_post")) {
char *url_data;
int url_len;
Value_Type url_type;
if ((next_token = parse_expression(next_token + 1, &url_data, &url_len, &url_type, doit)) == -1)
return -1;
// Copy, in case it is in tmp_buffer
if (!doit)
url_len = 0;
char post_url[url_len+1];
os_memcpy(post_url, url_data, url_len);
post_url[url_len] = '\0';
char *post_data;
int post_len;
Value_Type post_type;
if ((next_token = parse_expression(next_token + 1, &post_data, &post_len, &post_type, doit)) == -1)
return -1;
if (doit) {
http_post(post_url, post_data, "", interpreter_http_reply);
#ifdef GPIO
else if (is_token(next_token, "gpio_pinmode")) {
uint32_t gpio_no = atoi(my_token[next_token + 1]);
if (gpio_no > 16)
return syntax_error(next_token + 1, "invalid gpio number");
#ifdef GPIO_PWM
if (syn_chk && pwm_channel_from_pin(gpio_no) != -1)
return syntax_error(next_token, "pin defined as pwm before");
int pullup = EASYGPIO_NOPULL;
int inout = EASYGPIO_OUTPUT;
if (is_token(next_token+2, "input")) {
if (is_token(next_token+3, "pullup")) {
} else if (syn_chk && !is_token(next_token+2, "output")) {
return syntax_error(next_token + 2, "expected 'input' or 'output'");
if (doit) {
lang_log("gpio_pinmode %d %s\r\n", gpio_no, inout == EASYGPIO_INPUT ? "input" : "output");
easygpio_pinMode(gpio_no, pullup, inout);
next_token += 3;
else if (is_token(next_token, "gpio_out")) {
uint32_t gpio_no = atoi(my_token[next_token + 1]);
if (gpio_no > 16)
return syntax_error(next_token + 1, "invalid gpio number");
char *gpio_data;
int gpio_len;
Value_Type gpio_type;
if ((next_token = parse_expression(next_token + 2, &gpio_data, &gpio_len, &gpio_type, doit)) == -1)
return -1;
if (doit) {
lang_log("gpio_out %d %d\r\n", gpio_no, atoi(gpio_data) != 0);
if (easygpio_pinMode(gpio_no, EASYGPIO_NOPULL, EASYGPIO_OUTPUT))
easygpio_outputSet(gpio_no, atoi(gpio_data) != 0);
#ifdef GPIO_PWM
else if (is_token(next_token, "gpio_pwm")) {
uint32_t gpio_no = atoi(my_token[next_token + 1]);
if (gpio_no > 16)
return syntax_error(next_token + 1, "invalid gpio number");
if (syn_chk && pwm_channel_from_pin(gpio_no) == -1) {
if (pwm_counter >= PWM_MAX_CHANNELS)
return syntax_error(next_token, "too many pwm channels");
pwm_channels[pwm_counter] = gpio_no;
char *pwm_data;
int pwm_len;
Value_Type pwm_type;
if ((next_token = parse_expression(next_token + 2, &pwm_data, &pwm_len, &pwm_type, doit)) == -1)
return -1;
uint32_t pwm_channel = pwm_channel_from_pin(gpio_no);
if (doit && pwm_channel != -1) {
lang_log("gpio_pwm %d %s\r\n", gpio_no, pwm_data);
pwm_set_duty((atoi(pwm_data)*config.pwm_period)/1000, pwm_channel);
return syntax_error(next_token, "action command expected");
if (is_token(next_token, "endif"))
return next_token;
bool ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR retained_cb(retained_entry *topic, void *user_data) {
*(retained_entry **)user_data = topic;
return true;
int ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR parse_expression(int next_token, char **data, int *data_len, Value_Type * data_type, bool doit) {
if (is_token(next_token, "not")) {
lang_debug("expr not\r\n");
if (syn_chk && !is_token(next_token+1, "("))
return syntax_error(next_token, "expected '('");
if ((next_token = parse_expression(next_token + 2, data, data_len, data_type, doit)) == -1)
return -1;
if (syn_chk && !is_token(next_token, ")"))
return syntax_error(next_token, "expected ')'");
*data = atoi(*data) ? "0" : "1";
*data_len = 1;
*data_type = STRING_T;
else if (is_token(next_token, "retained_topic")) {
lang_debug("val retained_topic\r\n");
if (syn_chk && !is_token(next_token+1, "("))
return syntax_error(next_token, "expected '('");
char *topic_data;
int topic_data_len;
Value_Type topic_data_type;
// parse path string
if ((next_token = parse_expression(next_token + 2, &topic_data, &topic_data_len, &topic_data_type, doit)) == -1)
return -1;
if (syn_chk && !is_token(next_token, ")"))
return syntax_error(next_token, "expected ')'");
next_token += 1;
*data = "";
*data_len = 0;
*data_type = DATA_T;
if (doit) {
retained_entry *retained_entry_p;
if (find_retainedtopic(topic_data, retained_cb, &retained_entry_p)) {
*data_len = retained_entry_p->data_len > sizeof(tmp_buffer)-1? sizeof(tmp_buffer)-1 : retained_entry_p->data_len;
os_memcpy(tmp_buffer, retained_entry_p->data, *data_len);
tmp_buffer[*data_len] = '\0';
*data = tmp_buffer;
else if (is_token(next_token, "eatwhite")) {
lang_debug("val eatwhite\r\n");
if (syn_chk && !is_token(next_token+1, "("))
return syntax_error(next_token+1, "expected '('");
char *str_data;
int str_data_len;
Value_Type str_data_type;
// parse path string
if ((next_token = parse_expression(next_token + 2, &str_data, &str_data_len, &str_data_type, doit)) == -1)
return -1;
if (!doit)
str_data_len = 0;
char str[str_data_len+1];
if (doit)
os_strcpy(str, str_data);
if (syn_chk && !is_token(next_token, ")"))
return syntax_error(next_token, "expected ')'");
if (doit) {
int i, j;
for (i=0, j=0; i<str_data_len; i++){
if (!isspace(str[i])) {
tmp_buffer[j] = str[i];
tmp_buffer[j] = '\0';
*data_len = j;
*data = tmp_buffer;
*data_type = STRING_T;
else if (is_token(next_token, "substr")) {
lang_debug("val substr\r\n");
if (syn_chk && !is_token(next_token+1, "("))
return syntax_error(next_token+1, "expected '('");
char *str_data;
int str_data_len;
Value_Type str_data_type;
// parse path string
if ((next_token = parse_expression(next_token + 2, &str_data, &str_data_len, &str_data_type, doit)) == -1)
return -1;
if (!doit)
str_data_len = 0;
char str[str_data_len+1];
if (doit)
os_strcpy(str, str_data);
if (syn_chk && !is_token(next_token, ","))
return syntax_error(next_token, "expected ','");
int16_t from = atoi(my_token[next_token]);
// if as string const
if (my_token[next_token][0] == '"')
from = atoi(&my_token[next_token][1]);
if (syn_chk && !is_token(next_token, ","))
return syntax_error(next_token, "expected ','");
uint16_t len = atoi(my_token[next_token]);
if (syn_chk && !is_token(next_token, ")"))
return syntax_error(next_token, "expected ')'");
if (doit) {
if (from < 0) {
from = str_data_len+from;
if (from < 0)
from = 0;
if (len > sizeof(tmp_buffer)-1)
len = sizeof(tmp_buffer)-1;
os_strncpy(tmp_buffer, &str[from], len);
tmp_buffer[len] = '\0';
*data_len = os_strlen(tmp_buffer);
*data = tmp_buffer;
*data_type = STRING_T;
else if (is_token(next_token, "csvstr")) {
lang_debug("val csvstr\r\n");
if (syn_chk && !is_token(next_token+1, "("))
return syntax_error(next_token+1, "expected '('");
char *str_data;
int str_data_len;
Value_Type str_data_type;
// parse path string
if ((next_token = parse_expression(next_token + 2, &str_data, &str_data_len, &str_data_type, doit)) == -1)
return -1;
if (!doit)
str_data_len = 0;
char str[str_data_len+1];
if (doit)
os_strcpy(str, str_data);
if (syn_chk && !is_token(next_token, ","))
return syntax_error(next_token, "expected ','");
int16_t num = atoi(my_token[next_token]);
if (syn_chk && !is_token(next_token, ","))
return syntax_error(next_token, "expected ','");
uint8_t ch = my_token[next_token][0];
// if as string const
if (my_token[next_token][0] == '"')
ch = my_token[next_token][1];
if (syn_chk && !is_token(next_token, ")"))
return syntax_error(next_token, "expected ')'");
if (doit) {
int i;
char *p, *q;
for (i=0, p=q=str; i<=num; p++) {
if (*p == ch || *p == '\0') {
if (i > num) {
if (*p == '\0')
if (i<=num) {
*data_len = 0;
*data = "";
} else {
uint16_t len = p-q;
if (len > sizeof(tmp_buffer)-1)
len = sizeof(tmp_buffer)-1;
os_strncpy(tmp_buffer, q, len);
tmp_buffer[len] = '\0';
*data_len = len;
*data = tmp_buffer;
*data_type = STRING_T;
else if (is_token(next_token, "byte_val")) {
lang_debug("val byte_val\r\n");
if (syn_chk && !is_token(next_token+1, "("))
return syntax_error(next_token+1, "expected '('");
char *str_data;
int str_data_len;
Value_Type str_data_type;
// parse path string
if ((next_token = parse_expression(next_token + 2, &str_data, &str_data_len, &str_data_type, doit)) == -1)
return -1;
if (syn_chk && !is_token(next_token, ","))
return syntax_error(next_token, "expected ','");
int16_t num = atoi(my_token[next_token]);
if (syn_chk && !is_token(next_token, ")"))
return syntax_error(next_token, "expected ')'");
if (doit) {
if (num >= str_data_len) {
*data_len = 0;
*data = "";
} else {
os_sprintf(tmp_buffer, "%d", str_data[num]);
*data_len = os_strlen(tmp_buffer);
*data = tmp_buffer;
*data_type = STRING_T;
else if (is_token(next_token, "binary")) {
lang_debug("val binary\r\n");
if (syn_chk && !is_token(next_token+1, "("))
return syntax_error(next_token+1, "expected '('");
char *str_data;
int str_data_len;
Value_Type str_data_type;
// parse path string
if ((next_token = parse_expression(next_token + 2, &str_data, &str_data_len, &str_data_type, doit)) == -1)
return -1;
if (syn_chk && !is_token(next_token, ")"))
return syntax_error(next_token, "expected ')'");
if (doit) {
tmp_buffer[0] = atoi(str_data);
tmp_buffer[1] = '\0';
*data = tmp_buffer;
*data_len = 1;
*data_type = DATA_T;
#ifdef GPIO
else if (is_token(next_token, "gpio_in")) {
lang_debug("val gpio_in\r\n");
if (syn_chk && !is_token(next_token+1, "("))
return syntax_error(next_token, "expected '('");
uint32_t gpio_no = atoi(my_token[next_token + 2]);
if (gpio_no > 16)
return syntax_error(next_token+2, "invalid gpio number");
if (syn_chk && !is_token(next_token+3, ")"))
return syntax_error(next_token+3, "expected ')'");
next_token += 4;
*data = "0";
*data_len = 1;
*data_type = STRING_T;
if (doit && easygpio_inputGet(gpio_no)) {
*data = "1";
else if (is_token(next_token, "json_parse")) {
lang_debug("val json_parse\r\n");
if (syn_chk && !is_token(next_token+1, "("))
return syntax_error(next_token+1, "expected '('");
char *path_data;
int path_data_len;
Value_Type path_data_type;
// parse path string
if ((next_token = parse_expression(next_token + 2, &path_data, &path_data_len, &path_data_type, doit)) == -1)
return -1;
if (!doit)
path_data_len = 0;
char path[path_data_len+1];
if (doit)
os_strcpy(path, path_data);
if (syn_chk && !is_token(next_token, ","))
return syntax_error(next_token, "expected ','");
char *json_data;
int json_data_len;
Value_Type json_data_type;
// parse json string
if ((next_token = parse_expression(next_token + 1, &json_data, &json_data_len, &json_data_type, doit)) == -1)
return -1;
if (!doit)
json_data_len = 0;
char json[json_data_len+1];
if (doit)
os_strcpy(json, json_data);
if (syn_chk && !is_token(next_token, ")"))
return syntax_error(next_token, "expected ')'");
next_token += 1;
if (doit) {
*data_len = sizeof(tmp_buffer);
json_path(json, path, tmp_buffer, data_len);
*data = tmp_buffer;
*data_type = STRING_T;
else if (is_token(next_token, "(")) {
lang_debug("expr (\r\n");
if ((next_token = parse_expression(next_token + 1, data, data_len, data_type, doit)) == -1)
return -1;
if (!is_token(next_token, ")"))
return syntax_error(next_token, "expected ')'");
else {
if ((next_token = parse_value(next_token, data, data_len, data_type)) == -1)
return -1;
// if it is not some kind of binary operation - finished
if (!is_token(next_token, "=")
&& !is_token(next_token, "+")
&& !is_token(next_token, "-")
&& !is_token(next_token, "*")
&& !is_token(next_token, "div")
&& !is_token(next_token, "|")
&& !is_token(next_token, ">")
&& !is_token(next_token, "gte")
&& !is_token(next_token, "str_gt")
&& !is_token(next_token, "str_gte"))
return next_token;
// okay, it is an operation
int op = next_token;
char *r_data;
int r_data_len;
Value_Type r_data_type;
if (!doit) {
*data_len = 0;
char l_data[*data_len+1];
if (doit) {
os_memcpy(l_data, *data, *data_len);
l_data[*data_len] = '\0';
// parse second operand
if ((next_token = parse_expression(next_token + 1, &r_data, &r_data_len, &r_data_type, doit)) == -1)
return -1;
//os_printf("l:%s(%d) r:%s(%d)\r\n", *data, *data_len, r_data, r_data_len);
if (!doit)
return next_token;
*data_type = STRING_T;
if (is_token(op, "=")) {
*data = os_strcmp(l_data, r_data) ? "0" : "1";
} else if (is_token(op, "+")) {
os_sprintf(tmp_buffer, "%d", atoi(l_data) + atoi(r_data));
*data = tmp_buffer;
*data_len = os_strlen(tmp_buffer);
} else if (is_token(op, "-")) {
os_sprintf(tmp_buffer, "%d", atoi(l_data) - atoi(r_data));
*data = tmp_buffer;
*data_len = os_strlen(tmp_buffer);
} else if (is_token(op, "*")) {
os_sprintf(tmp_buffer, "%d", atoi(l_data) * atoi(r_data));
*data = tmp_buffer;
*data_len = os_strlen(tmp_buffer);
} else if (is_token(op, "div")) {
os_sprintf(tmp_buffer, "%d", atoi(l_data) / atoi(r_data));
*data = tmp_buffer;
*data_len = os_strlen(tmp_buffer);
} else if (is_token(op, "|")) {
uint16_t len = os_strlen(l_data) + os_strlen(r_data);
char catbuf[len+1];
os_sprintf(catbuf, "%s%s", l_data, r_data);
uint16_t len = *data_len + r_data_len;
char catbuf[len+1];
os_memcpy(catbuf, l_data, *data_len);
os_memcpy(&catbuf[*data_len], r_data, r_data_len);
if (len > sizeof(tmp_buffer)-1) {
len = sizeof(tmp_buffer);
catbuf[len] = '\0';
*data_len = len;
os_memcpy(tmp_buffer, catbuf, *data_len + 1);
*data = tmp_buffer;
} else if (is_token(op, ">")) {
*data = atoi(l_data) > atoi(r_data) ? "1" : "0";
*data_len = 1;
} else if (is_token(op, "gte")) {
*data = atoi(l_data) >= atoi(r_data) ? "1" : "0";
*data_len = 1;
} else if (is_token(op, "str_gt")) {
*data = os_strcmp(l_data, r_data) > 0 ? "1" : "0";
*data_len = 1;
} else if (is_token(op, "str_gte")) {
*data = os_strcmp(l_data, r_data) >= 0 ? "1" : "0";
*data_len = 1;
return next_token;
int ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR parse_value(int next_token, char **data, int *data_len, Value_Type * data_type) {
if (my_token[next_token][0] == '"') {
lang_debug("val str(%s)\r\n", &my_token[next_token][1]);
*data = &my_token[next_token][1];
*data_len = os_strlen(&my_token[next_token][1]);
*data_type = STRING_T;
return next_token + 1;
else if (my_token[next_token][0] == '#') {
lang_debug("val hexbinary\r\n");
// Convert it in place to binary once during syntax check
// Format: Byte 0: '#', Byte 1: len (max 255), Byte 2 to len: binary data, Byte len+1: 0
if (syn_chk) {
int i, j, len = os_strlen(my_token[next_token])-1;
uint8_t a, *p = &(my_token[next_token][1]);
if (len == 0 || len % 2)
return syntax_error(next_token, "number of hexdigits must be multiple of 2");
if (len > 511)
return syntax_error(next_token, "hexbinary too long");
for (i = 0, j = 1; i < len; i += 2, j++) {
if (p[i] <= '9')
a = p[i] - '0';
a = toupper(p[i]) - 'A' + 10;
a <<= 4;
if (p[i + 1] <= '9')
a += p[i + 1] - '0';
a += toupper(p[i + 1]) - 'A' + 10;
p[j] = a;
p[j] = '\0';
p[0] = (uint8_t) j - 1;
*data = &my_token[next_token][2];
*data_len = my_token[next_token][1];
*data_type = DATA_T;
return next_token + 1;
else if (is_token(next_token, "$this_data")) {
lang_debug("val $this_data\r\n");
if (!in_topic_statement)
return syntax_error(next_token, "undefined $this_data");
*data = interpreter_data;
*data_len = interpreter_data_len;
*data_type = DATA_T;
return next_token + 1;
else if (is_token(next_token, "$this_topic")) {
lang_debug("val $this_topic\r\n");
if (!in_topic_statement)
return syntax_error(next_token, "undefined $this_topic");
*data = interpreter_topic;
*data_len = os_strlen(interpreter_topic);
*data_type = STRING_T;
return next_token + 1;
else if (is_token(next_token, "$this_serial")) {
lang_debug("val $this_serial\r\n");
if (!in_serial_statement)
return syntax_error(next_token, "undefined $this_serial");
*data = interpreter_serial_data;
*data_len = interpreter_serial_data_len;
*data_type = DATA_T;
return next_token + 1;
#ifdef GPIO
else if (is_token(next_token, "$this_gpio")) {
lang_debug("val $this_gpio\r\n");
if (!in_gpio_statement)
return syntax_error(next_token, "undefined $this_gpio");
*data = interpreter_gpioval == 0 ? "0" : "1";
*data_len = 1;
*data_type = STRING_T;
return next_token + 1;
#ifdef HTTPC
else if (is_token(next_token, "$this_http_body")) {
lang_debug("val $this_http_body\r\n");
if (!in_http_statement)
return syntax_error(next_token, "undefined $this_http_body");
*data = interpreter_data;
*data_len = interpreter_data_len;
*data_type = STRING_T;
return next_token + 1;
else if (is_token(next_token, "$this_http_code")) {
static char codebuf[4];
lang_debug("val $this_http_code\r\n");
if (!in_http_statement)
return syntax_error(next_token, "undefined $this_http_code");
os_sprintf(codebuf, "%3d", interpreter_http_status);
*data = codebuf;
*data_len = os_strlen(codebuf);
*data_type = STRING_T;
return next_token + 1;
else if (is_token(next_token, "$this_http_host")) {
static char codebuf[4];
lang_debug("val $this_http_host\r\n");
if (!in_http_statement)
return syntax_error(next_token, "undefined $this_http_host");
if (interpreter_status == HTTP_RESPONSE) {
*data = interpreter_http_hostname;
*data_len = os_strlen(interpreter_http_hostname);
*data_type = STRING_T;
return next_token + 1;
else if (is_token(next_token, "$this_http_path")) {
static char codebuf[4];
lang_debug("val $this_http_path\r\n");
if (!in_http_statement)
return syntax_error(next_token, "undefined $this_http_path");
if (interpreter_status == HTTP_RESPONSE) {
*data = interpreter_http_path;
*data_len = os_strlen(interpreter_http_path);
*data_type = STRING_T;
return next_token + 1;
#ifdef NTP
else if (is_token(next_token, "$timestamp")) {
lang_debug("val $timestamp\r\n");
if (ntp_sync_done())
*data = get_timestr();
*data = "99:99:99";
*data_len = os_strlen(*data);
*data_type = STRING_T;
return next_token + 1;
else if (is_token(next_token, "$weekday")) {
lang_debug("val $weekday\r\n");
if (ntp_sync_done())
*data = get_weekday();
*data = "xxx";
*data_len = os_strlen(*data);
*data_type = STRING_T;
return next_token + 1;
#ifdef ADC
else if (is_token(next_token, "$adc")) {
static char adcbuf[8];
lang_debug("val $adc\r\n");
os_sprintf(adcbuf, "%d", adc_read());
*data = adcbuf;
*data_len = os_strlen(*data);
*data_type = STRING_T;
return next_token + 1;
else if (my_token[next_token][0] == '$' && my_token[next_token][1] != '\0') {
lang_debug("val var %s\r\n", &(my_token[next_token][1]));
var_entry_t *this_var, *free_var;
this_var = find_var(&(my_token[next_token][1]), &free_var);
if (this_var == NULL)
return syntax_error(next_token, "unknown var name");
*data = this_var->data;
*data_len = this_var->data_len;
*data_type = this_var->data_type;
return next_token + 1;
else if (my_token[next_token][0] == '@' && my_token[next_token][1] != '\0') {
lang_debug("val flashvar %s\r\n", my_token[next_token]);
uint32_t slot_no = atoi(&my_token[next_token][1]);
if (slot_no == 0 || slot_no > MAX_FLASH_SLOTS)
return syntax_error(next_token+2, "invalid flash slot number");
*data = "0";
*data_len = 1;
*data_type = STRING_T;
if (!syn_chk) {
blob_load(1, (uint32_t *)slots, sizeof(slots));
os_memcpy(tmp_buffer, &slots[slot_no*FLASH_SLOT_LEN], FLASH_SLOT_LEN);
*data = tmp_buffer;
*data_len = os_strlen(tmp_buffer);
return next_token + 1;
else {
lang_debug("val num/str(%s)\r\n", my_token[next_token]);
*data = my_token[next_token];
*data_len = os_strlen(my_token[next_token]);
*data_type = STRING_T;
return next_token + 1;
int ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR interpreter_syntax_check() {
int i;
for (i = 0; i<MAX_VARS; i++) {
vars[i].free = 1;
vars[i].data = "";//(uint8_t *)os_malloc(MAX_VAR_LEN);
vars[i].data_len = 0;
os_sprintf(tmp_buffer, "Syntax okay");
interpreter_status = SYNTAX_CHECK;
interpreter_topic = interpreter_data = "";
interpreter_data_len = 0;
os_bzero(&timestamps, sizeof(timestamps));
#ifdef GPIO
gpio_counter = 0;
#ifdef GPIO_PWM
pwm_counter = 0;
return parse_statement(0);
int ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR interpreter_config() {
int next_token = 0;
while ((next_token = search_token(next_token, "config")) < max_token) {
lang_debug("statement config\r\n");
uint8_t *val;
if (my_token[next_token + 2][0] == '@') {
uint32_t slot_no = atoi(&my_token[next_token + 2][1]);
if (slot_no == 0 || slot_no > MAX_FLASH_SLOTS)
return syntax_error(next_token + 1, "invalid flash slot number");
blob_load(1, (uint32_t *)slots, sizeof(slots));
val = &slots[slot_no*FLASH_SLOT_LEN];
if (val[0] == '\0')
val = "_undefined_";
} else {
val = my_token[next_token + 2];
do_command("set", my_token[next_token + 1], val);
next_token += 3;
return next_token;
int ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR interpreter_init() {
if (!script_enabled)
return -1;
#ifdef GPIO
#ifdef GPIO_PWM
interpreter_status = INIT;
interpreter_topic = interpreter_data = "";
interpreter_data_len = 0;
int ret_val = parse_statement(0);
#ifdef GPIO
return ret_val;
int ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR interpreter_wifi_connect(void) {
if (!script_enabled)
return -1;
interpreter_status = WIFI_CONNECT;
interpreter_topic = interpreter_data = "";
interpreter_data_len = 0;
return parse_statement(0);
int ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR interpreter_wifi_disconnect(void) {
if (!script_enabled)
return -1;
interpreter_status = WIFI_DISCONNECT;
interpreter_topic = interpreter_data = "";
interpreter_data_len = 0;
return parse_statement(0);
int ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR interpreter_mqtt_connect(void) {
if (!script_enabled)
return -1;
interpreter_status = MQTT_CLIENT_CONNECT;
interpreter_topic = interpreter_data = "";
interpreter_data_len = 0;
return parse_statement(0);
int ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR interpreter_topic_received(const char *topic, const char *data, int data_len, bool local) {
if (!script_enabled)
return -1;
uint8_t data_null[data_len+1];
os_memcpy(data_null, data, data_len);
data_null[data_len] = '\0';
interpreter_status = (local) ? TOPIC_LOCAL : TOPIC_REMOTE;
interpreter_topic = (char *)topic;
interpreter_data = data_null;
interpreter_data_len = data_len;
return parse_statement(0);
int ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR interpreter_serial_input(const char *data, int data_len) {
if (!script_enabled)
return -1;
interpreter_status = SERIAL_INPUT;
interpreter_serial_data = (char *)data;
interpreter_serial_data_len = data_len;
return parse_statement(0);
#ifdef HTTPC
void ICACHE_FLASH_ATTR interpreter_http_reply(char *hostname, char *path, char *response_body, int http_status, char *response_headers, int body_size) {
if (!script_enabled)
interpreter_status = HTTP_RESPONSE;
interpreter_topic = response_headers;
interpreter_http_status = http_status;
interpreter_http_hostname = hostname;
interpreter_http_path = path;
interpreter_data = response_body;
interpreter_data_len = body_size;
#endif /* SCRIPTED */