Alan 2021-10-08 07:38:44 +01:00 zatwierdzone przez GitHub
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commit 036e62ccff
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@ -3,6 +3,8 @@
* ESP32Cam development board demo sketch using Arduino IDE
* Github:
* Tested with ESP32 board manager version 1.0.6
* Starting point sketch for projects using the esp32cam development board with the following features
* web server with live video streaming and RGB data from camera demonstrated.
* sd card support using 1-bit mode (data pins are usually 2,4,12&13 but using 1bit mode only uses pin 2)
@ -53,9 +55,11 @@
// Wifi Settings
const char *SSID = "your_wifi_ssid";
#include <wifiSettings.h> // delete this line, un-comment the below two lines and enter your wifi details
const char *PWD = "your_wifi_pwd";
//const char *SSID = "your_wifi_ssid";
//const char *PWD = "your_wifi_pwd";
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
@ -68,7 +72,7 @@ const char *PWD = "your_wifi_pwd";
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
const char* stitle = "ESP32Cam-demo"; // title of this sketch
const char* sversion = "13Aug21"; // Sketch version
const char* sversion = "08Oct21"; // Sketch version
bool sendRGBfile = 0; // if set '/rgb' will send the rgb data as a file rather than display some on a HTML page
@ -91,7 +95,12 @@ const char *PWD = "your_wifi_pwd";
const int indicatorLED = 33; // onboard small LED pin (33)
const int brightLED = 4; // onboard Illumination/flash LED pin (4)
// Bright LED
const int brightLED = 4; // onboard Illumination/flash LED pin (4)
int brightLEDbrightness = 0; // initial brightness (0 - 255)
const int ledFreq = 5000; // PWM settings
const int ledChannel = 15; // needs to be 14 or 15 with esp32cam (timer3?)
const int ledRresolution = 8;
const int iopinA = 13; // general io pin 13
const int iopinB = 12; // general io pin 12 (must not be high at boot)
@ -182,6 +191,7 @@ void setup() {
if (serialDebug) {
Serial.begin(serialSpeed); // Start serial communication
// Serial.setDebugOutput(true);
Serial.println("\n\n\n"); // line feeds
@ -253,6 +263,7 @@ void setup() {
ESP.restart(); // restart and try again
} else {
// SPIFFS.format(); // wipe spiffs
if (serialDebug) {
Serial.print(("SPIFFS mounted successfully: "));
Serial.printf("total bytes: %d , used: %d \n", SPIFFS.totalBytes(), SPIFFS.usedBytes());
@ -317,17 +328,27 @@ void setup() {
// read pin state with mcp.digitalRead(8)
illuminationSetup(); // configure PWM for the illumination/flash LED
// set up bright LED (flash)
ledcSetup(ledChannel, ledFreq, ledRresolution);
ledcAttachPin(brightLED, ledChannel);
brightLed(0); // change bright LED
// startup complete
if (serialDebug) Serial.println("\nSetup complete...");
illuminationBrightness(100); // turn flash on
brightLed(64); // change bright LED
illuminationBrightness(0); // turn flash off
brightLed(0); // change bright LED
} // setup
// change bright LED illumination level
void brightLed(byte ledBrightness){
brightLEDbrightness = ledBrightness; // store setting
ledcWrite(ledChannel, ledBrightness); // change LED brightness (0 - 255)
// ******************************************************************************************************************
@ -500,54 +521,11 @@ bool cameraImageSettings() {
// ******************************************************************************************************************
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Set up pwm for the illumination led
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// configure PWM for brightness control of the illumination led
// Note: Using this more long winded pwm setup as timer0 is already used by the camera (and channel 0)
// more info:
void illuminationSetup() {
// set up the timer
ledc_timer_config_t timer_conf;
timer_conf.duty_resolution = LEDC_TIMER_8_BIT; // 8 bits gives a brightness range of 0 to 255
timer_conf.freq_hz = 1000; // frequency of the pwm
timer_conf.speed_mode = LEDC_HIGH_SPEED_MODE;
timer_conf.timer_num = LEDC_TIMER_3; // which timer to use (0 to 3)
// set up the channel
ledc_channel_config_t ledc_conf; = LEDC_CHANNEL_5; // led channel to use (0 to 15)
// ledc_conf.duty = 0; // 0=off, 255=fully on
ledc_conf.gpio_num = brightLED; // gpio pin
ledc_conf.intr_type = LEDC_INTR_DISABLE;
ledc_conf.speed_mode = LEDC_HIGH_SPEED_MODE;
ledc_conf.timer_sel = LEDC_TIMER_3; // timer to use (0 to 3)
illuminationBrightness(0); // set brightness to off
} // illuminationSetup
// ******************************************************************************************************************
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Misc small procedures
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// Set the illumination LED brightness (PWM)
void illuminationBrightness(uint32_t duty) {
ledc_set_duty(LEDC_HIGH_SPEED_MODE, LEDC_CHANNEL_5, duty);
illuminationLEDstatus = duty; // store current brightness
// returns the current real time as a String
// see:
String localTime() {
@ -592,10 +570,10 @@ byte storeImage() {
fs::FS &fs = SD_MMC; // sd card file system
// capture the image from camera
int currentBrightness = illuminationLEDstatus;
if (flashRequired) illuminationBrightness(255); // turn flash on
camera_fb_t *fb = esp_camera_fb_get(); // capture image frame from camera
if (flashRequired) illuminationBrightness(currentBrightness); // return flash to previous state
int currentBrightness = brightLEDbrightness;
if (flashRequired) brightLed(255); // change LED brightness (0 - 255)
camera_fb_t *fb = esp_camera_fb_get(); // capture image frame from camera
if (flashRequired) brightLed(currentBrightness); // change LED brightness back to previous state
if (!fb) {
if (serialDebug) Serial.println("Error: Camera capture failed");
flashLED(3); // stop and display error code on LED
@ -704,9 +682,10 @@ void handleRoot() {
// if button3 was pressed (toggle flash LED)
if (server.hasArg("button3")) {
if (illuminationLEDstatus == 0) illuminationBrightness(30); // turn led on dim
else if (illuminationLEDstatus == 30) illuminationBrightness(255); // turn led on full
else illuminationBrightness(0); // turn led off
if (brightLEDbrightness == 0) brightLed(10); // turn led on dim
else if (brightLEDbrightness == 10) brightLed(40); // turn led on medium
else if (brightLEDbrightness == 40) brightLed(255); // turn led on full
else brightLed(0); // turn led off
if (serialDebug) Serial.println("Button 3 pressed");
@ -1088,7 +1067,7 @@ bool getNTPtime(int sec) {
localtime_r(&now, &timeinfo);
} while (((millis() - start) <= (1000 * sec)) && (timeinfo.tm_year < (2016 - 1900)));
if (timeinfo.tm_year <= (2016 - 1900)) return false; // the NTP call was not successful
Serial.print("now "); Serial.println(now);