diff --git a/Home.md b/Home.md index e68cd1f..b2e3655 100644 --- a/Home.md +++ b/Home.md @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ Can be used in two modes, mode seleciton is done by changing `cfg.IsClientMode` - Different transports could be used: - *Bluetooth*, enabled when `cfg.BtName/CFG_BT_NAME` is not empty - *BLE*, enabled when `cfg.BtEnableBle/CFG_BT_USE_BLE` is set to `true` - - *USB*, enabled when `cfg.UsbSerialEnable/CFG_USB_SERIAL_ENABLE is set to `true` + - *USB*, enabled when `cfg.UsbSerialEnable/CFG_USB_SERIAL_ENABLE` is set to `true` - *TCPIP*, enabld when `cfg.KissEnableTcpIp/CFG_KISS_TCP_IP` is set to `true` - **LoRa APRS iGate RX/TX server over WiFi + Digipeater**, stationary usage at home - **RF to APRS-IS gating**, it will connect to your WiFI and will forward received APRS positions from RF LoRa into the APRS-IS network, it also reports client signal level, by appending it into the APRS comment, so you can see your signal reports in different locations (could be enabled or disabled from config). This way, it is also possible to setup portable iGate by connecting to your mobile phone's hotspot and provide power from the phone USB port by using USB-OTG cable