
75 wiersze
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#define LED_TOGGLE_PERIOD 1000
#define SERIAL_BAUD_RATE 115200
// change pinouts if not defined through native board LORA_* definitions
#ifndef LORA_RST
#pragma message("LoRa pin definitions are not found, redefining...")
#define LORA_RST 26
#define LORA_IRQ 14
#pragma message("BUILDIN_LED is not found, defining as 2")
#define BUILTIN_LED 2
#define CFG_IS_CLIENT_MODE true // false - server mode (APRS-IS gate mode)
// lora pinouts, CAD and ISR usage
#define CFG_LORA_PIN_DIO1 RADIOLIB_NC // set to your DIO1 pin number if connected
#define CFG_LORA_USE_ISR true // always ON for RadioLib
#define CFG_LORA_PIN_DIO1 LORA_IRQ // not used in arduino-LoRa
#define CFG_LORA_USE_ISR false // set to true for ISR usage in arduino-LoRa
#define CFG_LORA_USE_CAD false // set to true to utilize carrier detection
// lora protocol parameters
#define CFG_LORA_FREQ 433.775E6
#define CFG_LORA_BW 125e3
#define CFG_LORA_SF 12
#define CFG_LORA_CR 7
#define CFG_LORA_PWR 20
#define CFG_LORA_ENABLE_CRC true // set to false for speech data
// wifi client and AP options
#define CFG_WIFI_ENABLE_AP false // run as wifi access point, for CFG_KISS_TCP_IP mode
#define CFG_WIFI_SSID "<ssid>" // connect to SSID or run as this SSID in AP mode
#define CFG_WIFI_KEY "<key>" // wifi key
// bluetooth
#define CFG_BT_NAME "loraprs"
#define CFG_BT_USE_BLE false // set to true to use bluetooth low energy (for ios devices)
// KISS protocol options
#define CFG_KISS_EXTENSIONS false // true - enable modem control from application with KISS commands
#define CFG_KISS_TCP_IP false // true - run as KISS TCP/IP server, no bluetooth operations performed
// APRS-IS options, valid in when CFG_IS_CLIENT_MODE = false
#define CFG_APRS_PASS "12345"
#define CFG_APRS_FILTER "r/35.60/139.80/25"
#define CFG_APRS_RAW_BKN "NOCALL-10>APZMDM,WIDE1-1:!0000.00N/00000.00E#LoRA 433.775MHz/BW125/SF12/CR7/0x34"
// APRS-IS gateway options, valid in when CFG_IS_CLIENT_MODE = false
#define CFG_PERSISTENT_APRS true // keep tcp/ip connection open (lot of traffic), otherwise connect on new packet (very rare traffic)
#define CFG_DIGIREPEAT false // digirepeat incoming packets
#define CFG_RF_TO_IS true // forward packets from radio to internet
#define CFG_IS_TO_RF false // forward packets from internet to radio basedon CFG_APRS_FILTER
#define CFG_BEACON false // enable perdiodc beacon from CFG_APRS_RAW_BKN
// frequency correction for narrow band bandwidths
#define CFG_FREQ_CORR false // NB! incoming interrupts may stop working on frequent corrections when enabled
#define CFG_FREQ_CORR_DELTA 1000 // test with your module before heavy usage
// PTT control
#define CFG_PTT_ENABLE false // enable external ptt (relay) control (for amplifier)
#define CFG_PTT_PIN 12 // PTT pin
#define CFG_PTT_TX_DELAY_MS 50 // time between relay swited on and transmission
#define CFG_PTT_TX_TAIL_MS 10 // time between stop transmission and relay off