#ifndef LORAPRS_SEVICE_H #define LORAPRS_SERVICE_H #include #include // When USE_RADIOLIB is defined then RadioLib will be used, otherwise arduino-LoRa will be used // When using RadioLib, default module is SX1278, if you are using // different module then update loraprs_service.h and loraprs_service.cpp // search for SX1278 and replace with your module name #define USE_RADIOLIB #ifdef USE_RADIOLIB #include #pragma message("Using RadioLib") #else #include #pragma message("Using arduino-LoRa") #endif #include #include #include "BluetoothSerial.h" #include "ble_serial.h" #include "ax25_payload.h" #include "kiss_processor.h" #include "loraprs_config.h" namespace LoraPrs { class Service : public Kiss::Processor { public: Service(); void setup(const Config &conf); void loop(); private: void setupWifi(const String &wifiName, const String &wifiKey); void setupLora(long loraFreq, long bw, int sf, int cr, int pwr, int sync, bool enableCrc); void setupBt(const String &btName); void reconnectWifi() const; bool reconnectAprsis(); void attachKissNetworkClient(); bool isLoraRxBusy(); #ifdef USE_RADIOLIB void onLoraDataAvailable(); static ICACHE_RAM_ATTR void onLoraDataAvailableIsr(); #else static ICACHE_RAM_ATTR void onLoraDataAvailableIsr(int packetSize); void loraReceive(int packetSize); #endif void onAprsisDataAvailable(); void sendSignalReportEvent(int rssi, float snr); void sendPeriodicBeacon(); void sendToAprsis(const String &aprsMessage); bool sendAX25ToLora(const AX25::Payload &payload); void processIncomingRawPacketAsServer(const byte *packet, int packetLength); inline bool needsAprsis() const { return !config_.IsClientMode // only in server mode && (config_.EnableRfToIs || config_.EnableIsToRf) // rx/tx igate enabled && !config_.WifiEnableAp; // wifi is NOT in AP mode } inline bool needsWifi() const { return needsAprsis() // aprsis is needed || config_.KissEnableTcpIp; // or kiss over tcp ip is enabled } inline bool needsBt() const { return config_.IsClientMode; } inline bool needsBeacon() const { return !config_.IsClientMode && config_.EnableBeacon; } protected: virtual bool onRigTxBegin(); virtual void onRigTx(byte b); virtual void onRigTxEnd(); virtual void onRigPacket(void *packet, int packetLength); virtual void onSerialTx(byte b); virtual bool onSerialRxHasData(); virtual bool onSerialRx(byte *b); virtual void onControlCommand(Cmd cmd, byte value); virtual void onRadioControlCommand(const std::vector &command); virtual void onRebootCommand(); private: struct SetHardware { uint32_t freq; uint32_t bw; uint16_t sf; uint16_t cr; uint16_t pwr; uint16_t sync; uint8_t crc; } __attribute__((packed)); struct SignalReport { int16_t rssi; int16_t snr; } __attribute__((packed)); private: const String CfgLoraprsVersion = "LoRAPRS 0.1"; // processor config const int CfgConnRetryMs = 500; // connection retry delay, e.g. wifi const int CfgPollDelayMs = 5; // main loop delay const int CfgConnRetryMaxTimes = 10; // number of connection retries const int CfgMaxAX25PayloadSize = 512; // maximum ax25 payload size const int CfgMaxAprsInMessageSize = 255; // maximum aprsis to rf message size // csma parameters, overriden with KISS commands const long CfgCsmaPersistence = 100; // 255 for real time, lower for higher traffic const long CfgCsmaSlotTimeMs = 500; // 0 for real time, otherwise set to average tx duration // kiss static parameters const int CfgKissPort = 8001; // kiss tcp/ip server port private: // config Config config_; String aprsLoginCommand_; AX25::Callsign ownCallsign_; bool isImplicitHeaderMode_; // csma byte csmaP_; long csmaSlotTime_; long csmaSlotTimePrev_; // state long previousBeaconMs_; // peripherals static byte rxBuf_[256]; #ifdef USE_RADIOLIB static bool interruptEnabled_; CircularBuffer txQueue_; static std::shared_ptr radio_; #endif BluetoothSerial serialBt_; BLESerial serialBLE_; WiFiClient aprsisConn_; std::shared_ptr kissServer_; WiFiClient kissConn_; bool isKissConn_; }; } // LoraPrs #endif // LORAPRS_SERVICE_H