#include "loraprs_service.h" namespace LoraPrs { TaskHandle_t Service::rigTaskHandle_; volatile bool Service::rigIsRxActive_ = false; bool Service::rigIsRxIsrEnabled_ = true; Service::Service() : Kiss::Processor() , csmaP_(CfgCsmaPersistence) , csmaSlotTime_(CfgCsmaSlotTimeMs) , csmaSlotTimePrev_(0) , rigCurrentTxPacketSize_(0) , serialBt_() , serialBLE_() , kissServer_(new WiFiServer(CfgKissPort)) , isKissClientConnected(false) { rigIsRxIsrEnabled_ = true; rigIsRxActive_ = false; } void Service::setup(const Config &conf) { config_ = conf; beaconLastTimestampMs_ = 0; disableKiss_ = conf.EnableTextPackets; LOG_SET_OPTION(false, false, true); // disable file, line, enable func // disable logging when USB is used for data transfer if (config_.UsbSerialEnable) { LOG_SET_LEVEL(DebugLogLevel::LVL_NONE); } else { LOG_SET_LEVEL(config_.LogLevel); } printConfig(); // KISS extensions are disabled in TNC2 mode if (disableKiss_) { LOG_INFO("KISS extensions are disabled in TNC2 mode"); config_.KissEnableExtensions = false; } // APRS-IS loging callsign validity aprsMyCallsign_ = AX25::Callsign(config_.AprsLogin); if (!aprsMyCallsign_.IsValid()) { LOG_ERROR("Own callsign", config_.AprsLogin, "is not valid"); } // APRS-IS login command aprsLoginCommand_ = String("user ") + config_.AprsLogin + String(" pass ") + config_.AprsPass + String(" vers ") + CfgLoraprsVersion; if (config_.EnableIsToRf && config_.AprsFilter.length() > 0) { aprsLoginCommand_ += String(" filter ") + config_.AprsFilter; } aprsLoginCommand_ += String("\n"); // peripherals, LoRa setupRig(config_.LoraFreqRx, config_.LoraBw, config_.LoraSf, config_.LoraCodingRate, config_.LoraPower, config_.LoraSync, config_.LoraCrc, config_.LoraExplicit); // start radio task xTaskCreate(rigTask, "rigTask", 4096, this, 5, &rigTaskHandle_); // peripherls, WiFi if (needsWifi()) { setupWifi(config_.WifiSsid, config_.WifiKey); } // peripherals, Bluetooth/BLE if (needsBt()) { setupBt(config_.BtName); } // APRS-IS if (needsAprsis() && config_.EnablePersistentAprsConnection) { reconnectAprsis(); } // peripherals, PTT if (config_.PttEnable) { LOG_INFO("External PTT is enabled"); pinMode(config_.PttPin, OUTPUT); } } void Service::printConfig() { LOG_INFO("Current mode:", config_.IsClientMode ? "NORMAL" : "APRS-IS iGate"); LOG_INFO(disableKiss_ ? "Using TNC2 text mode" : "Using TNC KISS and AX.25 mode"); LOG_INFO("UsbSerialEnable:", config_.UsbSerialEnable ? "yes" : "no"); if (!config_.IsClientMode) { LOG_INFO("EnableSignalReport:", config_.EnableSignalReport ? "yes" : "no"); LOG_INFO("EnablePersistentAprsConnection:", config_.EnablePersistentAprsConnection ? "yes" : "no"); LOG_INFO("EnableRfToIs:", config_.EnableRfToIs ? "yes" : "no"); LOG_INFO("EnableIsToRf:", config_.EnableIsToRf ? "yes" : "no"); LOG_INFO("EnableRepeater:", config_.EnableRepeater ? "yes" : "no"); LOG_INFO("EnableBeacon:", config_.EnableBeacon ? "yes" : "no"); } } void Service::setupWifi(const String &wifiName, const String &wifiKey) { WiFi.setHostname("loraprs"); // AP mode if (config_.WifiEnableAp) { LOG_INFO("WIFI is running in AP mode", wifiName); WiFi.softAP(wifiName.c_str(), wifiKey.c_str()); LOG_INFO("IP address:", WiFi.softAPIP()); // Client/STA mode } else { LOG_INFO("WIFI connecting to", wifiName); WiFi.mode(WIFI_STA); WiFi.begin(wifiName.c_str(), wifiKey.c_str()); int retryCnt = 0; while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) { delay(CfgConnRetryMs); LOG_INFO("WIFI retrying", retryCnt); if (retryCnt++ >= CfgConnRetryMaxTimes) { LOG_ERROR("WIFI connect failed"); return; } } LOG_INFO("WIFI connected to", wifiName); LOG_INFO("IP address:", WiFi.localIP()); } // Run KISS server if enabled if (config_.KissEnableTcpIp) { LOG_INFO("KISS TCP/IP server started on port", CfgKissPort); kissServer_->begin(); } } void Service::reconnectWifi() const { // AP mode does not require re-connection if (config_.WifiEnableAp) return; LOG_WARN("WIFI re-connecting..."); int retryCnt = 0; while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED || WiFi.localIP() == IPAddress(0,0,0,0)) { WiFi.reconnect(); delay(CfgConnRetryMs); LOG_WARN("WIFI re-connecting", retryCnt); if (retryCnt++ >= CfgConnRetryMaxTimes) { LOG_ERROR("WIFI re-connect failed"); return; } } LOG_INFO("WIFI reconnected, IP address", WiFi.localIP()); if (config_.KissEnableTcpIp) { LOG_INFO("KISS TCP/IP server started on port", CfgKissPort); kissServer_->begin(); } } bool Service::reconnectAprsis() { LOG_INFO("APRSIS connecting to", config_.AprsHost); if (!aprsisConnection_.connect(config_.AprsHost.c_str(), config_.AprsPort)) { LOG_ERROR("Failed to connect to", config_.AprsHost, ":", config_.AprsPort); return false; } LOG_INFO("APRSIS connected"); aprsisConnection_.print(aprsLoginCommand_); LOG_INFO("APRSIS logged in"); return true; } void Service::setupRig(long loraFreq, long bw, int sf, int cr, int pwr, int sync, int crcBytes, bool isExplicit) { rigIsImplicitMode_ = !isExplicit; rigIsImplicitMode_ = sf == 6; // must be implicit for SF6 int loraSpeed = (int)(sf * (4.0 / cr) / (pow(2.0, sf) / bw)); LOG_INFO("Initializing LoRa"); LOG_INFO("Frequency:", loraFreq, "Hz"); LOG_INFO("Bandwidth:", bw, "Hz"); LOG_INFO("Spreading:", sf); LOG_INFO("Coding rate:", cr); LOG_INFO("Power:", pwr, "dBm"); LOG_INFO("Sync:", "0x" + String(sync, HEX)); LOG_INFO("CRC:", crcBytes); LOG_INFO("Header:", rigIsImplicitMode_ ? "implicit" : "explicit"); LOG_INFO("Speed:", loraSpeed, "bps"); LOG_INFO("TOA (compressed):", 37.0 / ((double)loraSpeed / 8.0), "sec"); LOG_INFO("TOA (uncompressed):", 64.0 / ((double)loraSpeed / 8.0), "sec"); float snrLimit = -7; switch (sf) { case 7: snrLimit = -7.5; break; case 8: snrLimit = -10.0; break; case 9: snrLimit = -12.6; break; case 10: snrLimit = -15.0; break; case 11: snrLimit = -17.5; break; case 12: snrLimit = -20.0; break; } LOG_INFO("Min level:", -174 + 10 * log10(bw) + 6 + snrLimit, "dBm"); rig_ = std::make_shared(new Module(config_.LoraPinSs, config_.LoraPinA, config_.LoraPinRst, config_.LoraPinB)); int state = rig_->begin((float)loraFreq / 1e6, (float)bw / 1e3, sf, cr, sync, pwr); if (state != RADIOLIB_ERR_NONE) { LOG_ERROR("Radio start error:", state); } rig_->setCRC(crcBytes); #ifdef USE_SX126X #pragma message("Using SX126X") LOG_INFO("Using SX126X module"); rig_->setRfSwitchPins(config_.LoraPinSwitchRx, config_.LoraPinSwitchTx); rig_->clearDio1Action(); rig_->setDio1Action(onRigIsrRxPacket); #else #pragma message("Using SX127X") LOG_INFO("Using SX127X module"); radio_->clearDio0Action(); radio_->setDio0Action(onRigIsrRxPacket); #endif if (rigIsImplicitMode_) { rig_->implicitHeader(0xff); } else { rig_->explicitHeader(); } state = rig_->startReceive(); if (state != RADIOLIB_ERR_NONE) { LOG_ERROR("Receive start error:", state); } LOG_INFO("LoRa initialized"); } void Service::setupBt(const String &btName) { String btType = config_.BtEnableBle ? "BLE" : "BT"; LOG_INFO(btType, "init", btName); bool btOk = config_.BtEnableBle ? serialBLE_.begin(btName.c_str()) : serialBt_.begin(btName); if (btOk) { LOG_INFO(btType, "initialized"); } else { LOG_ERROR(btType, "failed"); } } void Service::loop() { if (needsWifi() && WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) { reconnectWifi(); } if (needsAprsis() && !aprsisConnection_.connected() && config_.EnablePersistentAprsConnection) { reconnectAprsis(); } if (config_.KissEnableTcpIp) { attachKissNetworkClient(); } // RX path, Rig -> Serial bool isRigToSerialProcessed = false; isRigToSerialProcessed = processRigToSerial(); // TX path, Serial -> Rig if (!isRigToSerialProcessed) { long currentTime = millis(); if (!isRigRxBusy() && currentTime > csmaSlotTimePrev_ + csmaSlotTime_ && random(0, 255) < csmaP_) { if (aprsisConnection_.available() > 0) { onAprsisDataAvailable(); } if (needsBeacon()) { sendPeriodicBeacon(); } processSerialToRig(); csmaSlotTimePrev_ = currentTime; } } delay(CfgPollDelayMs); } bool Service::isRigRxBusy() { return config_.LoraUseCad && rigIsRxActive_; } ICACHE_RAM_ATTR void Service::onRigIsrRxPacket() { BaseType_t xHigherPriorityTaskWoken; if (rigIsRxIsrEnabled_) { rigIsRxActive_ = true; uint32_t radioReceiveBit = RadioTaskBits::Receive; xTaskNotifyFromISR(rigTaskHandle_, radioReceiveBit, eSetBits, &xHigherPriorityTaskWoken); } } void Service::rigTask(void *self) { LOG_INFO("Radio task started"); while (true) { uint32_t commandBits = 0; xTaskNotifyWaitIndexed(0, 0x00, ULONG_MAX, &commandBits, portMAX_DELAY); if (commandBits & RadioTaskBits::Receive) { ((Service*)self)->onRigTaskRxPacket(); } else if (commandBits & RadioTaskBits::Transmit) { ((Service*)self)->onRigTaskTxPacket(); } } } void Service::onRigTaskRxPacket() { int packetSize = rig_->getPacketLength(); if (packetSize > 0) { byte rxBuf[packetSize]; int state = rig_->readData(rxBuf, packetSize); if (state == RADIOLIB_ERR_NONE) { queueRigToSerial(Cmd::Data, rxBuf, packetSize); } else { LOG_ERROR("Read data error: ", state); } state = rig_->startReceive(); if (state != RADIOLIB_ERR_NONE) { LOG_ERROR("Start receive error: ", state); } } rigIsRxActive_ = false; } void Service::onRigTaskTxPacket() { while (rigTxQueueIndex_.size() > 0) { int txPacketSize = rigTxQueueIndex_.shift(); byte txBuf[txPacketSize]; for (int i = 0; i < txPacketSize; i++) { txBuf[i] = rigTxQueue_.shift(); } rigIsRxIsrEnabled_ = false; int state = rig_->transmit(txBuf, txPacketSize); if (state != RADIOLIB_ERR_NONE) { LOG_ERROR("TX error: ", state); } vTaskDelay(1); } int state = rig_->startReceive(); if (state != RADIOLIB_ERR_NONE) { LOG_ERROR("Start receive error: ", state); } rigIsRxIsrEnabled_ = true; if (config_.PttEnable) { delay(config_.PttTxTailMs); digitalWrite(config_.PttPin, LOW); } if (splitEnabled()) { setFreq(config_.LoraFreqRx); } } void Service::sendPeriodicBeacon() { long currentMs = millis(); if (beaconLastTimestampMs_ == 0 || currentMs - beaconLastTimestampMs_ >= config_.AprsRawBeaconPeriodMinutes * 60 * 1000) { AX25::Payload payload(config_.AprsRawBeacon); if (payload.IsValid()) { sendAx25PayloadToRig(payload); if (config_.EnableRfToIs) { sendToAprsis(payload.ToString()); } LOG_INFO("Periodic beacon is sent"); } else { LOG_ERROR("Beacon payload is invalid"); } beaconLastTimestampMs_ = currentMs; } } void Service::sendToAprsis(const String &aprsMessage) { if (needsWifi() && WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) { reconnectWifi(); } if (needsAprsis() && !aprsisConnection_.connected()) { reconnectAprsis(); } aprsisConnection_.println(aprsMessage); if (!config_.EnablePersistentAprsConnection) { aprsisConnection_.stop(); } } void Service::onAprsisDataAvailable() { String aprsisData; while (aprsisConnection_.available() > 0) { char c = aprsisConnection_.read(); if (c == '\r') continue; if (c == '\n') break; aprsisData += c; if (aprsisData.length() >= CfgMaxPacketSize) { LOG_WARN("APRS-IS incoming message is too long, skipping tail"); break; } } LOG_INFO(aprsisData); if (config_.EnableIsToRf && aprsisData.length() > 0) { AX25::Payload payload(aprsisData); if (payload.IsValid()) { sendAx25PayloadToRig(payload); } else { LOG_WARN("Unknown payload from APRSIS, ignoring"); } } } void Service::sendSignalReportEvent(int rssi, float snr) { struct SignalReport signalReport; signalReport.rssi = htobe16(rssi); signalReport.snr = htobe16(snr * 100); sendRigToSerial(Cmd::SignalReport, (const byte *)&signalReport, sizeof(SignalReport)); } bool Service::sendAx25PayloadToRig(const AX25::Payload &payload) { int bytesWritten; byte buf[CfgMaxPacketSize]; // TNC2 text mode if (config_.EnableTextPackets) { String textPayload = payload.ToString(); bytesWritten = textPayload.length() > CfgMaxPacketSize ? CfgMaxPacketSize : textPayload.length(); textPayload.getBytes(buf, bytesWritten); buf[bytesWritten-1] = '\0'; // KISS TNC } else { bytesWritten = payload.ToBinary(buf, sizeof(buf)); if (bytesWritten <= 0) { LOG_WARN("Failed to serialize payload"); return false; } } queueSerialToRig(Cmd::Data, buf, bytesWritten); return true; } void Service::onRigPacket(void *packet, int packetLength) { if (config_.EnableAutoFreqCorrection) { performFrequencyCorrection(); } if (config_.KissEnableExtensions) { sendSignalReportEvent(rig_->getRSSI(), rig_->getSNR()); } if (!config_.IsClientMode) { processIncomingRawPacketAsServer((const byte*)packet, packetLength); } } void Service::performFrequencyCorrection() { #ifdef USE_SX126X long frequencyErrorHz = 0; #else long frequencyErrorHz = radio_->getFrequencyError(); #endif if (abs(frequencyErrorHz) > config_.AutoFreqCorrectionDeltaHz) { config_.LoraFreqRx -= frequencyErrorHz; LOG_INFO("Correcting frequency:", frequencyErrorHz); setFreq(config_.LoraFreqRx); } } void Service::setFreq(long loraFreq) const { rig_->setFrequency((float)config_.LoraFreqRx / 1e6); int state = rig_->startReceive(); if (state != RADIOLIB_ERR_NONE) { LOG_ERROR("Start receive error:", state); } } void Service::processIncomingRawPacketAsServer(const byte *packet, int packetLength) { // create from binary AX25 AX25::Payload payload(packet, packetLength); // try to parse as text for clients, who submit plain text if (!payload.IsValid() && config_.EnableTextPackets) { char buf[CfgMaxPacketSize + 1]; int cpySize = packetLength > CfgMaxPacketSize ? CfgMaxPacketSize : packetLength; memcpy(buf, packet, cpySize); buf[cpySize] = '\0'; payload = AX25::Payload(String((char*)buf)); } if (payload.IsValid()) { float snr = rig_->getSNR(); int rssi = rig_->getRSSI(); #ifdef USE_SX126X long frequencyError = 0; #else long frequencyError = radio_->getFrequencyError(); #endif String signalReport = String("rssi: ") + String(snr < 0 ? rssi + snr : rssi) + String("dBm, ") + String("snr: ") + String(snr) + String("dB"); if (frequencyError != 0) { signalReport += String(", err: ") + String(frequencyError) + String("Hz"); } String textPayload = payload.ToString(config_.EnableSignalReport ? signalReport : String()); LOG_INFO(textPayload); if (config_.EnableRfToIs) { sendToAprsis(textPayload); LOG_INFO("Packet sent to APRS-IS"); } if (config_.EnableRepeater && payload.Digirepeat(aprsMyCallsign_)) { sendAx25PayloadToRig(payload); LOG_INFO("Packet digirepeated"); } } else { LOG_WARN("Skipping non-AX25 payload"); } } bool Service::onRigTxBegin() { rigCurrentTxPacketSize_ = 0; if (splitEnabled()) { setFreq(config_.LoraFreqTx); } if (config_.PttEnable) { digitalWrite(config_.PttPin, HIGH); delay(config_.PttTxDelayMs); } return true; } void Service::onRigTx(byte b) { LOG_TRACE((char)b, String(b, HEX)); rigTxQueue_.push(b); rigCurrentTxPacketSize_++; } void Service::onRigTxEnd() { rigTxQueueIndex_.push(rigCurrentTxPacketSize_); uint32_t radioTransmitBit = RadioTaskBits::Transmit; xTaskNotify(rigTaskHandle_, radioTransmitBit, eSetBits); } void Service::attachKissNetworkClient() { // connected, client dropped off if (isKissClientConnected) { if (!kissConnnection_.connected()) { LOG_INFO("KISS TCP/IP client disconnected"); isKissClientConnected = false; kissConnnection_.stop(); } } WiFiClient wifiClient = kissServer_->available(); // new client connected if (wifiClient && wifiClient.connected()) { // drop off current one if (isKissClientConnected) { kissConnnection_.stop(); } LOG_INFO("New KISS TCP/IP client connected"); kissConnnection_ = wifiClient; isKissClientConnected = true; } } void Service::onSerialTx(byte b) { LOG_TRACE((char)b, String(b, HEX)); if (config_.UsbSerialEnable) { Serial.write(b); } else if (isKissClientConnected) { kissConnnection_.write(b); } else if (config_.BtEnableBle) { serialBLE_.write(b); } else { serialBt_.write(b); } } bool Service::onSerialRxHasData() { if (config_.UsbSerialEnable) { return Serial.available(); } else if (isKissClientConnected) { return kissConnnection_.available(); } else if (config_.BtEnableBle) { return serialBLE_.available(); } else { return serialBt_.available(); } } bool Service::onSerialRx(byte *b) { int rxResult; if (config_.UsbSerialEnable) { rxResult = Serial.read(); } else if (isKissClientConnected) { rxResult = kissConnnection_.read(); // client dropped off if (rxResult == -1) { kissConnnection_.stop(); isKissClientConnected = false; } } else { rxResult = config_.BtEnableBle ? serialBLE_.read() : serialBt_.read(); } if (rxResult == -1) { return false; } *b = (byte)rxResult; LOG_TRACE((char)rxResult, String(rxResult, HEX)); return true; } void Service::onControlCommand(Cmd cmd, byte value) { switch (cmd) { case Cmd::P: LOG_INFO("CSMA P:", value); csmaP_ = value; break; case Cmd::SlotTime: LOG_INFO("CSMA SlotTime:", value); csmaSlotTime_ = (long)value * 10; break; case Cmd::TxDelay: LOG_INFO("TX delay:", value); config_.PttTxDelayMs = (long)value * 10; break; case Cmd::TxTail: LOG_INFO("TX tail:", value); config_.PttTxTailMs = (long)value * 10; break; default: break; } } void Service::onRadioControlCommand(const std::vector &rawCommand) { if (config_.KissEnableExtensions && rawCommand.size() == sizeof(SetHardware)) { LOG_INFO("Setting new radio parameters"); const struct SetHardware * setHardware = reinterpret_cast(rawCommand.data()); config_.LoraFreqRx = be32toh(setHardware->freq); config_.LoraBw = be32toh(setHardware->bw); config_.LoraSf = be16toh(setHardware->sf); config_.LoraCodingRate = be16toh(setHardware->cr); config_.LoraPower = be16toh(setHardware->pwr); config_.LoraSync = be16toh(setHardware->sync); int crcType = setHardware->crc ? config_.LoraCrc : 0; setupRig(config_.LoraFreqRx, config_.LoraBw, config_.LoraSf, config_.LoraCodingRate, config_.LoraPower, config_.LoraSync, crcType, config_.LoraExplicit); } else { LOG_ERROR("Radio control command of wrong size"); } } void Service::onRebootCommand() { LOG_INFO("Reboot requested"); ESP.restart(); } } // LoraPrs