
306 wiersze
14 KiB

#include <stdint.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <dirent.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include "hal.h" // Hardware Abstraction Layer
#include "log.h" // LOG task: log the own position and other positions heard
#include "gps.h"
#include "ogn.h" // OGN packet structures, encoding/decoding/etc.
#include "timesync.h"
// #define DEBUG_PRINT
static const char *SPIFFSlog_Path = "/spiffs/"; // path to log files
static const char *SPIFFSlog_Ext = ".TLG"; // extension for log files
static const uint32_t SPIFFSlog_MaxTime = 3600; // 1 hour max. per single log file
static const uint32_t SPIFFSlog_MaxSize = 64000; // 64kB max. per single log file
// static uint32_t SPIFFSlogOldestTime;
uint32_t SPIFFSlog_FileTime=0;
char SPIFFSlog_FileName[32]; // current log file name if open
static FILE *SPIFFSlog_File=0; // current log file if open
FIFO<OGN_LogPacket<OGN_Packet>, 32> LOG_FIFO;
int SPIFFSlog_ShortFileName(char *FileName, uint32_t Time)
{ int Len = Format_Hex(FileName, Time); // Time in %08X format
strcpy(FileName+Len, SPIFFSlog_Ext); Len+=strlen(SPIFFSlog_Ext); // add extension
FileName[Len]=0; return Len; }
int SPIFFSlog_FullFileName(char *FileName, uint32_t Time) // make the log file name for give start time
{ strcpy(FileName, SPIFFSlog_Path); // copy the path
int Len = strlen(SPIFFSlog_Path);
return Len += SPIFFSlog_ShortFileName(FileName+Len, Time); }
uint32_t SPIFFSlog_ReadShortFileTime(const char *FileName, int Len)
{ if(Len!=12) return 0; // file name must be 12 char long
if(memcmp(FileName+8, SPIFFSlog_Ext, 4)!=0) return 0; // extension must be .TLG
uint32_t Time=0;
if(Read_Hex(Time, FileName)!=8) return 0; // read start time, give up if other format
return Time; }
uint32_t SPIFFSlog_ReadShortFileTime(const char *FileName)
{ return SPIFFSlog_ReadShortFileTime(FileName, strlen(FileName)); }
int SPIFFSlog_FindOldestFile(uint32_t &Oldest, uint32_t After) // find the oldest log file
{ int Files=0;
DIR *Dir=opendir(SPIFFSlog_Path); if(!Dir) return -1; // open directory, give up if not possible
for( ; ; )
{ struct dirent *Ent = readdir(Dir); if(!Ent) break; // read next directory entry, break if all read
if(Ent->d_type != DT_REG) continue; // skip non-regular files
char *Name = Ent->d_name;
uint32_t Time=SPIFFSlog_ReadShortFileTime(Name); // read time from the file name, skip if other format
if(Time<=After) continue; // but not older than
if(Time<Oldest) Oldest=Time; // search for oldest start time
Files++; }
return Files; } // return number of log files
int SPIFFSlog_ListFiles(void) // list log files sorted by time
{ int Files=0;
char Line[64];
char FullName[32];
// char HHMMSS[8];
struct stat Stat;
uint32_t PrevTime=0;
for( ; ; )
{ uint32_t Time = 0;
SPIFFSlog_FindOldestFile(Time, PrevTime);
if(Time==0xFFFFFFFF) break;
SPIFFSlog_FullFileName(FullName, Time);
if(stat(FullName, &Stat)<0) continue; // get file info
int Size = Stat.st_size; // if above minimum size: skip
strcpy(Line, "$POGNL,");
uint8_t Len=7;
strcpy(Line+Len, FullName+strlen(SPIFFSlog_Path)); Len+=12;
Len+=Format_HHMMSS(Line+Len, Time);
Len+=Format_UnsDec(Line+Len, (uint32_t)Size/OGN_LogPacket<OGN_Packet>::Bytes);
Len+=NMEA_AppendCheckCRNL(Line, Len);
xSemaphoreTake(CONS_Mutex, portMAX_DELAY);
Format_String(CONS_UART_Write, Line, 0, Len);
Format_String(CONS_UART_Write, "$POGNL,");
Format_String(CONS_UART_Write, FullName+strlen(SPIFFSlog_Path));
Format_HHMMSS(HHMMSS, Time); HHMMSS[6]=0;
Format_String(CONS_UART_Write, HHMMSS);
Format_UnsDec(CONS_UART_Write, (uint32_t)Size/OGN_LogPacket<OGN_Packet>::Bytes);
Format_String(CONS_UART_Write, "\n");
Files++; }
return Files; }
int SPIFFSlog_ListFiles(void) //
{ int Files=0;
char FullName[32]; strcpy(FullName, SPIFFSlogPath); int PathLen=strlen(SPIFFSlogPath);
char HHMMSS[8];
struct stat Stat;
DIR *Dir=opendir(SPIFFSlogPath); if(!Dir) return -1; // open the file directory
for( ; ; ) // run through the directory
{ struct dirent *Ent = readdir(Dir); if(!Ent) break; // read next directory entry, break if all read
if(Ent->d_type != DT_REG) continue; // skip non-regular files
char *Name = Ent->d_name;
uint32_t Time = SPIFFSlog_ReadShortFileTime(Name); if(Time==0) continue;
strcpy(FullName+PathLen, Name);
if(stat(FullName, &Stat)<0) continue; // get file info
int Size = Stat.st_size; // if above minimum size: skip
Format_String(CONS_UART_Write, "$POGNL,");
Format_String(CONS_UART_Write, Name);
Format_HHMMSS(HHMMSS, Time); HHMMSS[6]=0;
Format_String(CONS_UART_Write, HHMMSS);
Format_UnsDec(CONS_UART_Write, (uint32_t)Size/OGN_LogPacket::Bytes);
Format_String(CONS_UART_Write, "\n");
Files++; }
return Files; }
int SPIFFSlog_ListFile(const char *FileName, uint32_t FileTime) //
{ char Line[128];
xSemaphoreTake(CONS_Mutex, portMAX_DELAY);
Format_String(CONS_UART_Write, "SPIFFSlog_ListFile(");
Format_String(CONS_UART_Write, FileName);
Format_String(CONS_UART_Write, ")\n");
FILE *File=fopen(FileName, "rb"); if(File==0) return -1;
OGN_LogPacket<OGN_Packet> Packet;
int Packets=0;
for( ; ; )
{ if(fread(&Packet, Packet.Bytes, 1, File)!=1) break;
if(!Packet.isCorrect()) continue;
if(Packet.Packet.Header.NonPos) continue;
uint32_t Time = Packet.getTime(FileTime);
xSemaphoreTake(CONS_Mutex, portMAX_DELAY);
uint8_t Len=Packet.Packet.WriteAPRS(Line, Time);
Format_String(CONS_UART_Write, Line, 0, Len);
Packets++; }
xSemaphoreTake(CONS_Mutex, portMAX_DELAY);
Format_String(CONS_UART_Write, FileName);
Format_String(CONS_UART_Write, " => ");
Format_UnsDec(CONS_UART_Write, (uint32_t)Packets);
Format_String(CONS_UART_Write, " packets\n");
return Packets; }
int SPIFFSlog_ListFile(uint32_t FileTime) //
{ char FileName[32];
SPIFFSlog_FullFileName(FileName, FileTime);
return SPIFFSlog_ListFile(FileName, FileTime); }
static int SPIFFSlog_CleanEmpty(int MinSize=0) // delete empty files or below certain minimum size
{ const int MaxDelFiles = 4;
uint32_t DelFile[MaxDelFiles];
int DelFiles=0;
char FullName[32]; strcpy(FullName, SPIFFSlog_Path); int PathLen=strlen(SPIFFSlog_Path);
struct stat Stat;
DIR *Dir=opendir(SPIFFSlog_Path); if(!Dir) return -1; // open the file directory
for( ; ; ) // run through the directory
{ struct dirent *Ent = readdir(Dir); if(!Ent) break; // read next directory entry, break if all read
if(Ent->d_type != DT_REG) continue; // skip non-regular files
char *Name = Ent->d_name;
uint32_t Time = SPIFFSlog_ReadShortFileTime(Name); if(Time==0) continue;
strcpy(FullName+PathLen, Name);
// if((Time&0x80000000)==0)
// {
if(stat(FullName, &Stat)<0) continue; // get file info
if(Stat.st_size>=MinSize) continue; // if above minimum size: skip
// }
DelFile[DelFiles++]=Time; if(DelFiles==MaxDelFiles) break;
for( int File=0; File<DelFiles; File++)
{ SPIFFSlog_FullFileName(FullName, DelFile[File]);
unlink(FullName); }
return DelFiles; }
static int SPIFFSlog_Clean(size_t MinFree) // clean oldest file when running short in space
{ size_t Total, Used;
if(SPIFFS_Info(Total, Used)!=0) return -1; // check SPIFFS status, give up if not possible
size_t Free = Total-Used;
if(MinFree) { if(Free>= MinFree ) return 0; } // give up if enough space
else { if(Free>=(Total/2)) return 0; } // if MinFree not specified, take half Total
uint32_t Oldest=0xFFFFFFFF;
int Files=SPIFFSlog_FindOldestFile(Oldest, 0); // find the oldest file
if(Files<0) return Files;
if(Files<=2) return 0; // if two or less files give up
char FullName[32];
SPIFFSlog_FullFileName(FullName, Oldest); // oldest file name
xSemaphoreTake(CONS_Mutex, portMAX_DELAY);
Format_String(CONS_UART_Write, "SPIFFSlog_Clean() ");
Format_String(CONS_UART_Write, FullName);
CONS_UART_Write(' ');
Format_UnsDec(CONS_UART_Write, (uint32_t)Files);
Format_String(CONS_UART_Write, " files\n");
if(unlink(FullName)<0) return -1; // remove the oldest file
return 1; }
static int SPIFFSlog_Clean(size_t MinFree, int Loops) // repeat the clean procedure several times
{ int Count=0;
for( ; Loops>0; Loops--)
{ if(SPIFFSlog_Clean(MinFree)<=0) break;
Count++; }
return Count; }
static int SPIFFSlog_Open(uint32_t Time) // open a new log file for given start time
{ if(SPIFFSlog_File) { fclose(SPIFFSlog_File); SPIFFSlog_File=0; } // if a file open already, close it
SPIFFSlog_CleanEmpty(32); // remove empty files or shorter than 32 bytes
SPIFFSlog_Clean(2*SPIFFSlog_MaxSize, 8); // clean files to get free space at least twice the max. file sie
SPIFFSlog_FullFileName(SPIFFSlog_FileName, Time); // name of the new log file
SPIFFSlog_FileTime=Time; // record the time of the log file
SPIFFSlog_File = fopen(SPIFFSlog_FileName, "wb"); // open the new file
xSemaphoreTake(CONS_Mutex, portMAX_DELAY);
Format_String(CONS_UART_Write, "SPIFFSlog_Open() ");
Format_String(CONS_UART_Write, SPIFFSlog_FileName);
Format_String(CONS_UART_Write, "\n");
if(SPIFFSlog_File==0) SPIFFSlog_Clean(0, 8); // if the file cannot be open clean again
return SPIFFSlog_File!=0; } // 1=success, 0=failure: new log file could not be open
static int SPIFFSlog(OGN_LogPacket<OGN_Packet> *Packet, int Packets, uint32_t Time) // log a batch of OGN packets
{ if(SPIFFSlog_File)
{ uint32_t TimeSinceStart = Time-SPIFFSlog_FileTime; // [sec] for how long this file is open already ?
if( (TimeSinceStart>=SPIFFSlog_MaxTime) || (ftell(SPIFFSlog_File)>=SPIFFSlog_MaxSize) ) // is it too long in time or in size ?
{ fclose(SPIFFSlog_File); SPIFFSlog_File=0; } // decide to close the current log file
if(SPIFFSlog_File==0) SPIFFSlog_Open(Time); // if file closed, then attempt to open a new one
if(SPIFFSlog_File==0) return -1; // if file still not open, then give up
if(fwrite(Packet, Packet->Bytes, Packets, SPIFFSlog_File)!=Packets) // write the packet to the log file
{ fclose(SPIFFSlog_File); SPIFFSlog_File=0; SPIFFSlog_Clean(0, 8); return -1; } // if failure then close the log file and report error
return Packets; } // report success
static int Copy(void) // copy the packets from the LOG_FIFO to the log file
{ OGN_LogPacket<OGN_Packet> *Packet;
size_t Packets = LOG_FIFO.getReadBlock(Packet); // ask for a block o packets
if(Packets==0) return 0; // if none: give up
uint32_t Time = TimeSync_Time(); // Time is to create new log file
int Err=SPIFFSlog(Packet, Packets, Time); // log the batch of packets
if(Err<0) Err=SPIFFSlog(Packet, Packets, Time); // if failed: give it anothet try
xSemaphoreTake(CONS_Mutex, portMAX_DELAY);
Format_String(CONS_UART_Write, "vTaskLOG() ");
Format_UnsDec(CONS_UART_Write, Packets);
Format_String(CONS_UART_Write, " packets => ");
Format_SignDec(CONS_UART_Write, Err);
Format_String(CONS_UART_Write, "\n");
LOG_FIFO.flushReadBlock(Packets); // remove the copied packets from the LOG_FIFO
return Err; }
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C"
void vTaskLOG(void* pvParameters)
xSemaphoreTake(CONS_Mutex, portMAX_DELAY);
Format_String(CONS_UART_Write, "TaskLOG: ");
{ size_t Total, Used;
if(SPIFFS_Info(Total, Used)==0) // get the SPIFFS usage summary
{ Format_UnsDec(CONS_UART_Write, Used/1024);
Format_String(CONS_UART_Write, "kB used, ");
Format_UnsDec(CONS_UART_Write, Total/1024);
Format_String(CONS_UART_Write, "kB total, "); }
Format_String(CONS_UART_Write, "\n");
TickType_t PrevTick = 0;
for( ; ; )
{ vTaskDelay(1000); // wait idle 1sec
TickType_t Tick=xTaskGetTickCount(); //
size_t Packets = LOG_FIFO.Full(); // how many packets in the queue ?
if(Packets==0) { PrevTick=Tick; continue; } // if none: then give up
if(Packets>=8) { Copy(); PrevTick=Tick; continue; } // if 8 or more packets then copy them to the log file
TickType_t Diff = Tick-PrevTick; // time since last log action
if(Diff>=8000) { Copy(); PrevTick=Tick; } // if more than 4.0sec than copy the packets
#endif // WITH_SPIFFS