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#define DEFAULT_AcftType 1 // [0..15] default aircraft-type: glider
#define DEFAULT_GeoidSepar 40 // [m]
#define DEFAULT_CONbaud 115200
#define DEFAULT_PPSdelay 100
#define DEFAULT_FreqPlan 0
// #define WITH_HELTEC // HELTEC module: PCB LED on GPI025
// #define WITH_HELTEC_V2 // HELTEC module v2
// #define WITH_TTGO // TTGO module: PCB LED on GPIO2, GPIO25 free to use as DAC2 output
// #define WITH_TBEAM // T-Beam module
#define WITH_TBEAM_V10 // T-Beam module
// #define WITH_JACEK // JACEK ESP32 OGN-Tracker
// #define WITH_M5_JACEK // JACEK M5 ESP32 OGN-Tracker
// #define WITH_FollowMe // by Avionix
// #define WITH_ILI9341 // 320x240 M5stack
// #define WITH_ST7789 // IPS 240x240 ST7789
// #define WITH_TFT_LCD // TFT LCD
// #define WITH_OLED // OLED display on the I2C: some TTGO modules are without OLED display
// #define WITH_OLED2 // 2nd OLED display, I2C address next higher
#define WITH_U8G2_OLED // I2C OLED through the U8g2 library
// #define WITH_U8G2_SH1106
#define WITH_RFM95 // RF chip selection: both HELTEC and TTGO use sx1276 which is same as RFM95
// #define WITH_SLEEP // with software sleep mode controlled by the long-press on the button
#define WITH_AXP // with AXP192 power controller (T-BEAM V1.0)
// #define WITH_BQ // with BQ24295 power controller (FollowMe)
// #define WITH_LED_RX
// #define WITH_LED_TX
// #define WITH_GPS_ENABLE // use GPS_ENABLE control line to turn the GPS ON/OFF
#define WITH_GPS_PPS // use the PPS signal from GPS for precise time-sync.
#define WITH_GPS_CONFIG // attempt to configure higher GPS baud rate and airborne mode
#define WITH_GPS_UBX // GPS understands UBX
// #define WITH_GPS_MTK // GPS understands MTK
// #define WITH_GPS_SRF
// #define WITH_MAVLINK
// #define WITH_GPS_UBX_PASS // to pass directly UBX packets to/from GPS
// #define WITH_GPS_NMEA_PASS // to pass directly NMEA to/from GPS
// #define WITH_BMP180 // BMP180 pressure sensor
// #define WITH_BMP280 // BMP280 pressure sensor
#define WITH_BME280 // BMP280 with humidity (but still works with BMP280)
// #define WITH_MS5607 // MS5607 pressure sensor
// #define WITH_MS5611 // MS5611 pressure sensor
#define WITH_PFLAA // PFLAU and PFLAA for compatibility with XCsoar and LK8000
// #define WITH_POGNT
#define WITH_CONFIG // interpret the console input: $POGNS to change parameters
// #define WITH_BEEPER // with digital buzzer
// #define WITH_SOUND // with analog sound produced by DAC on pin 25
// #define WITH_KNOB
// #define WITH_VARIO
// #define WITH_SD // use the SD card in SPI mode and FAT file system
#define WITH_SPIFFS // use SPIFFS file system in Flash
#define WITH_LOG // log own positions and other received to SPIFFS and possibly to uSD
#define WITH_BT_SPP // Bluetooth serial port for smartphone/tablet link
// #define WITH_WIFI // attempt to connect to the wifi router for uploading the log files
// #define WITH_SPIFFS_LOG // log transmitted and received packets to SPIFFS
#define WITH_ENCRYPT // Encrypt (optionally) the position