
392 wiersze
14 KiB

#ifndef __UBX_H__
#define __UBX_H__
class UBX_NAV_POSLLH // 0x01 0x02
{ public:
uint32_t iTOW; // [ms] Time-of-Week
int32_t lon; // [1e-7 deg] Longitude
int32_t lat; // [1e-7 deg] Latitude
int32_t height; // [mm] height above elipsoid (GPS altitude)
int32_t hMSL; // [mm] height above Mean Sea Level
uint32_t hAcc; // [mm] horizontal accuracy
uint32_t vAcc; // [mm] vertical accuracy
} ;
class UBX_NAV_STATUS // 0x01 0x03
{ public:
uint32_t iTOW; // [ms] Time-of-Week
uint8_t gpsFix; // Fix type: 0:none, 1=dead reckoning, 2:2-D, 3:3-D, 4:GPS+dead reckoning, 5:time-only
uint8_t flags; // xxxxTWDF => T:Time-of-Week is valid, W:Week-Number is valid, D:Diff. GPS is used, F:Fix valid
uint8_t diffStat; // DD => 00:none, 01:PR+PRR corr., 10: PR+PRR+CP corr., 11: high accuracy PR+PRR+CP
uint8_t res; // reserved PR=Pseudo-Range, PRR=Pseudo-Range Rate
uint32_t ttff; // [ms] Time To First Fix
uint32_t msss; // [ms] Since Startup
} ;
class UBX_NAV_DOP // 0x01 0x04
{ public:
uint32_t iTOW; // [ms] Time-of-Week
uint16_t gDOP; // [1/100] geometrical
uint16_t pDOP; // [1/100] position
uint16_t tDOP; // [1/100] time
uint16_t vDOP; // [1/100] vertical
uint16_t hDOP; // [1/100] horizontal
uint16_t nDOP; // [1/100] north-south
uint16_t eDOP; // [1/100] east-west
uint16_t padding; // padding for round size
} ;
class UBX_NAV_SOL // 0x01 0x06
{ public:
uint32_t iTOW; // [ms] Time-of-Week
int32_t fTOW; // [ns] Time-of-Week
int16_t Week; // [week]
uint8_t gpsFix; // 0=none, 1=DR, 2=2D, 3=3D, 4=DR+GPS, 5=time-only
uint8_t flags;
int32_t ecefX; // [cm] ECEF position
int32_t ecefY; // [cm]
int32_t ecefZ; // [cm]
uint32_t pAcc; // [cm] position accuracy
int32_t ecefVX; // [cm/s] ECEF velocity
int32_t ecefVY; // [cm/s]
int32_t ecefVZ; // [cm/s]
uint32_t sAcc; // [cm/s] speed accuracy
uint16_t PDOP; // [1/100]
uint8_t reserved1; //
uint8_t numSV; // [satellites]
uint8_t reserved2[4]; //
} ;
class UBX_NAV_PVT // 0x01 0x07
{ public:
uint32_t iTOW; // [ms]
uint16_t year;
uint8_t month;
uint8_t day;
uint8_t hour;
uint8_t min;
uint8_t sec;
uint8_t valid;
uint32_t tAcc;
int32_t nano;
uint8_t fixType;
uint8_t flags;
uint8_t flags2;
uint8_t numSV;
int32_t lon;
int32_t lat;
int32_t height;
int32_t hMSL;
uint32_t hAcc;
uint32_t vAcc;
int32_t velN;
int32_t velE;
int32_t velD;
int32_t gSpeed;
int32_t headMot;
uint32_t sAcc;
uint32_t headAcc;
uint16_t pDOP;
uint8_t reserved1[6];
int32_t headVeh;
uint8_t reserved2[4];
} ;
class UBX_NAV_VELNED // 0x01 0x12
{ public:
uint32_t iTOW; // [ms] Time-of-Week
int32_t velN; // [cm/s] velocity North
int32_t velE; // [cm/s] velocity East
int32_t velD; // [cm/s] velocity Down
uint32_t Speed; // [cm/s] velocity
uint32_t gSpeed; // [cm/s] ground speed (horizontal velocity)
int32_t heading; // [1e-5 deg] ground heading
uint32_t sAcc; // [cm/s] speed accuracy
uint32_t cAcc; // [1e-5 deg] heading accuracy
} ;
class UBX_NAV_TIMEGPS // 0x01 0x020
{ public:
uint32_t iTOW; // [ms] Time-of-Week
int32_t fTOW; // [ns] reminder of Time-of-Week
uint16_t week;
uint8_t leapS;
uint8_t valid; // bits: 0:ToW, 1:week, 2:leapS
uint32_t tAcc; // [ns]
static const uint32_t SecsPerWeek = 7*24*60*60;
uint8_t Valid(void) const
{ return (valid&0x03)==0x03; }
uint32_t UnixTime() const
{ return (iTOW+10)/1000 + week*SecsPerWeek + 315964785; } //
} ;
class UBX_NAV_TIMEUTC // 0x01 0x21
{ public:
uint32_t iTOW; // [ms] Time-of-Week
uint32_t tAcc; // [ns] accurary estimate
int32_t nano; // [ns]
uint16_t year; // 1999..2099
uint8_t month; // 1..12
uint8_t day; // 1..31
uint8_t hour;
uint8_t min;
uint8_t sec;
uint8_t valid; // bits: 0:ToW, 1:WN, 2:UTC
} ;
class UBX_RXM_PMREQ // 0x02 0x41
{ public:
uint32_t duration; // [ms]
uint32_t flags; // bit #1 = enter backup mode
} ;
{ public:
uint32_t clearMask;
uint32_t saveMask;
uint32_t loadMask;
uint8_t deviceMask;
} ;
class UBX_CFG_PRT // 0x06 0x00
{ public:
uint8_t portID; // 0 = I2C, 1 = UART1, 2 = UART2, 3 = USB, 4 = SPI
uint8_t reserved1;
uint16_t txReady; // 0 = disable this feature
int32_t mode; // 00 10x x 11 x 1 xxxx => 0x08D0
uint32_t baudRate; // [bps]
int16_t inProtoMask; // bit 0:UBX, bit 1:NMEA
int16_t outProtoMask; // bit 0:UBX, bit 1:NMEA
uint16_t flags; // bit 1:extendedTxTimeout
uint16_t reserved2;
// void setBaudRate(uint32_t BaudRate)
// { }
} ;
class UBX_CFG_MSG // 0x06 0x01
{ public:
uint8_t msgClass; // 0xF0:00=GGA, 0xF0:02=GSA, 0xF0:03=GSV, 0xF0:04=RMC, 0xF0:41=TXT
uint8_t msgID;
uint8_t rate; // message send rate
} ;
class UBX_CFG_MSG // 0x06 0x01
{ public:
uint8_t msgClass; // 0xF0:00=GGA, 0xF0:02=GSA, 0xF0:04=RMC, 0xF0:41=TXT
uint8_t msgID;
uint8_t rate[6]; // message send rate
} ;
class UBX_CFG_RATE // 0x06 0x08
{ public:
uint16_t measRate; // [ms] measurement rate
uint16_t navRate; // [cycles] = 1
uint16_t timeRef; // 0=UTC, 1=GPS
} ;
class UBX_CFG_SBAS // 0x06 0x16
{ public:
uint8_t mode; // #0 = enabled, #1 = test
uint8_t usage; // #0 = range, #1 = diffCorr, #2 = integrity
uint8_t maxSBAS; // number of channels: 0..3
uint8_t scanmode2; // #0 = PRN152, ... #6 = PRN158
uint32_t scanmode1; // #0 = PRN120, ... #31 = PRN151
} ; // when polled from M6: 01 03 03 00 51 62 06 00
// for auto-select mode: 01 07 03 00 00 00 00 00
// for GPS: 0x00, 0x08, 0x10, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x01, 0x01 (enable)
// for SBAS: 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x01, 0x01 (enable)
// for BeiDou: 0x03, 0x00, 0x10, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x01 (disable)
// for QZSS: 0x05, 0x00, 0x03, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x01 (disable)
// for Glonass: 0x06, 0x04, 0x0E, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x01 (disable)
// for Galileo: 0x02, 0x04, 0x08, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x01 (disable)
class UBX_CFG_GNSS_Block
{ public:
uint8_t gnssId; // system identifier: 0=GPS, 1=SBAS, 2=Galileo, 3=BeiDou, 4=IMES, 5=QZSS, 6=Glonass
uint8_t resTrkCh; // number of reserved tracking channels
uint8_t maxTrkCh; //
uint8_t reserved;
uint32_t flags; // bit #0 = enable, bit #16..23 = sigCfgMask
} ;
class UBX_CFG_GNSS // 0x06 0x3E
{ public:
uint8_t msgVer; // version = 0
uint8_t numTrkChHw; // number of hardware tracking channels (read-only)
uint8_t numTrkChUse; // number of tracker channels to use (0xFF = use max. allowed by hardware)
uint8_t numConfigBlocks; // number of config. blocks which follows: 8 bytes per block
UBX_CFG_GNSS_Block Block[6]; // 5 or 6 blocks
} ;
class UBX_CFG_NAV5 // 0x06 0x24
{ public:
uint16_t mask; // bit #0 = apply dynamic mode settings, #1 = apply min. elev. settings, #2 = apply fix mode settings
uint8_t dynModel; // 6 = airborne 1g, 7 = 2g, 8 = 4g
uint8_t fixMode; // 1=2D only, 2=3D only, 3=auto 2/3D
int32_t fixAlt; // [0.01m]
uint32_t fixAltVar; // [0.001m]
int8_t minElev; // [deg] minimum satelite elevation
uint8_t drLimit; // [sec] Dead Reconning time limit
uint16_t pDop;
uint16_t tDop;
uint16_t pAcc; // [m]
uint16_t tAcc; // [m]
uint8_t staticHoldThres; // [cm/s]
uint8_t dgpsTimeout; // [s]
uint8_t cnoThreshNumSVs; //
uint8_t cnoThresh; // [dBHz]
uint8_t reserved2[2];
uint32_t reserved3;
uint32_t reserved4;
void setDynModel(uint8_t DynModel) { mask = 0x0001; dynModel=DynModel; } // only change the dynamic model
} ;
// UBX Class packet numbers
const uint8_t UBX_NAV = 0x01; // navigation
const uint8_t UBX_ACK = 0x05; // acknoledgement of configuration
const uint8_t UBX_CFG = 0x06; // configuration
class UBX_RxMsg // receiver for the UBX sentences
{ public:
// most information in the UBX packets is already aligned to 32-bit boundary
// thus it makes sense to have the packet so aligned when receiving it.
static const uint8_t MaxWords=32; // 10; // maximum number of 32-bit words (excl. head and tail)
static const uint8_t MaxBytes=4*MaxWords; // max. number of bytes
static const uint8_t SyncL=0xB5; // UBX sync bytes
static const uint8_t SyncH=0x62;
{ uint32_t Word[MaxWords]; // here we store the UBX packet (excl. head and tail)
uint8_t Byte[MaxBytes]; } ;
uint8_t Class; // Class (01=NAV)
uint8_t ID; // ID
uint8_t Bytes; // number of bytes in the packet (excl. head and tail)
uint8_t Padding; // just to make the structure size be a multiple of 4-bytes
uint8_t State; // bits: 0:loading, 1:complete, 2:locked,
uint8_t Idx; // loading index
uint8_t CheckA; // UBX check sum (two bytes)
uint8_t CheckB;
void CheckInit(void) { CheckA=0; CheckB=0; } // initialize the checksum
void CheckPass(uint8_t Byte) { CheckA+=Byte; CheckB+=CheckA; } // pass a byte through the checksum
void RecalcCheck(void)
{ CheckInit();
CheckPass(Class); CheckPass(ID); CheckPass(Bytes); CheckPass(0x00);
for(uint8_t Idx=0; Idx<Bytes; Idx++) CheckPass(Byte[Idx]); }
inline void Clear(void) { Idx=0; State=0; CheckInit(); }
uint8_t isLoading(void) const
{ return State&0x01; }
uint8_t isComplete(void) const
{ return State&0x02; }
void ProcessByte(uint8_t RxByte) // pass all bytes through this call and it will build the frame
if(isComplete()) Clear(); // if already a complete frame, clear it
{ case 0: // expect SyncL
if(RxByte!=SyncL) { Clear(); return; }
State=0x01; break; // declare "isLoading" state
case 1: // expect SyncH
if(RxByte!=SyncH) { Clear(); return; }
case 2: // Class
Class=RxByte; CheckPass(RxByte);
case 3: // ID
ID=RxByte; CheckPass(RxByte);
case 4: // LSB of packet length
Bytes=RxByte; CheckPass(RxByte); if(Bytes>MaxBytes) { Clear(); return; }
case 5: // MSB of packet length (expect zero)
CheckPass(RxByte); if(RxByte!=0) { Clear(); return; }
default: // past the header, now load the packet content
uint8_t ByteIdx=Idx-6;
{ Byte[ByteIdx]=RxByte; CheckPass(RxByte); }
else if(ByteIdx==Bytes) // already past the content, now the first checksum byte
{ if(RxByte!=CheckA) { Clear(); return; } }
else if(ByteIdx==(Bytes+1)) // second checksum byte
{ if(RxByte!=CheckB) { Clear(); return; }
State=0x02; } // declare "isComplete" state
{ Clear(); return; }
void Send(void (*SendByte)(char)) const
{ (*SendByte)(SyncL);
for(uint8_t Idx=0; Idx<Bytes; Idx++)
{ (*SendByte)(Byte[Idx]); }
static void Send(uint8_t Class, uint8_t ID, void (*SendByte)(char), const uint8_t *Data=0, uint8_t DataLen=0)
{ (*SendByte)(SyncL);
uint8_t CheckA = Class; // pass Class through check sum
uint8_t CheckB = CheckA;
CheckA += ID; // pass ID through check sum
CheckB += CheckA;
CheckA += DataLen;
CheckB += CheckA; // pass DataLen LSB
CheckB += CheckA; // pass DataLen MSB = 0x00
{ for(uint8_t Idx=0; Idx<DataLen; Idx++)
{ (*SendByte)(Data[Idx]);
CheckA += Data[Idx];
CheckB += CheckA; }
(*SendByte)(CheckA); // send the check sum
bool isNAV(void) const { return Class==0x01; }
bool isACK(void) const { return Class==0x05; }
bool isCFG(void) const { return Class==0x06; }
bool isNAV_POSLLH (void) const { return isNAV() && (ID==0x02) && (Bytes==sizeof(UBX_NAV_POSLLH)); }
bool isNAV_STATUS (void) const { return isNAV() && (ID==0x03); }
bool isNAV_DOP (void) const { return isNAV() && (ID==0x04); }
bool isNAV_SOL (void) const { return isNAV() && (ID==0x06) && (Bytes==sizeof(UBX_NAV_SOL)); }
bool isNAV_VELNED (void) const { return isNAV() && (ID==0x12); }
bool isNAV_TIMEGPS(void) const { return isNAV() && (ID==0x20); }
bool isNAV_TIMEUTC(void) const { return isNAV() && (ID==0x21) && (Bytes==sizeof(UBX_NAV_TIMEUTC)); }
bool isACK_NAK (void) const { return isACK() && (ID==0x00); }
bool isACK_ACK (void) const { return isACK() && (ID==0x01); }
bool isCFG_PRT (void) const { return isCFG() && (ID==0x00); }
bool isCFG_SBAS (void) const { return isCFG() && (ID==0x16); }
bool isCFG_NAV5 (void) const { return isCFG() && (ID==0x24); }
} ;
#endif // __UBX_H__