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#ifndef __AXP192_H__
#define __AXP192_H__
#include <stdint.h>
class AXP192
{ private:
static const uint8_t AXP192_ADDR = 0x34; // possible I2C addresses
// registers
static const uint8_t REG_STATUS = 0x00; // bit #2 = charge/discharge, bit #0 = power-on triggered by Vbus/ACin
static const uint8_t REG_MODE_CHGSTATUS = 0x01; // charge mode and status
static const uint8_t REG_ID = 0x03;
static const uint8_t REG_LDO234_DC23_CTL = 0x12; // [bit mask] control outputs ON/OFF
static const uint8_t REG_DC1_VOLTAGE = 0x26; // [25mV] controls DC1 voltage
static const uint8_t REG_OFF_CTL = 0x32; // power-off, battery check, LED control
static const uint8_t REG_CHARGE_1 = 0x33; // target voltage, current
static const uint8_t REG_CHARGE_2 = 0x34;
static const uint8_t REG_BACKUP_CHG = 0x35; // backup battery charge
static const uint8_t REG_POK_SET = 0x36; // press-key parameters
static const uint8_t REG_INTEN1 = 0x40; // IRQ enable
static const uint8_t REG_INTEN2 = 0x41;
static const uint8_t REG_INTEN3 = 0x42;
static const uint8_t REG_INTEN4 = 0x43;
static const uint8_t REG_INTEN5 = 0x4A;
static const uint8_t REG_INTSTS1 = 0x44; // IRQ status
static const uint8_t REG_INTSTS2 = 0x45;
static const uint8_t REG_INTSTS3 = 0x46;
static const uint8_t REG_INTSTS4 = 0x47;
static const uint8_t REG_INTSTS5 = 0x4D;
static const uint8_t REG_VBUS_VOLT_H8 = 0x5A; // [1.7mV]
static const uint8_t REG_VBUS_VOLT_L4 = 0x5B;
static const uint8_t REG_VBUS_CURR_H8 = 0x5C; // [0.375mA]
static const uint8_t REG_VBUS_CURR_L4 = 0x5D;
static const uint8_t REG_TEMP_H8 = 0x5E; // [-144.7..264.8/0.1]degC
static const uint8_t REG_TEMP_L4 = 0x5F;
static const uint8_t REG_BAT_VOLT_H8 = 0x78; // [0.0..4504.5/1.1]mV
static const uint8_t REG_BAT_VOLT_L4 = 0x79;
static const uint8_t REG_BAT_INP_CURR_H8 = 0x7A; // [0.5mA]
static const uint8_t REG_BAT_INP_CURR_L5 = 0x7B;
static const uint8_t REG_BAT_OUT_CURR_H8 = 0x7C; // [0.5mA]
static const uint8_t REG_BAT_OUT_CURR_L5 = 0x7D;
static const uint8_t REG_ADC_EN1 = 0x82; // battery voltage enabled by default
static const uint8_t REG_ADC_EN2 = 0x83; // internal temperature enabled by default
static const uint8_t REG_ADC_SPEED = 0x84; // 25Hz by default
static const uint8_t REG_ADC_RANGE = 0x85;
static const uint8_t REG_BAT_INP_CHG = 0xB0;
static const uint8_t REG_BAT_OUT_CHG = 0xB4;
static const uint8_t REG_BAT_MON = 0xB8;
static const uint8_t AXP192_ID = 0x03; // ID for the AXP192
static const uint8_t OUT_DCDC1 = 0; // supply outputs
static const uint8_t OUT_DCDC3 = 1;
static const uint8_t OUT_LDO2 = 2;
static const uint8_t OUT_LDO3 = 3;
static const uint8_t OUT_DCDC2 = 4;
static const uint8_t OUT_EXTEN = 6;
static const uint16_t ADC_TEMP = 0x8000; // ADC sampling inputs
static const uint16_t ADC_BAT_VOLT = 0x0080;
static const uint16_t ADC_BAT_CURR = 0x0040;
static const uint16_t ADC_VBUS_VOLT = 0x0008;
static const uint16_t ADC_VBUS_CURR = 0x0004;
static const uint32_t AXP202_PEK_LONGPRESS_IRQ = 0x00010000;
static const uint32_t AXP202_PEK_SHORTPRESS_IRQ = 0x00020000;
uint8_t Bus; // which I2C bus
uint8_t ADDR; // detected I2C address
uint8_t ID;
uint8_t Error; // error on the I2C bus (0=no error)
uint8_t checkID(void) // check ID, to make sure the AXP192 is reachable
{ ADDR=0;
Error=I2C_Read(Bus, AXP192_ADDR, REG_ID, ID);
if( (!Error) && (ID==AXP192_ID) ) { ADDR=AXP192_ADDR; return 0; } // 0 => no error and correct ID
return 1; } // 1 => error or incorrect chip ID
uint8_t readStatus(void)
{ uint8_t Byte=0; Error=I2C_Read(Bus, ADDR, REG_STATUS, Byte); return Byte; }
uint8_t setPOK(uint8_t Byte=0xDC)
{ Error=I2C_Write(Bus, ADDR, REG_POK_SET, Byte);
return Error; }
uint8_t setPowerOutput(uint8_t Channel, bool ON=1)
{ uint8_t Byte;
Error=I2C_Read(Bus, ADDR, REG_LDO234_DC23_CTL, Byte); if(Error) return Error;
uint8_t Mask=1; Mask<<=Channel;
if(ON) Byte |= Mask;
else Byte &= ~Mask;
Error=I2C_Write(Bus, ADDR, REG_LDO234_DC23_CTL, Byte);
return Error; }
uint8_t setDCDC1(uint16_t mV) // [mV] set voltage on DCDC1 output
{ if(mV>3500) mV=3500;
else if(mV<700) mV=700;
uint8_t Byte = (mV-700+12)/25;
Error=I2C_Write(Bus, ADDR, REG_DC1_VOLTAGE, Byte);
return Error; }
uint8_t ShutDown(void)
{ uint8_t Byte;
Error=I2C_Read(Bus, ADDR, REG_OFF_CTL, Byte); if(Error) return Error;
Byte |= 0x80;
Error=I2C_Write(Bus, ADDR, REG_OFF_CTL, Byte);
return Error; }
uint8_t setLED(uint8_t Mode) // 0=OFF, 1=1Hz, 2=4Hz, 3=ON, 4=reflect charging status
{ uint8_t Byte;
Error=I2C_Read(Bus, ADDR, REG_OFF_CTL, Byte); if(Error) return Error;
{ Byte |= 0x08; // control LED by software
Byte &= 0xCF;
Byte |= Mode<<4; } // set LED state: 0, 1, 2, 3
else Byte &= 0xF7; // control LED by hardware
Error=I2C_Write(Bus, ADDR, REG_OFF_CTL, Byte);
return Error; }
uint8_t enableADC(uint16_t Mask)
{ Error=I2C_Write(Bus, ADDR, REG_ADC_EN1, Mask ); if(Error) return Error;
Error=I2C_Write(Bus, ADDR, REG_ADC_EN2, Mask>>8); return Error; }
uint16_t readH8L4(uint8_t Reg) // read two-byte H8:L4 value
{ uint8_t Byte[2]; Error=I2C_Read(Bus, ADDR, Reg, Byte, 2); if(Error) return 0;
uint16_t Word = Byte[0]; Word<<=4; Word|=Byte[1]&0x0F; return Word; }
uint16_t readVbusVoltage(void)
{ uint16_t Volt=readH8L4(REG_VBUS_VOLT_H8); return (Volt*17+5)/10; } // [1mV]
uint16_t readVbusCurrent(void)
{ uint16_t Curr=readH8L4(REG_VBUS_CURR_H8); return (Curr*15+20)/40; } // [mA]
uint16_t readBatteryVoltage(void)
{ uint16_t Volt=readH8L4(REG_BAT_VOLT_H8); return (Volt*11+5)/10; } // [mV]
// uint16_t readVbusVoltage(void)
// { uint8_t H8; Error=I2C_Read(Bus, ADDR, REG_VBUS_VOLT_H8, H8); if(Error) return 0;
// uint8_t L4; Error=I2C_Read(Bus, ADDR, REG_VBUS_VOLT_L4, L4); if(Error) return 0;
// uint16_t Volt=H8; Volt<<=4; Volt|=L4&0x0F; return (Volt*17+5)/10; } // [mV]
// uint16_t readVbusCurrent(void)
// { uint8_t H8; Error=I2C_Read(Bus, ADDR, REG_VBUS_CURR_H8, H8); if(Error) return 0;
// uint8_t L4; Error=I2C_Read(Bus, ADDR, REG_VBUS_CURR_L4, L4); if(Error) return 0;
// uint16_t Curr=H8; Curr<<=4; Curr|=L4&0x0F; return (Curr*15+20)/40; } // [1mA]
// uint16_t readBatteryVoltage(void)
// { uint8_t H8; Error=I2C_Read(Bus, ADDR, REG_BAT_VOLT_H8, H8); if(Error) return 0;
// uint8_t L4; Error=I2C_Read(Bus, ADDR, REG_BAT_VOLT_L4, L4); if(Error) return 0;
// uint16_t Volt=H8; Volt<<=4; Volt|=L4&0x0F; return (Volt*11+5)/10; } // [1mV]
int16_t readTemperature(void)
{ int16_t Temp=readH8L4(REG_TEMP_H8); return Temp-1447; } // [0.1degC]
// int16_t readTemperature(void)
// { uint8_t H8; Error=I2C_Read(Bus, ADDR, REG_TEMP_H8, H8); if(Error) return 0;
// uint8_t L4; Error=I2C_Read(Bus, ADDR, REG_TEMP_L4, L4); if(Error) return 0;
// int16_t Temp=H8; Temp<<=4; Temp|=L4&0x0F; return Temp-1447; } // [0.1degC]
uint16_t readH8L5(uint8_t Reg)
{ uint8_t Byte[2]; Error=I2C_Read(Bus, ADDR, Reg, Byte, 2); if(Error) return 0;
uint16_t Word = Byte[0]; Word<<=5; Word|=Byte[1]&0x01F; return Word; }
uint16_t readBatteryInpCurrent(void)
{ uint16_t Curr=readH8L5(REG_BAT_INP_CURR_H8); return Curr/2; } // [mA]
uint16_t readBatteryOutCurrent(void)
{ uint16_t Curr=readH8L5(REG_BAT_OUT_CURR_H8); return Curr/2; } // [mA]
// uint16_t readBatteryInpCurrent(void)
// { uint8_t H8; Error=I2C_Read(Bus, ADDR, REG_BAT_INP_CURR_H8, H8); if(Error) return 0;
// uint8_t L5; Error=I2C_Read(Bus, ADDR, REG_BAT_INP_CURR_L5, L5); if(Error) return 0;
// uint16_t Curr=H8; Curr<<=5; Curr|=L5&0x1F; return Curr/2; } // [1mA]
// uint16_t readBatteryOutCurrent(void)
// { uint8_t H8; Error=I2C_Read(Bus, ADDR, REG_BAT_OUT_CURR_H8, H8); if(Error) return 0;
// uint8_t L5; Error=I2C_Read(Bus, ADDR, REG_BAT_OUT_CURR_L5, L5); if(Error) return 0;
// uint16_t Curr=H8; Curr<<=5; Curr|=L5&0x1F; return Curr/2; } // [1mA]
uint16_t read32bit(uint8_t Reg)
{ uint8_t Byte[4]; Error=I2C_Read(Bus, ADDR, Reg, Byte, 4); if(Error) return 0;
uint32_t Word=Byte[0];
for(uint8_t Idx=1; Idx<4; Idx++)
{ Word<<=8; Word|=Byte[Idx]; }
return Word; }
uint32_t readBatteryInpCharge(void) // [0x8000/25 mAs]
{ uint32_t Charge = read32bit(REG_BAT_INP_CHG); return Charge; }
uint32_t readBatteryOutCharge(void) // [0x8000/25 mAs]
{ uint32_t Charge = read32bit(REG_BAT_OUT_CHG); return Charge; }
uint8_t setBatMon(uint8_t Byte=0x80)
{ Error=I2C_Write(Bus, ADDR, REG_BAT_MON, Byte); return Error; }
uint8_t enableBatMon(void) { return setBatMon(0x80); }
uint8_t disableBatMon(void) { return setBatMon(0x00); }
uint8_t stopBatMon(void) { return setBatMon(0xC0); }
uint8_t clearBatMon(void) { return setBatMon(0xA0); }
bool isBatteryConnected(void)
{ uint8_t Byte;
Error=I2C_Read(Bus, ADDR, REG_MODE_CHGSTATUS, Byte); if(Error) return 0;
return Byte&0x20; } // 1=battery connected, 0=no battery connected
bool isBatteryCharging(void)
{ uint8_t Byte;
Error=I2C_Read(Bus, ADDR, REG_MODE_CHGSTATUS, Byte); if(Error) return 0;
return Byte&0x40; } // 1=charging, 0=charge finished or not charging
bool isBatteryActive(void)
{ uint8_t Byte;
Error=I2C_Read(Bus, ADDR, REG_MODE_CHGSTATUS, Byte); if(Error) return 0;
return Byte&0x08; } // 1=active
bool isChargeNotEnough(void)
{ uint8_t Byte;
Error=I2C_Read(Bus, ADDR, REG_MODE_CHGSTATUS, Byte); if(Error) return 0;
return Byte&0x04; } // 1=not enough charging current
uint8_t enableIRQ(uint32_t IrqMask, bool Enable=1)
{ for(uint8_t Idx=0; Idx<4; Idx++)
{ uint8_t Mask = IrqMask;
{ uint8_t Byte;
Error=I2C_Read(Bus, ADDR, REG_INTEN1+Idx, Byte); // if(Error) continue;
if(Enable) Byte |= Mask;
else Byte &= ~Mask;
Error=I2C_Write(Bus, ADDR, REG_INTEN1+Idx, Byte); // if(Error) continue;
return Error; }
uint8_t readIRQ1(void)
{ uint8_t Byte=0;
Error=I2C_Read(Bus, ADDR, REG_INTSTS1, Byte); if(Error) return 0;
return Byte; }
uint8_t readIRQ2(void)
{ uint8_t Byte=0;
Error=I2C_Read(Bus, ADDR, REG_INTSTS2, Byte); if(Error) return 0;
return Byte; }
uint8_t readIRQ3(void)
{ uint8_t Byte=0;
Error=I2C_Read(Bus, ADDR, REG_INTSTS3, Byte); if(Error) return 0;
return Byte; }
uint8_t readIRQ4(void)
{ uint8_t Byte=0;
Error=I2C_Read(Bus, ADDR, REG_INTSTS4, Byte); if(Error) return 0;
return Byte; }
bool readLongPressIRQ(void) { return readIRQ3()&0x01; }
bool readShortPressIRQ(void) { return readIRQ3()&0x02; }
uint8_t clearIRQ(void)
{ uint8_t Byte=0xFF;
for(uint8_t Idx=0; Idx<4; Idx++)
{ Error=I2C_Write(Bus, ADDR, REG_INTSTS1+Idx, Byte); }
Error=I2C_Write(Bus, ADDR, REG_INTSTS5, Byte);
return Error; }
} ;
#endif // __AXP192_H__