
504 wiersze
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#ifndef __LOKOUT_H__
#define __LOKOUT_H__
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
#include "intmath.h"
// #define DEBUG_PRINT
#include "relpos.h"
// =======================================================================================================
class LookOut_Target
{ public:
uint32_t ID; // ID of the target = aircraft ID
Acft_RelPos Pos; // Position relative to the reference Lat/Lon/Alt
int8_t Pred; // [0.5sec] amount of time by which this position has been predicted/extrapolated
uint8_t GpsPrec; // GPS position error including prediction
{ uint8_t Flags; // flags
{ bool isMoving :1; // is a moving target
bool Alloc :1; // is allocated or not (a free slot, where a new target can go into)
// bool Reported :1; // this target has already been reported with $PFLAA
} ;
} ;
{ uint32_t Rank; // rank: lowest means shorter time margin, shorter distance margin thus bigger thread
{ uint16_t DistMargin; // [0.5m] remaining safety margin: if positive, then considered no thread at all
uint8_t TimeMargin; // [0.5s] time to target (if no distance margin left)
uint8_t WarnLevel; // assigned warning level: 0, 1, 2 or 3
} ;
} ;
int16_t dX; // [0.5m] relative position of target
int16_t dY; // [0.5m]
int16_t dZ; // [0.5m]
int16_t Vx; // [0.5m/s] relative speed of target
int16_t Vy; // [0.5m/s]
int16_t Vz; // [0.5m/s]
// int16_t Ax; // [1/16m/s^2] relative acceleration of target
// int16_t Ay; // [1/16m/s^2]
uint16_t HorDist; // [0.5m] relltive hor. distance to target
int16_t MissTime; // [0.5s] estimated closest approach time
uint16_t MissDist; // [0.5m] estimated closest approach distance
void Clear(void) { Pred=0; Flags=0; HorDist=0; MissDist=0; Rank=0xFFFF; }
// uint16_t HorRelSpeed(void) const { }
uint32_t DistSqr(void) const { return (int32_t)dX*dX + (int32_t)dY*dY + (int32_t)dZ*dZ; } // [0.25m^2] Distance-square to the Target
uint32_t VelSqr (void) const { return (int32_t)Vx*Vx + (int32_t)Vy*Vy + (int32_t)Vz*Vz; } // [0.5m/s^2] Relative velocity square of the Target
void calcVel(Acft_RelPos &RefPos) // calc. relative target velocity against a reference position
{ Pos.getSpeedVector(Vx, Vy); // get horizontal speed vector from Speed and Heading
int16_t rVx, rVy; RefPos.getSpeedVector(rVx, rVy); // same for the reference position
Vx -= rVx; Vy -=rVy; // difference
Vz = Pos.Climb-RefPos.Climb; } // vertical different
int16_t getBearing (void) const { return IntAtan2(dY, dX); } // bearing to the target
uint16_t getHorDist (void) const { return Acft_RelPos::FastDistance(dX, dY); } // relative horizontal distance to the target
uint16_t getRelHorSpeed(void) const { return Acft_RelPos::FastDistance(Vx, Vy); } // relative horiz. speed of the target
void Print(void) const
{ printf("%08lX/%+5.1fs/%7.1fm/%7.1fm/%5.1fs/%5.1fm/%+5.1fs/w%d", (long int)ID,
0.5*Pred, 0.5*DistMargin, 0.5*HorDist, 0.5*TimeMargin, 0.5*MissDist, 0.5*MissTime, WarnLevel);
// printf(" [%+7.1f,%+7.1f,%+7.1f]m [%+5.1f,%+5.1f,%+5.1f]m/s", 0.5*dX, 0.5*dY, 0.5*dZ, 0.5*Vx, 0.5*Vy, 0.5*Vz);
// printf(" [%+5.2f,%+5.2f]m/s^-2", 0.0625*Ax, 0.0625*Ay);
Pos.Print(); }
uint8_t Print(char *output)
{ uint8_t Len=0;
return Len; }
uint8_t WritePFLAA(char *NMEA)
{ uint8_t Len=0;
Len+=Format_String(NMEA+Len, "$PFLAA,"); // sentence name and alarm-level (but no alarms for trackers)
Len+=Format_SignDec(NMEA+Len, dX/2);
Len+=Format_SignDec(NMEA+Len, dY/2);
Len+=Format_SignDec(NMEA+Len, dZ/2); // [m] relative altitude
uint8_t AddrType = (ID>>24)&0x03;
#ifdef WITH_SKYDEMON // SkyDemon hack which accepts only 1 or 2
if(AddrType!=1) AddrType=2;
NMEA[Len++]='0'+AddrType; // address-type (3=OGN)
uint32_t Addr = ID&0xFFFFFF; // [24-bit] address
Len+=Format_Hex(NMEA+Len, (uint8_t)(Addr>>16)); // 24-bit address: RND, ICAO, FLARM, OGN
Len+=Format_Hex(NMEA+Len, (uint16_t)Addr);
Len+=Format_UnsDec(NMEA+Len, (225*Pos.Heading+0x800)>>12, 4, 1); // [deg] heading (by GPS)
Len+=Format_SignDec(NMEA+Len, (225*Pos.Turn+0x800)>>12, 2, 1); // [deg/sec] turn rate
Len+=Format_UnsDec(NMEA+Len, 5*Pos.Speed, 2, 1); // [approx. m/s] ground speed
Len+=Format_SignDec(NMEA+Len, 5*Pos.Climb, 2, 1); // [m/s] climb/sink rate
NMEA[Len++]=HexDigit(ID>>26); // [0..F] aircraft-type: 1=glider, 2=tow plane, etc.
Len+=NMEA_AppendCheckCRNL(NMEA, Len);
return Len; } // return number of formatted characters
} ;
// =======================================================================================================
class LookOut
{ public:
uint32_t ID; // ID of me (own aircraft)
Acft_RelPos Pos; // Position relative to the reference Lat/Lon/Alt
int8_t Pred; // [0.5sec] amount of time by which position has been predicted/extrapolated
{ uint8_t Flags;
{ uint8_t GpsPrec :6; // GPS position precision
bool isMoving :1; // own position moving
bool hasPosition :1; // own position is valid
} ;
} ;
uint8_t WarnLevel; // highest warning level of all the targets
uint8_t WeakestIdx; // index for the weakest target (or a not allocated target)
uint32_t WeakestRank; // rank of the weakest target
uint8_t Targets; // [aircrafts] actual number of targets monitored
uint8_t WorstTgtIdx; // [] most dangereous target
uint8_t WorstTgtTime; // [0.5s] time to closest approach
uint8_t RefTime; // [sec] ref. T for the local T,X,Y,Z coord. system
int16_t LatCos; // [2^-12]
// ref. X,Y,Z for the local T,X,Y,Z coord. system
int32_t RefLat; // [1/60000deg]
int32_t RefLon; // [1/60000deg]
int32_t RefAlt; // [m]
const static uint8_t MaxTargets = 32; // maximum number of targets
LookOut_Target Target[MaxTargets]; // array of Targets
const static int32_t DistRange = 7000; // [m] drop immediately anything beyond this distance
const static int16_t MinHorizSepar = 30; // [m] minimum horizontal separation
const static int16_t MinVertSepar = 20; // [m] minimum vertical separation
const static int16_t WarnTime = 20; // [sec] target warning prior to impact
Acft_RelPos PredMe, PredTgt; // for temporary storage for predictions.
char Line[80]; // for printing
void Clear(void)
{ Flags=0; ID=0; Pos.Clear(); Pred=0;
Targets=0; WeakestIdx=0; WeakestRank=0xFFFFFFFF;
WorstTgtIdx=0; WorstTgtTime=0xFF;
for(uint8_t Idx=0; Idx<MaxTargets; Idx++)
{ Target[Idx].Clear(); }
int16_t getRelBearing(const LookOut_Target *Tgt) const // [360/0x10000 deg] relative bearing to the target
{ return Tgt->getBearing()-Pos.Heading; }
uint8_t WritePOGNA(char *NMEA, const LookOut_Target *Tgt) // Alert NMEA centence
{ uint8_t Len=0;
Len+=Format_String(NMEA+Len, "$POGNA,");
Len+=NMEA_AppendCheckCRNL(NMEA, Len);
return Len; }
void PrintPFLA(void) // print (for debug) $PFLAU and PFLAA
{ WritePFLAU(Line); printf("%s", Line);
for(uint8_t Idx=0; Idx<MaxTargets; Idx++)
{ if(!Target[Idx].Alloc) continue;
if( Target[Idx].DistMargin) continue;
printf("%s", Line);
void WritePFLA(void (*Output)(char)) // produce $PFLAU and PFLAA on the console output
{ WritePFLAU(Line); Format_String(Output, Line);
for(uint8_t Idx=0; Idx<MaxTargets; Idx++)
{ if(!Target[Idx].Alloc) continue;
if( Target[Idx].DistMargin) continue;
Format_String(Output, Line);
uint8_t WritePFLAU(char *NMEA) // produce the FLAM anti-collision status
{ const LookOut_Target *Tgt = 0;
if(WarnLevel>0) Tgt = Target + WorstTgtIdx;
uint8_t Len=0;
Len+=Format_String(NMEA+Len, "$PFLAU,");
Len+=Format_UnsDec(NMEA+Len, Targets, 1); // number of targets received
NMEA[Len++]='0'+hasPosition; // TX status
NMEA[Len++]='0'+hasPosition; // GPS status: 0=no fix, 1=on the ground, 2=airborne
NMEA[Len++]='1'; // power status: one could monitor the supply
NMEA[Len++]='0'+WarnLevel; // Warning level: 0..3
if(Tgt) // [deg] relative bearing: -180..+180
{ Len+=Format_SignDec(NMEA+Len, ((int32_t)getRelBearing(Tgt)*45+0x1000)>>13, 1); }
NMEA[Len++]='0'+((WarnLevel>0)<<1); // alarm-type: 0=none, 2=aircraft, 3=obstacle/zone/terrain
if(Tgt) // [m] relative vertical distance
{ Len+=Format_SignDec(NMEA+Len, (Tgt->dZ)>>1, 1); }
if(Tgt) // [m] relative horizontal distance
{ Len+=Format_UnsDec(NMEA+Len, (Tgt->HorDist)>>1, 1); }
if(Tgt) // ID
{ Len+=Format_Hex(NMEA+Len, Tgt->ID & 0x00FFFFFF); }
{ Len+=Format_Hex(NMEA+Len, Tgt->ID); }
Len+=NMEA_AppendCheckCRNL(NMEA, Len);
return Len; }
void Print(void) const
{ if(!hasPosition) return;
printf("Ref: %02d: [%+10.6f, %+11.6f]deg %ldm\n", RefTime, 0.0001/60*RefLat, 0.0001/60*RefLon, (long int)RefAlt);
printf("%08lX/%+5.1fs/ Margin/ HorDist/Margin/ Miss/ Miss/w%d", (long int)ID, 0.5*Pred, WarnLevel); Pos.Print();
for(uint8_t Idx=0; Idx<MaxTargets; Idx++)
{ const LookOut_Target *Tgt = Target+Idx;
if(Tgt->Alloc) Tgt->Print();
template <class OGNx_Packet>
int32_t Start(OGNx_Packet &Me)
{ Clear();
ID = Me.getAddressAndType() | ((uint32_t)Me.Position.AcftType<<26) ;
RefTime = Me.Position.Time;
RefLat = Me.DecodeLatitude();
RefLon = Me.DecodeLongitude();
RefAlt = Me.DecodeAltitude();
LatCos = Icos(GPS_Position::calcLatAngle16(RefLat));
return Pos.Read(Me, RefTime, RefLat, RefLon, RefAlt, LatCos, DistRange); }
template <class OGNx_Packet>
const LookOut_Target *ProcessOwn(OGNx_Packet &Me) // process my own position
{ // printf("ProcessOwn() ... entry\n");
if(hasPosition) // in my position is valid
{ Pred=0;
if(Pos.Read(Me, RefTime, RefLat, RefLon, RefAlt, LatCos, DistRange)<0) // read the new position
{ hasPosition = Start(Me)>=0; } // if this fails, attempt to start from the new position
{ hasPosition = Start(Me)>=0;
if(hasPosition) // if already started
{ AdjustRefTime(Pos.T); // adjust time ref. point if needed
AdjustRefAlt(); // adjust vertical ref. altitude if needed
AdjustRefLatLon(Me); } // adjuest horizontal Lat/Lon position if needed.
for(uint8_t Idx=0; Idx<MaxTargets; Idx++) // go over targets
{ LookOut_Target *Tgt = Target+Idx;
if(!Tgt->Alloc) continue; // skip empty slots
if(Tgt->DistMargin==0) // those with no safety margin
{ while(Tgt->Pos.T<=(Pos.T-4)) // bring closer in time to my (new) position
{ Tgt->Pos.StepFwd2secs(); Tgt->Pred+=4; }
uint8_t Warn=calcTarget(Tgt); // (re)calculate the target
{ if(Warn>WarnLevel) WarnLevel=Warn;
if(Tgt->TimeMargin<WorstTgtTime) { WorstTgtTime=Tgt->TimeMargin; WorstTgtIdx=Idx; }
Targets++; }
// printf("ProcessOwn() ... exit\n");
// if(Targets==0) return 0; // return NULL if no targets are tracked
LookOut_Target *Tgt = Target+WorstTgtIdx;
if( (!Tgt->Alloc) || (Tgt->DistMargin>0) ) return 0; // return NULL if target is not a thread
return Tgt; } // return the pointer to the most dangerous target
template <class OGNx_Packet>
const LookOut_Target *ProcessTarget(OGNx_Packet &Packet) // process positions of other aircrafts
{ // printf("ProcessTarget(%d) ... entry\n", WeakestIdx);
LookOut_Target *New = Target+WeakestIdx; // get a free or lowest rank slot
if(New->Pos.Read(Packet, RefTime, RefLat, RefLon, RefAlt, LatCos, DistRange)<0) return 0; // calculate the position against the reference position
uint32_t ID = Packet.getAddressAndType() | ((uint32_t)Packet.Position.AcftType<<26) ; // get ID
New->ID = ID; // set ID of this position
// printf("ProcessTarget() ... %08X\n", ID);
uint8_t OldIdx;
for(OldIdx=0; OldIdx<MaxTargets; OldIdx++) // scan targets already on the list
{ if(Target[OldIdx].Alloc==0) continue;
if(OldIdx==WeakestIdx) continue;
if(Target[OldIdx].ID==ID) break; } // to find previous position for the target
if(OldIdx<MaxTargets) // if found
{ if((Target[OldIdx].Pos.T-Target[OldIdx].Pred)>Target[WeakestIdx].Pos.T) return Target+OldIdx; // if position is not really older than stop processing this (not new) position
Target[OldIdx].Alloc=0; } // mark old position as "not allocated"
New->Alloc=1; // mark this position as allocated
AdjustRefTime(New->Pos.T); // possibly adjust the time reference after this new position time
// printf("ProcessTarget() ... AdjustRefTime()\n");
if(Pos.T<=(New->Pos.T-4)) // bring my position closer in time
{ Pos.StepFwd2secs(); Pred+=4; }
uint8_t Warn=calcTarget(New); // calculate the safety margin for the target
if(Warn>WarnLevel) WarnLevel=Warn;
// printf("ProcessTarget() ... calc()\n");
uint8_t MaxIdx=WeakestIdx; uint16_t Max=New->Rank; // look for the lowest rank position on the list
for( uint8_t Idx=MaxIdx; ; ) // go over targets
{ Idx++; if(Idx>=MaxTargets) Idx=0;
if(Idx==WeakestIdx) break; // end the loop when back at New
LookOut_Target &Tgt = Target[Idx];
if(!Tgt.Alloc) { MaxIdx=Idx; break; } // if unallocated target found: stop the search
if(Tgt.Rank==0xFFFF) { MaxIdx=Idx; break; } // if abs. weakest target found: stop the search
if(Tgt.Rank>=Max) { Max=Tgt.Rank; MaxIdx=Idx; } // if weaker rank found: note it
WeakestIdx=MaxIdx; // tqke the weakest slot for the nest time
return New; }
uint8_t calcTarget(LookOut_Target *Tgt) // calculate the savety margin for the (new) target
Tgt->TimeMargin=0xFF; // initially set inf. time margin
Tgt->WarnLevel=0; // warning level=0
uint16_t Margin = calcVertMargin(Tgt); // [0.5m] calc. vertical margin
if(Margin==0) Margin = calcHorizMargin(Tgt); // [0.5m] if vertical margin iz zero then get horizontal margin
Tgt->DistMargin = Margin; // [0.5m]
if(Margin>0) // if there is still safety margin, no more calc. (dealloc. ?)
{ // Tgt->TimeMargin = Margin/;
return 0; } // return warning level = 0
// at this point the distance is possibly small enough so we may hit the target
printf("calcTarget(0x%08X) ... no abs. safety margin\n", Tgt->ID);
Tgt->calcVel(Pos); // calculate relative velocity
// uint32_t RelVelSqr = Tgt->VelSqr(); // [0.25(m/s)^2] velocity square
int16_t dT = Pos.T - Tgt->Pos.T; // [0.5s] we need to recalc. the distance if the target time is not same as mine
if(dT) // [0.5s] if time difference is non-zero
{ int16_t Vx,Vy,Vz; // [0.5m/s] Target speed vector
Tgt->Pos.getSpeedVector(Vx, Vy); Vz=Tgt->Pos.Climb; // [0.5m/s]
Tgt->dX += (dT*Vx)>>1; // update Target relative distance
Tgt->dY += (dT*Vy)>>1;
Tgt->dZ += (dT*Vz)>>1;
Tgt->HorDist = Acft_RelPos::FastDistance(Tgt->dX, Tgt->dY); } // update Target horizontal distance
// uint32_t RelDistSqr = Tgt->DistSqr(); // [0.25m^2] distance square
// uint32_t WarnTimeSqr = (uint32_t)WarnTime*WarnTime; // [s] warning time square
// printf("calcTarget(0x%08X) ...\n", Tgt->ID);
// printf("RelDistSqr = %3.1fm^ RelVelSqr=%3.1f(m/s)^2 Time=%ds\n", 0.25*RelDistSqr, 0.25*RelVelSqr, RelVelSqr ? IntSqrt(RelDistSqr/RelVelSqr):0xFFFF);
// if((RelVelSqr*WarnTimeSqr)<=RelDistSqr) return 0;
uint16_t RelVel = Acft_RelPos::FastDistance(Tgt->Vx, Tgt->Vy, Tgt->Vz); // [0.5m/s]
uint16_t MinMissDist = 4*RelVel+Pos.Error + Tgt->Pos.Error + 2*MinHorizSepar; // [0.5m]
printf("Target: [%+4.1f, %+4.1f, %+4.1f] = %3.1fm/s MinMissDist=%3.1fm\n",
0.5*Tgt->Vx, 0.5*Tgt->Vy, 0.5*Tgt->Vz, 0.5*RelVel, 0.5*MinMissDist);
PredMe=Pos; PredTgt=Tgt->Pos; // copy my position and the target to temporary variables
int16_t TimeMargin = PredMe.StepTillMinSepar(PredTgt, MinMissDist, 2*(WarnTime+2)); // predict when minimum separation is reached
printf("StepTillMinSepar(0x%08X, %3.1fm, %1ds) => %+4.1fs\n", Tgt->ID, 0.5*MinMissDist, WarnTime+2, 0.5*TimeMargin);
Tgt->TimeMargin=TimeMargin; // store the time margin till minimum separation
if(TimeMargin>(2*WarnTime)) return 0; // if time-to-margin longer than warning time then return no warning
Tgt->WarnLevel=1; // otherwise set already the first warning level
if(TimeMargin>WarnTime) return Tgt->WarnLevel; // is time-to-margin longer than half the warning time, then stop calculations here, return 1st warning level
printf("Me :"); PredMe.Print();
printf("Tgt:"); PredTgt.Print();
for(uint8_t Count=3; Count; Count--)
{ int16_t MissTime = PredMe.MissTime(PredTgt, WarnTime);
printf("%d: MissTime = %+4.1fs\n", Count, 0.5*MissTime);
if(abs(MissTime)<=1) break;
PredTgt.StepFwd(PredMe.T-PredTgt.T); }
printf("Me :"); PredMe.Print();
printf("Tgt:"); PredTgt.Print();
Tgt->MissDist = PredMe.FastDistance(PredTgt);
Tgt->MissTime = PredMe.T-Pos.T;
printf("MissTime = %+4.1f, MissDist = %4.1f\n", 0.5*Tgt->MissTime, 0.5*Tgt->MissDist);
if( (Tgt->MissTime<0) || (Tgt->MissTime>(2*WarnTime)) || (Tgt->MissDist>MinMissDist) ) Tgt->WarnLevel=0;
else if(Tgt->MissDist<(2*MinHorizSepar)) { Tgt->WarnLevel=2; if(Tgt->MissTime<(2*WarnTime/3)) Tgt->WarnLevel=3; }
printf("calcTarget(%08X) V=[%+5.1f, %+5.1f, %+5.1f]m/s D=[%+7.1f, %+7.1f, %+7.1f]m MissTime=%5.1fsec MissDist=%6.1fm\n",
Tgt->ID, 0.5*Tgt->Vx, 0.5*Tgt->Vy, 0.5*Tgt->Vz, 0.5*Tgt->dX, 0.5*Tgt->dY, 0.5*Tgt->dZ, 0.5*Tgt->MissTime, 0.5*Tgt->MissDist);
return Tgt->WarnLevel; }
uint16_t calcVertMargin(LookOut_Target *Tgt) // calculate vertical savety margin
{ Tgt->dZ = Tgt->Pos.Z - Pos.Z; // [0.5m] relative vertical distance
Tgt->Vz = Tgt->Pos.Climb - Pos.Climb; // [0.5ms/s] relative vertical speed
int16_t VertError = Pos.Error+Tgt->Pos.Error; VertError+=VertError/2; // [0.5m] est. total vertical error
VertError += 2*MinVertSepar; // [0.5m]
if(abs(Tgt->dZ)<=VertError) return 0; // if vertical distance less than margin required: return zero margin
if(Tgt->dZ>0) { if(Tgt->Vz>=0) return Tgt->dZ-VertError; } // if target is higher and is climbing return relative vertical distance
else { if(Tgt->Vz<=0) return -Tgt->dZ-VertError; } // if target is lower and is falling, return like above
int16_t dT = Tgt->Pos.T - Pos.T; // [0.5sec] time diff. in measured positions
int32_t MaxAlt = ( (int32_t)Tgt->Vz * (2*(WarnTime+4)+abs(dT)) )>>1; // [0.5m] max. altitude change within the warning time
MaxAlt = abs(MaxAlt) + VertError; // [0.5m]
// printf("calcVertMargin() dAlt=%+4.1f dT=%+4.1f Climb=%+4.1f MaxAlt=%+4.1f\n", 0.5*Tgt->dZ, 0.5*dT, 0.5*Tgt->Vz, 0.5*MaxAlt);
if(Tgt->dZ>0) // if target is above
{ if(Tgt->dZ<MaxAlt) return 0;
else return ( 2*Tgt->dZ-MaxAlt); } // [0.5m]
else // if target is below
{ if((-Tgt->dZ)<MaxAlt) return 0;
else return (-2*Tgt->dZ-MaxAlt); } // [0.5m]
} // return the vertical margin: if positive: we are safe, if zero: we are too close
uint16_t calcHorizMargin(LookOut_Target *Tgt)
{ Tgt->dX = Tgt->Pos.X - Pos.X; // [0.5m] relative distance
Tgt->dY = Tgt->Pos.Y - Pos.Y; // [0.5m]
Tgt->HorDist = Acft_RelPos::FastDistance(Tgt->dX, Tgt->dY); // [0.5m] estimate horizontal distance
int16_t HorError = Pos.Error+Tgt->Pos.Error; // [0.5m] sum GPS error from me and the target
HorError += 2*MinHorizSepar; // [0.5m] add the min. separation required
int16_t dT = abs(Tgt->Pos.T - Pos.T); // [0.5m] time difference between my data and target data
int32_t MaxDistT = ((int32_t)Tgt->Pos.Speed * (2*(WarnTime+4)+dT))>>1; // [0.5m] possible distance covered by the target
int32_t MaxDistM = ((int32_t) Pos.Speed * (2*(WarnTime+4)+dT))>>1; // [0.5m] possible distance covered by me
int32_t MaxDist = MaxDistT + MaxDistM + HorError; // [0.5m] add horizontal separation
if(MaxDist<Tgt->HorDist) return Tgt->HorDist-MaxDist; // [0.5m] return the (positive) difference: we are safe
return 0; } // zero-margin => bad !
void AdjustRefTime(int16_t TimeDelta) // adjust the time reference point
{ if(TimeDelta<(2*12)) return; // in more than 10sec into the future from the current reference
RefTime+=TimeDelta; if(RefTime>=60) RefTime-=60; // shift time reference
Pos.T-=2*TimeDelta; // shift the relative time on my own position
if(Pos.T<(-2*60)) hasPosition=0; // if older than 60sec declare "no position"
for(uint8_t Idx=0; Idx<MaxTargets; Idx++) // go over the targets
{ LookOut_Target &Tgt = Target[Idx]; if(!Tgt.Alloc) continue; // skip unallocated
Tgt.Pos.T-=2*TimeDelta; // shift the relative time
if((Tgt.Pos.T-Tgt.Pred)<(-2*30)) Tgt.Alloc=0; // if older than 30sec then drop the target
void AdjustRefAlt(void) // shift the vertical reference point when we get too far off
{ if(fabs(Pos.Z)<(2*200)) return; // don't shift if less than 200m from the reference point
int16_t AltDelta=Pos.Z/2;
for(uint8_t Idx=0; Idx<MaxTargets; Idx++)
{ if(Target[Idx].Alloc) Target[Idx].Pos.Z-=2*AltDelta; }
template <class OGNx_Packet>
void AdjustRefLatLon(OGNx_Packet &Me) // shift the horizontal reference point when we get too far off
{ if( (fabs(Pos.X)<(2*1000)) && (fabs(Pos.Y)<(2*500)) ) return;
int32_t LatDist, LonDist;
if(Me.calcDistanceVector(LatDist, LonDist, RefLat, RefLon, LatCos, DistRange)<0) { return; }
RefLat = Me.DecodeLatitude();
RefLon = Me.DecodeLongitude();
Pos.X -= LatDist;
Pos.Y -= LonDist;
for(uint8_t Idx=0; Idx<MaxTargets; Idx++)
{ if(Target[Idx].Alloc) { Target[Idx].Pos.X-=LatDist; Target[Idx].Pos.Y-=LonDist; } }
LatCos = Icos(GPS_Position::calcLatAngle16(RefLat));
} ;
// =======================================================================================================
#endif // __LOKOUT_H__