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#include "hal.h"
#include "timesync.h"
#include "ogn.h"
#include "lowpass2.h"
#include "flight.h"
// extern uint8_t GPS_PowerMode; // 0=shutdown, 1=reduced, 2=normal
#ifdef WITH_ESP32
const uint8_t GPS_PosPipeSize = 8; // number of GPS positions held in a pipe
const uint8_t GPS_PosPipeSize = 4; // number of GPS positions held in a pipe
extern uint8_t GPS_PosIdx; // Pipe index, increments with every GPS position received
extern GPS_Position GPS_Pos[GPS_PosPipeSize]; // GPS position pipe
extern uint32_t GPS_FatTime; // [2 sec] UTC time in FAT format (for FatFS)
extern int32_t GPS_Altitude; // [0.1m] altitude (height above Geoid)
extern int32_t GPS_Latitude; // [0.0001/60 deg]
extern int32_t GPS_Longitude; // [0.0001/60 deg]
extern int16_t GPS_GeoidSepar; // [0.1m]
extern uint16_t GPS_LatCosine; // [1.0/(1<<12)] Latitude Cosine for distance calculations
extern uint32_t GPS_TimeSinceLock; // [sec] time since GPS has a valid lock
extern uint32_t GPS_Random; // random number produced from the GPS data
extern uint16_t GPS_PosPeriod; // [0.01sec] how often (which period) the GPS/MAV is sending the positions
extern uint16_t GPS_SatSNR; // [0.25dB] average SNR for satellites being used for navigation
typedef union
{ uint8_t Flags;
{ bool NMEA:1; // got at least one valid NMEA message
bool UBX:1; // got at least one valid UBX message
bool MAV:1; // got at least one valid MAV message
bool PPS:1; // got at least one PPS signal
bool BaudConfig:1; // baudrate is configured
bool ModeConfig:1; // navigation mode is configured
bool RateConfig:1; // navigation rate is configured
bool :1; //
} ;
} Status;
extern Status GPS_Status;
uint32_t GPS_getBaudRate(void); // [bps]
GPS_Position *GPS_getPosition(void);
GPS_Position *GPS_getPosition(int8_t Sec); // return GPS position for given Sec
GPS_Position *GPS_getPosition(uint8_t &BestIdx, int16_t &BestRes, int8_t Sec, int8_t Frac); // return GPS position closest to the given Sec.Frac
int16_t GPS_AverageSpeed(void); // [0.1m/s] calc. average speed based on most recent GPS positions
extern uint16_t MAVLINK_BattVolt; // [mV]
extern uint16_t MAVLINK_BattCurr; // [10mA]
extern uint8_t MAVLINK_BattCap; // [%]
extern EventGroupHandle_t GPS_Event;
const EventBits_t GPSevt_PPS = 0x01;
const EventBits_t GPSevt_NewPos = 0x02;
extern FlightMonitor Flight;
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C"
void vTaskGPS(void* pvParameters);