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#ifndef __HAL_H__
#define __HAL_H__
#include <stdint.h>
#include "freertos/FreeRTOS.h"
#include "freertos/semphr.h"
#include "freertos/task.h"
#include "freertos/queue.h"
// ============================================================================================================
#define WITH_ESP32
#define HARDWARE_ID 0x02
#define SOFTWARE_ID 0x01
#define USE_BLOCK_SPI // use block SPI interface for RF chip
#define WITH_HELTEC // HELTEC module: PCB LED on GPI025
// #define WITH_TTGO // TTGO module: PCB LED on GPIO2, GPIO25 free to use as DAC2 output
#define WITH_OLED // OLED display on the I2C: some TTGO modules are without OLED display
#define WITH_RFM95 // RF chip selection: both HELTEC and TTGO use sx1276 which is same af RFM95
// #define WITH_RFM69
// #define WITH_LED_RX
// #define WITH_LED_TX
// #define WITH_GPS_ENABLE // use GPS_ENABLE control line to turn the GPS ON/OFF
#define WITH_GPS_PPS // use the PPS signal from GPS for precise time-sync.
#define WITH_GPS_CONFIG // attempt to configure higher GPS baud rate and airborne mode
#define WITH_GPS_UBX // GPS understands UBX
// #define WITH_GPS_MTK // GPS understands MTK
// #define WITH_GPS_SRF
// #define WITH_MAVLINK
// #define WITH_BMP180 // BMP180 pressure sensor
// #define WITH_BMP280 // BMP280 pressure sensor
// #define WITH_BME280 // with humidity
// #define WITH_MS5607 // MS5607 pressure sensor
#define I2C_SPEED 1000000 // [Hz] bit rate on the I2C (nominally up to 400000)
#define WITH_PFLAA // PFLAU and PFLAA for compatibility with XCsoar and LK8000
#define WITH_CONFIG // interpret the console input: $POGNS to change parameters
// #define WITH_BT_SPP // Bluetooth serial port fo smartphone/tablet link
// ============================================================================================================
extern uint8_t BARO_I2C;
const uint8_t MAV_SysID = 1; // System-ID for MAVlink messages we send out
extern uint8_t MAV_Seq; // sequence number for MAVlink message sent out
// ============================================================================================================
extern SemaphoreHandle_t CONS_Mutex; // console port Mutex
// extern SemaphoreHandle_t I2C_Mutex; // I2C port Mutex (OLED and Baro)
uint64_t getUniqueID(void); // get some unique ID of the CPU/chip
uint32_t getUniqueAddress(void); // get unique 24-bit address for the transmitted IF
#include "parameters.h"
extern FlashParameters Parameters;
int CONS_UART_Read (uint8_t &Byte); // non-blocking
void CONS_UART_Write (char Byte); // blocking
int CONS_UART_Free (void); // how many bytes can be written to the transmit buffer
int CONS_UART_Full (void); // how many bytes already in the transmit buffer
void CONS_UART_SetBaudrate(int BaudRate);
int GPS_UART_Read (uint8_t &Byte); // non-blocking
void GPS_UART_Write (char Byte); // blocking
void GPS_UART_SetBaudrate(int BaudRate);
bool GPS_PPS_isOn(void);
void RFM_TransferBlock(uint8_t *Data, uint8_t Len);
void RFM_RESET(uint8_t On); // RF module reset
bool RFM_IRQ_isOn(void); // query the IRQ state
#ifdef WITH_OLED
int OLED_SetContrast(uint8_t Contrast);
int OLED_PutLine(uint8_t Line, const char *Text);
void LED_PCB_On (void); // LED on the PCB for vizual indications
void LED_PCB_Off (void);
void LED_PCB_Flash(uint8_t Time=100); // Flash the PCB LED for a period of [ms]
#ifdef WITH_LED_TX
void LED_TX_On (void);
void LED_TX_Off (void);
void LED_TX_Flash (uint8_t Time=100);
#ifdef WITH_LED_RX
void LED_TX_On (void);
void LED_TX_Off (void);
void LED_RX_Flash(uint8_t Time=100);
void LED_TimerCheck(uint8_t Ticks=1);
void IO_Configuration(void); // Configure I/O
int NVS_Init(void); // initialize non-volatile-storage in the Flash
#ifdef WITH_BT_SPP
int BT_SPP_Init(void);
int SPIFFS_Register(const char *Path="/spiffs", const char *Label=0, size_t MaxOpenFiles=5);
int SPIFFS_Info(size_t &Total, size_t &Used, const char *Label=0);
uint8_t I2C_Read (uint8_t Bus, uint8_t Addr, uint8_t Reg, uint8_t *Data, uint8_t Len, uint8_t Wait=10);
uint8_t I2C_Write(uint8_t Bus, uint8_t Addr, uint8_t Reg, uint8_t *Data, uint8_t Len, uint8_t Wait=10);
template <class Type>
inline uint8_t I2C_Write(uint8_t Bus, uint8_t Addr, uint8_t Reg, Type &Object, uint8_t Wait=10)
{ return I2C_Write(Bus, Addr, Reg, (uint8_t *)&Object, sizeof(Type), Wait); }
template <class Type>
inline uint8_t I2C_Read (uint8_t Bus, uint8_t Addr, uint8_t Reg, Type &Object, uint8_t Wait=10)
{ return I2C_Read (Bus, Addr, Reg, (uint8_t *)&Object, sizeof(Type), Wait); }
uint8_t I2C_Restart(uint8_t Bus);
#endif // __HAL_H__