// ====================================================================================================== #include "freertos/FreeRTOS.h" // FreeeRTOS #include "freertos/task.h" #include "hal.h" // Hardware Abstraction Layer #include "rf.h" // RF control/transmission/reception task #include "proc.h" // GPS/RF process taskk #include "gps.h" // GPS control data acquisiton #include "sens.h" #include "imu.h" #include "ctrl.h" // Control task #include "log.h" // Data logging task #include "knob.h" // potentiometer as rotary encoder #include "sound.h" // sounds, warnings, alarms #include "disp.h" #ifdef WITH_SDLOG #include "sdlog.h" #endif #ifdef WITH_AERO #include "aero.h" #endif #ifdef WITH_STRATUX #include "stratux.h" #endif #ifdef WITH_AP #include "ap.h" #endif #ifdef WITH_APRS #include "aprs.h" // APRS task #endif extern "C" void app_main(void) { // printf("OGN Tracker on ESP32\n"); CONS_UART_Init(); CONS_Mutex = xSemaphoreCreateMutex(); // semaphore for sharing the writing to the console I2C_Mutex = xSemaphoreCreateMutex(); // semaphore for sharing the I2C bus NVS_Init(); // initialize Non-Volatile-Storage in Flash and read the tracker parameters Parameters.setDefault(getUniqueAddress()); // set default parameter values if(Parameters.ReadFromNVS()!=ESP_OK) // try to get parameters from NVS { Parameters.WriteToNVS(); } // if did not work: try to save (default) parameters to NVS #ifdef WITH_SPIFFS SPIFFS_Register(); // initialize the file system in the Flash #endif IO_Configuration(); // initialize the GPIO/UART/I2C/SPI for Radio, GPS, OLED, Baro #ifdef WITH_SD if(SD_isMounted()) // if SD card succesfully mounted at startup { Parameters.SaveToFlash=0; if(Parameters.ReadFromFile("/sdcard/TRACKER.CFG")>0) // try to read parameters from the TRACKER.CFG file { if(Parameters.SaveToFlash) Parameters.WriteToNVS(); } // if succesfull and SaveToFlash==1 then save them to flash // #ifdef WITH_SPIFFS // FlashLog_CopyToSD(); // copy all flash log files to the SD card // #endif } #endif #ifdef WITH_LORAWAN WANdev.Reset(getUniqueID(), Parameters.AppKey); // set default LoRaWAN config. if(WANdev.ReadFromNVS()!=ESP_OK) // if can't read the LoRaWAN setup from NVS { WANdev.WriteToNVS(); } // then store the default if(Parameters.hasAppKey()) { if(!Parameters.sameAppKey(WANdev.AppKey)) // if LoRaWAN key different from the one in Parameters { WANdev.Reset(getUniqueID(), Parameters.AppKey); // then reset LoRaWAN to this key WANdev.WriteToNVS(); } // and save LoRaWAN config. to NVS Parameters.clrAppKey(); } #endif CONS_UART_SetBaudrate(Parameters.CONbaud); #ifdef WITH_BT_SPP { int32_t Err=BT_SPP_Init(); // start BT SPP // #ifdef DEBUG_PRINT xSemaphoreTake(CONS_Mutex, portMAX_DELAY); Format_String(CONS_UART_Write, "BT_SPP_Init() => "); Format_SignDec(CONS_UART_Write, Err); Format_String(CONS_UART_Write, "\n"); xSemaphoreGive(CONS_Mutex); // #endif } #endif #ifdef WITH_SDLOG Log_Mutex = xSemaphoreCreateMutex(); xTaskCreate(vTaskSDLOG, "SDLOG", 4000, 0, tskIDLE_PRIORITY+1, 0); #endif #ifdef WITH_LOG xTaskCreate(vTaskLOG , "LOG", 5000, 0, tskIDLE_PRIORITY+1, 0); #endif xTaskCreate(vTaskRF, "RF", 2000, 0, tskIDLE_PRIORITY+5, 0); xTaskCreate(vTaskPROC, "PROC", 2000, 0, tskIDLE_PRIORITY+3, 0); xTaskCreate(vTaskGPS, "GPS", 2000, 0, tskIDLE_PRIORITY+4, 0); #if defined(WITH_BMP180) || defined(WITH_BMP280) || defined(WITH_BME280) || defined(WITH_MS5607) || defined(WITH_MS5611) xTaskCreate(vTaskSENS, "SENS", 2000, 0, tskIDLE_PRIORITY+4, 0); #endif #ifdef WITH_BMX055 xTaskCreate(vTaskIMU, "IMU", 2000, 0, tskIDLE_PRIORITY+4, 0); #endif #ifdef WITH_KNOB xTaskCreate(vTaskKNOB, "KNOB", 2000, 0, tskIDLE_PRIORITY+3, 0); #endif #ifdef WITH_AERO xTaskCreate(vTaskAERO, "AERO", 2000, 0, tskIDLE_PRIORITY+3, 0); #endif #ifdef WITH_APRS xTaskCreate(vTaskAPRS, "APRS", 4000, 0, tskIDLE_PRIORITY+2, 0); #endif #ifdef WITH_STRATUX xTaskCreate(vTaskSTX, "STX", 4000, 0, tskIDLE_PRIORITY+3, 0); #endif #ifdef WITH_AP if(Parameters.APname[0]) xTaskCreate(vTaskAP, "AP", 4000, 0, tskIDLE_PRIORITY+3, 0); #endif #if defined(WITH_OLED) || defined(WITH_U8G2_OLED) || defined(WITH_ST7789) || defined(WITH_ILI9341) xTaskCreate(vTaskDISP, "DISP", 3000, 0, tskIDLE_PRIORITY+2, 0); #endif #ifdef WITH_SOUND xTaskCreate(vTaskSOUND, "SOUND", 2000, 0, tskIDLE_PRIORITY+3, 0); #endif xTaskCreate(vTaskTICK , "TICK", 1000, 0, tskIDLE_PRIORITY+3, 0); // xTaskCreate(vTaskCTRL, "CTRL", 1536, 0, tskIDLE_PRIORITY+2, 0); vTaskCTRL(0); // run directly the CTRL task, instead of creating a separate one. // while(1) // { vTaskDelay(10000); } }