#include #include #include #include #include // #include "esp_system.h" // #include "esp_sleep.h" #include "hal.h" #include "sens.h" #include "rf.h" #include "ctrl.h" #include "proc.h" // #include "log.h" #include "gps.h" // #include "ubx.h" // #include "timesync.h" #include "format.h" // #include "ymodem.h" // #define DEBUG_PRINT // static char Line[128]; // ======================================================================================================================== #if defined(WITH_ST7789) || defined(WITH_ILI9341) #include "st7789.h" #include "lcd_battery.h" // Embedded images // #ifdef WITH_M5_JACEK // extern const uint8_t OGN_logo_jpg[] asm("_binary_OGN_logo_320x240_jpg_start"); // extern const uint8_t OGN_logo_end[] asm("_binary_OGN_logo_320x240_jpg_end"); // const int OGN_logo_size = OGN_logo_end-OGN_logo_jpg; // #else extern const uint8_t OGN_logo_jpg[] asm("_binary_OGN_logo_240x240_jpg_start"); extern const uint8_t OGN_logo_end[] asm("_binary_OGN_logo_240x240_jpg_end"); const int OGN_logo_size = OGN_logo_end-OGN_logo_jpg; // #endif // extern const uint8_t Club_logo_jpg[] asm("_binary_AP_logo_240x240_jpg_start"); // extern const uint8_t Club_logo_end[] asm("_binary_AP_logo_240x240_jpg_end"); // const int Club_logo_size = Club_logo_end-Club_logo_jpg; #ifdef FOR_CKL extern const uint8_t Club_logo_jpg[] asm("_binary_CKL_logo_240x240_jpg_start"); extern const uint8_t Club_logo_end[] asm("_binary_CKL_logo_240x240_jpg_end"); const int Club_logo_size = Club_logo_end-Club_logo_jpg; #endif // uint8_t LCD_Backlight = 8*16; static void LCD_UpdateTime(uint32_t Time, GPS_Position *GPS, bool Redraw=0) { static char Msg[2][10] = { { 0 }, { 0 } }; static uint16_t Back[2] = { 0, 0 }; static bool Idx = 0; Back[Idx] = RGB565_LIGHTRED; if(GPS && GPS->isTimeValid()) { if(GPS->isDateValid()) { Time=GPS->getUnixTime(); Back[Idx]=RGB565_GREEN; } else { Time=GPS->getDayTime(); Back[Idx]=RGB565_GREENYELLOW; } if(GPS->FracSec>=50) Time++; } uint8_t Len=Format_HHcMMcSS(Msg[Idx], Time); Msg[Idx][Len]=0; bool Redo = Redraw || Back[Idx]!=Back[Idx^1]; if(Redo) LCD_DrawString(Msg[Idx], LCD_WIDTH-LCD_StringWidth(Msg[Idx])-4, LCD_HEIGHT-LCD_FontHeight(), RGB565_BLACK, Back[Idx]); else LCD_UpdateString(Msg[Idx], Msg[Idx^1], LCD_WIDTH-LCD_StringWidth(Msg[Idx])-4, LCD_HEIGHT-LCD_FontHeight(), RGB565_BLACK, Back[Idx]); Idx^=1; } static LCD_BattSymb BattSymb; static uint8_t BattCapacity(uint16_t mVolt) { if(mVolt>=4100) return 100; // 4.1V or above => full capacity if(mVolt<=3600) return 0; // 3.6V or below => zero capacity return (mVolt-3600+2)/5; } // linear dependence (simplified) static void LCD_UpdateBattery(bool Redraw=0) { // static char Volt[2][8] = { { 0 }, { 0 } }; // static uint16_t Back[2] = { 0, 0 }; static uint16_t BattCol[2] = { 0, 0 }; static bool Idx = 0; uint16_t mVolt = (BatteryVoltage+128)>>8; // uint16_t Voltage = (mVolt+5)/10; // [0.01V] uint8_t Capacity = BattCapacity(mVolt); // [mv] => [%] #ifdef WITH_AXP static char Curr[2][8] = { { 0 }, { 0 } }; uint16_t InpCurr=AXP.readBatteryInpCurrent(); // [mA] uint16_t OutCurr=AXP.readBatteryOutCurrent(); // [mA] int16_t Current = InpCurr-OutCurr; uint8_t Charging = Current>0; #endif /* Back[Idx] = RGB565_LIGHTRED; if(Voltage>=350) Back[Idx] = RGB565_YELLOW; if(Voltage>=365) Back[Idx] = RGB565_GREENYELLOW; if(Voltage>=375) Back[Idx] = RGB565_GREEN; if(Voltage>=410) Back[Idx] = RGB565_CYAN; if(Voltage>=420) Back[Idx] = RGB565_LIGHTBLUE; if(Voltage>=425) Back[Idx] = RGB565_MAGENTA; Format_UnsDec(Volt[Idx], Voltage, 3, 2); Volt[Idx][4]='V'; Volt[Idx][5]=0; bool Redo = Redraw || Back[Idx]!=Back[Idx^1]; if(Redo) LCD_DrawString(Volt[Idx], 4, LCD_HEIGHT-LCD_FontHeight(), RGB565_BLACK, Back[Idx]); else LCD_UpdateString(Volt[Idx], Volt[Idx^1], 4, LCD_HEIGHT-LCD_FontHeight(), RGB565_BLACK, Back[Idx]); */ uint8_t BattLev=(Capacity+10)/20; #ifdef WITH_AXP static uint8_t DispLev = 0; if(Charging) { DispLev++; if(DispLev>5) DispLev = BattLev?BattLev-1:0; } else { DispLev = BattLev; } #else uint8_t &DispLev = BattLev; #endif // static uint8_t Level = 0; const uint16_t LevelCol[6] = { RGB565_RED, RGB565_RED, RGB565_ORANGE, RGB565_YELLOW, RGB565_GREENYELLOW, RGB565_GREEN }; // const uint16_t LevelCol[6] = { RGB565_RED, RGB565_RED, RGB565_DARKORANGE, RGB565_DARKYELLOW, RGB565_DARKGREENYELLOW, RGB565_DARKGREEN }; BattSymb.setLevel(DispLev); #ifdef PRINT_DEBUG xSemaphoreTake(CONS_Mutex, portMAX_DELAY); Format_String(CONS_UART_Write, "LCD_UpdateBattery() "); Format_Hex(CONS_UART_Write, BattSymb.CellMap); CONS_UART_Write('/'); Format_Hex(CONS_UART_Write, BattSymb.Flags); Format_String(CONS_UART_Write, "\n"); xSemaphoreGive(CONS_Mutex); #endif BattCol[Idx]=LevelCol[BattLev]; if(Redraw || BattCol[Idx]!=BattCol[Idx^1]) { BattSymb.Xpos=0; BattSymb.Ypos=LCD_HEIGHT-BattSymb.Width; BattSymb.FrameCol=RGB565_DARKGREY; BattSymb.FillCol=RGB565_LIGHTGREY; BattSymb.CellCol=BattCol[Idx]; if(BattSymb.CellCol==RGB565_RED) BattSymb.FrameCol=RGB565_RED; BattSymb.Draw(); } else BattSymb.Update(); // Level+=1; if(Level>5) Level=0; #ifndef FOR_CKL #ifdef WITH_AXP strcpy(Curr[Idx], " mA "); Format_SignDec(Curr[Idx], Current, 3); bool Redo = Redraw || Curr[Idx][0]!=Curr[Idx^1][0]; if(Redo) LCD_DrawString(Curr[Idx], 0, LCD_HEIGHT-LCD_FontHeight()-LCD_FontHeight(tft_Dejavu18), RGB565_BLACK, RGB565_WHITE, tft_Dejavu18); else LCD_UpdateString(Curr[Idx], Curr[Idx^1], 0, LCD_HEIGHT-LCD_FontHeight()-LCD_FontHeight(tft_Dejavu18), RGB565_BLACK, RGB565_WHITE, tft_Dejavu18); #endif #endif Idx^=1; } static void LCD_UpdateRX(bool Redraw=0) { static char Count[2][12] = { { 0 }, { 0 } }; static char Noise[2][12] = { { 0 }, { 0 } }; static bool Idx = 0; uint8_t Len=0; Len+=Format_String(Count[Idx]+Len, " Rx:"); // Len+=Format_UnsDec(Count[Idx]+Len, RX_OGN_Count64); // received packet/min Len+=Format_String(Count[Idx]+Len, "/min"); Count[Idx][Len]=0; if(Redraw) LCD_DrawString(Count[Idx], LCD_WIDTH-LCD_StringWidth(Count[Idx], tft_Dejavu18), 4, RGB565_BLACK, RGB565_WHITE, tft_Dejavu18); else LCD_UpdateString(Count[Idx], Noise[Idx^1], LCD_WIDTH-LCD_StringWidth(Count[Idx], tft_Dejavu18), 4, RGB565_BLACK, RGB565_WHITE, tft_Dejavu18); Len=0; Len+=Format_String(Noise[Idx]+Len, " "); Len+=Format_SignDec(Noise[Idx]+Len, -5*TRX.averRSSI, 4, 1); // noise level seen by the receiver Len+=Format_String(Noise[Idx]+Len, "dBm"); Noise[Idx][Len]=0; if(Redraw) LCD_DrawString(Noise[Idx], LCD_WIDTH-LCD_StringWidth(Noise[Idx], tft_Dejavu18), 4+LCD_FontHeight(tft_Dejavu18), RGB565_BLACK, RGB565_WHITE, tft_Dejavu18); else LCD_UpdateString(Noise[Idx], Noise[Idx^1], LCD_WIDTH-LCD_StringWidth(Noise[Idx], tft_Dejavu18), 4+LCD_FontHeight(tft_Dejavu18), RGB565_BLACK, RGB565_WHITE, tft_Dejavu18); Idx^=1; } static void LCD_UpdateGPS(GPS_Position *GPS, bool Redraw=0) { static char Sat[2][8] = { { 0 }, { 0 } }; static uint16_t Back[2] = { 0, 0 }; // static char SNR[2][8] = { { 0 }, { 0 } }; static char Alt[2][8] = { { 0 }, { 0 } }; static bool Idx = 0; Back[Idx] = RGB565_LIGHTRED; if(GPS) { uint16_t Sats = 0; if(GPS->isValid()) Sats = GPS->Satellites; if(Sats>=5) Back[Idx] = RGB565_GREEN; else if(Sats>=4) Back[Idx] = RGB565_GREENYELLOW; else if(Sats>=3) Back[Idx] = RGB565_YELLOW; if(GPS->Sec&3) { Format_UnsDec(Sat[Idx], Sats, 2); Format_String(Sat[Idx]+2, "sat"); } else { Format_UnsDec(Sat[Idx], (GPS_SatSNR+2)/4, 2); Format_String(Sat[Idx]+2, "dB "); } Sat[Idx][5]=0; } else // no data from GPS ? { Format_String(Sat[Idx], "GPS ?"); Sat[Idx][5]=0; } bool Redo = Redraw || Back[Idx]!=Back[Idx^1]; if(Redo) LCD_DrawString(Sat[Idx], 0, 0, RGB565_BLACK, Back[Idx]); else LCD_UpdateString(Sat[Idx], Sat[Idx^1], 0, 0, RGB565_BLACK, Back[Idx]); if(GPS && GPS->isValid()) { int32_t Altitude=GPS->Altitude; if(Altitude<0) Altitude=0; Altitude=(Altitude+5)/10; uint8_t Len=Format_UnsDec(Alt[Idx], (uint32_t)Altitude); Len+=Format_String(Alt[Idx]+Len, "m "); Alt[Idx][Len]=0; #ifdef FOR_CKL if(Redraw) LCD_DrawString(Alt[Idx], LCD_WIDTH-6*16, 0, RGB565_BLACK, RGB565_WHITE); else LCD_UpdateString(Alt[Idx], Alt[Idx^1], LCD_WIDTH-6*16, 0, RGB565_BLACK, RGB565_WHITE); #else if(Redraw) LCD_DrawString(Alt[Idx], 0, LCD_FontHeight(), RGB565_BLACK, RGB565_WHITE); else LCD_UpdateString(Alt[Idx], Alt[Idx^1], 0, LCD_FontHeight(), RGB565_BLACK, RGB565_WHITE); #endif } else { } Idx^=1; } static void LCD_UpdatePosition(GPS_Position *GPS, bool Redraw=0) { static bool Idx = 0; int PosY = 0; static char Lock[2][20] = { { 0 }, { 0 } }; if(GPS) { strcpy(Lock[Idx], "0/00sat/00dB/00.0 "); Lock[Idx][0] = '0'+GPS->FixQuality; Format_UnsDec(Lock[Idx]+2, GPS->Satellites, 2); Format_UnsDec(Lock[Idx]+8, (GPS_SatSNR+2)/4, 2); Format_UnsDec(Lock[Idx]+13, GPS->HDOP, 3, 1); } else { strcpy(Lock[Idx], "No data from GPS "); } if(Redraw) LCD_DrawString(Lock[Idx], 4, PosY, RGB565_BLACK, RGB565_WHITE); else LCD_UpdateString(Lock[Idx], Lock[Idx^1], 4, PosY, RGB565_BLACK, RGB565_WHITE); PosY+=LCD_FontHeight(); static char Time[2][18] = { { 0 }, { 0 } }; static char Lat [2][18] = { { 0 }, { 0 } }; static char Lon [2][18] = { { 0 }, { 0 } }; static char Alt [2][18] = { { 0 }, { 0 } }; static char Vrt [2][18] = { { 0 }, { 0 } }; static char Spd [2][18] = { { 0 }, { 0 } }; static char Trk [2][18] = { { 0 }, { 0 } }; static char Trn [2][18] = { { 0 }, { 0 } }; strcpy(Time[Idx], "00.00.0000 000000"); strcpy(Lat[Idx], "Lat: __._____ "); strcpy(Lon[Idx], "Lon: ___._____ "); strcpy(Alt[Idx], "Alt: ____._m "); strcpy(Vrt[Idx], "Vrt: __._ m/s "); strcpy(Spd[Idx], "Spd: __._ m/s "); strcpy(Trk[Idx], "Trk: ___._ deg "); strcpy(Trn[Idx], "Trn: __._ deg/s "); if(GPS) { if(GPS->isTimeValid()) { Format_UnsDec (Time[Idx]+11, (uint16_t)GPS->Hour, 2, 0); Format_UnsDec (Time[Idx]+13, (uint16_t)GPS->Min, 2, 0); Format_UnsDec (Time[Idx]+15, (uint16_t)GPS->Sec, 2, 0); } if(GPS->isDateValid()) { Format_UnsDec (Time[Idx] , (uint16_t)GPS->Day, 2, 0); Format_UnsDec (Time[Idx]+ 3, (uint16_t)GPS->Month, 2, 0); Format_UnsDec (Time[Idx]+ 6, (uint16_t)GPS->Year , 4, 0); } Format_SignDec(Lat[Idx]+6, GPS->Latitude /6, 7, 5); Format_SignDec(Lon[Idx]+5, GPS->Longitude/6, 8, 5); Format_SignDec(Alt[Idx]+6, GPS->Altitude, 5, 1); Format_UnsDec (Spd[Idx]+5, GPS->Speed, 3, 1); Format_SignDec(Vrt[Idx]+5, GPS->ClimbRate, 3, 1); Format_UnsDec (Trk[Idx]+5, GPS->Heading, 4, 1); Format_SignDec(Trn[Idx]+5, GPS->TurnRate, 3, 1); } if(Redraw) LCD_DrawString(Time[Idx], 4, PosY, RGB565_BLACK, RGB565_WHITE); else LCD_UpdateString(Time[Idx], Time[Idx^1], 4, PosY, RGB565_BLACK, RGB565_WHITE); PosY+=LCD_FontHeight(); if(Redraw || Lat[Idx][6]!=Lat[Idx^1][6]) LCD_DrawString(Lat[Idx], 4, PosY, RGB565_BLACK, RGB565_WHITE); else LCD_UpdateString(Lat[Idx], Lat[Idx^1], 4, PosY, RGB565_BLACK, RGB565_WHITE); PosY+=LCD_FontHeight(); if(Redraw || Lon[Idx][5]!=Lon[Idx^1][5]) LCD_DrawString(Lon[Idx], 4, PosY, RGB565_BLACK, RGB565_WHITE); else LCD_UpdateString(Lon[Idx], Lon[Idx^1], 4, PosY, RGB565_BLACK, RGB565_WHITE); PosY+=LCD_FontHeight(); if(Redraw || Alt[Idx][6]!=Alt[Idx^1][6]) LCD_DrawString(Alt[Idx], 4, PosY, RGB565_BLACK, RGB565_WHITE); else LCD_UpdateString(Alt[Idx], Alt[Idx^1], 4, PosY, RGB565_BLACK, RGB565_WHITE); PosY+=LCD_FontHeight(); if(Redraw || Vrt[Idx][5]!=Vrt[Idx^1][5]) LCD_DrawString(Vrt[Idx], 4, PosY, RGB565_BLACK, RGB565_WHITE); else LCD_UpdateString(Vrt[Idx], Vrt[Idx^1], 4, PosY, RGB565_BLACK, RGB565_WHITE); PosY+=LCD_FontHeight(); if(Redraw) LCD_DrawString(Spd[Idx], 4, PosY, RGB565_BLACK, RGB565_WHITE); else LCD_UpdateString(Spd[Idx], Spd[Idx^1], 4, PosY, RGB565_BLACK, RGB565_WHITE); PosY+=LCD_FontHeight(); if(Redraw) LCD_DrawString(Trk[Idx], 4, PosY, RGB565_BLACK, RGB565_WHITE); else LCD_UpdateString(Trk[Idx], Trk[Idx^1], 4, PosY, RGB565_BLACK, RGB565_WHITE); PosY+=LCD_FontHeight(); if(Redraw || Trn[Idx][5]!=Trn[Idx^1][5]) LCD_DrawString(Trn[Idx], 4, PosY, RGB565_BLACK, RGB565_WHITE); else LCD_UpdateString(Trn[Idx], Trn[Idx^1], 4, PosY, RGB565_BLACK, RGB565_WHITE); PosY+=LCD_FontHeight(); Idx^=1; } static void LCD_UpdateSys(bool Redraw=0) { if(!Redraw) return; int PosY = 2; char Line[24]; uint8_t Len=0; Len+=Format_String(Line+Len, "GPS "); #ifdef WITH_GPS_UBX Len+=Format_String(Line+Len, "UBX "); #endif #ifdef WITH_GPS_MTK Len+=Format_String(Line+Len, "MTK "); #endif #ifdef WITH_GPS_SRF Len+=Format_String(Line+Len, "SRF "); #endif Len+=Format_UnsDec(Line+Len, GPS_getBaudRate(), 1); Len+=Format_String(Line+Len, "bps"); Line[Len]=0; LCD_DrawString(Line, 4, PosY, RGB565_BLACK, RGB565_WHITE); PosY+=LCD_FontHeight(); Len=0; #ifdef WITH_RFM69 Len+=Format_String(Line+Len, "RFM69 v"); // Type of RF chip used if(Parameters.isTxTypeHW()) Line[Len++]='H'; Line[Len++]='W'; #endif #ifdef WITH_RFM95 Len+=Format_String(Line+Len, "RFM95 v"); #endif #ifdef WITH_SX1272 Len+=Format_String(Line+Len, "SX1272 v"); #endif Len+=Format_Hex(Line+Len, TRX.chipVer); // Line[Len++]=' '; // Len+=Format_SignDec(Line+Len, (int16_t)TRX.chipTemp); // Line[Len++]=0xB0; // Line[Len++]='C'; Line[Len]=0; LCD_DrawString(Line, 4, PosY, RGB565_BLACK, RGB565_WHITE); PosY+=LCD_FontHeight(); Len=0; #ifdef WITH_BMP180 Len+=Format_String(Line+Len, "BMP180 0x"); Len+=Format_Hex(Line+Len, Baro.ADDR); #endif #ifdef WITH_BMP280 Len+=Format_String(Line+Len, "BMP280 0x"); Len+=Format_Hex(Line+Len, Baro.ADDR); #endif #ifdef WITH_BME280 Len+=Format_String(Line+Len, "BME280 0x"); Len+=Format_Hex(Line+Len, Baro.ADDR); #endif #ifdef WITH_MS5607 Len+=Format_String(Line+Len, "MS5607 0x"); Len+=Format_Hex(Line+Len, Baro.ADDR); #endif #ifdef WITH_MS5611 Len+=Format_String(Line+Len, "MS5611 0x"); Len+=Format_Hex(Line+Len, Baro.ADDR); #endif Line[Len]=0; LCD_DrawString(Line, 4, PosY, RGB565_BLACK, RGB565_WHITE); PosY+=LCD_FontHeight(); Len=0; #ifdef WITH_ST7789 Len+=Format_String(Line+Len, "ST7789 240x240"); #endif #ifdef WITH_ILI9341 Len+=Format_String(Line+Len, "ILI9341 320x240"); #endif Line[Len]=0; LCD_DrawString(Line, 4, PosY, RGB565_BLACK, RGB565_WHITE); PosY+=LCD_FontHeight(); #ifdef WITH_SPIFFS Len=0; Len+=Format_String(Line+Len, "SPIFFS "); size_t Total, Used; if(SPIFFS_Info(Total, Used)==0) // get the SPIFFS usage summary { Len+=Format_UnsDec(Line+Len, (Total-Used)/1024); Len+=Format_String(Line+Len, "/"); Len+=Format_UnsDec(Line+Len, Total/1024); Len+=Format_String(Line+Len, "kB"); } Line[Len]=0; LCD_DrawString(Line, 4, PosY, RGB565_BLACK, RGB565_WHITE); PosY+=LCD_FontHeight(); #endif #ifdef WITH_SD Len=0; Len+=Format_String(Line+Len, "SD "); if(SD_isMounted()) { Len+=Format_UnsDec(Line+Len, (uint32_t)SD_getSectors()); Line[Len++]='x'; Len+=Format_UnsDec(Line+Len, (uint32_t)SD_getSectorSize()*5/512, 2, 1); Len+=Format_String(Line+Len, "KB"); } else { Len+=Format_String(Line+Len, "none"); } Line[Len]=0; LCD_DrawString(Line, 4, PosY, RGB565_BLACK, RGB565_WHITE); PosY+=LCD_FontHeight(); #endif } static void LCD_UpdateRF(bool Redraw=0) { static bool Idx = 0; if(!Redraw) return; int PosY = 2; char Line[24]; uint8_t Len=0; #ifdef WITH_RFM69 Len+=Format_String(Line+Len, "RFM69"); // Type of RF chip used if(Parameters.isTxTypeHW()) Line[Len++]='H'; Line[Len++]='W'; #endif #ifdef WITH_RFM95 Len+=Format_String(Line+Len, "RFM95"); #endif #ifdef WITH_SX1272 Len+=Format_String(Line+Len, "SX1272"); #endif Line[Len++]=':'; Line[Len++]=' '; Len+=Format_SignDec(Line+Len, (int16_t)Parameters.getTxPower()); // Tx power Len+=Format_String(Line+Len, "dBm"); Line[Len]=0; LCD_DrawString(Line, 4, PosY, RGB565_BLACK, RGB565_WHITE); PosY+=LCD_FontHeight(); Len=0; Len+=Format_UnsDec(Line+Len, (uint16_t)(RF_FreqPlan.getCenterFreq()/100000), 3, 1); // center frequency Len+=Format_String(Line+Len, "MHz"); Line[Len++]=' '; Len+=Format_String(Line+Len, RF_FreqPlan.getPlanName()); // name of the frequency plan Line[Len]=0; LCD_DrawString(Line, 4, PosY, RGB565_BLACK, RGB565_WHITE); PosY+=LCD_FontHeight(); Len=0; Len+=Format_SignDec(Line+Len, (int32_t)Parameters.RFchipFreqCorr, 2, 1); // frequency correction Len+=Format_String(Line+Len, "ppm"); Line[Len]=0; LCD_DrawString(Line, 4, PosY, RGB565_BLACK, RGB565_WHITE); PosY+=LCD_FontHeight(); Idx^=1; } static void LCD_UpdatePower(bool Redraw=0) { static bool Idx = 0; static char USB[2][20] = { { 0 }, { 0 } }; Idx^=1; } static void LCD_UpdateParameters(bool Redraw=0) { if(!Redraw) return; char Line[32]; int PosY = 2; uint8_t Len=Format_String(Line, "ID="); Line[Len++]=HexDigit(Parameters.AcftType); Line[Len++]=':'; Line[Len++]=HexDigit(Parameters.AddrType); Line[Len++]=':'; Len+=Format_Hex(Line+Len, Parameters.Address, 6); Line[Len]=0; LCD_DrawString(Line, 4, PosY, RGB565_BLACK, RGB565_WHITE); PosY+=LCD_FontHeight(); for(uint8_t Idx=0; Idx(LCD_HEIGHT-2*LCD_FontHeight())) break; const char *Value = Parameters.InfoParmValue(Idx); if(Value[0]==0) continue; uint8_t Len=Format_String(Line, OGN_Packet::InfoParmName(Idx)); Line[Len++]='='; Len+=Format_String(Line+Len, Value); Line[Len]=0; LCD_DrawString(Line, 4, PosY, RGB565_BLACK, RGB565_WHITE); PosY+=LCD_FontHeight(); } } static void LCD_UpdateRelayList(bool Redraw=0) { static uint8_t PrevLines=0; if(Redraw) PrevLines=0; char Line[24]; int PosY = 2; uint8_t Lines=0; for( uint8_t Idx=0; Idx(LCD_HEIGHT-2*LCD_FontHeight())) break; OGN_RxPacket *Packet = RelayQueue.Packet+Idx; if(Packet->Rank==0) continue; uint8_t Len=0; Line[Len++]='0'+Packet->Packet.Header.AddrType; Line[Len++]=':'; Len+=Format_Hex(Line+Len, Packet->Packet.Header.Address, 6); Line[Len++]=' '; Len+=Format_Hex(Line+Len, Packet->Rank); Line[Len++]=' '; Line[Len++]=':'; Len+=Format_UnsDec(Line+Len, Packet->Packet.Position.Time, 2); Line[Len]=0; LCD_DrawString(Line, 4, PosY, RGB565_BLACK, RGB565_WHITE); PosY+=LCD_FontHeight(); Lines++; } for(uint8_t Line=Lines; Line(LCD_HEIGHT-2*LCD_FontHeight())) break; LCD_DrawBox(0, PosY, LCD_WIDTH, LCD_FontHeight(), RGB565_WHITE); PosY+=LCD_FontHeight(); } PrevLines=Lines; } static void LCD_UpdateLookList(bool Redraw=0) { static uint8_t PrevLines=0; if(Redraw) PrevLines=0; char Line[24]; int PosY = 2; uint8_t Lines=0; for( uint8_t Idx=0; Idx(LCD_HEIGHT-2*LCD_FontHeight())) break; const LookOut_Target *Tgt = Look.Target+Idx; if(!Tgt->Alloc) continue; uint16_t Bkg = RGB565_GREEN; uint8_t Len=0; Len+=Format_Hex(Line+Len, Tgt->ID, 7); Line[Len++]=' '; if(Tgt->DistMargin) continue; uint8_t Warn = Tgt->WarnLevel; if(Warn>=3) Bkg = RGB565_LIGHTRED; else if(Warn==2) Bkg = RGB565_ORANGE; else if(Warn==1) Bkg = RGB565_YELLOW; Len+=Format_UnsDec(Line+Len, Tgt->TimeMargin>>1, 2); Line[Len++]='s'; Line[Len++]=' '; // Len+=Format_UnsDec(Line+Len, ((Tgt->MissDist>>1)+50)/100, 2, 1); Len+=Format_UnsDec(Line+Len, ((Tgt->HorDist>>1)+50)/100, 2, 1); Line[Len++]='k'; Line[Len++]='m'; Line[Len++]=' '; Line[Len]=0; LCD_DrawString(Line, 4, PosY, RGB565_BLACK, Bkg); PosY+=LCD_FontHeight(); Lines++; } for( uint8_t Idx=0; Idx(LCD_HEIGHT-2*LCD_FontHeight())) break; const LookOut_Target *Tgt = Look.Target+Idx; if(!Tgt->Alloc) continue; uint16_t Bkg = RGB565_GREEN; uint8_t Len=0; Len+=Format_Hex(Line+Len, Tgt->ID, 7); Line[Len++]=' '; if(Tgt->DistMargin==0) continue; Line[Len++]=' '; Line[Len++]=' '; Line[Len++]=' '; Line[Len++]=' '; Line[Len++]=' '; Len+=Format_UnsDec(Line+Len, ((Tgt->HorDist>>1)+50)/100, 2, 1); Line[Len++]='k'; Line[Len++]='m'; Line[Len++]=' '; Line[Len]=0; LCD_DrawString(Line, 4, PosY, RGB565_BLACK, Bkg); PosY+=LCD_FontHeight(); Lines++; } for(uint8_t Line=Lines; Line(LCD_HEIGHT-2*LCD_FontHeight())) break; LCD_DrawBox(0, PosY, LCD_WIDTH, LCD_FontHeight(), RGB565_WHITE); PosY+=LCD_FontHeight(); } PrevLines=Lines; } static void LCD_DrawID(void) { const uint8_t *Font = tft_Dejavu18; char ID[16]; uint8_t Len=0; ID[Len++]=HexDigit(Parameters.AcftType); ID[Len++]=':'; ID[Len++]=HexDigit(Parameters.AddrType); ID[Len++]=':'; Len+=Format_Hex(ID+Len, Parameters.Address, 6); ID[Len]=0; int PosX = LCD_WIDTH -LCD_StringWidth(ID, Font) -4; int PosY = LCD_HEIGHT -LCD_FontHeight(Font) -LCD_FontHeight(); LCD_DrawTranspString(ID, PosX, PosY, RGB565_BLUE, Font); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void LCD_LogoPage_Draw(void) // Logo page: initial background draw { if(LCD_WIDTH!=240) LCD_ClearDisplay(RGB565_WHITE); #ifdef FOR_CKL LCD_DrawJPEG(Club_logo_jpg, Club_logo_size, (LCD_WIDTH-240)/2, 0); #else // #ifdef WITH_M5_JACEK // LCD_DrawJPEG( OGN_logo_jpg, OGN_logo_size, (LCD_WIDTH-320)/2, 0); // #else LCD_DrawJPEG( OGN_logo_jpg, OGN_logo_size, (LCD_WIDTH-240)/2, 0); // #endif LCD_DrawID(); #endif } void LCD_LogoPage_Draw(uint32_t Time, GPS_Position *GPS) // Logo page: initial draw with Time/GPS data { LCD_LogoPage_Draw(); LCD_UpdateTime(Time, GPS, 1); LCD_UpdateBattery(1); #ifndef FOR_CKL LCD_UpdateRX(1); #endif LCD_UpdateGPS(GPS, 1); } void LCD_LogoPage_Update(uint32_t Time, GPS_Position *GPS, bool TimeChange, bool GPSchange) // Logo page: update the data in the corners { if(TimeChange) { LCD_UpdateTime(Time, GPS); LCD_UpdateBattery(); #ifndef FOR_CKL LCD_UpdateRX(); #endif } if(GPSchange) { LCD_UpdateGPS(GPS); } } void LCD_GPSpage_Draw(void) { LCD_ClearDisplay(RGB565_WHITE); } void LCD_GPSpage_Draw(uint32_t Time, GPS_Position *GPS) { LCD_GPSpage_Draw(); LCD_UpdateTime(Time, GPS, 1); LCD_UpdateBattery(1); LCD_UpdatePosition(GPS, 1); } void LCD_GPSpage_Update(uint32_t Time, GPS_Position *GPS, bool TimeChange, bool GPSchange) { if(TimeChange) { LCD_UpdateTime(Time, GPS); LCD_UpdateBattery(); } if(GPSchange) LCD_UpdatePosition(GPS); } void LCD_RFpage_Draw(void) { LCD_ClearDisplay(RGB565_WHITE); } void LCD_RFpage_Draw(uint32_t Time, GPS_Position *GPS) { LCD_RFpage_Draw(); LCD_UpdateTime(Time, GPS, 1); LCD_UpdateBattery(1); LCD_UpdateRF(1); } void LCD_RFpage_Update(uint32_t Time, GPS_Position *GPS, bool TimeChange, bool GPSchange) { if(TimeChange) { LCD_UpdateTime(Time, GPS); LCD_UpdateBattery(); } if(TimeChange) LCD_UpdateRF(); } void LCD_BattPage_Draw(void) { LCD_ClearDisplay(RGB565_WHITE); } void LCD_BattPage_Draw(uint32_t Time, GPS_Position *GPS) { LCD_BattPage_Draw(); LCD_UpdateTime(Time, GPS, 1); LCD_UpdateBattery(1); } void LCD_BattPage_Update(uint32_t Time, GPS_Position *GPS, bool TimeChange, bool GPSchange) { if(TimeChange) { LCD_UpdateTime(Time, GPS); LCD_UpdateBattery(); } } void LCD_ParmPage_Draw(void) { LCD_ClearDisplay(RGB565_WHITE); } void LCD_ParmPage_Draw(uint32_t Time, GPS_Position *GPS) { LCD_ParmPage_Draw(); LCD_UpdateTime(Time, GPS, 1); LCD_UpdateBattery(1); LCD_UpdateParameters(1); } void LCD_ParmPage_Update(uint32_t Time, GPS_Position *GPS, bool TimeChange, bool GPSchange) { if(TimeChange) { LCD_UpdateTime(Time, GPS); LCD_UpdateBattery(); } LCD_UpdateParameters(); } void LCD_BaroPage_Draw(void) { LCD_ClearDisplay(RGB565_WHITE); } void LCD_BaroPage_Draw(uint32_t Time, GPS_Position *GPS) { LCD_BaroPage_Draw(); LCD_UpdateTime(Time, GPS, 1); LCD_UpdateBattery(1); } void LCD_BaroPage_Update(uint32_t Time, GPS_Position *GPS, bool TimeChange, bool GPSchange) { if(TimeChange) { LCD_UpdateTime(Time, GPS); LCD_UpdateBattery(); } } void LCD_SysPage_Draw(void) { LCD_ClearDisplay(RGB565_WHITE); } void LCD_SysPage_Draw(uint32_t Time, GPS_Position *GPS) { LCD_SysPage_Draw(); LCD_UpdateTime(Time, GPS, 1); LCD_UpdateBattery(1); LCD_UpdateSys(1); } void LCD_SysPage_Update(uint32_t Time, GPS_Position *GPS, bool TimeChange, bool GPSchange) { if(TimeChange) { LCD_UpdateTime(Time, GPS); LCD_UpdateBattery(); } if(TimeChange) LCD_UpdateSys(); } void LCD_LookPage_Draw(void) { LCD_ClearDisplay(RGB565_WHITE); } void LCD_LookPage_Draw(uint32_t Time, GPS_Position *GPS) { LCD_LookPage_Draw(); LCD_UpdateTime(Time, GPS, 1); LCD_UpdateBattery(1); LCD_UpdateLookList(1); } void LCD_LookPage_Update(uint32_t Time, GPS_Position *GPS, bool TimeChange, bool GPSchange) { if(TimeChange) { LCD_UpdateTime(Time, GPS); LCD_UpdateBattery(); } if(GPSchange) LCD_UpdateLookList(); } void LCD_RelayPage_Draw(void) { LCD_ClearDisplay(RGB565_WHITE); } void LCD_RelayPage_Draw(uint32_t Time, GPS_Position *GPS) { LCD_RelayPage_Draw(); LCD_UpdateTime(Time, GPS, 1); LCD_UpdateBattery(1); LCD_UpdateRelayList(1); } void LCD_RelayPage_Update(uint32_t Time, GPS_Position *GPS, bool TimeChange, bool GPSchange) { if(TimeChange) { LCD_UpdateTime(Time, GPS); LCD_UpdateBattery(); } if(GPSchange) LCD_UpdateRelayList(); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #endif // ========================================================================================================================