#include #include "hal.h" #include "tcpip_adapter.h" #include "esp_wifi.h" #include "esp_event_loop.h" #include "format.h" #include "fifo.h" #include "socket.h" #include "proc.h" #include "wifi.h" // #define DEBUG_PRINT #ifdef WITH_AP DataServer PortServer; static FIFO AP_TxFIFO; static FIFO AP_RxFIFO; void AP_Write(char Byte) { AP_TxFIFO.Write(Byte); } static int AP_TxPush(size_t MaxLen=256) // transmit part of the TxFIFO to the TCP clients { char *Data; size_t Len=AP_TxFIFO.getReadBlock(Data); // see how much data is there in the queue for transmission if(Len==0) return 0; // if block is empty then give up if(Len>MaxLen) Len=MaxLen; // limit the block size int Ret=PortServer.Send(Data, Len); // write the block to the Stratux socket if(Ret<0) return -1; // if an error then give up AP_TxFIFO.flushReadBlock(Len); // remove the transmitted block from the FIFO return Len; } // return number of transmitted bytes extern "C" void vTaskAP(void* pvParameters) { esp_err_t Err; AP_TxFIFO.Clear(); AP_RxFIFO.Clear(); vTaskDelay(1000); WIFI_State.Flags=0; Err=WIFI_Init(); #ifdef DEBUG_PRINT xSemaphoreTake(CONS_Mutex, portMAX_DELAY); Format_String(CONS_UART_Write, "WIFI_Init() => "); if(Err>=ESP_ERR_WIFI_BASE) Err-=ESP_ERR_WIFI_BASE; Format_SignDec(CONS_UART_Write, Err); Format_String(CONS_UART_Write, "\n"); xSemaphoreGive(CONS_Mutex); #endif Err=WIFI_StartAP(Parameters.APname, Parameters.APpass); WIFI_setTxPower(Parameters.APtxPwr); WIFI_setPowerSave(1); Err=PortServer.Listen(Parameters.APport); #ifdef DEBUG_PRINT xSemaphoreTake(CONS_Mutex, portMAX_DELAY); Format_String(CONS_UART_Write, "PortServer.Listen() => "); Format_SignDec(CONS_UART_Write, Err); Format_String(CONS_UART_Write, "\n"); xSemaphoreGive(CONS_Mutex); #endif vTaskDelay(1000); for( ; ; ) // main (endless) loop { Err=AP_TxPush(); if(Err>0) { vTaskDelay(1); continue; } vTaskDelay(50); Err = PortServer.Accept(); #ifdef DEBUG_PRINT xSemaphoreTake(CONS_Mutex, portMAX_DELAY); Format_String(CONS_UART_Write, "PortServer.Accept() => "); Format_SignDec(CONS_UART_Write, Err); Format_String(CONS_UART_Write, "\n"); xSemaphoreGive(CONS_Mutex); #endif } } #endif // WITH_AP