#include "hal.h" #include "sens.h" #include "timesync.h" #include "parameters.h" #include "proc.h" #include "ctrl.h" #include "gps.h" #ifdef WITH_SDLOG #include "sdlog.h" #endif // #define DEBUG_PRINT #if defined(WITH_BMP180) || defined(WITH_BMP280) || defined(WITH_MS5607) || defined(WITH_BME280) || defined(WITH_MS5611) #ifdef WITH_BMP180 #include "bmp180.h" #endif #ifdef WITH_BMP280 #include "bmp280.h" #endif #ifdef WITH_BME280 #include "bme280.h" #endif #ifdef WITH_MS5607 #include "ms5607.h" #endif #ifdef WITH_MS5611 #include "ms5611.h" #endif #include "atmosphere.h" #include "slope.h" #include "lowpass2.h" #include "intmath.h" #include "fifo.h" // static const uint8_t VarioVolume = 2; // [0..3] static const uint16_t VarioBasePeriod = 800; // [ms] #if defined(WITH_BEEPER) && defined(WITH_VARIO) void VarioSound(int32_t ClimbRate) { uint8_t VarioVolume = KNOB_Tick>>1; if(VarioVolume>3) VarioVolume=3; // take vario volume from the user knob if(ClimbRate>=50) // if climb > 1/2 m/s { uint8_t Note=(ClimbRate-50)/50; // one semitone per 1/2 m/s if(Note>=0x0F) Note=0x0F; // stop at 15 thus 8 m/s uint16_t Period=(VarioBasePeriod+(Note>>1))/(1+Note); // beeping period Vario_Period=Period; Vario_Fill=Period>>1; // period shorter (faster beeping) with stronger climb Vario_Note = (VarioVolume<<6) | (0x10+Note); } // note to play: higher for stronger climb else if(ClimbRate<=(-100)) // if sink > 1 m/s { uint8_t Note=(-ClimbRate-100)/100; // one semitone per 1 m/s if(Note>=0x0B) Note=0x0B; // Vario_Period=VarioBasePeriod; Vario_Fill=VarioBasePeriod; // continues tone Vario_Note = (VarioVolume<<6) | (0x0B-Note); } // note to play: lower for stronger sink else // if climb less than 1/2 m/s or sink less than 1 m/s { Vario_Note=0x00; } // no sound } #endif // WITH_BEEPER #ifdef WITH_BMP180 BMP180 Baro; // BMP180 barometer sensor #endif #ifdef WITH_BMP280 BMP280 Baro; // BMP280 barometer sensor #endif #ifdef WITH_BME280 BME280 Baro; // BMP280 barometer sensor with humidity sensor #endif #ifdef WITH_MS5607 MS5607 Baro; // MS5607 barometer sensor #endif #ifdef WITH_MS5611 MS5611 Baro; // MS5611 barometer sensor #endif static uint32_t AverPress; // [ Pa] summed Pressure over several readouts static uint8_t AverCount; // [int] number of summed Pressure readouts static SlopePipe BaroPipe; // 4-point slope-fit pipe for pressure static LowPass2 BaroNoise; // low pass (average) filter for pressure noise static LowPass2 PressAver, // low pass (average) filter for pressure AltAver; // low pass (average) filter for GPS altitude static Delay PressDelay; // 4-second delay for long-term climb rate static char Line[96]; // line to prepare the barometer NMEA sentence static uint8_t InitBaro(void) { Baro.Bus=BARO_I2C; uint8_t Err=Baro.CheckID(); if(Err==0) Err=Baro.ReadCalib(); #ifdef WITH_BMP180 if(Err==0) Err=Baro.AcquireRawTemperature(); if(Err==0) { Baro.CalcTemperature(); AverPress=0; AverCount=0; } #endif #if defined(WITH_BMP280) || defined(WITH_MS5607) || defined(WITH_BME280) || defined(WITH_MS5611) if(Err==0) Err=Baro.Acquire(); if(Err==0) { Baro.Calculate(); } #endif // if(Err) LED_BAT_On(); return Err==0 ? Baro.ADDR:0; } static void ProcBaro(void) { static uint8_t PipeCount=0; int16_t Sec = 10*(TimeSync_Time()%60); // [0.1sec] uint16_t Phase = TimeSync_msTime(); // sync to the GPS PPS if(Phase>=500) { Sec+=10; vTaskDelay(1000-Phase); } // wait till start of the measuring period else { Sec+= 5; vTaskDelay( 500-Phase); } if(Sec>=600) Sec-=600; // [0.1sec] pressure measurement time #ifdef WITH_BMP180 TickType_t Start=xTaskGetTickCount(); uint8_t Err=Baro.AcquireRawTemperature(); // measure temperature if(Err==0) { Baro.CalcTemperature(); AverPress=0; AverCount=0; } // clear the average else { PipeCount=0; I2C_Restart(Baro.Bus); vTaskDelay(20); InitBaro(); // try to recover I2C bus and baro return; } TickType_t End=Start; for(uint8_t Idx=0; Idx<16; Idx++) { uint8_t Err=Baro.AcquireRawPressure(); // take pressure measurement if(Err==0) { Baro.CalcPressure(); AverPress+=Baro.Pressure; AverCount++; } // sum-up average pressure End=xTaskGetTickCount(); TickType_t Time = End-Start; if(Time>=200) break; } // but no longer than 250ms to fit into 0.5 second slot TickType_t MeasTick = Start + (End-Start)/2; if(AverCount==0) { PipeCount=0; return ; } // and we summed-up some measurements AverPress = ( (AverPress<<2) + (AverCount>>1) )/AverCount; // [0.25Pa]] make the average #ifdef DEBUG_PRINT xSemaphoreTake(CONS_Mutex, portMAX_DELAY); Format_String(CONS_UART_Write, "BMP180: "); Format_UnsDec(CONS_UART_Write, (AverPress+2)/4, 3, 2); Format_String(CONS_UART_Write, "hPa/"); Format_UnsDec(CONS_UART_Write, (uint16_t)AverCount); Format_String(CONS_UART_Write, "\n"); xSemaphoreGive(CONS_Mutex); #endif #endif #if defined(WITH_BMP280) || defined(WITH_MS5607) || defined(WITH_BME280) || defined(WITH_MS5611) TickType_t Start=xTaskGetTickCount(); uint8_t Err=Baro.Acquire(); TickType_t End=xTaskGetTickCount(); TickType_t MeasTick = Start + (End-Start)/2; if(Err==0) { Baro.Calculate(); } else { PipeCount=0; return; } AverPress = Baro.Pressure; Err=Baro.Acquire(); if(Err==0) { Baro.Calculate(); } else { PipeCount=0; return; } AverPress += Baro.Pressure; AverPress/=2; // [0.25Pa] #endif BaroPipe.Input(AverPress); // [0.25Pa] if(PipeCount<255) PipeCount++; // count data going to the slope fitting pipe if(PipeCount<4) return; BaroPipe.FitSlope(); // fit the average and slope from the four most recent pressure points int32_t PLR = Atmosphere::PressureLapseRate(((AverPress+2)>>2), Baro.Temperature); // [0.0001m/Pa] int32_t ClimbRate = (BaroPipe.Slope*PLR)/800; // [1/16Pa/0.5sec] * [0.0001m/Pa] x 800 => [0.01m/sec] BaroPipe.CalcNoise(); // calculate the noise (average square residue) uint32_t Noise=BaroNoise.Process(BaroPipe.Noise); // pass the noise through the low pass filter Noise=(IntSqrt(25*Noise)+64)>>7; // [0.1 Pa] noise (RMS) measured on the pressure int32_t Pressure=BaroPipe.Aver; // [1/16Pa] int32_t StdAltitude = Atmosphere::StdAltitude((Pressure+8)>>4); // [0.1 m] int32_t ClimbRate4sec = ((Pressure-PressDelay.Input(Pressure))*PLR)/3200; // [0.01m/sec] climb rate over 4 sec. #ifdef WITH_VARIO VarioSound(ClimbRate); // if(abs(ClimbRate4sec)>50) VarioSound(ClimbRate); // else VarioSound(2*ClimbRate4sec); #endif Pressure = (Pressure+2)>>2; // [0.25 Pa] if( (Phase>=500) && GPS_TimeSinceLock ) { PressAver.Process(Pressure); // [0.25 Pa] pass pressure through low pass filter AltAver.Process(GPS_Altitude); // [0.1 m] pass GPS altitude through same low pass filter } int32_t PressDiff=Pressure-((PressAver.Out+2048)>>12); // [0.25 Pa] pressure - int32_t AltDiff = (PressDiff*(PLR>>4))/250; // [0.1 m] int32_t Altitude=((AltAver.Out+2048)>>12)+AltDiff; // [0.1 m] uint32_t Time = TimeSync_Time(MeasTick); // effective time of the pressure measurement uint16_t msTime = TimeSync_msTime(MeasTick); uint8_t Frac = Sec%10; // [0.1s] // if(Frac==0) { // GPS_Position *PosPtr = GPS_getPosition(Sec/10); // get GPS position record for this second uint8_t BestIdx; int16_t BestRes; GPS_Position *PosPtr = GPS_getPosition(BestIdx, BestRes, Sec/10, (int16_t)100*Frac, 0); #ifdef DEBUG_PRINT xSemaphoreTake(CONS_Mutex, portMAX_DELAY); Format_String(CONS_UART_Write, "ProcBaro: "); Format_UnsDec(CONS_UART_Write, (uint16_t)Sec, 3, 1); Format_String(CONS_UART_Write, "s -> GPS: "); if(PosPtr) { Format_UnsDec(CONS_UART_Write, (uint16_t)PosPtr->Sec, 2); CONS_UART_Write('.'); Format_UnsDec(CONS_UART_Write, (uint16_t)PosPtr->mSec, 3); CONS_UART_Write('s'); } Format_String(CONS_UART_Write, " => "); Format_SignDec(CONS_UART_Write, BestRes, 4, 3); Format_String(CONS_UART_Write, "s\n"); xSemaphoreGive(CONS_Mutex); #endif if(PosPtr && abs(BestRes)<=250) // if found and small time error { PosPtr->Pressure = Pressure; // [0.25Pa] PosPtr->StdAltitude = StdAltitude; // store standard pressure altitude PosPtr->ClimbRate = ClimbRate/10; // [0.1m/s] PosPtr->Temperature = Baro.Temperature; // and temperature in the GPS record #ifdef WITH_BME280 if(Baro.hasHumidity()) { PosPtr->Humidity = Baro.Humidity; // PosPtr->hasHum=1; } #endif PosPtr->hasBaro=1; } // tick "hasBaro" flag } uint8_t Len=0; // start preparing the barometer NMEA sentence Len+=Format_String(Line+Len, "$POGNB,"); Len+=Format_UnsDec(Line+Len, Time%60, 2); Line[Len++]='.'; Len+=Format_UnsDec(Line+Len, msTime/10, 2); // Len+=Format_UnsDec(Line+Len, Sec, 3, 1); // [sec] measurement time Line[Len++]=','; Len+=Format_SignDec(Line+Len, Baro.Temperature, 2, 1); // [degC] temperature Line[Len++]=','; Len+=Format_UnsDec(Line+Len, (uint32_t)(10*Pressure+2)>>2, 2, 1); // [Pa] pressure Line[Len++]=','; Len+=Format_UnsDec(Line+Len, Noise, 2, 1); // [Pa] pressure noise Line[Len++]=','; Len+=Format_SignDec(Line+Len, StdAltitude, 2, 1); // [m] standard altitude (calc. from pressure) Line[Len++]=','; Len+=Format_SignDec(Line+Len, Altitude, 2, 1); // [m] altitude (from cross-calc. with the GPS) Line[Len++]=','; Len+=Format_SignDec(Line+Len, ClimbRate, 3, 2); // [m/s] climb rate Line[Len++]=','; #ifdef WITH_BME280 if(Baro.hasHumidity()) { Len+=Format_SignDec(Line+Len, Baro.Humidity, 3, 1); // [%] relative humidity Line[Len++]=','; } #endif Len+=NMEA_AppendCheckCRNL(Line, Len); if(Parameters.Verbose) { xSemaphoreTake(CONS_Mutex, portMAX_DELAY); Format_String(CONS_UART_Write, Line, 0, Len); // send NMEA sentence to the console (UART1) xSemaphoreGive(CONS_Mutex); } #ifdef WITH_SDLOG if(Log_Free()>=128) { xSemaphoreTake(Log_Mutex, portMAX_DELAY); Format_String(Log_Write, Line, 0, Len); // send NMEA sentence to the log file xSemaphoreGive(Log_Mutex); } #endif Len=0; // start preparing the PGRMZ NMEA sentence Len+=Format_String(Line+Len, "$PGRMZ,"); int32_t StdFeet=(StdAltitude*3360+512)>>10; Len+=Format_SignDec(Line+Len, StdFeet/10, 1, 0, 1); // [feet] standard altitude (calc. from pressure) Line[Len++]=','; Len+=Format_String(Line+Len, "f,"); // normally f for feet, but metres and m works with XcSoar Len+=Format_String(Line+Len, "3"); // 1 no fix, 2 - 2D, 3 - 3D; assume 3D for now Len+=NMEA_AppendCheckCRNL(Line, Len); if(Parameters.Verbose) { xSemaphoreTake(CONS_Mutex, portMAX_DELAY); Format_String(CONS_UART_Write, Line, 0, Len); // send NMEA sentence to the console (UART1) xSemaphoreGive(CONS_Mutex); } #ifdef WITH_SDLOG if(Log_Free()>=128) { xSemaphoreTake(Log_Mutex, portMAX_DELAY); Format_String(Log_Write, Line, 0, Len); // send NMEA sentence to the log file xSemaphoreGive(Log_Mutex); } #endif Len=0; Len+=Format_String(Line+Len, "$LK8EX1,"); Len+=Format_UnsDec(Line+Len, (uint32_t)(Pressure+2)>>2); // [Pa] pressure Line[Len++]=','; Len+=Format_SignDec(Line+Len, (StdAltitude+5)/10); // [m] standard altitude (calc. from pressure) Line[Len++]=','; Len+=Format_SignDec(Line+Len, ClimbRate); // [cm/s] climb rate Line[Len++]=','; Len+=Format_SignDec(Line+Len, (Baro.Temperature+5)/10); // [degC] temperature Line[Len++]=','; Len+=Format_UnsDec(Line+Len, (BatteryVoltage+128)>>8, 4, 3); // [mV] Battery voltage // Len+=Format_String(Line+Len, "999"); // [%] battery level Len+=NMEA_AppendCheckCRNL(Line, Len); if(Parameters.Verbose) { xSemaphoreTake(CONS_Mutex, portMAX_DELAY); Format_String(CONS_UART_Write, Line, 0, Len); // send NMEA sentence to the console (UART1) xSemaphoreGive(CONS_Mutex); } #ifdef WITH_SDLOG if(Log_Free()>=128) { xSemaphoreTake(Log_Mutex, portMAX_DELAY); Format_String(Log_Write, Line, 0, Len); // send NMEA sentence to the log file xSemaphoreGive(Log_Mutex); } #endif } #endif // WITH_BMP180/BMP280/BME280 extern "C" void vTaskSENS(void* pvParameters) { vTaskDelay(20); // this delay seems to be essential - if you don't wait long enough, the BMP180 won't respond properly. // #ifdef WITH_BEEPER // VarioSound(0); // #endif #if defined(WITH_BMP180) || defined(WITH_BMP280) || defined(WITH_MS5607) || defined(WITH_BME280) || defined(WITH_MS5611) BaroPipe.Clear (4*90000); BaroNoise.Set(12*16); // guess the pressure noise level // initialize the GPS<->Baro correlator AltAver.Set(0); // [m] Altitude at sea level PressAver.Set(4*101300); // [Pa] Pressure at sea level PressDelay.Clear(4*101300); uint8_t Detected = InitBaro(); #endif xSemaphoreTake(CONS_Mutex, portMAX_DELAY); Format_String(CONS_UART_Write, "TaskSENS:"); #ifdef WITH_BMP180 Format_String(CONS_UART_Write, " BMP180: "); if(Detected) { Format_String(CONS_UART_Write, " @"); Format_Hex(CONS_UART_Write, Detected); } else Format_String(CONS_UART_Write, " ?!"); #endif #ifdef WITH_BMP280 Format_String(CONS_UART_Write, " BMP280: "); if(Detected) { Format_String(CONS_UART_Write, " @"); Format_Hex(CONS_UART_Write, Detected); } else Format_String(CONS_UART_Write, " ?!"); #endif #ifdef WITH_BME280 Format_String(CONS_UART_Write, " BME280: "); if(Detected) { Format_String(CONS_UART_Write, " @"); Format_Hex(CONS_UART_Write, Detected); } else Format_String(CONS_UART_Write, " ?!"); #endif #ifdef WITH_MS5607 Format_String(CONS_UART_Write, " MS5607: "); if(Detected) { Format_String(CONS_UART_Write, " @"); Format_Hex(CONS_UART_Write, Detected); } else Format_String(CONS_UART_Write, " ?!"); #endif #ifdef WITH_MS5611 Format_String(CONS_UART_Write, " MS5611: "); if(Detected) { Format_String(CONS_UART_Write, " @"); Format_Hex(CONS_UART_Write, Detected); } else Format_String(CONS_UART_Write, " ?!"); #endif Format_String(CONS_UART_Write, "\n"); xSemaphoreGive(CONS_Mutex); while(1) { #if defined(WITH_BMP180) || defined(WITH_BMP280) || defined(WITH_MS5607) || defined(WITH_BME280) || defined(WITH_MS5611) if(PowerMode) ProcBaro(); else vTaskDelay(100); #else vTaskDelay(1000); #endif } }