#include #include #include #include #include #include "esp_system.h" // #include "esp_sleep.h" #include "hal.h" #include "sens.h" #include "rf.h" #include "ctrl.h" #include "proc.h" #include "log.h" #include "gps.h" #include "ubx.h" #include "timesync.h" #include "format.h" #include "disp_oled.h" #include "disp_lcd.h" #ifdef WITH_U8G2_OLED const uint8_t DISP_Pages = 12; static uint8_t DISP_Page = 0; #endif #if defined(WITH_ST7789) || defined(WITH_ILI9341) const uint8_t DISP_Pages = 9; static uint8_t DISP_Page = 0; #endif extern "C" void vTaskDISP(void* pvParameters) { #ifdef WITH_U8G2_OLED u8g2_ClearBuffer(&U8G2_OLED); OLED_DrawLogo(&U8G2_OLED); // draw logo u8g2_SendBuffer(&U8G2_OLED); vTaskDelay(2000); // allow 2sec for the user to see the logo DISP_Page = Parameters.InitialPage; #endif #if defined(WITH_ST7789) || defined(WITH_ILI9341) // LCD_Start(); LCD_LogoPage_Draw(); LCD_SetBacklightLevel(6); // backlight level #endif uint32_t PrevTime=0; GPS_Position *PrevGPS=0; for( ; ; ) // { #if defined(WITH_ST7789) || defined(WITH_ILI9341) if(PowerMode==0) { vTaskDelay(200); LCD_SetBacklightLevel(0); continue; } #endif #ifdef WITH_U8G2_OLED if(PowerMode==0) { vTaskDelay(200); /* u8g2_SetPowerSave(&U8G2_OLED, 1); */ continue; } #endif vTaskDelay(1); // bool PageChange = 0; uint8_t Key = 0; KeyBuffer.Read(Key); // read key pressed from the buffer // if(Key) PageChange=1; // page-change on any key uint32_t Time=TimeSync_Time(); bool TimeChange = Time!=PrevTime; // did time change = a new second ? uint32_t Sec = (Time-1)%60; GPS_Position *GPS = GPS_getPosition(Sec); bool GPSchange = GPS!=PrevGPS; // did GPS data change = new position ? if(Key==0) // { if( (!TimeChange) && (!GPSchange) ) continue; PrevTime=Time; PrevGPS=GPS; } #if defined(WITH_U8G2_OLED) || defined(WITH_ST7789) || defined(WITH_ILI9341) if(Key) { if(Key&0x40) { if(DISP_Page==0) DISP_Page=DISP_Pages-1; else DISP_Page--; } else { DISP_Page++; if(DISP_Page>=DISP_Pages) DISP_Page=0; } PageChange=1; } #endif #if defined(WITH_ST7789) || defined(WITH_ILI9341) static uint8_t LCD_Backlight = 8*16+8; const uint8_t LCD_BacklightLimit=4*16+8; // lower limit for the backlight #ifdef WITH_AXP uint16_t Vbus=AXP.readVbusVoltage(); // external supply (USB) voltage if(PageChange || Vbus>=4000) LCD_Backlight=8*16+8; // high backlight on page-change or when charging #else if(PageChange) LCD_Backlight=8*16+8; // high backlight on page change #endif switch(DISP_Page) { case 0: if(PageChange) LCD_LogoPage_Draw(Time, GPS); // logo with basic information LCD_LogoPage_Update(Time, GPS, TimeChange, GPSchange); break; case 1: if(PageChange) LCD_GPSpage_Draw(Time, GPS); // GPS data LCD_GPSpage_Update(Time, GPS, TimeChange, GPSchange); break; case 2: if(PageChange) LCD_RFpage_Draw(Time, GPS); // RF data LCD_RFpage_Update(Time, GPS, TimeChange, GPSchange); break; case 3: if(PageChange) LCD_BaroPage_Draw(Time, GPS); // Baro data LCD_BaroPage_Update(Time, GPS, TimeChange, GPSchange); break; case 4: if(PageChange) LCD_BattPage_Draw(Time, GPS); // Battery LCD_BattPage_Update(Time, GPS, TimeChange, GPSchange); break; case 5: if(PageChange) LCD_ParmPage_Draw(Time, GPS); // ID and parameters LCD_ParmPage_Update(Time, GPS, TimeChange, GPSchange); break; case 6: if(PageChange) LCD_RelayPage_Draw(Time, GPS); // RELAY list LCD_RelayPage_Update(Time, GPS, TimeChange, GPSchange); break; case 7: if(PageChange) LCD_LookPage_Draw(Time, GPS); // Look targets LCD_LookPage_Update(Time, GPS, TimeChange, GPSchange); break; case 8: if(PageChange) LCD_SysPage_Draw(Time, GPS); // System overview LCD_SysPage_Update(Time, GPS, TimeChange, GPSchange); break; } if(TimeChange) // on each new second { LCD_SetBacklightLevel(LCD_Backlight/16); // if(LCD_Backlight>LCD_BacklightLimit) LCD_Backlight--; } // reduce backlight a lttle if above minimum #endif // if WITH_ST7789 or WITH_ILI9341 #ifdef WITH_OLED // if(Button_SleepRequest) // { OLED_DisplayON(0); } // else { esp_err_t StatErr=ESP_OK; esp_err_t PosErr=ESP_OK; if(TimeChange) { StatErr = OLED_DisplayStatus(Time, 0); } if(GPSchange) { PosErr = OLED_DisplayPosition(GPS, 2); } } #endif // WITH_OLED #ifdef DEBUG_PRINT xSemaphoreTake(CONS_Mutex, portMAX_DELAY); if(TimeChange) { Format_String(CONS_UART_Write, "TimeChange: "); // Format_SignDec(CONS_UART_Write, StatErr); Format_String(CONS_UART_Write, "\n"); } if(GPSchange) { Format_String(CONS_UART_Write, "GPSchange: "); // Format_SignDec(CONS_UART_Write, PosErr); Format_String(CONS_UART_Write, "\n"); } xSemaphoreGive(CONS_Mutex); #endif #ifdef WITH_U8G2_OLED // if(Button_SleepRequest) // { u8g2_SetPowerSave(&U8G2_OLED, 0); } // else if(PageChange || ( GPS?GPSchange:TimeChange) ) { u8g2_ClearBuffer(&U8G2_OLED); // #ifdef WITH_LOOKOUT // if(Look.WarnLevel) // { OLED_DrawTrafWarn(&U8G2_OLED, GPS); } // else // #endif // skip not enabled pages if(Parameters.PageMask) { while( ((Parameters.PageMask>>DISP_Page)&1) == 0 ) { DISP_Page++; if(DISP_Page>=DISP_Pages) DISP_Page=0; } } #ifdef DEBUG_PRINT xSemaphoreTake(CONS_Mutex, portMAX_DELAY); Format_String(CONS_UART_Write, "DISP_Page: "); Format_Hex(CONS_UART_Write, DISP_Page); Format_String(CONS_UART_Write, "\n"); xSemaphoreGive(CONS_Mutex); #endif { switch(DISP_Page) { case 0: OLED_DrawID (&U8G2_OLED, GPS); break; case 1: OLED_DrawGPS (&U8G2_OLED, GPS); break; case 2: OLED_DrawRF (&U8G2_OLED, GPS); break; case 3: OLED_DrawBaro (&U8G2_OLED, GPS); break; case 4: OLED_DrawSystem (&U8G2_OLED, GPS); break; case 5: OLED_DrawBattery (&U8G2_OLED, GPS); break; case 6: OLED_DrawAltitudeAndSpeed (&U8G2_OLED, GPS); break; case 7: OLED_DrawRelay (&U8G2_OLED, GPS); break; case 8: OLED_DrawLookout (&U8G2_OLED, GPS); break; case 9: OLED_DrawTrafWarn (&U8G2_OLED, GPS); break; case 10: OLED_DrawFlight (&U8G2_OLED, GPS); break; case 11: OLED_DrawLoRaWAN (&U8G2_OLED, GPS); break; } } //if ( DISP_Page != 6 ) OLED_DrawStatusBar(&U8G2_OLED, GPS); u8g2_SendBuffer(&U8G2_OLED); } #endif } }