#ifndef __LORAWAN_H__ #define __LORAWAN_H__ #include #ifdef WITH_ESP32 #include "nvs.h" #endif #include "LoRaMacCrypto.h" #include "rfm.h" class LoRaWANnode { public: static const uint8_t Chans=8; uint64_t AppEUI; // from application registration: Application identification uint8_t AppKey[16]; // from device registration: application encryption/decryption key uint64_t DevEUI; // Device identification (MAC) uint32_t DevNonce; // unique counter kept by the device for Join-Requests uint8_t NetSesKey[16]; // from Join-Accept: Network Session Key uint8_t AppSesKey[16]; // from Join-Accept: App Session Key uint32_t JoinNonce; // from Join-Accept: unique must not be reused uint32_t HomeNetID; // from Join-Accept: Home Network ID uint32_t DevAddr; // from Join-Accept: Device Address uint8_t DLsetting; // from Join-Accept: DownLink configuration: OptNeg | RX1DRoffset | RX2 data rate uint8_t RxDelay; // from Join-Accept: uint8_t State; // 0:disconencted, 1:join-request sent, 2:join-accept received uint8_t Chan; // [0..7] Current channel being used uint32_t UpCount; // [seq] Uplink frame counter: reset when joining the network uint32_t DnCount; // [seq] Downlink frame counter: reset when joining the network uint32_t TxCount; // [packets] transmitted to the network uint32_t LastTx; // [sec] last transmission uint32_t RxCount; // [packets] received from the network uint32_t LastRx; // [sec] when last heard from the network uint8_t RxSNR; // SNR on receive int8_t RxRSSI; // [dBm] signal strength union { uint8_t Flags; struct { bool RxACK :1; // received ACK bool TxACK :1; // ACK to be transmitted bool RxPend:1; // more frames pending for reception } ; } ; uint8_t Spare; uint8_t Packet[40]; // generic packet for storage/processing public: LoRaWANnode() { Reset(); } void Reset(void) { State=0; DevNonce=0; JoinNonce=0; LastTx=0; TxCount=0; LastRx=0; RxCount=0; Flags=0; } void Reset(uint64_t MAC, uint8_t *AppKey=0) { AppEUI=0x70B3D57ED0035895; DevEUI=MAC; if(AppKey) memcpy(this->AppKey, AppKey, 16); Reset(); } uint8_t incrChan(uint8_t Step=1) { Chan+=Step; if(Chan>=Chans) Chan-=Chans; return Chan; } int Save(FILE *File) { return fwrite(this, sizeof(LoRaWANnode), 1, File); } int Save(const char *FileName) { FILE *File=fopen(FileName, "wb"); if(File==0) return 0; int Written=Save(File); fclose(File); return Written; } int Restore(FILE *File) { return fread(this, sizeof(LoRaWANnode), 1, File); } int Restore(const char *FileName) { FILE *File=fopen(FileName, "rb"); if(File==0) return 0; int Read=Restore(File); fclose(File); return Read; } static int ReadHex(uint8_t *Data, int Len, const char *Inp) { int Bytes=0; for( ; Bytes static Type readInt(const uint8_t *Inp, int Len=sizeof(Type)) { int Idx=Len-1; Type Value = Inp[Idx]; for( ; Idx>0; ) { Idx--; Value<<=8; Value|=Inp[Idx]; } return Value; } template static int writeInt(uint8_t *Out, Type Value, int Len=sizeof(Type), bool Rev=0) { if(Rev) { for( int Idx=Len; Idx>0; ) { Out[--Idx] = Value; Value>>=8; } } else { for(int Idx=0; Idx>=8; } } return Len; } int getJoinRequest(uint8_t *Req) { Req[0] = 0x00; // MHDR, Join-Request: 000 000 00 memcpy(Req+1, &AppEUI, 8); // memcpy(Req+9, &DevEUI, 8); Req[17] = DevNonce; Req[18] = DevNonce>>8; uint32_t MIC=0; LoRaMacJoinComputeMic(Req, 19, AppKey, &MIC); // compute MIC memcpy(Req+19, &MIC, 4); // append MIC State=1; // State: Join-Request sent return 23; } // 23 bytes packet length int getJoinRequest(uint8_t **Req) { int Len=getJoinRequest(Packet); *Req = Packet; return Len; } int procJoinAccept(const RFM_LoRa_RxPacket &RxPacket) { int Ret=procJoinAccept(RxPacket.Byte, RxPacket.Len); if(Ret<0) return Ret; RxSNR = RxPacket.SNR; RxRSSI = RxPacket.RSSI; return Ret; } int procJoinAccept(const uint8_t *PktData, int PktLen) { if(PktLen<13) return -1; uint8_t Type = PktData[0]>>5; if(Type!=1) return -1; Packet[0] = PktData[0]; LoRaMacJoinDecrypt(PktData+1, PktLen-1, AppKey, Packet+1); // decrypt the Join-Accept packet uint32_t MIC=0; LoRaMacJoinComputeMic(Packet, PktLen-4, AppKey, &MIC); // Compute MIC if(memcmp( Packet+PktLen-4, &MIC, 4)) return -1; // Compare with the packet LoRaMacJoinComputeSKeys(AppKey, Packet+1, DevNonce, NetSesKey, AppSesKey); // derive Network Session and Application Session keys JoinNonce = readInt(Packet+1, 3); // this should be not smaller than the previous one HomeNetID = readInt(Packet+4, 3); DevAddr = readInt(Packet+7, 4); DLsetting = Packet[11]; RxDelay = Packet[12]; State = 2; // State = accepted on network UpCount = 0; DnCount = 0; #ifdef WITH_PRINTF printf("Accept[%d] ", PktLen-4); for(int Idx=0; Idx %02X%02X%02X%02X\n", MIC, MIC2[3], MIC2[2], MIC2[1], MIC2[0]); memcpy(Packet+PktLen, &MIC, 4); PktLen+=4; // append MIC UpCount++; return PktLen; } int getDataPacket(uint8_t **Pkt, const uint8_t *Data, int DataLen, uint8_t Port=1, bool Confirm=0) { int Len=getDataPacket(Packet, Data, DataLen, Port, Confirm); *Pkt = Packet; return Len; } int procRxData(const RFM_LoRa_RxPacket &RxPacket) { int Ret=procRxData(RxPacket.Byte, RxPacket.Len); if(Ret<0) return Ret; RxSNR += (RxPacket.SNR-RxSNR+1)/2; RxRSSI += (RxPacket.RSSI-RxRSSI+1)/2; return Ret; } int procRxData(const uint8_t *PktData, int PktLen) { if(PktLen<12) return -1; uint8_t Type = PktData[0]>>5; if(Type!=3 && Type!=5) return -1; uint32_t Addr=readInt(PktData+1, 4); if(Addr!=DevAddr) return 0; uint8_t Ctrl = PktData[5]; // Frame control: ADR | RFU | ACK | FPending | FOptLen[4] uint32_t Count=readInt(PktData+6, 2); // Count |= DnCount&0xFFFF0000; int16_t CountDiff = Count-DnCount; // if(CountDiff<=0) return -1; // attempt to reuse the counter: drop this packet // if(Diff<=(-0x4000)) Count+=0x10000; // else if(Diff>0x4000) Count-=0x10000; // printf("RxData: %08X\n", Count); uint32_t MIC=0; LoRaMacComputeMic(PktData, PktLen-4, NetSesKey, Addr, 0x01, Count, &MIC); // printf("RxData: %08X\n", MIC); if(memcmp(PktData+PktLen-4, &MIC, 4)) return -1; // give up if MIC does not match // if(Count==DnCount) return 0; uint8_t DataOfs = 8 + (Ctrl&0x0F); // where the port byte should be uint8_t DataLen = PktLen-DataOfs-4; // number of bytes of the user data field if(DataLen) // if non-zero { Packet[0] = PktData[DataOfs]; // copy port number LoRaMacPayloadDecrypt(PktData+DataOfs+1, DataLen-1, AppSesKey, Addr, 0x01, Count, Packet+1); } // decrypt and copy the user data #ifdef WITH_PRINTF printf("RxData: [%d] ", DataLen); for(int Idx=0; Idx