#ifndef __ADSL_H__ #define __ADSL_H__ #include #include // #include // #include "radiodemod.h" // #include "intmath.h" #include "ognconv.h" #include "bitcount.h" // #include "format.h" // #include "crc1021.h" class ADSL_Packet { public: const static uint8_t TxBytes = 27; // including SYNC, Length, actual packet content (1+20 bytes) and 3-byte CRC const static uint8_t SYNC1 = 0x72; // two SYNC bytes - Lemgth byte can be considered the 3rd SYNC byte as it is fixed const static uint8_t SYNC2 = 0x4B; uint8_t SYNC[2]; // two bytes for correct alignment: can contain the last two SYNC bytes uint8_t Length; // [bytes] packet length = 24 = 0x18 (excluding length but including the 24-bit CRC) uint8_t Version; // Version[4]/Sigmature[1]/Key[2]/Reserved[1] union { uint32_t Word[5]; // this part to be scrambled/encrypted, is aligned to 32-bit struct // this is aligned to 32-bit { uint8_t Type; // 2=iConspicuity, bit #7 = Unicast uint8_t Address [4]; // Address[30]/Reserved[1]/RelayForward[1] (not aligned to 32-bit !) union { uint8_t Meta [2]; // Time[6]/Cat[5]/Emerg[3]/FlightState[2] struct { uint8_t TimeStamp :6; // [0.25sec] uint8_t FlightState :2; // 0=unknown, 1=ground, 2=airborne uint8_t AcftCat :5; // 1=light, 2=small-heavy, 3=heli, 4=glider, 5=baloon/airship, 6=para/hang-glider, 7=skydiver, uint8_t Emergency :3; // 1=OK } ; } ; uint8_t Position[11]; // Lat[24]/Lon[24]/Speed[8]/Alt[14]/Climb[9]/Track[9] union { uint8_t Integrity[2]; // SourceInteg[2]/DesignAssurance[2]/NavigationIntegrity[4]/NorizAccuracy[3]/VertAccuracy[2]/ValocityAccuracy[2]/Reserved[1] struct { uint8_t SourceIntegrity:2; // 3=1e-7/h, 2=1e-5/h, 1=1e-3/h uint8_t DesignAssurance:2; // 3=B, 2=C, 1=D uint8_t NavigIntegrity :4; // 12=7.5m, 11=25m, 10=75m uint8_t HorizAccuracy :3; // 7=3m, 6=10m, 5=30m uint8_t VertAccuracy :2; // 3=15m, 2=45m, 1=150m uint8_t VelAccuracy :2; // 3=1m/s 2=3m/s 3=10m/s uint8_t Reserved :1; // } ; } ; } ; } ; uint8_t CRC[3]; // 24-bit (is aligned to 32-bit) // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- public: void Init(void) { SYNC[0]=SYNC1; SYNC[1]=SYNC2; Length=TxBytes-3; Version=0x00; for(int Idx=0; Idx<5; Idx++) Word[Idx]=0; Type=0x02; } void Print(void) const { printf(" v%02X %4.1fs: %02X:%06X [%+09.5f,%+010.5f]deg %dm %+4.1fm/s %05.1fdeg %3.1fm/s\n", Version, 0.25*TimeStamp, getAddrTable(), getAddress(), FNTtoFloat(getLat()), FNTtoFloat(getLon()), getAlt(), 0.125*getClimb(), (45.0/0x40)*getTrack(), 0.25*getSpeed()); } int Print(char *Out) const { return sprintf(Out, "%02X:%06X %4.1fs [%+09.5f,%+010.5f]deg %dm %+4.1fm/s %05.1fdeg %3.1fm/s", getAddrTable(), getAddress(), 0.25*TimeStamp, FNTtoFloat(getLat()), FNTtoFloat(getLon()), getAlt(), 0.125*getClimb(), (45.0/0x40)*getTrack(), 0.25*getSpeed()); } /* uint32_t getAddress(void) const { return get3bytes(Address); } uint8_t getAddrTable(void) const { return Address[3]&0x3F; } void setAddress(uint32_t Addr) { set3bytes(Address, Addr); } void setAddrTable(uint8_t Table) { Address[3] = (Address[3]&0xC0) | Table; } */ uint8_t getRelay(void) const { return Address[3]&0x80; } void setRelay(uint8_t Relay) { Address[3] = (Address[3]&0x7F) | (Relay<<7); } static uint32_t get3bytes(const uint8_t *Byte) { int32_t Word=Byte[2]; Word<<=8; Word|=Byte[1]; Word<<=8; Word|=Byte[0]; return Word; } static void set3bytes(uint8_t *Byte, uint32_t Word) { Byte[0]=Word; Byte[1]=Word>>8; Byte[2]=Word>>16; } static uint32_t get4bytes(const uint8_t *Byte) { uint32_t A = Byte[0]; uint32_t B = Byte[1]; uint32_t C = Byte[2]; uint32_t D = Byte[3]; return A | (B<<8) | (C<<16) | (D<<24); } // { uint32_t Word =Byte[3]; Word<<=8; // Word|=Byte[2]; Word<<=8; // Word|=Byte[1]; Word<<=8; // Word|=Byte[0]; // return Word; } static void set4bytes(uint8_t *Byte, uint32_t Word) { Byte[0]=Word; Byte[1]=Word>>8; Byte[2]=Word>>16; Byte[3]=Word>>24; } uint32_t getAddress(void) const { uint32_t Addr = get4bytes(Address); return (Addr>>6)&0x00FFFFFF; } void setAddress(uint32_t NewAddr) { uint32_t Addr = get4bytes(Address); Addr = (Addr&0xC000003F) | (NewAddr<<6); set4bytes(Address, Addr); } uint8_t getAddrTable(void) const { return Address[0]&0x3F; } void setAddrTable(uint8_t Table) { Address[0] = (Address[0]&0xC0) | Table; } uint8_t getAddrTypeOGN(void) const { uint8_t Table=getAddrTable(); if(Table==0x05) return 1; // ICAO if(Table==0x06) return 2; // FLARM if(Table==0x07) return 3; // OGN if(Table==0x08) return 2; // FANET => FLARM ? return 0; } void setAddrTypeOGN(uint8_t AddrType) { if(AddrType==0) setAddrTable(0); else setAddrTable(AddrType+4); } void setAcftTypeOGN(uint8_t AcftType) // set OGN aircraft-type { const uint8_t Map[16] = { 0, 4, 1, 3, // unknown, glider, tow-plane, helicopter 8, 1, 7, 7, // sky-diver, drop plane, hang-glider, para-glider 1, 2, 0, 5, // motor airplane, jet, UFO, balloon 5,11, 0, 0 } ; // airship, UAV, ground vehicle, static object if(AcftType<16) AcftCat=Map[AcftType]; else AcftCat=0; } uint8_t getAcftTypeOGN(void) const // get OGN aircraft-type { const uint8_t Map[32] = { 0, 8, 9, 3, 1,12, 2, 7, 4,13, 3,13,13,13, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 } ; return Map[AcftCat]; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- uint32_t getTime(uint16_t &msTime, uint32_t RefTime, int FwdMargin=3) const { msTime=250*(TimeStamp&3); if(TimeStamp>=60) return 0; int Sec=RefTime%15; int DiffSec=(TimeStamp>>2)-Sec; if(DiffSec>FwdMargin) DiffSec-=15; else if(DiffSec<=(-15+FwdMargin)) DiffSec+=15; return RefTime+DiffSec; } // get out the correct position timestamp uint8_t getHorAccur(void) const { const uint8_t Map[8] = { 63, 63, 63, 63, 63, 30, 10, 3 } ; return Map[HorizAccuracy]; } void setHorAccur(uint8_t Prec) { if(Prec<= 3) HorizAccuracy=7; else if(Prec<=10) HorizAccuracy=6; else if(Prec<=30) HorizAccuracy=5; else HorizAccuracy=4; VelAccuracy = HorizAccuracy-4; } uint8_t getVerAccur(void) const // [m] vertical accuracy { const uint8_t Map[8] = { 63, 63, 45, 15 } ; return Map[VertAccuracy]; } void setVerAccur(uint8_t Prec) { if(Prec<=15) HorizAccuracy=3; else if(Prec<=45) HorizAccuracy=2; else HorizAccuracy=1; } static int32_t FNTtoOGN(int32_t Coord) { return ((int64_t)Coord*27000219 +(1<<28))>>29; } // [FANET cordic] => [0.0001/60 deg] static int32_t OGNtoFNT(int32_t Coord) { return ((int64_t)Coord*83399317 +(1<<21))>>22; } // [0.0001/60 deg] => [FANET cordic] static int32_t FNTtoUBX(int32_t Coord) { return ((int64_t)Coord*900007296+(1<<29))>>30; } // [FANET-cordic ] => [1e-7 deg] static int32_t UBXtoFNT(int32_t Coord) { return ((int64_t)Coord*5003959 +(1<<21))>>22; } // [1e-7 deg] => [FANET cordic] static float FNTtoFloat(int32_t Coord) // convert from FANET cordic units to float degrees { const float Conv = 90.0007295677/0x40000000; // FANET cordic conversion factor (not exactly cordic) return Conv*Coord; } int32_t getLatOGN(void) const { return FNTtoOGN(getLat()); } int32_t getLonOGN(void) const { return FNTtoOGN(getLon()); } int32_t getLatUBX(void) const { return FNTtoUBX(getLat()); } int32_t getLonUBX(void) const { return FNTtoUBX(getLon()); } int32_t getLat(void) const { int32_t Lat=get3bytes(Position ); Lat<<=8; Lat>>=1; return Lat; } // FANET-cordic int32_t getLon(void) const { int32_t Lon=get3bytes(Position+3); Lon<<=8; return Lon; } // FANET-cordic void setLatOGN(int32_t Lat) { setLat(OGNtoFNT(Lat)); } void setLonOGN(int32_t Lon) { setLon(OGNtoFNT(Lon)); } void setLat(int32_t Lat) { Lat = (Lat+0x40)>>7; set3bytes(Position , Lat); } // FANET-cordic void setLon(int32_t Lon) { Lon = (Lon+0x80)>>8; set3bytes(Position+3, Lon); } // FANET-cordic uint16_t getSpeed(void) const { return UnsVRdecode(Position[6]); } // [0.25 m/s] void setSpeed(uint16_t Speed) { Position[6] = UnsVRencode(Speed); } // [0.25 m/s] int32_t getAlt(void) const // [m] { int32_t Word=Position[8]&0x3F; Word<<=8; Word|=Position[7]; return UnsVRdecode(Word)-316; } void setAlt(int32_t Alt) { Alt+=316; if(Alt<0) Alt=0; int32_t Word=UnsVRencode(Alt); Position[7]=Word; Position[8] = (Position[8]&0xC0) | (Word>>8); } int16_t getClimbWord(void) const // { int16_t Word=Position[9]&0x7F; Word<<=2; Word|=Position[8]>>6; return Word; } int16_t getClimb(void) const // [0.125 m/s] { return SignVRdecode(getClimbWord()); } void setClimb(int16_t Climb) // [0.125 m/s] { setClimbWord(SignVRencode(Climb)); } void setClimbWord(int16_t Word) { Position[8] = (Position[8]&0x3F) | ((Word&0x03)<<6); Position[9] = (Position[9]&0x80) | (Word>>2); } bool hasClimb(void) { return getClimbWord()!=0x100; } // climb-rate present or absent void clrClimb(void) { setClimbWord(0x100); } // declare climb-rate as absent uint16_t getTrack(void) const // 9-bit cordic { int16_t Word=Position[10]; Word<<=1; Word|=Position[9]>>7; return Word; } void setTrack(int16_t Word) { Position[9] = (Position[9]&0x7F) | ((Word&0x01)<<7); Position[10] = Word>>1; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // calculate distance vector [LatDist, LonDist] from a given reference [RefLat, Reflon] int calcDistanceVectorOGN(int32_t &LatDist, int32_t &LonDist, int32_t RefLat, int32_t RefLon, uint16_t LatCos=3000, int32_t MaxDist=0x7FFF) { LatDist = ((getLatOGN()-RefLat)*1517+0x1000)>>13; // convert from 1/600000deg to meters (40000000m = 360deg) => x 5/27 = 1517/(1<<13) if(abs(LatDist)>MaxDist) return -1; LonDist = ((getLonOGN()-RefLon)*1517+0x1000)>>13; if(abs(LonDist)>(4*MaxDist)) return -1; LonDist = (LonDist*LatCos+0x800)>>12; if(abs(LonDist)>MaxDist) return -1; return 1; } // sets position [Lat, Lon] according to given distance vector [LatDist, LonDist] from a reference point [RefLat, RefLon] void setDistanceVectorOGN(int32_t LatDist, int32_t LonDist, int32_t RefLat, int32_t RefLon, uint16_t LatCos=3000) { setLatOGN(RefLat+(LatDist*27)/5); LonDist = (LonDist<<12)/LatCos; // LonDist/=cosine(Latitude) setLonOGN(RefLon+(LonDist*27)/5); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- int WriteStxJSON(char *JSON) const // Stratux JSON message { int Len=0; uint32_t Address=getAddress(); Len+=Format_String(JSON+Len, "\"addr\":\""); Len+=Format_Hex(JSON+Len, (uint8_t) (Address>>16)); Len+=Format_Hex(JSON+Len, (uint16_t)(Address)); JSON[Len++]='\"'; JSON[Len++]=','; Len+=Format_String(JSON+Len, "\"addr_type\":"); JSON[Len++] = HexDigit(getAddrTypeOGN()); Len+=Format_String(JSON+Len, ",\"acft_type\":\""); JSON[Len++] = HexDigit(getAcftTypeOGN()); // Len+=Format_String(JSON+Len, ",\"acft_cat\":\""); // Len+=Format_Hex(JSON+Len, AcftCat); JSON[Len++]='\"'; Len+=Format_String(JSON+Len, ",\"lat_deg\":"); Len+=Format_SignDec(JSON+Len, getLatUBX(), 8, 7, 1); Len+=Format_String(JSON+Len, ",\"lon_deg\":"); Len+=Format_SignDec(JSON+Len, getLonUBX(), 8, 7, 1); Len+=Format_String(JSON+Len, ",\"track_deg\":"); Len+=Format_UnsDec(JSON+Len, ((uint32_t)225*getTrack()+16)>>5, 2, 1); Len+=Format_String(JSON+Len, ",\"speed_mps\":"); Len+=Format_UnsDec(JSON+Len, ((uint32_t)getSpeed()*10+2)>>2, 2, 1); Len+=Format_String(JSON+Len, ",\"climb_mps\":"); Len+=Format_SignDec(JSON+Len, ((int32_t)getClimb()*10+4)>>3, 2, 1, 1); Len+=Format_String(JSON+Len, ",\"alt_hae_m\":"); Len+=Format_SignDec(JSON+Len, getAlt(), 1, 0, 1); if(getRelay()) Len+=Format_String(JSON+Len, ",\"relay\":1"); Len+=Format_String(JSON+Len, ",\"NACp\":"); JSON[Len++]='0'+HorizAccuracy; Len+=Format_String(JSON+Len, ",\"NACv\":"); JSON[Len++]='0'+VelAccuracy; // Len+=Format_String(JSON+Len, ",\"Emergency\":"); // JSON[Len++]='0'+Emergency; // if(FlightState>0 && FlightState<3) // { Len+=Format_String(JSON+Len, ",\"airborne\":"); // Len+=Format_String(JSON+Len, FlightState==2?"true":"false"; } return Len; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- void Scramble(void) { XXTEA_Encrypt_Key0(Word, 5, 6); } void Descramble(void) { XXTEA_Decrypt_Key0(Word, 5, 6); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- static uint32_t PolyPass(uint32_t CRC, uint8_t Byte) // pass a single byte through the CRC polynomial { const uint32_t Poly = 0xFFFA0480; CRC |= Byte; for(uint8_t Bit=0; Bit<8; Bit++) { if(CRC&0x80000000) CRC ^= Poly; CRC<<=1; } return CRC; } static uint32_t checkPI(const uint8_t *Byte, uint8_t Bytes) // run over data bytes and the three CRC bytes { uint32_t CRC = 0; for(uint8_t Idx=0; Idx>8; } // should be all zero for a correct packet static uint32_t calcPI(const uint8_t *Byte, uint8_t Bytes) // calculate PI for the given packet data excluding the three CRC bytes { uint32_t CRC = 0; for(uint8_t Idx=0; Idx>8; } // void setCRC(void) { uint32_t Word = calcPI((const uint8_t *)&Version, TxBytes-6); CRC[0]=Word>>16; CRC[1]=Word>>8; CRC[2]=Word; } uint32_t checkCRC(void) const { return checkPI((const uint8_t *)&Version, TxBytes-3); } static int Correct(uint8_t *PktData, uint8_t *PktErr, const int MaxBadBits=6) // correct the manchester-decoded packet with dead/weak bits marked { const int Bytes=TxBytes-3; uint32_t CRC = checkPI(PktData, Bytes); if(CRC==0) return 0; uint8_t ErrBit=FindCRCsyndrome(CRC); if(ErrBit!=0xFF) { FlipBit(PktData, ErrBit); return 1; } uint8_t BadBitIdx[MaxBadBits]; // bad bit index uint8_t BadBitMask[MaxBadBits]; // bad bit mask uint32_t Syndrome[MaxBadBits]; // bad bit mask uint8_t BadBits=0; // count the bad bits for(uint8_t ByteIdx=0; ByteIdx>=1; } if(BadBits>MaxBadBits) break; } if(BadBits>MaxBadBits) return -1; // return failure when too many bad bits uint8_t Loops = 1<>1); // use Gray code to change flip just one bit at a time uint8_t BitExp = GrayIdx^PrevGrayIdx; uint8_t Bit=0; while(BitExp>>=1) Bit++; PktData[BadBitIdx[Bit]]^=BadBitMask[Bit]; CRC^=Syndrome[Bit]; if(CRC==0) return Count1s(GrayIdx); uint8_t ErrBit=FindCRCsyndrome(CRC); if(ErrBit!=0xFF) { FlipBit(PktData, ErrBit); return Count1s(GrayIdx)+1; } PrevGrayIdx=GrayIdx; } return -1; } static void FlipBit(uint8_t *Byte, int BitIdx) { int ByteIdx=BitIdx>>3; BitIdx&=7; BitIdx=7-BitIdx; uint8_t Mask=1; Mask<<=BitIdx; Byte[ByteIdx]^=Mask; } static uint32_t CRCsyndrome(uint8_t Bit) { const uint16_t PacketBytes = TxBytes-3; const uint16_t PacketBits = PacketBytes*8; const uint32_t Syndrome[PacketBits] = { 0x7ABEE1, 0xC2A574, 0x6152BA, 0x30A95D, 0xE7AEAA, 0x73D755, 0xC611AE, 0x6308D7, 0xCE7E6F, 0x98C533, 0xB3989D, 0xA6364A, 0x531B25, 0xD67796, 0x6B3BCB, 0xCA67E1, 0x9AC9F4, 0x4D64FA, 0x26B27D, 0xECA33A, 0x76519D, 0xC4D2CA, 0x626965, 0xCECEB6, 0x67675B, 0xCC49A9, 0x99DED0, 0x4CEF68, 0x2677B4, 0x133BDA, 0x099DED, 0xFB34F2, 0x7D9A79, 0xC13738, 0x609B9C, 0x304DCE, 0x1826E7, 0xF3E977, 0x860EBF, 0xBCFD5B, 0xA184A9, 0xAF3850, 0x579C28, 0x2BCE14, 0x15E70A, 0x0AF385, 0xFA83C6, 0x7D41E3, 0xC15AF5, 0x9F577E, 0x4FABBF, 0xD82FDB, 0x93EDE9, 0xB60CF0, 0x5B0678, 0x2D833C, 0x16C19E, 0x0B60CF, 0xFA4A63, 0x82DF35, 0xBE959E, 0x5F4ACF, 0xD05F63, 0x97D5B5, 0xB410DE, 0x5A086F, 0xD2FE33, 0x96851D, 0xB4B88A, 0x5A5C45, 0xD2D426, 0x696A13, 0xCB4F0D, 0x9A5D82, 0x4D2EC1, 0xD96D64, 0x6CB6B2, 0x365B59, 0xE4D7A8, 0x726BD4, 0x3935EA, 0x1C9AF5, 0xF1B77E, 0x78DBBF, 0xC397DB, 0x9E31E9, 0xB0E2F0, 0x587178, 0x2C38BC, 0x161C5E, 0x0B0E2F, 0xFA7D13, 0x82C48D, 0xBE9842, 0x5F4C21, 0xD05C14, 0x682E0A, 0x341705, 0xE5F186, 0x72F8C3, 0xC68665, 0x9CB936, 0x4E5C9B, 0xD8D449, 0x939020, 0x49C810, 0x24E408, 0x127204, 0x093902, 0x049C81, 0xFDB444, 0x7EDA22, 0x3F6D11, 0xE04C8C, 0x702646, 0x381323, 0xE3F395, 0x8E03CE, 0x4701E7, 0xDC7AF7, 0x91C77F, 0xB719BB, 0xA476D9, 0xADC168, 0x56E0B4, 0x2B705A, 0x15B82D, 0xF52612, 0x7A9309, 0xC2B380, 0x6159C0, 0x30ACE0, 0x185670, 0x0C2B38, 0x06159C, 0x030ACE, 0x018567, 0xFF38B7, 0x80665F, 0xBFC92B, 0xA01E91, 0xAFF54C, 0x57FAA6, 0x2BFD53, 0xEA04AD, 0x8AF852, 0x457C29, 0xDD4410, 0x6EA208, 0x375104, 0x1BA882, 0x0DD441, 0xF91024, 0x7C8812, 0x3E4409, 0xE0D800, 0x706C00, 0x383600, 0x1C1B00, 0x0E0D80, 0x0706C0, 0x038360, 0x01C1B0, 0x00E0D8, 0x00706C, 0x003836, 0x001C1B, 0xFFF409, 0x800000, 0x400000, 0x200000, 0x100000, 0x080000, 0x040000, 0x020000, 0x010000, 0x008000, 0x004000, 0x002000, 0x001000, 0x000800, 0x000400, 0x000200, 0x000100, 0x000080, 0x000040, 0x000020, 0x000010, 0x000008, 0x000004, 0x000002, 0x000001 } ; return Syndrome[Bit]; } static uint8_t FindCRCsyndrome(uint32_t Syndr) // quick search for a single-bit CRC syndrome { const uint16_t PacketBytes = TxBytes-3; const uint16_t PacketBits = PacketBytes*8; const uint32_t Syndrome[PacketBits] = { 0x000001BF, 0x000002BE, 0x000004BD, 0x000008BC, 0x000010BB, 0x000020BA, 0x000040B9, 0x000080B8, 0x000100B7, 0x000200B6, 0x000400B5, 0x000800B4, 0x001000B3, 0x001C1BA6, 0x002000B2, 0x003836A5, 0x004000B1, 0x00706CA4, 0x008000B0, 0x00E0D8A3, 0x010000AF, 0x01856788, 0x01C1B0A2, 0x020000AE, 0x030ACE87, 0x038360A1, 0x040000AD, 0x049C816D, 0x06159C86, 0x0706C0A0, 0x080000AC, 0x0939026C, 0x099DED1E, 0x0AF3852D, 0x0B0E2F5A, 0x0B60CF39, 0x0C2B3885, 0x0DD44197, 0x0E0D809F, 0x100000AB, 0x1272046B, 0x133BDA1D, 0x15B82D7E, 0x15E70A2C, 0x161C5E59, 0x16C19E38, 0x1826E724, 0x18567084, 0x1BA88296, 0x1C1B009E, 0x1C9AF551, 0x200000AA, 0x24E4086A, 0x2677B41C, 0x26B27D12, 0x2B705A7D, 0x2BCE142B, 0x2BFD538F, 0x2C38BC58, 0x2D833C37, 0x304DCE23, 0x30A95D03, 0x30ACE083, 0x34170561, 0x365B594D, 0x37510495, 0x38132373, 0x3836009D, 0x3935EA50, 0x3E44099A, 0x3F6D1170, 0x400000A9, 0x457C2992, 0x4701E776, 0x49C81069, 0x4CEF681B, 0x4D2EC14A, 0x4D64FA11, 0x4E5C9B66, 0x4FABBF32, 0x531B250C, 0x56E0B47C, 0x579C282A, 0x57FAA68E, 0x58717857, 0x5A086F41, 0x5A5C4545, 0x5B067836, 0x5F4ACF3D, 0x5F4C215E, 0x609B9C22, 0x6152BA02, 0x6159C082, 0x62696516, 0x6308D707, 0x67675B18, 0x682E0A60, 0x696A1347, 0x6B3BCB0E, 0x6CB6B24C, 0x6EA20894, 0x70264672, 0x706C009C, 0x726BD44F, 0x72F8C363, 0x73D75505, 0x76519D14, 0x78DBBF53, 0x7A930980, 0x7ABEE100, 0x7C881299, 0x7D41E32F, 0x7D9A7920, 0x7EDA226F, 0x800000A8, 0x80665F8A, 0x82C48D5C, 0x82DF353B, 0x860EBF26, 0x8AF85291, 0x8E03CE75, 0x91C77F78, 0x93902068, 0x93EDE934, 0x96851D43, 0x97D5B53F, 0x98C53309, 0x99DED01A, 0x9A5D8249, 0x9AC9F410, 0x9CB93665, 0x9E31E955, 0x9F577E31, 0xA01E918C, 0xA184A928, 0xA476D97A, 0xA6364A0B, 0xADC1687B, 0xAF385029, 0xAFF54C8D, 0xB0E2F056, 0xB3989D0A, 0xB410DE40, 0xB4B88A44, 0xB60CF035, 0xB719BB79, 0xBCFD5B27, 0xBE959E3C, 0xBE98425D, 0xBFC92B8B, 0xC1373821, 0xC15AF530, 0xC2A57401, 0xC2B38081, 0xC397DB54, 0xC4D2CA15, 0xC611AE06, 0xC6866564, 0xCA67E10F, 0xCB4F0D48, 0xCC49A919, 0xCE7E6F08, 0xCECEB617, 0xD05C145F, 0xD05F633E, 0xD2D42646, 0xD2FE3342, 0xD677960D, 0xD82FDB33, 0xD8D44967, 0xD96D644B, 0xDC7AF777, 0xDD441093, 0xE04C8C71, 0xE0D8009B, 0xE3F39574, 0xE4D7A84E, 0xE5F18662, 0xE7AEAA04, 0xEA04AD90, 0xECA33A13, 0xF1B77E52, 0xF3E97725, 0xF526127F, 0xF9102498, 0xFA4A633A, 0xFA7D135B, 0xFA83C62E, 0xFB34F21F, 0xFDB4446E, 0xFF38B789, 0xFFF409A7 } ; uint16_t Bot=0; uint16_t Top=PacketBits; uint32_t MidSyndr=0; for( ; ; ) { uint16_t Mid=(Bot+Top)>>1; MidSyndr = Syndrome[Mid]>>8; if(Syndr==MidSyndr) return (uint8_t)Syndrome[Mid]; if(Mid==Bot) break; if(Syndr< MidSyndr) Top=Mid; else Bot=Mid; } return 0xFF; } } __attribute__((packed)); class ADSL_RxPacket: public ADSL_Packet { public: uint32_t sTime; // [ s] reception time uint16_t msTime; // [ms] int8_t RSSI; // [dBm] uint8_t BitErr; // number of bit errors public: void setTime(double RxTime) { sTime=floor(RxTime); msTime=floor(1000.0*(RxTime-sTime)); } double getTime(void) const { return (double)sTime+0.001*msTime; } uint32_t SlotTime(void) const { uint32_t Slot=sTime; if(msTime<=300) Slot--; return Slot; } }; #endif // __ADSL_H__