
1695 wiersze
83 KiB
Czysty Zwykły widok Historia

#ifndef __OGN_H__
#define __OGN_H__
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#ifndef __AVR__
#include <time.h>
#include <math.h>
#include "intmath.h"
#include "bitcount.h"
#include "nmea.h"
#include "ubx.h"
#include "mavlink.h"
#include "ldpc.h"
#include "format.h"
#include "ognconv.h"
#include "ogn1.h" // OGN v1
#include "ogn2.h" // OGN v2
#include "fanet.h"
#include "gdl90.h"
#include "atmosphere.h"
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template <class OGNx_Packet, class OGNy_Packet>
static bool OGN_isSignif(const OGNx_Packet *Packet, const OGNy_Packet *PrevPacket) // is significant: decide whether to store it or not
{ if(PrevPacket==0) return 1;
int8_t TimeDelta = Packet->Position.Time - PrevPacket->Position.Time;
if(TimeDelta<0) TimeDelta+=60; // [sec] time since previous packet
if(TimeDelta>=20) return 1; // [sec]
int16_t Climb = Packet->DecodeClimbRate(); // [0.1m/s]
if(abs(Climb)>=100) return 1; // if climb/decent rate more than 10m/s
int32_t AltDelta=Packet->DecodeAltitude()-PrevPacket->DecodeAltitude(); // [m] altitude change
if(abs(AltDelta)>=20) return 1; // if more than 50m altitude change
int16_t PrevClimb = PrevPacket->DecodeClimbRate(); // [0.1m/s]
int32_t DistDeltaV = (int32_t)(Climb-PrevClimb)*TimeDelta; // [0.1m]
if(abs(DistDeltaV)>=200) return 1; // if climb doistance >= 20m
int16_t Speed = Packet->DecodeSpeed(); // [0.1m/s]
int16_t PrevSpeed = PrevPacket->DecodeSpeed(); // [0.1m/s]
int32_t DistDeltaH = (int32_t)(Speed-PrevSpeed)*TimeDelta; // [0.1m] speed change * time since last recorded packet
if(abs(DistDeltaH)>=200) return 1; // if extrapolation error more than 50m
int16_t Turn = Packet->DecodeTurnRate(); // [0.1deg/s]
int16_t CFaccel = ((int32_t)Turn*Speed*229+0x10000)>>17; // [0.1m/s^2] centrifugal acceleration in turn
if(abs(CFaccel)>=50) return 1; // CFaccel at or above 5m/s^2 (0.5g)
int16_t PrevTurn = PrevPacket->DecodeTurnRate(); // [0.1deg/s]
int16_t PrevCFaccel = ((int32_t)PrevTurn*PrevSpeed*229+0x10000)>>17; // [0.1m/s^2]
int32_t DistDeltaR = abs(CFaccel-PrevCFaccel)*TimeDelta*TimeDelta/2; // [0.1m]
if(abs(DistDeltaR)>=200) return 1; // [0.1m]
return 0; }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template <class OGNx_Packet=OGN1_Packet>
class OGN_TxPacket // OGN packet with FEC code, like for transmission
{ public:
static const int Words = 7;
static const int Bytes = 26;
OGNx_Packet Packet; // OGN packet
uint32_t FEC[2]; // Gallager code: 48 check bits for 160 user bits
uint8_t Print(char *Out)
{ uint8_t Len=0;
Out[Len++]=HexDigit(Packet.Position.AcftType); Out[Len++]=':';
Out[Len++]='0'+Packet.Header.AddrType; Out[Len++]=':';
uint32_t Addr = Packet.Header.Address;
Len+=Format_Hex(Out+Len, (uint8_t)(Addr>>16));
Len+=Format_Hex(Out+Len, (uint16_t)Addr);
Out[Len++]=' ';
Len+=Format_UnsDec(Out+Len, (uint16_t)Packet.Position.Time, 2);
Out[Len++]=' ';
Len+=Format_Latitude(Out+Len, Packet.DecodeLatitude());
Out[Len++]=' ';
Len+=Format_Longitude(Out+Len, Packet.DecodeLongitude());
Out[Len++]=' ';
Len+=Format_UnsDec(Out+Len, (uint32_t)Packet.DecodeAltitude()); Out[Len++]='m';
Out[Len++]=' ';
Len+=Format_UnsDec(Out+Len, Packet.DecodeSpeed(), 2, 1); Out[Len++]='m'; Out[Len++]='/'; Out[Len++]='s';
Out[Len++]=' ';
Len+=Format_SignDec(Out+Len, Packet.DecodeClimbRate(), 2, 1); Out[Len++]='m'; Out[Len++]='/'; Out[Len++]='s';
Out[Len++]='\n'; Out[Len]=0;
return Len; }
void Dump(void) const
{ printf("%08lX: %08lX %08lX %08lX %08lX [%08lX %04lX] (%d)\n",
(long int)Packet.HeaderWord, (long int)Packet.Data[0], (long int)Packet.Data[1],
(long int)Packet.Data[2], (long int)Packet.Data[3], (long int)FEC[0],
(long int)FEC[1], (int)checkFEC() ); }
void DumpBytes(void) const
{ for(uint8_t Idx=0; Idx<Bytes; Idx++)
{ printf(" %02X", Packet.Byte()[Idx]); }
printf("\n"); }
// void calcFEC(void) { LDPC_Encode(&Packet.HeaderWord, FEC); } // calculate the 48-bit parity check
// void calcFEC(const uint32_t ParityGen[48][5]) { LDPC_Encode(&PacketHeaderWord, FEC, ParityGen); }
void calcFEC(void) { LDPC_Encode(Packet.Word()); } // calculate the 48-bit parity check
uint8_t checkFEC(void) const { return LDPC_Check(Packet.Word()); } // returns number of parity checks that fail (0 => no errors, all fine)
uint8_t *Byte(void) const { return (uint8_t *)&Packet.HeaderWord; } // packet as bytes
uint32_t *Word(void) const { return (uint32_t *)&Packet.HeaderWord; } // packet as words
void recvBytes(const uint8_t *SrcPacket) { memcpy(Byte(), SrcPacket, Bytes); } // load data bytes e.g. from a demodulator
uint8_t calcErrorPattern(uint8_t *ErrPatt, const uint8_t *OtherPacket) const
{ uint8_t ByteIdx=0; const uint32_t *WordPtr=Packet.Word();
for(uint8_t WordIdx=0; WordIdx<Words; WordIdx++)
{ uint32_t Word=WordPtr[WordIdx];
for(int Idx=0; Idx<4; Idx++)
{ if(ByteIdx>=Bytes) break;
ErrPatt[ByteIdx]=Packet[ByteIdx]^Word; ByteIdx++;
Word>>=8; }
return Bytes; }
} ;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template <class OGNx_Packet>
class OGN_LogPacket // OGN packet in an internal binary log file
{ public:
static const int Words = 6;
static const int Bytes = 24;
OGNx_Packet Packet;
uint16_t Time; // [16sec] truncated time
{ uint8_t Flags;
{ uint8_t SNR : 6; // [dB]
uint8_t Prot: 1;
uint8_t Rx : 1; // received or (own) transmitted ?
} ;
} ;
uint8_t Check; // simple control sum
void setTime(uint32_t EstTime) { Time = EstTime>>4; }
uint32_t getTime(uint32_t EstTime) const
{ EstTime>>=4;
int16_t Diff = Time-EstTime;
EstTime += Diff;
return (EstTime<<4)+15; }
uint8_t calcCheck(void) const
{ uint8_t Check=0x5A;
uint8_t *Data = (uint8_t*)&Packet;
for(uint8_t Idx=0; Idx<(Bytes-1); Idx++)
{ Check+=Data[Idx]; }
return Check^0xA5; }
void setCheck(void) { Check=calcCheck(); }
bool isCorrect(void) const { return calcCheck()==Check; }
} ;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template <class OGNx_Packet=OGN1_Packet>
class OGN_RxPacket // OGN packet with FEC code and some reception info
{ public:
static const int Words = 7;
static const int Bytes = 26;
OGNx_Packet Packet;
uint32_t FEC[2]; // Gallager code: 48 check bits for 160 user bits
{ uint8_t State; //
{ bool Saved :1; // has been already saved in internal storage
bool Ready :1; // is ready for transmission
bool Sent :1; // has already been transmitted out
bool Correct :1; // correctly received or corrected by FEC
uint8_t RxErr:4; // number of bit errors corrected upon reception
} ;
} ;
uint8_t RxChan; // RF channel where the packet was received
uint8_t RxRSSI; // [-0.5dBm]
uint8_t Rank; // rank: low altitude and weak signal => high rank
OGN_RxPacket() { Clear(); }
void Clear(void) { Packet.Clear(); State=0; Rank=0; }
uint8_t *Byte(void) const { return (uint8_t *)&Packet.HeaderWord; } // packet as bytes
uint32_t *Word(void) const { return (uint32_t *)&Packet.HeaderWord; } // packet as words
void recvBytes(const uint8_t *SrcPacket) { memcpy(Byte(), SrcPacket, Bytes); } // load data bytes e.g. from a demodulator
uint8_t calcErrorPattern(uint8_t *ErrPatt, const uint8_t *OtherPacket) const
{ uint8_t ByteIdx=0; const uint32_t *WordPtr=Packet.Word();
for(uint8_t WordIdx=0; WordIdx<Words; WordIdx++)
{ uint32_t Word=WordPtr[WordIdx];
for(int Idx=0; Idx<4; Idx++)
{ if(ByteIdx>=Bytes) break;
ErrPatt[ByteIdx]=OtherPacket[ByteIdx]^Word; ByteIdx++;
Word>>=8; }
return Bytes; }
// void calcFEC(void) { LDPC_Encode(&Packet.HeaderWord, FEC); } // calculate the 48-bit parity check
// void calcFEC(const uint32_t ParityGen[48][5]) { LDPC_Encode(&PacketHeaderWord, FEC, ParityGen); }
void calcFEC(void) { LDPC_Encode(Packet.Word()); } // calculate the 48-bit parity check
uint8_t checkFEC(void) const { return LDPC_Check(Packet.Word()); } // returns number of parity checks that fail (0 => no errors, all fine)
int BitErr(OGN_RxPacket &RefPacket) const // return number of different data bits between this Packet and RefPacket
{ return Count1s(Packet.HeaderWord^RefPacket.Packet.HeaderWord)
+Count1s((FEC[1]^RefPacket.FEC[1])&0xFFFF); }
2021-10-26 12:13:10 +00:00
void calcRelayRank(int32_t RxAltitude) // [m] altitude of reception
{ if(Packet.Header.Emergency) { Rank=0xFF; return; } // emergency packets always highest rank
if(Packet.Header.NonPos) return; // only relay position packets
if(Packet.Position.Time>=60) return; // don't relay packets with unknown time - but maybe we should ?
if(Packet.Header.Relay) return; // no rank for relayed packets (only single relay)
if(RxRSSI>128) // [-0.5dB] weaker signal => higher rank
Rank += (RxRSSI-128)>>2; // 1point/2dB less signal
2021-08-11 11:40:03 +00:00
if(Packet.Header.Encrypted) return; // for exncrypted packets we only take signal strength
2021-10-26 12:13:10 +00:00
RxAltitude -= Packet.DecodeAltitude(); // [m] lower altitude => higher rank
2021-10-26 12:13:10 +00:00
Rank += RxAltitude>>6; // 1points/64m of altitude below
int16_t ClimbRate = Packet.DecodeClimbRate(); // [0.1m/s] higher sink rate => higher rank
Rank += (-ClimbRate)>>3; // 1point/0.8m/s of sink
uint8_t ReadPOGNT(const char *NMEA)
{ uint8_t Len=0;
if(memcmp(NMEA, "$POGNT,", 7)!=0) return -1;
if(NMEA[Len+2]!=',') return -1;
int8_t Time=Read_Dec2(NMEA+Len);
if( (Time<0) || (Time>=60) ) return -1;
if(NMEA[Len+1]!=',') return -1;
int8_t AcftType=Read_Hex1(NMEA[Len]);
if(AcftType<0) return -1;
if(NMEA[Len+1]!=',') return -1;
int8_t AddrType=Read_Hex1(NMEA[Len]);
if((AddrType<0) || (AddrType>=4) ) return -1;
uint32_t Addr;
int8_t Ret=Read_Hex(Addr, NMEA+Len); if(Ret<=0) return -1;
if(NMEA[Len+Ret]!=',') return -1;
if(NMEA[Len+1]!=',') return -1;
int8_t Relay=Read_Hex1(NMEA[Len]);
if( (Relay<0) || (Relay>1) ) return -1;
if(NMEA[Len+2]!=',') return -1;
int8_t FixQuality=Read_Hex1(NMEA[Len]);
int8_t FixMode=Read_Hex1(NMEA[Len+1]);
if( (FixQuality<0) || (FixQuality>=4) ) return -1;
if( (FixMode<0) || (FixMode>=2) ) return -1;
int32_t DOP=0;
Ret=Read_Float1(DOP, NMEA+Len); if(Ret<0) return -1;
if(NMEA[Len+Ret]!=',') return -1;
if(DOP<10) DOP=10;
if(NMEA[Len+10]!=',') return -1;
int8_t Deg=Read_Dec2(NMEA+Len); if(Deg<0) return -1;
int8_t Min=Read_Dec2(NMEA+Len+2); if(Min<0) return -1;
if(NMEA[Len+4]!='.') return -1;
int16_t Frac=Read_Dec4(NMEA+Len+5); if(Frac<0) return -1;
char Sign=NMEA[Len+9];
int32_t Lat = Deg*600000 + Min*10000 + Frac;
if(Sign=='N') { } else if(Sign=='S') { Lat=(-Lat); } else return -1;
if(NMEA[Len+11]!=',') return -1;
Deg=Read_Dec3(NMEA+Len); if(Deg<0) return -1;
Min=Read_Dec2(NMEA+Len+3); if(Min<0) return -1;
if(NMEA[Len+5]!='.') return -1;
Frac=Read_Dec4(NMEA+Len+6); if(Frac<0) return -1;
int32_t Lon = Deg*600000 + Min*10000 + Frac;
if(Sign=='E') { } else if(Sign=='W') { Lon=(-Lon); } else return -1;
int32_t Alt=0;
Ret=Read_SignDec(Alt, NMEA+Len); if(Ret<0) return -1;
if(NMEA[Len+Ret]!=',') return -1;
int32_t AltDiff=0;
Ret=Read_SignDec(AltDiff, NMEA+Len); if(Ret<0) return -1;
// printf("Ret=%d, AltDiff=%d -> %s\n", Ret, AltDiff, NMEA+Len);
if(Ret==0) Packet.clrBaro();
else Packet.setBaroAltDiff(AltDiff);
if(NMEA[Len+Ret]!=',') return -1;
int32_t Climb=0;
Ret=Read_Float1(Climb, NMEA+Len); if(Ret<0) return -1;
// printf("Ret=%d, Climb=%d -> %s\n", Ret, Climb, NMEA+Len);
if(NMEA[Len+Ret]!=',') return -1;
int32_t Speed=0;
Ret=Read_Float1(Speed, NMEA+Len); if(Ret<0) return -1;
if(NMEA[Len+Ret]!=',') return -1;
int32_t Heading=0;
Ret=Read_Float1(Heading, NMEA+Len); if(Ret<0) return -1;
if(NMEA[Len+Ret]!=',') return -1;
int32_t TurnRate=0;
Ret=Read_Float1(TurnRate, NMEA+Len); if(Ret<0) return -1;
if(NMEA[Len+Ret]!=',') return -1;
int32_t RSSI=0;
Ret=Read_SignDec(RSSI, NMEA+Len); if(Ret<0) return -1;
if(NMEA[Len+Ret]!=',') return -1;
int32_t Err=0;
Ret=Read_SignDec(Err, NMEA+Len); if(Ret<0) return -1;
if(NMEA[Len+Ret]!='*') return -1;
return Len; }
uint8_t WritePOGNT(char *NMEA)
{ uint8_t Len=0;
Len+=Format_String(NMEA+Len, "$POGNT,"); // sentence name
Len+=Format_UnsDec(NMEA+Len, (uint16_t)Packet.Position.Time, 2); // [sec] time
NMEA[Len++]=HexDigit(Packet.Position.AcftType); // [0..F] aircraft-type: 1=glider, 2=tow plane, etc.
NMEA[Len++]='0'+Packet.Header.AddrType; // [0..3] address-type: 1=ICAO, 2=FLARM, 3=OGN
uint32_t Addr = Packet.Header.Address; // [24-bit] address
Len+=Format_Hex(NMEA+Len, (uint8_t)(Addr>>16));
Len+=Format_Hex(NMEA+Len, (uint16_t)Addr);
NMEA[Len++]='0'+Packet.Header.Relay; // [0..3] counts retransmissions
NMEA[Len++]='0'+Packet.Position.FixQuality; // [] fix quality
NMEA[Len++]='0'+Packet.Position.FixMode; // [] fix mode
Len+=Format_UnsDec(NMEA+Len, (uint16_t)(Packet.DecodeDOP()+10),2,1); // [] Dilution of Precision
Len+=Format_Latitude(NMEA+Len, Packet.DecodeLatitude()); // [] Latitude
Len+=Format_Longitude(NMEA+Len, Packet.DecodeLongitude()); // [] Longitude
Len+=Format_UnsDec(NMEA+Len, (uint32_t)Packet.DecodeAltitude()); // [m] Altitude (by GPS)
Len+=Format_SignDec(NMEA+Len, (int32_t)Packet.getBaroAltDiff()); // [m] Standard Pressure Altitude (by Baro)
Len+=Format_SignDec(NMEA+Len, Packet.DecodeClimbRate(), 2, 1); // [m/s] climb/sink rate (by GPS or pressure sensor)
Len+=Format_UnsDec(NMEA+Len, Packet.DecodeSpeed(), 2, 1); // [m/s] ground speed (by GPS)
Len+=Format_UnsDec(NMEA+Len, Packet.DecodeHeading(), 4, 1); // [deg] heading (by GPS)
Len+=Format_SignDec(NMEA+Len, Packet.DecodeTurnRate(), 2, 1); // [deg/s] turning rate (by GPS)
Len+=Format_SignDec(NMEA+Len, -(int16_t)RxRSSI/2); // [dBm] received signal level
Len+=Format_UnsDec(NMEA+Len, (uint16_t)RxErr); // [bits] corrected transmisison errors
Len+=NMEA_AppendCheckCRNL(NMEA, Len);
return Len; }
// produce PFLAA sentence (relative position) from a reference point [RefLat, RefLon]
uint8_t WritePFLAA(char *NMEA, uint8_t Status, int32_t RefLat, int32_t RefLon, int32_t RefAlt, uint16_t LatCos)
{ int32_t LatDist=0, LonDist=0;
if(Packet.calcDistanceVector(LatDist, LonDist, RefLat, RefLon, LatCos)<0) return 0; // return zero, when distance too large
int32_t AltDist = Packet.DecodeAltitude()-RefAlt;
return WritePFLAA(NMEA, Status, LatDist, LonDist, AltDist, Status); } // return number of formatted characters
uint8_t WritePFLAA(char *NMEA, uint8_t Status, int32_t LatDist, int32_t LonDist, int32_t AltDist)
{ uint8_t Len=0;
Len+=Format_String(NMEA+Len, "$PFLAA,"); // sentence name and alarm-level (but no alarms for trackers)
Len+=Format_SignDec(NMEA+Len, LatDist);
Len+=Format_SignDec(NMEA+Len, LonDist);
Len+=Format_SignDec(NMEA+Len, AltDist); // [m] relative altitude
uint8_t AddrType = Packet.Header.AddrType;
if(AddrType!=1) AddrType=2; // SkyDemon only accepts 1 or 2
NMEA[Len++]='0'+AddrType; // address-type (3=OGN)
uint32_t Addr = Packet.Header.Address; // [24-bit] address
Len+=Format_Hex(NMEA+Len, (uint8_t)(Addr>>16)); // XXXXXX 24-bit address: RND, ICAO, FLARM, OGN
Len+=Format_Hex(NMEA+Len, (uint16_t)Addr);
Len+=Format_UnsDec(NMEA+Len, Packet.DecodeHeading(), 4, 1); // [deg] heading (by GPS)
Len+=Format_SignDec(NMEA+Len, Packet.DecodeTurnRate(), 2, 1); // [deg/sec] turn rate
Len+=Format_UnsDec(NMEA+Len, Packet.DecodeSpeed(), 2, 1); // [approx. m/s] ground speed
Len+=Format_SignDec(NMEA+Len, Packet.DecodeClimbRate(), 2, 1); // [m/s] climb/sink rate
NMEA[Len++]=HexDigit(Packet.Position.AcftType); // [0..F] aircraft-type: 1=glider, 2=tow plane, etc.
Len+=NMEA_AppendCheckCRNL(NMEA, Len);
return Len; } // return number of formatted characters
void Print(void) const
{ printf("[%02d/%+6.1fdBm/%2d] ", RxChan, -0.5*RxRSSI, RxErr);
Packet.Print(); }
uint8_t Print(char *Out) const
{ uint8_t Len=0;
Out[Len++]=HexDigit(Packet.Position.AcftType); Out[Len++]=':';
Out[Len++]='0'+Packet.Header.AddrType; Out[Len++]=':';
uint32_t Addr = Packet.Header.Address;
Len+=Format_Hex(Out+Len, (uint8_t)(Addr>>16));
Len+=Format_Hex(Out+Len, (uint16_t)Addr);
Out[Len++]=' ';
Len+=Format_SignDec(Out+Len, -(int16_t)RxRSSI/2); Out[Len++]='d'; Out[Len++]='B'; Out[Len++]='m';
Out[Len++]=' ';
Len+=Format_UnsDec(Out+Len, (uint16_t)Packet.Position.Time, 2);
Out[Len++]='s'; Out[Len++]=' ';
Len+=Format_Latitude(Out+Len, Packet.DecodeLatitude());
Out[Len++]=' ';
Len+=Format_Longitude(Out+Len, Packet.DecodeLongitude());
Out[Len++]=' ';
Len+=Format_UnsDec(Out+Len, (uint32_t)Packet.DecodeAltitude()); Out[Len++]='m';
Out[Len++]=' ';
Len+=Format_UnsDec(Out+Len, Packet.DecodeSpeed(), 2, 1); Out[Len++]='m'; Out[Len++]='/'; Out[Len++]='s';
Out[Len++]=' ';
Len+=Format_SignDec(Out+Len, Packet.DecodeClimbRate(), 2, 1); Out[Len++]='m'; Out[Len++]='/'; Out[Len++]='s';
Out[Len++]=' ';
Len+=Format_Hex(Out+Len, Rank);
Out[Len++]='\n'; Out[Len]=0;
return Len; }
void Dump(void) const
{ printf("%08lX: %08lX %08lX %08lX %08lX [%08lX %04lX] (%d)\n",
(long int)Packet.HeaderWord, (long int)Packet.Data[0], (long int)Packet.Data[1],
(long int)Packet.Data[2], (long int)Packet.Data[3],
(long int)FEC[0], (long int)FEC[1], (int)checkFEC() ); }
void DumpBytes(void) const
{ for(uint8_t Idx=0; Idx<26; Idx++)
{ printf(" %02X", Packet.Byte()[Idx]); }
printf(" (%d)\n", LDPC_Check(Packet.Byte())); }
} ;
#ifdef WITH_PPM
class OGN_PPM_Packet // OGN packet with FEC code and some reception info
{ public:
static const int Words = 12;
OGN1_Packet Packet;
uint32_t FEC[7]; // Gallager code: 194 check bits for 160 user bits
void calcFEC(void) { LDPC_Encode_n354k160(Packet.Word()); } // calculate the 48-bit parity check
uint8_t checkFEC(void) const { return LDPC_Check_n354k160(Packet.Word()); } // returns number of parity checks that fail (0 => no errors, all fine)
uint32_t *Word(void) const { return Packet.Word(); }
void Dump(void) const
{ printf("%08lX: %08lX %08lX %08lX %08lX [%08lX %08lX %08lX %08lX %08lX %08lX %01lX] (%d)\n",
(long int)Packet.HeaderWord, (long int)Packet.Data[0], (long int)Packet.Data[1],
(long int)Packet.Data[2], (long int)Packet.Data[3],
(long int)FEC[0], (long int)FEC[1], (long int)FEC[2], (long int)FEC[2],
(long int)FEC[4], (long int)FEC[5], (long int)FEC[6], (int)checkFEC() ); }
static uint8_t Gray(uint8_t Binary) { return Binary ^ (Binary>>1); }
static uint8_t Binary(uint8_t Gray)
{ Gray = Gray ^ (Gray >> 4);
Gray = Gray ^ (Gray >> 2);
Gray = Gray ^ (Gray >> 1);
return Gray; }
uint8_t getSymbol(uint16_t Idx)
{ if(Idx>=59) return 0xFF;
uint32_t *Word = Packet.Word();
uint8_t Symbol=0; uint8_t SymbMask=1;
for(uint8_t Bit=0; Bit<6; Bit++, Idx+=59 )
{ uint8_t WordIdx=Idx>>5; uint8_t BitIdx=Idx&31;
uint32_t Mask=1; Mask<<=BitIdx;
if(Word[WordIdx]&Mask) Symbol|=SymbMask;
SymbMask<<=1; }
return Gray(Symbol); }
void clear(void)
{ memset(Packet.Word(), 0, Words*4); }
void setSymbol(uint16_t Idx, uint8_t Symbol)
{ if(Idx>=59) return;
Symbol = Binary(Symbol);
uint32_t *Word = Packet.Word();
for(uint8_t Bit=0; Bit<6; Bit++, Idx+=59 )
{ if(Symbol&1)
{ uint8_t WordIdx=Idx>>5; uint8_t BitIdx=Idx&31;
uint32_t Mask=1; Mask<<=BitIdx;
Word[WordIdx]|=Mask; }
Symbol>>=1; }
} ;
#endif // WITH_PPM
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template<class OGNx_Packet, uint8_t Size=8>
class OGN_PrioQueue
{ public:
// static const uint8_t Size = 8; // number of packets kept
OGN_RxPacket<OGNx_Packet> Packet[Size]; // OGN packets
uint16_t Sum; // sum of all ranks
uint8_t Low, LowIdx; // the lowest rank and the index of it
void Clear(void) // clear (reset) the queue
{ for(uint8_t Idx=0; Idx<Size; Idx++) // clear every packet
{ Packet[Idx].Clear(); }
Sum=0; Low=0; LowIdx=0; } // clear the rank sum, lowest rank
OGN_RxPacket<OGNx_Packet> * operator [](uint8_t Idx) { return Packet+Idx; }
uint8_t getNew(void) // get (index of) a free or lowest rank packet
{ Sum-=Packet[LowIdx].Rank; Packet[LowIdx].Rank=0; Low=0; return LowIdx; } // remove old packet from the rank sum
uint8_t size(void)
{ uint8_t Count=0;
for(uint8_t Idx=0; Idx<Size; Idx++)
{ if(Packet[Idx].Rank) Count++; }
return Count; }
OGN_RxPacket<OGNx_Packet> *addNew(uint8_t NewIdx) // add the new packet to the queue
{ OGN_RxPacket<OGNx_Packet> *Prev = 0;
uint32_t AddressAndType = Packet[NewIdx].Packet.getAddressAndType(); // get ID of this packet: ID is address-type and address (2+24 = 26 bits)
for(uint8_t Idx=0; Idx<Size; Idx++) // look for other packets with same ID
{ if(Idx==NewIdx) continue; // avoid the new packet
if(Packet[Idx].Packet.getAddressAndType() == AddressAndType) // if another packet with same ID:
{ Prev=Packet+Idx; clean(Idx); } // then remove it: set rank to zero
uint8_t Rank=Packet[NewIdx].Rank; Sum+=Rank; // add the new packet to the rank sum
if(NewIdx==LowIdx) reCalc();
else { if(Rank<Low) { Low=Rank; LowIdx=NewIdx; } }
// if(NewIdx!=LowIdx) //
// { if(Rank<=Low) { Low=Rank; LowIdx=NewIdx; } }
// else reCalc();
return Prev; }
uint8_t getRand(uint32_t Rand) const // get a position by random selection but probabilities prop. to ranks
{ if(Sum==0) return Rand%Size; //
uint16_t RankIdx = Rand%Sum;
uint8_t Idx; uint16_t RankSum=0;
for(Idx=0; Idx<Size; Idx++)
{ uint8_t Rank=Packet[Idx].Rank; if(Rank==0) continue;
RankSum+=Rank; if(RankSum>RankIdx) return Idx; }
return Rand%Size; }
void reCalc(void) // find the lowest rank and calc. the sum of all ranks
{ Sum=Low=Packet[0].Rank; LowIdx=0; // take minimum at the first slot
for(uint8_t Idx=1; Idx<Size; Idx++) // loop over all other slots
{ uint8_t Rank=Packet[Idx].Rank;
Sum+=Rank; // sum up the ranks
if(Rank<Low) { Low=Rank; LowIdx=Idx; } // update the minimum
void cleanTime(uint8_t Time) // clean up slots of given Time
{ for(int Idx=0; Idx<Size; Idx++)
{ if(Packet[Idx].Rank==0) continue;
uint8_t PktTime=Packet[Idx].Packet.Position.Time;
if( PktTime==Time || PktTime>=60) clean(Idx);
void clean(uint8_t Idx) // clean given slot
{ Sum-=Packet[Idx].Rank; Packet[Idx].Rank=0; Low=0; LowIdx=Idx; }
void decrRank(uint8_t Idx, uint8_t Decr=1) // decrement rank of given slot
{ uint8_t Rank=Packet[Idx].Rank; if(Rank==0) return; // if zero already: do nothing
if(Decr>Rank) Decr=Rank; // if to decrement by more than the rank already: reduce the decrement
Rank-=Decr; Sum-=Decr; // decrement the rank and the sum of ranks
if(Rank<Low) { Low=Rank; LowIdx=Idx; } // if new minimum: update the minimum.
Packet[Idx].Rank=Rank; } // update the rank of this slot
uint8_t Print(char *Out)
{ uint8_t Len=0;
for(uint8_t Idx=0; Idx<Size; Idx++) // loop through the slots
{ uint8_t Rank=Packet[Idx].Rank;
Out[Len++]=' '; Len+=Format_Hex(Out+Len, Rank); // print the slot Rank
if(Rank) // if Rank is none-zero
{ Out[Len++]='/'; Len+=Format_Hex(Out+Len, Packet[Idx].Packet.getAddressAndType() ); // print address-type and address
2021-08-11 11:40:03 +00:00
if(Packet[Idx].Header.Encrypted) Len+=Format_String(Out+Len, "ee");
else Len+=Format_UnsDec(Out+Len, Packet[Idx].Packet.Position.Time, 2); // [sec] print time
Out[Len++]=' '; Len+=Format_Hex(Out+Len, Sum); // sum of all Ranks
Out[Len++]='/'; Len+=Format_Hex(Out+Len, LowIdx); // index of the lowest Rank or a free slot
Out[Len++]='\n'; Out[Len]=0; return Len; }
} ;
class GPS_Time
{ public:
int8_t Year, Month, Day; // Date (UTC) from GPS
int8_t Hour, Min, Sec; // Time-of-day (UTC) from GPS
int16_t mSec; // [ms]
void setDefaultDate() { Year=00; Month=1; Day=1; } // default Date is 01-JAN-2000
void setDefaultTime() { Hour=0; Min=0; Sec=0; mSec=0; } // default Time is 00:00:00.00
bool isTimeValid(void) const // is the GPS time-of-day valid
{ return (Hour>=0) && (Min>=0) && (Sec>=0); } // all data must have been correctly read: negative means not correctly read)
bool isDateValid(void) const // is the GPS date valid ?
{ return (Year>=0) && (Month>=0) && (Day>=0); }
int8_t incrTimeFrac(int16_t msFrac) // [ms]
{ mSec+=msFrac;
if(mSec>=1000) { mSec-=1000; return incrTime(); }
else if(mSec<0) { mSec+=1000; return decrTime(); }
return 0; }
int8_t incrTime(void) // increment HH:MM:SS by one second
{ Sec++; if(Sec<60) return 0;
Min++; if(Min<60) return 0;
Hour++; if(Hour<24) return 0;
return 1; } // return 1 if date needs to be incremented
int8_t decrTime(void) // decrement HH:MM:SS by one second
{ if(Sec>0) { Sec--; return 0; }
if(Min>60) { Min--; return 0; }
if(Hour>0) { Hour--; return 0; }
return -1; } // return 1 if date needs to be decremented
int32_t calcTimeDiff(const GPS_Time &RefTime) const
{ int32_t TimeDiff = msDayTime() - RefTime.msDayTime(); // [ms]
if(TimeDiff<(-(int32_t)mSecsPerDay/2)) TimeDiff+=mSecsPerDay; // wrap-around one day
else if(TimeDiff>= (int32_t)mSecsPerDay/2 ) TimeDiff-=mSecsPerDay;
return TimeDiff; } // [ms]
uint8_t MonthDays(void) // number of days per month
{ const uint16_t Table = 0x0AD5; // 1010 1101 0101 0=30days, 1=31days
// const uint8_t Table[12] = { 31,28,31,30, 31,30,31,31, 30,31,30,31 };
if( (Month<1) || (Month>12) ) return 0;
if( Month==2) return 28+isLeapYear();
return 30 + ((Table>>(Month-1))&1); }
void incrDate(int8_t Days=1) // increment YY:MM:DD
{ uint8_t DaysPerMonth = MonthDays();
Day+=Days; if(Day<=DaysPerMonth) return;
Day-=DaysPerMonth; Month++; if(Month<=12) return;
Month=1; Year++; }
void decrDate(void) // decrement YY:MM:DD
{ if(Day>1) { Day--; return; }
if(Month>1) { Month--; Day=MonthDays(); return; }
Year--; Month=12; Day=MonthDays(); return; }
void incrTimeDate(void) { if(incrTime()) incrDate(); }
void decrTimeDate(void) { if(decrTime()) decrDate(); }
void copyTime(GPS_Time &RefTime) // copy HH:MM:SS.SSS from another record
{ mSec = RefTime.mSec;
Sec = RefTime.Sec;
Min = RefTime.Min;
Hour = RefTime.Hour; }
void copyDate(GPS_Time &RefTime) // copy YY:MM:DD from another record
{ Day = RefTime.Day;
Month = RefTime.Month;
Year = RefTime.Year; }
void copyTimeDate(GPS_Time &RefTime) { copyTime(RefTime); copyDate(RefTime); }
uint32_t msDayTime(void) const // [ms]
{ return getDayTime()*1000+mSec; }
uint32_t getDayTime(void) const // [sec] time within the day
{ return Times60((uint32_t)(Times60((uint16_t)Hour) + Min)) + Sec; } // this appears to save about 100 bytes of code on STM32
// return (uint32_t)Hour*SecsPerHour + (uint16_t)Min*SecsPerMin + Sec; } // compared to this line
uint32_t getUnixTime(void) const // return the Unix timestamp (tested 2000-2037)
{ uint16_t Days = DaysSinceYear2000() + DaysSimce1jan();
return Times60(Times60(Times24((uint32_t)(Days+10957)))) + getDayTime(); }
uint16_t getFatDate(void) const // return date in FAT format
{ return ((uint16_t)(Year+20)<<9) | ((uint16_t)Month<<5) | Day; }
uint16_t getFatTime(void) const // return time in FAT format
{ return ((uint16_t)Hour<<11) | ((uint16_t)Min<<5) | (Sec>>1); }
uint32_t getFatDateTime(void) const // return date+time in FAT format
{ return ((uint32_t)getFatDate()<<16) | getFatTime(); }
void setUnixTime(uint32_t Time) // works except for the 1.1.2000
{ uint32_t Days = Time/SecsPerDay; // [day] since 1970
uint32_t DayTime = Time - Days*SecsPerDay; // [sec] time-of-day
Hour = DayTime/SecsPerHour; DayTime -= (uint32_t)Hour*SecsPerHour; //
Min = DayTime/SecsPerMin; DayTime -= (uint16_t)Min*SecsPerMin;
Sec = DayTime;
Days -= 10957+1; // [day] since 2000 minus 1 day
Year = (Days*4)/((365*4)+1); // [year] since 1970
Days -= 365*Year + (Year/4);
Month = Days/31;
Day = Days-(uint16_t)Month*31+1; Month++;
uint32_t CheckTime = getUnixTime();
if(CheckTime<Time) incrDate((Time-CheckTime)/SecsPerDay); }
void setUnixTime_ms(uint64_t Time_ms)
{ uint32_t Time=Time_ms/1000;
mSec = Time_ms-(uint64_t)Time*1000; }
uint64_t getUnixTime_ms(void) const
{ return (uint64_t)getUnixTime()*1000 + mSec; }
int8_t ReadTime(const char *Value) // read the Time field: HHMMSS.sss and check if it is a new one or the same one
{ int8_t Prev; int8_t Same=1;
Hour=Read_Dec2(Value); if(Hour<0) return -1; // read hour (two digits), return when invalid
if(Prev!=Hour) Same=0;
if(Value[0]==':') Value++;
Min=Read_Dec2(Value); if(Min<0) return -1; // read minute (two digits), return when invalid
if(Prev!=Min) Same=0;
if(Value[0]==':') Value++;
Sec=Read_Dec2(Value); if(Sec<0) return -1; // read second (two digits), return when invalid
if(Prev!=Sec) Same=0;
int16_t mPrev = mSec;
if(Value[0]=='.') // is there a fraction
{ uint16_t Frac=0; int8_t Len=Read_UnsDec(Frac, Value+1); if(Len<1) return -1; // read the fraction, return when invalid
if(Len==1) mSec = Frac*100;
else if(Len==2) mSec = Frac*10;
else if(Len==3) mSec = Frac;
else if(Len==4) mSec = Frac/10;
else return -1; }
if(mPrev!=mSec) Same=0; // return 0 when time is valid but did not change
return Same; } // return 1 when time did not change (both RMC and GGA were for same time)
int8_t ReadDate(const char *Param) // read the field DDMMYY
{ Day=Read_Dec2(Param); if(Day<0) return -1; // read calendar year (two digits - thus need to be extended to four)
if(Param[0]=='/') Param++;
Month=Read_Dec2(Param); if(Month<0) return -1; // read calendar month
if(Param[0]=='/') Param++;
Year=Read_Dec2(Param); if(Year<0) return -1; // read calendar day
return 0; } // return 0 when field valid and was read correctly
static const uint32_t SecsPerMin = 60;
static const uint32_t SecsPerHour = 60*60;
static const uint32_t SecsPerDay = 24*60*60;
static const uint32_t mSecsPerDay = 24*60*60*1000;
uint8_t isLeapYear(void) const { return (Year&3)==0; }
#ifdef __AVR__
int16_t DaysSimce1jan(void) const
{ static const uint8_t DaysDiff[12] PROGMEM = { 0, 3, 3, 6, 8, 11, 13, 16, 19, 21, 24, 26 } ;
uint16_t Days = (uint16_t)(Month-1)*28 + pgm_read_byte(DaysDiff+(Month-1)) + Day - 1;
if(isLeapYear() && (Month>2) ) Days++;
return Days; }
int16_t DaysSimce1jan(void) const // 31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31
{ static const uint8_t DaysDiff[12] = { 0, 3, 3, 6, 8, 11, 13, 16, 19, 21, 24, 26 } ;
uint16_t Days = (uint16_t)(Month-1)*28 + DaysDiff[Month-1] + Day - 1;
if(isLeapYear() && (Month>2) ) Days++;
return Days; }
uint16_t DaysSinceYear2000(void) const
{ uint16_t Days = 365*Year;
if(Year>0) Days += ((Year-1)>>2)+1;
return Days; }
template <class Type>
static Type Times60(Type X) { return ((X<<4)-X)<<2; }
template <class Type>
static Type Times28(Type X) { X+=(X<<1)+(X<<2); return X<<2; }
template <class Type>
static Type Times24(Type X) { X+=(X<<1); return X<<3; }
} ;
class GPS_Position: public GPS_Time
{ public:
{ uint16_t Flags; // bit #0 = GGA and RMC had same Time
{ bool hasGPS :1; // all required GPS information has been supplied (but this is not the GPS lock status)
2020-06-09 21:12:30 +00:00
bool hasBaro :1; // pressure sensor information: pressure, standard pressure altitude, temperature, humidity
// bool hasHum :1; //
bool isReady :1; // is ready for the following treaement
bool Sent :1; // has been transmitted
bool hasTime :1; // Time has been supplied
bool hasRMC :1; // GxRMC has been supplied
bool hasGGA :1; // GxGGA has been supplied
bool hasGSA :1; // GxGSA has been supplied
// bool hasGSV :1;
} ;
} ;
// uint16_t SatSNRsum; // sum of cSNR from GPGSV
// uint8_t SatSNRcount; // count of satellites from GPGSV
int8_t FixQuality; // 0 = none, 1 = GPS, 2 = Differential GPS (can be WAAS)
int8_t FixMode; // 0 = not set (from GSA) 1 = none, 2 = 2-D, 3 = 3-D
int8_t Satellites; // number of active satellites
uint8_t PDOP; // [0.1] dilution of precision
uint8_t HDOP; // [0.1] horizontal dilution of precision
uint8_t VDOP; // [0.1] vertical dilution of precision
int16_t Speed; // [0.1 m/s] speed-over-ground
int16_t Heading; // [0.1 deg] heading-over-ground
int16_t ClimbRate; // [0.1 meter/sec)
int16_t TurnRate; // [0.1 deg/sec]
int32_t Altitude; // [0.1 meter] height above Geoid (sea level)
int32_t Latitude; // [0.0001/60 deg] about 0.18m accuracy (to convert to u-Blox GPS 1e-7deg units mult by 50/3)
int32_t Longitude; // [0.0001/60 deg]
int16_t GeoidSeparation; // [0.1 meter] difference between Geoid and Ellipsoid
uint16_t LatitudeCosine; // [2^-12] Latitude cosine for distance calculation
uint32_t Pressure; // [0.25 Pa] from pressure sensor
int32_t StdAltitude; // [0.1 meter] standard pressure altitude (from the pressure sensor and atmosphere calculator)
int16_t Temperature; // [0.1 degC]
int16_t Humidity; // [0.1%] relative humidity
int16_t Accel; // [0.1m/s^2] acceleration along the track
uint16_t Seq; // sequencial number to track GPS positions in a pipe
GPS_Position() { Clear(); }
void Clear(void)
{ Flags=0; FixQuality=0; FixMode=0;
// SatSNRsum=0; SatSNRcount=0;
setDefaultDate(); setDefaultTime();
Latitude=0; Longitude=0; LatitudeCosine=3000;
Altitude=0; GeoidSeparation=0;
Speed=0; Heading=0; ClimbRate=0; TurnRate=0;
Temperature=0; Pressure=0; StdAltitude=0; Humidity=0; }
bool isValid(void) const // is GPS data is valid = GPS lock
{ if(!isTimeValid()) return 0; // is GPS time valid/present ?
if(!isDateValid()) return 0; // is GPS date valid/present ?
if(FixQuality==0) return 0; // Fix quality must be 1=GPS or 2=DGPS
if(FixMode==1) return 0; // if GSA says "no lock" (when GSA is not there, FixMode=0)
if(Satellites<=0) return 0; // if number of satellites none or invalid
return 1; }
void copyDOP(GPS_Position &RefPos)
{ HDOP = RefPos.HDOP;
FixMode = RefPos.FixMode; }
void copyBaro(GPS_Position &RefPos, int16_t dTime=0)
{ if(!RefPos.hasBaro) { hasBaro=0; return; }
StdAltitude = RefPos.StdAltitude;
Pressure = RefPos.Pressure;
Temperature = RefPos.Temperature;
Humidity = RefPos.Humidity;
{ int32_t dAlt = calcAltitudeExtrapolation(dTime); // [0.1m]
StdAltitude += dAlt; // [0.1m]
if(Pressure) Pressure += 4000*dAlt/Atmosphere::PressureLapseRate(Pressure/4, Temperature); } // [0.25Pa] ([Pa], [0.1degC])
hasBaro=1; }
#ifndef __AVR__ // there is not printf() with AVR
void PrintDateTime(void) const { printf("%02d.%02d.%04d %02d:%02d:%06.3f", Day, Month, 2000+Year, Hour, Min, Sec+0.001*mSec ); }
void PrintTime(void) const { printf("%02d:%02d:%06.3f", Hour, Min, Sec+0.001*mSec ); }
int PrintDateTime(char *Out) const { return sprintf(Out, "%02d.%02d.%04d %02d:%02d:%02d.%03d", Day, Month, Year, Hour, Min, Sec, mSec ); }
int PrintTime(char *Out) const { return sprintf(Out, "%02d:%02d:%02d.%03d", Hour, Min, Sec, mSec ); }
void Print(void) const
{ printf("Time/Date = "); PrintDateTime(); printf(" "); // printf(" = %10ld.%03dsec\n", (long int)UnixTime, mSec);
printf("FixQuality/Mode=%d/%d: %d satellites DOP/H/V=%3.1f/%3.1f/%3.1f ", FixQuality, FixMode, Satellites, 0.1*PDOP, 0.1*HDOP, 0.1*VDOP);
printf("FixQuality=%d: %d satellites HDOP=%3.1f ", FixQuality, Satellites, 0.1*HDOP);
printf("Lat/Lon/Alt = [%+10.6f,%+10.6f]deg %+3.1f(%+3.1f)m LatCosine=%+6.3f ", 0.0001/60*Latitude, 0.0001/60*Longitude, 0.1*Altitude, 0.1*GeoidSeparation, 1.0/(1<<12)*LatitudeCosine);
printf("Speed/Heading = %3.1fm/s %05.1fdeg ", 0.1*Speed, 0.1*Heading);
printf("Climb = %+5.1fm/s Turn = %+5.1fdeg/sec\n", 0.1*ClimbRate, 0.1*TurnRate);
int Print(char *Out) const
{ int Len=0;
Len+=sprintf(Out+Len, "Time/Date = "); Len+=PrintDateTime(Out+Len); printf(" "); // Len+=sprintf(Out+Len, " = %10ld.%02dsec\n", (long int)UnixTime, FracSec);
Len+=sprintf(Out+Len, "FixQuality/Mode=%d/%d: %d satellites DOP/H/V=%3.1f/%3.1f/%3.1f ", FixQuality, FixMode, Satellites, 0.1*PDOP, 0.1*HDOP, 0.1*VDOP);
Len+=sprintf(Out+Len, "Lat/Lon/Alt = [%+10.6f,%+10.6f]deg %+3.1f(%+3.1f)m ", 0.0001/60*Latitude, 0.0001/60*Longitude, 0.1*Altitude, 0.1*GeoidSeparation);
Len+=sprintf(Out+Len, "Speed/Heading = %3.1fm/s %05.1fdeg\n", 0.1*Speed, 0.1*Heading);
return Len; }
void PrintLine(void) const
{ PrintTime();
printf(" %d/%d/%02d/%4.1f/%4.1f/%4.1f", FixQuality, FixMode, Satellites, 0.1*PDOP, 0.1*HDOP, 0.1*VDOP);
printf(" [%+10.6f,%+10.6f]deg %+3.1f(%+3.1f)m", 0.0001/60*Latitude, 0.0001/60*Longitude, 0.1*Altitude, 0.1*GeoidSeparation);
printf(" %4.1fm/s %05.1fdeg", 0.1*Speed, 0.1*Heading);
printf("\n"); }
int PrintLine(char *Out) const
{ int Len=0; // PrintDateTime(Out);
Out[Len++]=hasGPS ?'G':'_';
Out[Len++]=hasRMC ?'R':'_';
Out[Len++]=hasGGA ?'G':'_';
Out[Len++]=hasGSA ?'G':'_';
Out[Len++]=isValid() ?'V':'_';
Out[Len++]=isTimeValid() ?'T':'_';
Out[Len++]=isDateValid() ?'D':'_';
Out[Len++]=' '; Len+=Format_UnsDec(Out+Len, (uint16_t)Hour, 2);
Out[Len++]=':'; Len+=Format_UnsDec(Out+Len, (uint16_t)Min, 2);
Out[Len++]=':'; Len+=Format_UnsDec(Out+Len, (uint16_t)Sec, 2);
Out[Len++]='.'; Len+=Format_UnsDec(Out+Len, (uint16_t)mSec, 3);
Out[Len++]=' '; Len+=Format_UnsDec(Out+Len, (uint16_t)FixQuality);
Out[Len++]='/'; Len+=Format_UnsDec(Out+Len, (uint16_t)FixMode);
Out[Len++]='/'; Len+=Format_UnsDec(Out+Len, (uint16_t)Satellites, 2);
Out[Len++]=' '; Len+=Format_UnsDec(Out+Len, PDOP, 2, 1);
Out[Len++]='/'; Len+=Format_UnsDec(Out+Len, HDOP, 2, 1);
Out[Len++]='/'; Len+=Format_UnsDec(Out+Len, VDOP, 2, 1);
Out[Len++]=' ';
Out[Len++]='['; Len+=Format_SignDec(Out+Len, Latitude/6, 7, 5);
Out[Len++]=','; Len+=Format_SignDec(Out+Len, Longitude/6, 8, 5);
Out[Len++]=']'; Out[Len++]='d'; Out[Len++]='e'; Out[Len++]='g';
Out[Len++]=' '; Len+=Format_SignDec(Out+Len, Altitude, 4, 1); Out[Len++]='m';
Out[Len++]='/'; Len+=Format_SignDec(Out+Len, GeoidSeparation, 4, 1); Out[Len++]='m';
Out[Len++]=' '; Len+=Format_UnsDec(Out+Len, Speed, 2, 1); Out[Len++]='m'; Out[Len++]='/'; Out[Len++]='s';
Out[Len++]=' '; Len+=Format_UnsDec(Out+Len, Heading, 4, 1); Out[Len++]='d'; Out[Len++]='e'; Out[Len++]='g';
Out[Len++]=' '; Len+=Format_SignDec(Out+Len, ClimbRate, 2, 1); Out[Len++]='m'; Out[Len++]='/'; Out[Len++]='s';
Out[Len++]=' '; Len+=Format_SignDec(Out+Len, TurnRate, 2, 1); Out[Len++]='d'; Out[Len++]='e'; Out[Len++]='g'; Out[Len++]='/'; Out[Len++]='s';
2020-06-09 21:12:30 +00:00
{ Out[Len++]=' '; Len+=Format_SignDec(Out+Len, Temperature, 2, 1); Out[Len++]='C';
Out[Len++]=' '; Len+=Format_UnsDec(Out+Len, Pressure/4 ); Out[Len++]='P'; Out[Len++]='a';
Out[Len++]=' '; Len+=Format_SignDec(Out+Len, StdAltitude, 2, 1); Out[Len++]='m'; }
Out[Len++]='\n'; Out[Len++]=0; return Len; }
#endif // __AVR__
int8_t ReadUBX(UBX_RxMsg &RxMsg)
{ if(!RxMsg.isNAV()) return 0;
if(RxMsg.isNAV_TIMEUTC()) return ReadUBX_NAV_TIMEUTC(RxMsg);
if(RxMsg.isNAV_POSLLH() ) return ReadUBX_NAV_POSLLH(RxMsg);
if(RxMsg.isNAV_SOL() ) return ReadUBX_NAV_SOL(RxMsg);
return 0; }
int8_t ReadUBX_NAV_TIMEUTC(UBX_RxMsg &RxMsg)
Year = TIMEUTC->year-2000;
Month = TIMEUTC->month;
Day = TIMEUTC->day;
Hour = TIMEUTC->hour;
Min = TIMEUTC->min;
Sec = TIMEUTC->sec;
if(TIMEUTC->nano<0) { decrTimeDate(); TIMEUTC->nano+=1000000000; }
mSec = (TIMEUTC->nano+500000)/1000000; // [ms]
if(mSec>=1000) { incrTimeDate(); mSec-=1000; }
hasTime = (TIMEUTC->valid&0x02)!=0;
return hasTime; }
int8_t ReadUBX_NAV_POSLLH(UBX_RxMsg &RxMsg)
Latitude = 3*(int64_t)POSLLH->lat/50;
Longitude = 3*(int64_t)POSLLH->lon/50;
Altitude = POSLLH->hMSL/100;
GeoidSeparation = (POSLLH->height-POSLLH->hMSL)/100;
hasGPS = 1;
return 1; }
int8_t ReadUBX_NAV_SOL(UBX_RxMsg &RxMsg)
{ UBX_NAV_SOL *SOL = (UBX_NAV_SOL *)(RxMsg.Byte);
FixMode = SOL->gpsFix;
FixQuality = FixMode>=2;
Satellites = SOL->numSV;
return 1; }
int8_t ReadNMEA(NMEA_RxMsg &RxMsg)
{ // if(RxMsg.isGPGGA()) return ReadGGA(RxMsg);
if(RxMsg.isGxGGA()) return ReadGGA(RxMsg);
// if(RxMsg.isGPRMC()) return ReadRMC(RxMsg);
if(RxMsg.isGxRMC()) return ReadRMC(RxMsg);
// if(RxMsg.isGPGSA()) return ReadGSA(RxMsg);
if(RxMsg.isGxGSA()) return ReadGSA(RxMsg);
if(RxMsg.isPGRMZ()) return ReadPGRMZ(RxMsg); // (pressure) altitude
// if(RxMsg.isGxGSV()) return ReadGSV(RxMsg);
return 0; }
int8_t ReadNMEA(const char *NMEA)
{ int Err=0;
Err=ReadGGA(NMEA); if(Err!=(-1)) return Err;
Err=ReadGSA(NMEA); if(Err!=(-1)) return Err;
Err=ReadRMC(NMEA); if(Err!=(-1)) return Err;
// Err=ReadGSV(NMEA); if(Err!=(-1)) return Err;
return 0; }
int8_t ReadPGRMZ(NMEA_RxMsg &RxMsg)
{ if(RxMsg.Parms<3) return -2;
int8_t Ret=Read_Float1(StdAltitude, (const char *)(RxMsg.ParmPtr(0)));
if(Ret<=0) return -1;
char Unit=RxMsg.ParmPtr(1)[0];
hasBaro=1; Pressure=0; Temperature=0;
if(Unit=='m' || Unit=='M') return 1;
if(Unit!='f' && Unit!='F') return -1;
StdAltitude = (StdAltitude*312+512)>>10;
return 1; }
int8_t ReadGGA(NMEA_RxMsg &RxMsg)
2020-06-09 21:12:30 +00:00
{ if(RxMsg.Parms<14) return -2; // no less than 14 paramaters
hasGPS = ReadTime((const char *)RxMsg.ParmPtr(0))>0; // read time and check if same as the RMC says
FixQuality =Read_Dec1(*RxMsg.ParmPtr(5)); if(FixQuality<0) FixQuality=0; // fix quality: 0=invalid, 1=GPS, 2=DGPS
Satellites=Read_Dec2((const char *)RxMsg.ParmPtr(6)); // number of satellites
if(Satellites<0) Satellites=Read_Dec1(RxMsg.ParmPtr(6)[0]);
if(Satellites<0) Satellites=0;
ReadHDOP((const char *)RxMsg.ParmPtr(7)); // horizontal dilution of precision
ReadLatitude(*RxMsg.ParmPtr(2), (const char *)RxMsg.ParmPtr(1)); // Latitude
ReadLongitude(*RxMsg.ParmPtr(4), (const char *)RxMsg.ParmPtr(3)); // Longitude
ReadAltitude(*RxMsg.ParmPtr(9), (const char *)RxMsg.ParmPtr(8)); // Altitude
ReadGeoidSepar(*RxMsg.ParmPtr(11), (const char *)RxMsg.ParmPtr(10)); // Geoid separation
return 1; }
uint8_t WriteGGA(char *GGA)
{ uint8_t Len=0;
Len+=Format_String(GGA+Len, "$GPGGA,");
Len+=Format_UnsDec(GGA+Len, (uint16_t)Hour, 2);
Len+=Format_UnsDec(GGA+Len, (uint16_t)Min, 2);
Len+=Format_UnsDec(GGA+Len, (uint16_t)Sec, 2);
Len+=Format_UnsDec(GGA+Len, (uint16_t)mSec, 3);
Len+=Format_Latitude(GGA+Len, Latitude);
GGA[Len]=GGA[Len-1]; GGA[Len-1]=','; Len++;
Len+=Format_Longitude(GGA+Len, Longitude);
GGA[Len]=GGA[Len-1]; GGA[Len-1]=','; Len++;
Len+=Format_UnsDec(GGA+Len, (uint16_t)Satellites);
Len+=Format_UnsDec(GGA+Len, (uint16_t)HDOP, 2, 1);
Len+=Format_SignDec(GGA+Len, Altitude, 3, 1);
Len+=Format_SignDec(GGA+Len, GeoidSeparation, 3, 1);
Len += NMEA_AppendCheckCRNL(GGA, Len);
return Len; }
int8_t ReadGGA(const char *GGA)
{ if( (memcmp(GGA, "$GPGGA", 6)!=0) && (memcmp(GGA, "$GNGGA", 6)!=0) ) return -1; // check if the right sequence
uint8_t Index[20]; if(IndexNMEA(Index, GGA)<14) return -2; // index parameters and check the sum
hasGPS = ReadTime(GGA+Index[0])>0;
FixQuality =Read_Dec1(GGA[Index[5]]); if(FixQuality<0) FixQuality=0; // fix quality
Satellites=Read_Dec2(GGA+Index[6]); // number of satellites
if(Satellites<0) Satellites=Read_Dec1(GGA[Index[6]]);
if(Satellites<0) Satellites=0;
ReadHDOP(GGA+Index[7]); // horizontal dilution of precision
ReadLatitude( GGA[Index[2]], GGA+Index[1]); // Latitude
ReadLongitude(GGA[Index[4]], GGA+Index[3]); // Longitude
ReadAltitude(GGA[Index[9]], GGA+Index[8]); // Altitude
ReadGeoidSepar(GGA[Index[11]], GGA+Index[10]); // Geoid separation
return 1; }
int8_t ReadGSA(NMEA_RxMsg &RxMsg)
{ if(RxMsg.Parms<17) return -1;
FixMode =Read_Dec1(*RxMsg.ParmPtr(1)); if(FixMode<0) FixMode=0; // fix mode
ReadPDOP((const char *)RxMsg.ParmPtr(14)); // total dilution of precision
ReadHDOP((const char *)RxMsg.ParmPtr(15)); // horizontal dilution of precision
ReadVDOP((const char *)RxMsg.ParmPtr(16)); // vertical dilution of precision
return 1; }
int8_t ReadGSA(const char *GSA)
{ if( (memcmp(GSA, "$GPGSA", 6)!=0) && (memcmp(GSA, "$GNGSA", 6)!=0) ) return -1; // check if the right sequence
uint8_t Index[20]; if(IndexNMEA(Index, GSA)<17) return -2; // index parameters and check the sum
FixMode =Read_Dec1(GSA[Index[1]]); if(FixMode<0) FixMode=0;
return 1; }
int8_t ReadGSV(NMEA_RxMsg &RxMsg)
{ //
return 1; }
int8_t ReadGSV(const char *GSV)
{ if( (memcmp(GSV, "$GPGSV", 6)!=0) && (memcmp(GSV, "$GNGSV", 6)!=0) ) return -1; // check if the right sequence
uint8_t Index[24]; if(IndexNMEA(Index, GSV)<20) return -2; // index parameters and check the sum
return 1; }
int ReadRMC(NMEA_RxMsg &RxMsg)
2020-06-09 21:12:30 +00:00
{ if(RxMsg.Parms<11) return -2; // no less than 12 parameters
hasGPS = ReadTime((const char *)RxMsg.ParmPtr(0))>0; // read time and check if same as the GGA says
if(ReadDate((const char *)RxMsg.ParmPtr(8))<0) setDefaultDate(); // date
ReadLatitude(*RxMsg.ParmPtr(3), (const char *)RxMsg.ParmPtr(2)); // Latitude
ReadLongitude(*RxMsg.ParmPtr(5), (const char *)RxMsg.ParmPtr(4)); // Longitude
ReadSpeed((const char *)RxMsg.ParmPtr(6)); // Speed
ReadHeading((const char *)RxMsg.ParmPtr(7)); // Heading
return 1; }
int8_t ReadRMC(const char *RMC)
{ if( (memcmp(RMC, "$GPRMC", 6)!=0) && (memcmp(RMC, "$GNRMC", 6)!=0) ) return -1; // check if the right sequence
2020-06-09 21:12:30 +00:00
uint8_t Index[20]; if(IndexNMEA(Index, RMC)<11) return -2; // index parameters and check the sum
hasGPS = ReadTime(RMC+Index[0])>0;
if(ReadDate(RMC+Index[8])<0) setDefaultDate();
ReadLatitude( RMC[Index[3]], RMC+Index[2]);
ReadLongitude(RMC[Index[5]], RMC+Index[4]);
return 1; }
int32_t calcTimeDiff(GPS_Position &RefPos) const
{ int32_t TimeDiff = ((int32_t)Min*6000+(int16_t)Sec*100+FracSec) - ((int32_t)RefPos.Min*6000+(int16_t)RefPos.Sec*100+RefPos.FracSec);
if(TimeDiff<(-180000)) TimeDiff+=360000; // wrap-around 60min
else if(TimeDiff>=180000) TimeDiff-=360000;
return TimeDiff; } // [0.01s]
int16_t calcDifferentials(GPS_Position &RefPos, bool useBaro=1) // calculate climb rate and turn rate with an earlier reference position
{ ClimbRate=0; TurnRate=0;
if(RefPos.FixQuality==0) return 0; // give up if no fix on the reference position
int16_t TimeDiff = calcTimeDiff(RefPos); // [ms] time difference between positions
if(TimeDiff<10) return 0; // [ms] give up if smaller than 10ms (as well when negative)
TurnRate = Heading-RefPos.Heading; // [0.1deg/s] turn rate
if(TurnRate>1800) TurnRate-=3600; else if(TurnRate<(-1800)) TurnRate+=3600; // wrap-around
ClimbRate = Altitude-RefPos.Altitude; // [0.1m/s] climb rate as altitude difference
if(useBaro && hasBaro && RefPos.hasBaro && (abs(Altitude-StdAltitude)<2500) ) // if there is baro data then
{ ClimbRate += StdAltitude-RefPos.StdAltitude; // [0.1m/s] on pressure altitude
ClimbRate = (ClimbRate+1)>>1; }
Accel = Speed-RefPos.Speed; // longitual acceleration
if(TimeDiff==100) // [ms] if 0.1sec difference
{ ClimbRate*=10;
TurnRate *=10;
Accel *=10; }
if(TimeDiff==200) // [ms] if 0.2sec difference
{ ClimbRate*=5;
TurnRate *=5;
Accel *=5; }
else if(TimeDiff==500)
{ ClimbRate*=2;
TurnRate *=2;
Accel *=2; }
else if(TimeDiff==1000)
{ }
else if(TimeDiff==2000)
{ ClimbRate=(ClimbRate+1)>>1;
TurnRate=( TurnRate+1)>>1;
Accel =( Accel +1)>>1; }
else if(TimeDiff!=0)
{ ClimbRate = ((int32_t)ClimbRate*1000)/TimeDiff;
TurnRate = ((int32_t) TurnRate*1000)/TimeDiff;
Accel = ((int32_t) Accel *1000)/TimeDiff; }
return TimeDiff; } // [ms]
void Write(MAV_GPS_RAW_INT *MAV) const
{ MAV->time_usec = (int64_t)1000000*getUnixTime()+1000*mSec; // [usec]
MAV->lat = ((int64_t)50*Latitude+1)/3;
MAV->lon = ((int64_t)50*Longitude+1)/3;
MAV->alt = 100*Altitude;
MAV->vel = 10*Speed;
MAV->cog = 10*Heading;;
MAV->fix_type = 1+FixQuality;
MAV->eph = 10*HDOP;
MAV->epv = 10*VDOP;
MAV->satellites_visible = Satellites; }
void Read(const MAV_GPS_RAW_INT *MAV, uint64_t UnixTime_ms=0)
{ if(UnixTime_ms) { setUnixTime_ms(UnixTime_ms); hasTime=1; }
Latitude = ((int64_t)MAV->lat*3+25)/50;
Longitude = ((int64_t)MAV->lon*3+25)/50;
Altitude = (MAV->alt+50)/100; // [0.1m] AMSL
Heading = (MAV->cog+5)/10; // [0.1deg]
Speed = (MAV->vel+5)/10; // [0.1m/s]
HDOP = (MAV->eph+5)/10;
VDOP = (MAV->epv+5)/10;
Satellites = MAV->satellites_visible;
FixMode = MAV->fix_type-1;
FixQuality = 1;
hasGPS = 1; }
void Read(const MAV_GLOBAL_POSITION_INT *MAV, uint64_t UnixTime_ms=0)
{ if(UnixTime_ms) { setUnixTime_ms(UnixTime_ms); hasTime=1; }
Latitude = ((int64_t)MAV->lat*3+25)/50;
Longitude = ((int64_t)MAV->lon*3+25)/50;
Altitude = (MAV->alt+50)/100; // [0.1m] AMSL
ClimbRate = -MAV->vz/10; // [0.1m/s]
Heading = (uint32_t)((uint16_t)IntAtan2(MAV->vy, MAV->vx)*(uint32_t)450+0x1000)>>13; // [0.1degC]
Speed = IntSqrt((int32_t)MAV->vx*MAV->vx+(int32_t)MAV->vy*MAV->vy)/10; // [0.1m/s]
FixMode = 3;
FixQuality = 1;
hasGPS = 1; }
void Read(const MAV_SCALED_PRESSURE *MAV, uint64_t UnixTime_ms=0)
{ if(UnixTime_ms) { setUnixTime_ms(UnixTime_ms); hasTime=1; }
Pressure = 100*4*MAV->press_abs;
Temperature = MAV->temperature/10;
hasBaro=1; }
2020-06-09 21:12:30 +00:00
static int32_t getCordic(int32_t Coord) { return ((int64_t)Coord*83399993+(1<<21))>>22; } // [0.0001/60 deg] => [cordic]
int32_t getCordicLatitude (void) const { return getCordic(Latitude ); }
int32_t getCordicLongitude(void) const { return getCordic(Longitude); }
// [deg] [0.0001/60deg] [Cordic] [FANET Cordic]
// 180 0x066FF300 0x80000000 0x7FFFBC00
static int32_t getFANETcordic(int32_t Coord) { return ((int64_t)Coord*83399317+(1<<21))>>22; } // [0.0001/60 deg] => [FANET cordic]
void EncodeAirPos(FANET_Packet &Packet, uint8_t AcftType=1, bool Track=1)
{ int32_t Alt = Altitude; if(Alt<0) Alt=0; else Alt=(Alt+5)/10;
2020-06-09 21:12:30 +00:00
int32_t Lat = getFANETcordic(Latitude); // Latitude: [0.0001/60deg] => [cordic]
int32_t Lon = getFANETcordic(Longitude); // Longitude: [0.0001/60deg] => [cordic]
// other, glider, tow, heli, chute, drop, hang, para, powered, jet, UFO, balloon, air, UAV, ground, static
const uint8_t FNTtype[16] = { 0, 4, 5, 6, 1, 5, 2, 1, 5, 5, 0, 3, 5, 7, 0, 0 } ; // convert aircraft-type from OGN to FANET
Packet.setAirPos(FNTtype[AcftType&0x0F], Track, Lat, Lon, Alt, (((uint16_t)Heading<<4)+112)/225, Speed, ClimbRate, TurnRate);
if(hasBaro) { Packet.setQNE((StdAltitude+5)/10); }
void Encode(GDL90_REPORT &Report)
{ Report.setAccuracy(9, 9);
int32_t Lat = getCordicLatitude(); // Latitude: [0.0001/60deg] => [cordic]
int32_t Lon = getCordicLongitude(); // Longitude: [0.0001/60deg] => [cordic]
int32_t Alt = Altitude; // [0.1m]
if(hasBaro) Alt = StdAltitude;
Alt=MetersToFeet(Alt); Alt=(Alt+5)/10; // [feet]
uint16_t HeadAngle = ((int32_t)Heading<<12)/225; // [16-bit cordic] heading angle
int32_t SpeedKts = (3981*(int32_t)Speed+1024)>>11; // [0.1m/s] => [0.1kts]
Report.setHeading((HeadAngle+0x80)>>8); // [8-bit cordic]
Report.setMiscInd(0x2); //
Report.setSpeed((SpeedKts+5)/10); // [knot]
template <class OGNx_Packet>
void Encode(OGNx_Packet &Packet) const
{ Packet.Position.FixQuality = FixQuality<3 ? FixQuality:3; //
if((FixQuality>0)&&(FixMode>=2)) Packet.Position.FixMode = FixMode-2; //
else Packet.Position.FixMode = 0;
if(PDOP>0) Packet.EncodeDOP(PDOP-10); // encode PDOP from GSA
else Packet.EncodeDOP(HDOP-10); // or if no GSA: use HDOP
int8_t ShortTime=Sec; // the 6-bit time field in the OGN packet
if(mSec>=500) { ShortTime+=1; if(ShortTime>=60) ShortTime-=60; } // round to the closest full second
Packet.Position.Time=ShortTime; // Time
Packet.EncodeLatitude(Latitude); // Latitude
Packet.EncodeLongitude(Longitude); // Longitude
Packet.EncodeSpeed(Speed); // Speed
Packet.EncodeHeading(Heading); // Heading = track-over-ground
Packet.EncodeClimbRate(ClimbRate); // Climb rate
Packet.EncodeTurnRate(TurnRate); // Turn rate
Packet.EncodeAltitude((Altitude+5)/10); // Altitude
if(hasBaro) Packet.EncodeStdAltitude((StdAltitude+5)/10); // Pressure altitude
else Packet.clrBaro(); //or no-baro if pressure sensor data not there
template <class OGNx_Packet>
void EncodeStatus(OGNx_Packet &Packet) const
{ Packet.Status.ReportType=0;
int ShortTime=Sec;
if(FracSec>=50) { ShortTime+=1; if(ShortTime>=60) ShortTime-=60; }
Packet.Status.FixQuality = FixQuality<3 ? FixQuality:3;
Packet.Status.Satellites = Satellites<15 ? Satellites:15;
{ Packet.EncodeTemperature(Temperature);
Packet.Status.Pressure = (Pressure+16)>>5; }
{ Packet.Status.Pressure = 0; }
template <class OGNx_Packet>
void EncodeStatus(OGNx_Packet &Packet) const
{ Packet.Status.ReportType=0;
int ShortTime=Sec;
if(mSec>=500) { ShortTime+=1; if(ShortTime>=60) ShortTime-=60; }
Packet.Status.FixQuality = FixQuality<3 ? FixQuality:3;
Packet.Status.Satellites = Satellites<15 ? Satellites:15;
{ Packet.EncodeTemperature(Temperature);
Packet.Status.Pressure = (Pressure+16)>>5;
Packet.EncodeHumidity(Humidity); }
{ Packet.Status.Pressure = 0;
Packet.clrHumidity(); }
// uint8_t getFreqPlan(void) const // get the frequency plan from Lat/Lon: 1 = Europe + Africa, 2 = USA/CAnada, 3 = Australia + South America, 4 = New Zeeland
// { if( (Longitude>=(-20*600000)) && (Longitude<=(60*600000)) ) return 1; // between -20 and 60 deg Lat => Europe + Africa: 868MHz band
// if( Latitude<(20*600000) ) // below 20deg latitude
// { if( ( Longitude>(164*600000)) && (Latitude<(-30*600000)) && (Latitude>(-48*600000)) ) return 4; // => New Zeeland
// return 3; } // => Australia + South America: upper half of 915MHz band
// return 2; } // => USA/Canada: full 915MHz band
2020-12-17 01:15:13 +00:00
template <class OGNx_Packet>
void Decode(const OGNx_Packet &Packet)
{ FixQuality = Packet.Position.FixQuality;
FixMode = Packet.Position.FixMode+2;
PDOP = 10+Packet.DecodeDOP();
mSec=0; Sec=Packet.Position.Time;
2020-12-17 01:15:13 +00:00
Speed = Packet.DecodeSpeed();
ClimbRate = Packet.DecodeClimbRate();
TurnRate = Packet.DecodeTurnRate();
Heading = Packet.DecodeHeading(); // Heading = track-over-ground
Latitude = Packet.DecodeLatitude();
Longitude = Packet.DecodeLongitude();
Altitude = Packet.DecodeAltitude()*10;
{ StdAltitude = Altitude + 10*Packet.getBaroAltDiff();
hasBaro=1; }
template <class OGNx_Packet>
void Encode(OGNx_Packet &Packet, int16_t dTime) const // Encode position which is extrapolated by the given fraction of a second
{ Packet.Position.FixQuality = FixQuality<3 ? FixQuality:3; //
if((FixQuality>0)&&(FixMode>=2)) Packet.Position.FixMode = FixMode-2; //
else Packet.Position.FixMode = 0;
if(PDOP>0) Packet.EncodeDOP(PDOP-10); // encode PDOP from GSA
else Packet.EncodeDOP(HDOP-10); // or if no GSA: use HDOP
int32_t Lat, Lon, Alt; int16_t Head;
calcExtrapolation(Lat, Lon, Alt, Head, dTime);
int16_t ShortTime=Sec; // the 6-bit time field in the OGN packet
dTime += mSec;
while(dTime>= 500 ) { dTime-=1000; ShortTime++; if(ShortTime>=60) ShortTime-=60; }
while(dTime<(-500)) { dTime+=1000; ShortTime--; if(ShortTime< 0) ShortTime+=60; }
Packet.Position.Time=ShortTime; // Time
Packet.EncodeLatitude(Lat); // Latitude
Packet.EncodeLongitude(Lon); // Longitude
Packet.EncodeSpeed(Speed); // Speed
Packet.EncodeHeading(Head); // Heading = track-over-ground
Packet.EncodeClimbRate(ClimbRate); // Climb rate
Packet.EncodeTurnRate(TurnRate); // Turn rate
Packet.EncodeAltitude((Alt+5)/10); // Altitude
if(hasBaro) Packet.EncodeStdAltitude((StdAltitude+(Alt-Altitude)+5)/10); // Pressure altitude
else Packet.clrBaro(); //or no-baro if pressure sensor data not there
void Extrapolate(int32_t dTime) // [ms] extrapolate the position by dTime
{ int16_t dSpeed = ((int32_t)Accel*dTime)/1000;
Speed += dSpeed/2;
int16_t HeadAngle = ((int32_t)Heading<<12)/225; // [cordic] heading angle
int16_t TurnAngle = (((dTime*TurnRate)/250)<<9)/225; // [cordic]
HeadAngle += TurnAngle/2;
int32_t LatSpeed = ((int32_t)Speed*Icos(HeadAngle)+0x800)>>12; // [0.1m/s]
int32_t LonSpeed = ((int32_t)Speed*Isin(HeadAngle)+0x800)>>12; // [0.1m/s]
HeadAngle += TurnAngle-TurnAngle/2;
Speed += dSpeed-dSpeed/2; if(Speed<0) Speed=0;
Latitude += calcLatitudeExtrapolation (dTime, LatSpeed); //
Longitude += calcLongitudeExtrapolation(dTime, LonSpeed); //
int32_t dAlt = calcAltitudeExtrapolation(dTime); // [0.1m]
Altitude += dAlt; // [0.1m]
{ StdAltitude += dAlt; // [0.1m]
Pressure += 4000*dAlt/Atmosphere::PressureLapseRate(Pressure/4, Temperature); } // [0.25Pa] ([Pa], [0.1degC])
Heading += (dTime*TurnRate)/1000; // [0.1deg]
if(Heading<0) Heading+=3600; else if(Heading>=3600) Heading-=3600; // [0.1deg]
int16_t fTime = mSec+dTime; // [msec]
while(fTime>=1000) { incrTimeDate(); fTime-=1000; }
while(fTime< 0) { decrTimeDate(); fTime+=1000; }
mSec=fTime; }
// extrapolate GPS position by a fraction of a second
void calcExtrapolation(int32_t &Lat, int32_t &Lon, int32_t &Alt, int16_t &Head, int32_t dTime) const // [msec]
{ int16_t HeadAngle = ((int32_t)Heading<<12)/225; // []
int16_t TurnAngle = (((dTime*TurnRate)/250)<<9)/225; // []
HeadAngle += TurnAngle;
int32_t LatSpeed = ((int32_t)Speed*Icos(HeadAngle)+0x800)>>12; // [0.1m/s]
int32_t LonSpeed = ((int32_t)Speed*Isin(HeadAngle)+0x800)>>12; // [0.1m/s]
Lat = Latitude + calcLatitudeExtrapolation (dTime, LatSpeed);
Lon = Longitude + calcLongitudeExtrapolation(dTime, LonSpeed);
Alt = Altitude + calcAltitudeExtrapolation(dTime);
Head = Heading + (dTime*TurnRate)/1000;
if(Head<0) Head+=3600; else if(Head>=3600) Head-=3600; }
int32_t calcAltitudeExtrapolation(int32_t Time) const // [ms]
{ return Time*ClimbRate/1000; } // [0.1m]
// int32_t calcLatitudeExtrapolation(int32_t Time, int32_t LatSpeed) const // [ms] [0.1m/s]
// { return (Time/10*LatSpeed*177+0x4000)>>15; } // [0.1m]
int32_t calcLatitudeExtrapolation(int32_t Time, int32_t LatSpeed) const // [ms] [0.1m/s]
{ return (Time*LatSpeed*283+0x40000)>>19; } // [0.1m]
int32_t calcLongitudeExtrapolation(int32_t Time, int32_t LonSpeed) const // [ms]
{ int16_t LatCosine = calcLatCosine(calcLatAngle16(Latitude));
return calcLongitudeExtrapolation(Time, LonSpeed, LatCosine); }
// int32_t calcLongitudeExtrapolation(int32_t Time, int32_t LonSpeed, int16_t LatCosine) const // [ms]
// { return (((Time/10*LonSpeed*177+4)>>3))/LatCosine; }
int32_t calcLongitudeExtrapolation(int32_t Time, int32_t LonSpeed, int16_t LatCosine) const // [ms]
{ return (((Time*LonSpeed*283+64)>>7))/LatCosine; }
// static int32_t calcLatDistance(int32_t Lat1, int32_t Lat2) // [m] distance along latitude
// { return ((int64_t)(Lat2-Lat1)*0x2f684bda+0x80000000)>>32; }
// static int32_t calcLatAngle32(int32_t Lat) // convert latitude to 32-bit integer angle
// { return ((int64_t)Lat*2668799779u+0x4000000)>>27; }
static int16_t calcLatAngle16(int32_t Lat) // convert latitude to 16-bit integer angle
{ return ((int64_t)Lat*1303125+0x80000000)>>32; }
// static int32_t calcLatCosine(int32_t LatAngle) // calculate the cosine of the latitude 32-bit integer angle
// { return IntSine((uint32_t)(LatAngle+0x40000000)); }
// static int32_t calcLatCosine(int16_t LatAngle) // calculate the cosine of the latitude 16-bit integer angle
// { return IntSine((uint16_t)(LatAngle+0x4000)); }
static int16_t calcLatCosine(int16_t LatAngle)
{ return Icos(LatAngle); }
// int32_t getLatDistance(int32_t RefLatitude) const // [m] distance along latitude
// { return calcLatDistance(RefLatitude, Latitude); }
// int32_t getLonDistance(int32_t RefLongitude) const // [m] distance along longitude
// { int32_t Dist = calcLatDistance(RefLongitude, Longitude); //
// int16_t LatAngle = calcLatAngle16(Latitude);
// int32_t LatCos = calcLatCosine(LatAngle);
// // printf("Latitude=%+d, LatAngle=%04X LatCos=%08X\n", Latitude, (uint16_t)LatAngle, LatCos);
// return ((int64_t)Dist*LatCos+0x40000000)>>31; } // distance corrected by the latitude cosine
void calcLatitudeCosine(void)
{ int16_t LatAngle = calcLatAngle16(Latitude);
LatitudeCosine = calcLatCosine(LatAngle); }
int WriteAPRS(char *Out, const char *Call, const char *Icon, uint32_t ID)
{ int Len=0;
Len+=Format_String(Out+Len, Call); // Call
Len+=Format_String(Out+Len, ">APRS:/");
Len+=WriteHHMMSS(Out+Len); // Time
Len+=WriteIGCcoord(Out+Len, Latitude, 2, "NS"); // [DDMM.MM] Latitude
char LatW = Out[Len-2];
Out[Len-2]=Out[Len-3]; Out[Len-3]=Out[Len-4]; Out[Len-4]='.';
Len+=WriteIGCcoord(Out+Len, Longitude, 3, "EW"); // [DDDMM.MM] Longitude
char LonW = Out[Len-2];
Out[Len-2]=Out[Len-3]; Out[Len-3]=Out[Len-4]; Out[Len-4]='.';
Len+=Format_UnsDec(Out+Len, Heading/10, 3); // [deg] Heading
Len+=Format_UnsDec(Out+Len, ((uint32_t)Speed*199+512)>>10, 3); // [kt] speed
Out[Len++] = '/'; Out[Len++] = 'A'; Out[Len++] = '='; Len+=Format_UnsDec(Out+Len, (MetersToFeet(Altitude)+5)/10, 6); // [feet] altitude
Out[Len++]=' '; Out[Len++]='!'; Out[Len++]='W'; Out[Len++]=LatW; Out[Len++]=LonW; Out[Len++]='!'; // more accurate Lat/Lon
Out[Len++]=' '; Out[Len++]='i'; Out[Len++]='d'; Len+=Format_Hex(Out+Len, ID); // ID
Out[Len++] = ' '; Len+=Format_SignDec(Out+Len, ((int32_t)ClimbRate*10079+256)>>9, 3); Out[Len++] = 'f'; Out[Len++] = 'p'; Out[Len++] = 'm'; // [fpm]
Out[Len++] = ' '; Len+=Format_SignDec(Out+Len, TurnRate/3, 2, 1); Out[Len++] = 'r'; Out[Len++] = 'o'; Out[Len++] = 't'; // [ROT]
{ int32_t Alt=(StdAltitude+5)/10; // [m] standard pressure altitude
if(Alt<0) Alt=0;
Out[Len++] = ' '; Out[Len++] = 'F'; Out[Len++] = 'L';
Len+=Format_UnsDec(Out+Len, MetersToFeet((uint32_t)Alt), 5, 2); } // [feet] "Flight Level"
uint16_t DOP=PDOP; if(DOP==0) DOP=HDOP;
uint16_t HorPrec=(DOP*2+5)/10; if(HorPrec>63) HorPrec=63; // [m]
uint16_t VerPrec=(DOP*3+5)/10; if(VerPrec>63) VerPrec=63; // [m]
Out[Len++] = ' '; Out[Len++] = 'g'; Out[Len++] = 'p'; Out[Len++] = 's';
Len+=Format_UnsDec(Out+Len, HorPrec); Out[Len++] = 'x'; Len+=Format_UnsDec(Out+Len, VerPrec);
Out[Len]=0; return Len; }
static int WriteIGCcoord(char *Out, int32_t Coord, uint8_t DegSize, const char *SignChar)
{ int Len=0;
bool Neg = Coord<0; if(Neg) Coord=(-Coord);
int32_t Deg = Coord/600000;
Len+=Format_UnsDec(Out+Len, Deg, DegSize);
Coord-=Deg*600000; Coord/=10;
Len+=Format_UnsDec(Out+Len, Coord, 5);
return Len; }
int WriteHHMMSS(char *Out) const
{ Format_UnsDec(Out , Hour, 2);
Format_UnsDec(Out+2, Min , 2);
Format_UnsDec(Out+4, Sec , 2);
return 6; }
int WriteIGC(char *Out) const // write IGC B-record
{ // if(!isValid()) return 0;
int Len=0;
Out[Len++] = 'B';
if(isTimeValid()) Len+=WriteHHMMSS(Out+Len); // if time is valid
else Len+=Format_String(Out+Len, " "); // or leave empty
if(isValid()) // if position valid
{ Len+=WriteIGCcoord(Out+Len, Latitude, 2, "NS"); // DDMM.MMM latitude
Len+=WriteIGCcoord(Out+Len, Longitude, 3, "EW"); // DDDMM.MMM longitude
Out[Len++] = FixMode>2 ? 'A':'V'; } // fix mode
else Len+=Format_String(Out+Len, " "); // is position not valid then leave empty
if(hasBaro) // if pressure data is there
{ int32_t Alt = StdAltitude/10; // [m] pressure altitude
if(Alt<0) { Alt = (-Alt); Out[Len++] = '-'; Len+=Format_UnsDec(Out+Len, (uint32_t)Alt, 4); } // -AAAA (when negative)
else { Len+=Format_UnsDec(Out+Len, (uint32_t)Alt, 5); } // AAAAA
} else Len+=Format_String(Out+Len, " ");
if(isValid()) // if position is valid
{ int32_t Alt = (Altitude+GeoidSeparation)/10; // [m] HAE GPS altitude
if(Alt<0) { Alt = (-Alt); Out[Len++] = '-'; Len+=Format_UnsDec(Out+Len, (uint32_t)Alt, 4); } // -AAAA (when negative)
else { Len+=Format_UnsDec(Out+Len, (uint32_t)Alt, 5); } // AAAAA
} else Len+=Format_String(Out+Len, " ");
Out[Len++]='\n'; Out[Len]=0; return Len; }
int8_t ReadLatitude(char Sign, const char *Value)
{ int8_t Deg=Read_Dec2(Value); if(Deg<0) return -1;
int8_t Min=Read_Dec2(Value+2); if(Min<0) return -1;
if(Value[4]!='.') return -1;
int16_t FracMin=Read_Dec4(Value+5); if(FracMin<0) return -1;
// printf("Latitude: %c %02d %02d %04d\n", Sign, Deg, Min, FracMin);
Latitude = (int16_t)Deg*60 + Min;
Latitude = Latitude*(int32_t)10000 + FracMin;
// printf("Latitude: %d\n", Latitude);
if(Sign=='S') Latitude=(-Latitude);
else if(Sign!='N') return -1;
// printf("Latitude: %d\n", Latitude);
return 0; } // Latitude units: 0.0001/60 deg
int8_t ReadLongitude(char Sign, const char *Value)
{ int16_t Deg=Read_Dec3(Value); if(Deg<0) return -1;
int8_t Min=Read_Dec2(Value+3); if(Min<0) return -1;
if(Value[5]!='.') return -1;
int16_t FracMin=Read_Dec4(Value+6); if(FracMin<0) return -1;
Longitude = (int16_t)Deg*60 + Min;
Longitude = Longitude*(int32_t)10000 + FracMin;
if(Sign=='W') Longitude=(-Longitude);
else if(Sign!='E') return -1;
return 0; } // Longitude units: 0.0001/60 deg
int8_t ReadAltitude(char Unit, const char *Value)
{ if(Unit!='M') return -1;
return Read_Float1(Altitude, Value); } // Altitude units: 0.1 meter
int8_t ReadGeoidSepar(char Unit, const char *Value)
{ if(Unit!='M') return -1;
return Read_Float1(GeoidSeparation, Value); } // GeoidSepar units: 0.1 meter
int8_t ReadSpeed(const char *Value)
{ int32_t Knots;
if(Read_Float1(Knots, Value)<1) return -1; // Speed: 0.1 knots
Speed=(527*Knots+512)>>10; return 0; } // convert speed to 0.1 meter/sec
int8_t ReadHeading(const char *Value)
{ return Read_Float1(Heading, Value); } // Heading units: 0.1 degree
int8_t ReadPDOP(const char *Value)
{ int16_t DOP;
if(Read_Float1(DOP, Value)<1) return -1;
if(DOP<10) DOP=10;
else if(DOP>255) DOP=255;
PDOP=DOP; return 0; }
int ReadHDOP(const char *Value)
{ int16_t DOP;
if(Read_Float1(DOP, Value)<1) return -1;
if(DOP<10) DOP=10;
else if(DOP>255) DOP=255;
HDOP=DOP; return 0; }
int ReadVDOP(const char *Value)
{ int16_t DOP;
if(Read_Float1(DOP, Value)<1) return -1;
if(DOP<10) DOP=10;
else if(DOP>255) DOP=255;
VDOP=DOP; return 0; }
int8_t static IndexNMEA(uint8_t Index[20], const char *Seq) // index parameters and verify the NMEA checksum
{ int8_t Ptr=0;
uint8_t Check=0;
if(Seq[Ptr]!='$') return -1; // first chat. must be dollar sign
for( ; Ptr<=6; Ptr++) // go through the sentence name
{ if(Seq[Ptr]==',') break; // stop at comma
Check^=Seq[Ptr]; } // take char. to checksum
if(Seq[Ptr]!=',') return -1; // comma after the sentence name
Check^=Seq[Ptr++]; // take comma to the checksum
Index[0]=Ptr; int8_t Params=1; // first parameter
for( ; ; )
{ char ch=Seq[Ptr++]; if(ch<' ') return -1; // go through the chars
if(ch=='*') break; // break at star (check-sum should follow)
Check^=ch; // get chars to the checksum
if(ch==',') { Index[Params++]=Ptr; } // if comma then counr next parameter
if(Seq[Ptr++]!=HexDigit(Check>>4) ) return -2; // verify checksum
if(Seq[Ptr++]!=HexDigit(Check&0x0F)) return -2;
// printf("%s => [%d]\n", Seq, Params);
return Params; }
} ;
#endif // of __OGN_H__