
133 wiersze
4.9 KiB
Czysty Zwykły widok Historia

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <vector>
#include "serial.h"
#include "ogn.h"
static double getTime(void) // read the system time at this very moment
{ struct timespec now; clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &now); return now.tv_sec + 1e-9*now.tv_nsec; }
static const char *PortName = "/dev/ttyUSB0"; // default serial port name
static int BaudRate = 115200; // default baud rate on the serial port
static int ListOnly = 0;
static uint32_t SelectFile = 0;
static int Help = 0;
static SerialPort Port;
const int MaxLineLen = 512;
static char Line[MaxLineLen];
static std::vector<uint32_t> LogFileList; // list of log file start times
static int List(void)
Port.Write(12); // send Ctrl-L to list the log files
uint8_t Index[32];
int LineIdx=0;
double Start=getTime(); // sart counting the time
for( ; ; )
{ char Byte;
if(Port.Read(Byte)<=0) // get a byte from the serial port
{ double Now=getTime(); // if non, then check time
if((Now-Start)>=10.0) break; // if idle for more than 4 sec then stop recording the log files
usleep(1000); continue; } // if no new bytes on the serial port sleep a little
// printf("%3d: %02X %c\n", LineIdx, Byte, Byte<=' '?' ':Byte);
if(Byte<' ') // if a control (non-printable) character
{ Line[LineIdx]=0; // terminate the line and process it
if(LineIdx<7) { LineIdx=0; continue; }
// printf("%s\n", Line);
if(memcmp(Line, "$POGNL,", 7)!=0) { LineIdx=0; continue; } // only take POGNL sentences
int8_t Err=GPS_Position::IndexNMEA(Index, Line); // index the parameters
if(Err<2) { LineIdx=0; continue; } // if less than two parameters, then skip this message
if((Index[1]-Index[0])!=13) { LineIdx=0; continue; } // filename must be 13 characters long
uint32_t UnixTime=0;
if(Read_Hex(UnixTime, Line+Index[0])!=8) { LineIdx=0; continue; } // get the starting time: 8 hex characters
time_t Time = UnixTime;
struct tm *TM = gmtime(&Time);
printf("%s (%d,%d) %02d:%02d:%02d %02d.%02d.%04d\n",
Line, Err, Index[1]-Index[0], TM->tm_hour, TM->tm_min, TM->tm_sec, TM->tm_mday, TM->tm_mon+1, TM->tm_year+1900);
Start=getTime(); // set new start time counter
LineIdx=0; continue; }
if(LineIdx<MaxLineLen) Line[LineIdx++]=Byte; // add the byte to the line, keep collecting more bytes
printf("%d log files\n", LogFileList.size());
return LogFileList.size(); }
static int Download(uint32_t LogFile)
{ char Cmd[32];
sprintf(Cmd, "$POGNL,%08X.TLG\n", LogFile);
printf("Port <- %s", Cmd);
int Records=0;
int LineIdx=0;
double Start=getTime();
for( ; ; )
{ char Byte;
{ double Now=getTime();
if((Now-Start)>=8.0) break;
usleep(1000); continue; } // if no new bytes on the serial port sleep a little
if(Byte<' ') // if a control (non-printable) character
{ Line[LineIdx]=0;
if(Line[0]=='$') { LineIdx=0; continue; }
if(LineIdx<12) { LineIdx=0; continue; }
printf("%s\n", Line);
LineIdx=0; continue; }
if(LineIdx<MaxLineLen) Line[LineIdx++]=Byte;
printf("%d log records for %08X.TLG\n", Records, LogFile);
return Records; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
int arg=1;
for( ; arg<argc; arg++)
{ const char *Val = argv[arg]; if(Val[0]!='-') break;
{ case 'h': Help=1; break;
case 'l': ListOnly=1; break;
case 'f': SelectFile=strtol(Val+2, 0, 16); break;
{ char *Colon = strchr(argv[arg],':');
if(Colon) { Colon[0]=0; BaudRate=atoi(Colon+1); }
PortName = argv[arg]; }
if(Port.Open(PortName, BaudRate)<0) { printf("Can't open %s at %dbps\n", PortName, BaudRate); return -1; }
// printf("Open %s at %dbps\n", PortName, BaudRate);
if(SelectFile==0) List();
if(ListOnly) { Port.Close(); return 0; }
{ Download(SelectFile); }
{ for( size_t File=0; File<LogFileList.size(); File++)
Download(LogFileList[File]); }
return 0; }