David Cermak e57dbf7c27 http-server-example: correction of regex waiting to acquire IP address
Since the recent refactoring of spi bus_lock comonent introduced heavy logging under debug/verbose level of verbosity, the http-server test executed in the CI became less stable due to complicated regex. Fixed by removing the first optional group
2020-04-05 20:07:27 +02:00
sdkconfig.defaults http-server-example: correction of regex waiting to acquire IP address 2020-04-05 20:07:27 +02:00

Websocket echo server

(See the file in the upper level 'examples' directory for more information about examples.) This example demonstrates the HTTPD server using the WebSocket feature.

How to Use Example

The example starts a WS server on a local network, so a WS client is needed to interact with the server (an example test could be used as a simple WS client).

The server registers WebSocket handler which echoes back the received WebSocket frame. It also demonstrates use of asynchronous send, which is triggered on reception of a certain message.

Hardware Required

This example can be executed on any common development board, the only required interface is WiFi or Ethernet connection to a local network.

Configure the project

  • Open the project configuration menu ( menuconfig)
  • Configure Wi-Fi or Ethernet under "Example Connection Configuration" menu. See "Establishing Wi-Fi or Ethernet Connection" section in examples/protocols/ for more details.

Build and Flash

Build the project and flash it to the board, then run monitor tool to view serial output: -p PORT flash monitor

(To exit the serial monitor, type Ctrl-].)

See the Getting Started Guide for full steps to configure and use ESP-IDF to build projects.

Example Output

I (4932) example_connect: Got IPv6 event!
I (4942) example_connect: Connected to Espressif
I (4942) example_connect: IPv4 address:
I (4952) example_connect: IPv6 address: fe80:xxxx
I (4962) ws_echo_server: Starting server on port: '80'
I (4962) ws_echo_server: Registering URI handlers
D (4962) httpd: httpd_thread: web server started
D (4972) httpd: httpd_server: doing select maxfd+1 = 56
D (4982) httpd_uri: httpd_register_uri_handler: [0] installed /ws
D (17552) httpd: httpd_server: processing listen socket 54
D (17552) httpd: httpd_accept_conn: newfd = 57
D (17552) httpd_sess: httpd_sess_new: fd = 57
D (17562) httpd: httpd_accept_conn: complete
D (17562) httpd: httpd_server: doing select maxfd+1 = 58
D (17572) httpd: httpd_server: processing socket 57
D (17572) httpd_sess: httpd_sess_process: httpd_req_new
D (17582) httpd_parse: httpd_req_new: New request, has WS? No, sd->ws_handler valid? No, sd->ws_close? No
D (17592) httpd_txrx: httpd_recv_with_opt: requested length = 128
D (17592) httpd_txrx: httpd_recv_with_opt: received length = 128
D (17602) httpd_parse: read_block: received HTTP request block size = 128
D (17612) httpd_parse: cb_url: message begin
D (17612) httpd_parse: cb_url: processing url = /ws
D (17622) httpd_parse: verify_url: received URI = /ws
D (17622) httpd_parse: cb_header_field: headers begin
D (17632) httpd_txrx: httpd_unrecv: length = 110
D (17632) httpd_parse: pause_parsing: paused
D (17632) httpd_parse: cb_header_field: processing field = Host
D (17642) httpd_txrx: httpd_recv_with_opt: requested length = 128
D (17652) httpd_txrx: httpd_recv_with_opt: pending length = 110
D (17652) httpd_parse: read_block: received HTTP request block size = 110
D (17662) httpd_parse: continue_parsing: skip pre-parsed data of size = 5
D (17672) httpd_parse: continue_parsing: un-paused
D (17682) httpd_parse: cb_header_field: processing field = Upgrade
D (17682) httpd_parse: cb_header_value: processing value = websocket
D (17692) httpd_parse: cb_header_field: processing field = Connection
D (17702) httpd_parse: cb_header_value: processing value = Upgrade
D (17702) httpd_parse: cb_header_field: processing field = Sec-WebSocket-Key
D (17712) httpd_parse: cb_header_value: processing value = gfhjgfhjfj
D (17722) httpd_parse: cb_header_field: processing field = Sec-WebSocket-Proto
D (17722) httpd_parse: parse_block: parsed block size = 110
D (17732) httpd_txrx: httpd_recv_with_opt: requested length = 128
D (17742) httpd_txrx: httpd_recv_with_opt: received length = 40
D (17742) httpd_parse: read_block: received HTTP request block size = 40
D (17752) httpd_parse: cb_header_field: processing field = col
D (17752) httpd_parse: cb_header_value: processing value = echo
D (17762) httpd_parse: cb_header_field: processing field = Sec-WebSocket-Version
D (17772) httpd_parse: cb_header_value: processing value = 13
D (17772) httpd_parse: cb_headers_complete: bytes read     = 169
D (17782) httpd_parse: cb_headers_complete: content length = 0
D (17792) httpd_parse: cb_headers_complete: Got an upgrade request
D (17792) httpd_parse: pause_parsing: paused
D (17802) httpd_parse: cb_no_body: message complete
D (17802) httpd_parse: httpd_parse_req: parsing complete
D (17812) httpd_uri: httpd_uri: request for /ws with type 1
D (17812) httpd_uri: httpd_find_uri_handler: [0] = /ws
D (17822) httpd_uri: httpd_uri: Responding WS handshake to sock 57
D (17822) httpd_ws: httpd_ws_respond_server_handshake: Server key before encoding: gfhjgfhjfj258EAFA5-E914-47DA-95CA-C5AB0DC85B11
D (17842) httpd_ws: httpd_ws_respond_server_handshake: Generated server key: Jg/fQVRsgwdDzYeG8yNBHRajUxw=
D (17852) httpd_sess: httpd_sess_process: httpd_req_delete
D (17852) httpd_sess: httpd_sess_process: success
D (17862) httpd: httpd_server: doing select maxfd+1 = 58
D (17892) httpd: httpd_server: processing socket 57
D (17892) httpd_sess: httpd_sess_process: httpd_req_new
D (17892) httpd_parse: httpd_req_new: New request, has WS? Yes, sd->ws_handler valid? Yes, sd->ws_close? No
D (17902) httpd_parse: httpd_req_new: New WS request from existing socket
D (17902) httpd_txrx: httpd_recv_with_opt: requested length = 1
D (17912) httpd_txrx: httpd_recv_with_opt: received length = 1
D (17912) httpd_ws: httpd_ws_get_frame_type: First byte received: 0x81
D (17922) httpd_txrx: httpd_recv_with_opt: requested length = 1
D (17932) httpd_txrx: httpd_recv_with_opt: received length = 1
D (17932) httpd_txrx: httpd_recv_with_opt: requested length = 4
D (17942) httpd_txrx: httpd_recv_with_opt: received length = 4
D (17942) httpd_txrx: httpd_recv_with_opt: requested length = 13
D (17952) httpd_txrx: httpd_recv_with_opt: received length = 13
I (17962) ws_echo_server: Got packet with message: Trigger async
I (17962) ws_echo_server: Packet type: 1
D (17972) httpd_sess: httpd_sess_process: httpd_req_delete
D (17972) httpd_sess: httpd_sess_process: success
D (17982) httpd: httpd_server: doing select maxfd+1 = 58
D (17982) httpd: httpd_server: processing ctrl message
D (17992) httpd: httpd_process_ctrl_msg: work
D (18002) httpd: httpd_server: doing select maxfd+1 = 58

See the file in the upper level 'examples' directory for more information about examples.