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The ESP-TLS component provides a simplified API interface for accessing the commonly used TLS functionality.
It supports common scenarios like CA certification validation, SNI, ALPN negotiation, non-blocking connection among others.
All the configuration can be specified in the ``esp_tls_cfg_t`` data structure. Once done, TLS communication can be conducted using the following APIs:
* :cpp:func:`esp_tls_init`: for initializing the TLS connection handle.
* :cpp:func:`esp_tls_conn_new_sync`: for opening a new blocking TLS connection.
* :cpp:func:`esp_tls_conn_new_async`: for opening a new non-blocking TLS connection.
* :cpp:func:`esp_tls_conn_read`: for reading from the connection.
* :cpp:func:`esp_tls_conn_write`: for writing into the connection.
* :cpp:func:`esp_tls_conn_destroy`: for freeing up the connection.
Any application layer protocol like HTTP1, HTTP2 etc can be executed on top of this layer.
Application Example
Simple HTTPS example that uses ESP-TLS to establish a secure socket connection: :example:`protocols/https_request`.
Tree structure for ESP-TLS component
.. highlight:: none
├── esp_tls.c
├── esp_tls.h
├── esp_tls_mbedtls.c
├── esp_tls_wolfssl.c
└── private_include
├── esp_tls_mbedtls.h
└── esp_tls_wolfssl.h
The ESP-TLS component has a file :component_file:`esp-tls/esp_tls.h` which contain the public API headers for the component. Internally ESP-TLS component uses one
of the two SSL/TLS Libraries between mbedtls and wolfssl for its operation. API specific to mbedtls are present in :component_file:`esp-tls/private_include/esp_tls_mbedtls.h` and API
specific to wolfssl are present in :component_file:`esp-tls/private_include/esp_tls_wolfssl.h`.
.. _esp_tls_server_verification:
TLS Server verification
The ESP-TLS provides multiple options for TLS server verification on the client side. The ESP-TLS client can verify the server by validating the peer's server certificate or with the help of pre-shared keys. The user should select only one of the following options in the :cpp:type:`esp_tls_cfg_t` structure for TLS server verification. If no option is selected then client will return a fatal error by default at the time of the TLS connection setup.
* **cacert_buf** and **cacert_bytes**: The CA certificate can be provided in a buffer to the :cpp:type:`esp_tls_cfg_t` structure. The ESP-TLS will use the CA certificate present in the buffer to verify the server. The following variables in :cpp:type:`esp_tls_cfg_t` structure must be set.
* ``cacert_buf`` - pointer to the buffer which contains the CA cert.
* ``cacert_bytes`` - size of the CA certificate in bytes.
* **use_global_ca_store**: The ``global_ca_store`` can be initialized and set at once. Then it can be used to verify the server for all the ESP-TLS connections which have set ``use_global_ca_store = true`` in their respective :cpp:type:`esp_tls_cfg_t` structure. See API Reference section below on information regarding different API used for initializing and setting up the ``global_ca_store``.
* **crt_bundle_attach**: The ESP x509 Certificate Bundle API provides an easy way to include a bundle of custom x509 root certificates for TLS server verification. More details can be found at :doc:`ESP x509 Certificate Bundle</api-reference/protocols/esp_crt_bundle>`
* **psk_hint_key**: To use pre-shared keys for server verification, :ref:`CONFIG_ESP_TLS_PSK_VERIFICATION` should be enabled in the ESP-TLS menuconfig. Then the pointer to PSK hint and key should be provided to the :cpp:type:`esp_tls_cfg_t` structure. The ESP-TLS will use the PSK for server verification only when no other option regarding the server verification is selected.
* **skip server verification**: This is an insecure option provided in the ESP-TLS for testing purpose. The option can be set by enabling :ref:`CONFIG_ESP_TLS_INSECURE` and :ref:`CONFIG_ESP_TLS_SKIP_SERVER_CERT_VERIFY` in the ESP-TLS menuconfig. When this option is enabled the ESP-TLS will skip server verification by default when no other options for server verification are selected in the :cpp:type:`esp_tls_cfg_t` structure.
*WARNING:Enabling this option comes with a potential risk of establishing a TLS connection with a server which has a fake identity, provided that the server certificate is not provided either through API or other mechanism like ca_store etc.*
ESP-TLS Server cert selection hook
The ESP-TLS component provides an option to set the server cert selection hook when using the mbedTLS stack. This provides an ability to configure and use a certificate selection callback during server handshake, to select a certificate to present to the client based on the TLS extensions supplied in the client hello (alpn, sni, etc). To enable this feature, please enable :ref:`CONFIG_ESP_TLS_SERVER_CERT_SELECT_HOOK` in the ESP-TLS menuconfig.
The certificate selection callback can be configured in the :cpp:type:`esp_tls_cfg_t` structure as follows:
.. code-block:: c
int cert_selection_callback(mbedtls_ssl_context *ssl)
/* Code that the callback should execute */
return 0;
esp_tls_cfg_t cfg = {
cert_select_cb = cert_section_callback,
.. _esp_tls_wolfssl:
Underlying SSL/TLS Library Options
The ESP-TLS component has an option to use mbedtls or wolfssl as their underlying SSL/TLS library. By default only mbedtls is available and is
used, wolfssl SSL/TLS library is available publicly at The repository provides wolfssl component in binary format, it
also provides few examples which are useful for understanding the API. Please refer the repository for
information on licensing and other options. Please see below option for using wolfssl in your project.
.. note:: `As the library options are internal to ESP-TLS, switching the libraries will not change ESP-TLS specific code for a project.`
How to use wolfssl with ESP-IDF
There are two ways to use wolfssl in your project
1) Directly add wolfssl as a component in your project with following three commands.::
(First change directory (cd) to your project directory)
mkdir components
cd components
git clone
2) Add wolfssl as an extra component in your project.
* Download wolfssl with::
git clone
* Include esp-wolfssl in ESP-IDF with setting EXTRA_COMPONENT_DIRS in CMakeLists.txt of your project as done in `wolfssl/examples <>`_. For reference see Optional Project variables in :doc:`build-system.</api-guides/build-system>`
After above steps, you will have option to choose wolfssl as underlying SSL/TLS library in configuration menu of your project as follows:: menuconfig -> ESP-TLS -> choose SSL/TLS Library -> mbedtls/wolfssl
Comparison between mbedtls and wolfssl
The following table shows a typical comparison between wolfssl and mbedtls when :example:`protocols/https_request` example `(which has server authentication)` was run with both
SSL/TLS libraries and with all respective configurations set to default.
`(mbedtls IN_CONTENT length and OUT_CONTENT length were set to 16384 bytes and 4096 bytes respectively)`
| Property | Wolfssl | Mbedtls |
| Total Heap Consumed | ~19 Kb | ~37 Kb |
| Task Stack Used | ~2.2 Kb | ~3.6 Kb |
| Bin size | ~858 Kb | ~736 Kb |
.. note:: `These values are subject to change with change in configuration options and version of respective libraries`.
.. only:: esp32
ATECC608A (Secure Element) with ESP-TLS
ESP-TLS provides support for using ATECC608A cryptoauth chip with ESP32-WROOM-32SE.
Use of ATECC608A is supported only when ESP-TLS is used with mbedTLS as its underlying SSL/TLS stack.
ESP-TLS uses mbedtls as its underlying TLS/SSL stack by default unless changed manually.
.. note:: ATECC608A chip on ESP32-WROOM-32SE must be already configured and provisioned, for details refer `esp_cryptoauth_utility <>`_
To enable the secure element support, and use it in you project for TLS connection, you will have to follow below steps
1) Add `esp-cryptoauthlib <>`_ in your project, for details please refer `esp-cryptoauthlib with ESP_IDF <>`_
2) Enable following menuconfig option::
menuconfig->Component config->ESP-TLS->Use Secure Element (ATECC608A) with ESP-TLS
3) Select type of ATECC608A chip with following option::
menuconfig->Component config->esp-cryptoauthlib->Choose Type of ATECC608A chip
to know more about different types of ATECC608A chips and how to obtain type of ATECC608A connected to your ESP module please visit `ATECC608A chip type <>`_
4) Enable use of ATECC608A in ESP-TLS by providing following config option in `esp_tls_cfg_t`
.. code-block:: c
esp_tls_cfg_t cfg = {
/* other configurations options */
.use_secure_element = true,
.. _digital-signature-with-esp-tls:
Digital Signature with ESP-TLS
ESP-TLS provides support for using the Digital Signature (DS) with {IDF_TARGET_NAME}.
Use of the DS for TLS is supported only when ESP-TLS is used with mbedTLS (default stack) as its underlying SSL/TLS stack.
For more details on Digital Signature, please refer to the :doc:`Digital Signature Documentation </api-reference/peripherals/ds>`. The technical details of Digital Signature such as
how to calculate private key parameters can be found in *{IDF_TARGET_NAME} Technical Reference Manual* > *Digital Signature (DS)* [`PDF <{IDF_TARGET_TRM_EN_URL}#digsig>`__].
The DS peripheral must be configured before it can be used to perform Digital Signature, see `Configure the DS Peripheral` in :doc:`Digital Signature </api-reference/peripherals/ds>`.
The DS peripheral must be initlized with the required encrypted private key parameters (obtained when the DS peripheral is configured). ESP-TLS internally initializes the DS peripheral when
provided with the required DS context (DS parameters). Please see the below code snippet for passing the DS context to esp-tls context. The DS context passed to the esp-tls context should not be freed till the TLS connection is deleted.
.. code-block:: c
#include "esp_tls.h"
esp_ds_data_ctx_t *ds_ctx;
/* initialize ds_ctx with encrypted private key parameters, which can be read from the nvs or
provided through the application code */
esp_tls_cfg_t cfg = {
.clientcert_buf = /* the client cert */,
.clientcert_bytes = /* length of the client cert */,
/* other configurations options */
.ds_data = (void *)ds_ctx,
.. note:: When using Digital Signature for the TLS connection, along with the other required params, only the client cert (`clientcert_buf`) and the DS params (`ds_data`) are required and the client key (`clientkey_buf`) can be set to NULL.
* An example of mutual authentication with the DS peripheral can be found at :example:`ssl mutual auth<protocols/mqtt/ssl_mutual_auth>` which internally uses (ESP-TLS) for the TLS connection.
API Reference
.. include-build-file:: inc/
.. include-build-file:: inc/