
546 wiersze
21 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env python
# ESP32 efuse table generation tool
# Converts efuse table to header file efuse_table.h.
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2017-2021 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) CO LTD
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
from __future__ import division, print_function
import argparse
import hashlib
import os
import re
import sys
from datetime import datetime
__version__ = '1.0'
quiet = False
max_blk_len = 256
idf_target = 'esp32'
def get_copyright():
copyright_str = '''/*
* SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2017-%d Espressif Systems (Shanghai) CO LTD
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
return copyright_str %
def status(msg):
""" Print status message to stderr """
if not quiet:
def critical(msg):
""" Print critical message to stderr """
class FuseTable(list):
def __init__(self):
super(FuseTable, self).__init__(self)
self.md5_digest_table = ''
def from_csv(cls, csv_contents):
res = FuseTable()
lines = csv_contents.splitlines()
def expand_vars(f):
f = os.path.expandvars(f)
m = re.match(r'(?<!\\)\$([A-Za-z_][A-Za-z0-9_]*)', f)
if m:
raise InputError("unknown variable '%s'" % (
return f
for line_no in range(len(lines)):
line = expand_vars(lines[line_no]).strip()
if line.startswith('#') or len(line) == 0:
except InputError as e:
raise InputError('Error at line %d: %s' % (line_no + 1, e))
except Exception:
critical('Unexpected error parsing line %d: %s' % (line_no + 1, line))
# fix up missing bit_start
last_efuse_block = None
for e in res:
if last_efuse_block != e.efuse_block:
last_end = 0
if e.bit_start is None:
e.bit_start = last_end
last_end = e.bit_start + e.bit_count
last_efuse_block = e.efuse_block
# fix up missing field_name
last_field = None
for e in res:
if e.field_name == '' and last_field is None:
raise InputError('Error at line %d: %s missing field name' % (line_no + 1, e))
elif e.field_name == '' and last_field is not None:
e.field_name = last_field.field_name
last_field = e
# fill group
names = [p.field_name for p in res]
duplicates = set(n for n in names if names.count(n) > 1)
if len(duplicates) != 0:
i_count = 0
for p in res:
if len(duplicates.intersection([p.field_name])) != 0: = str(i_count)
i_count += 1
i_count = 0
# clac md5 for table
return res
def verify_duplicate_name(self):
# check on duplicate name
names = [p.field_name for p in self]
names += [name.replace('.', '_') for name in names if '.' in name]
duplicates = set(n for n in names if names.count(n) > 1)
# print sorted duplicate partitions by name
if len(duplicates) != 0:
fl_error = False
for p in self:
field_name = p.field_name +
if field_name != '' and len(duplicates.intersection([field_name])) != 0:
fl_error = True
print('Field at %s, %s, %s, %s have dublicate field_name' %
(p.field_name, p.efuse_block, p.bit_start, p.bit_count))
if fl_error is True:
raise InputError('Field names must be unique')
def check_struct_field_name(self):
# check that stuctured fields have a root field
for p in self:
if '.' in p.field_name:
name = ''
for sub in p.field_name.split('.')[:-1]:
name = sub if name == '' else name + '.' + sub
missed_name = True
for d in self:
if p is not d and p.efuse_block == d.efuse_block and name == d.field_name:
missed_name = False
if missed_name:
raise InputError('%s is not found' % name)
def verify(self, type_table=None):
def check(p, n):
left = n.bit_start
right = n.bit_start + n.bit_count - 1
start = p.bit_start
end = p.bit_start + p.bit_count - 1
if left <= start <= right:
if left <= end <= right:
return 'included in' # [n [p...p] n]
return 'intersected with' # [n [p..n]..p]
if left <= end <= right:
return 'intersected with' # [p..[n..p] n]
if start <= left and right <= end:
return 'wraps' # [p [n...n] p]
return 'ok' # [p] [n] or [n] [p]
def print_error(p, n, state):
raise InputError('Field at %s, %s, %s, %s %s %s, %s, %s, %s' %
(p.field_name, p.efuse_block, p.bit_start, p.bit_count, state,
n.field_name, n.efuse_block, n.bit_start, n.bit_count))
for p in self:
if type_table != 'custom_table':
# check will be done for common and custom tables together
# check for overlaps
for p in self:
for n in self:
if p is not n and p.efuse_block == n.efuse_block:
state = check(p, n)
if state != 'ok':
if '.' in p.field_name:
name = ''
for sub in p.field_name.split('.'):
name = sub if name == '' else name + '.' + sub
for d in self:
if p is not d and p.efuse_block == d.efuse_block and name == d.field_name:
state = check(p, d)
if state == 'included in':
elif state != 'intersected with':
state = 'out of range'
print_error(p, d, state)
elif '.' in n.field_name:
print_error(p, n, state)
def calc_md5(self):
txt_table = ''
for p in self:
txt_table += '%s %s %d %s %s' % (p.field_name, p.efuse_block, p.bit_start, str(p.get_bit_count()), p.comment) + '\n'
self.md5_digest_table = hashlib.md5(txt_table.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest()
def show_range_used_bits(self):
# print used and free bits
rows = ''
rows += 'Sorted efuse table:\n'
num = 1
rows += '{0} \t{1:<30} \t{2} \t{3} \t{4}'.format('#', 'field_name', 'efuse_block', 'bit_start', 'bit_count') + '\n'
for p in sorted(self, key=lambda x:(x.efuse_block, x.bit_start)):
rows += '{0} \t{1:<30} \t{2} \t{3:^8} \t{4:^8}'.format(num, p.field_name, p.efuse_block, p.bit_start, p.bit_count) + '\n'
num += 1
rows += '\nUsed bits in efuse table:\n'
last = None
for p in sorted(self, key=lambda x:(x.efuse_block, x.bit_start)):
if last is None:
rows += '%s \n[%d ' % (p.efuse_block, p.bit_start)
if last is not None:
if last.efuse_block != p.efuse_block:
rows += '%d] \n\n%s \n[%d ' % (last.bit_start + last.bit_count - 1, p.efuse_block, p.bit_start)
elif last.bit_start + last.bit_count != p.bit_start:
rows += '%d] [%d ' % (last.bit_start + last.bit_count - 1, p.bit_start)
last = p
rows += '%d] \n' % (last.bit_start + last.bit_count - 1)
rows += '\nNote: Not printed ranges are free for using. (bits in EFUSE_BLK0 are reserved for Espressif)\n'
return rows
def get_str_position_last_free_bit_in_blk(self, blk):
last_used_bit = 0
for p in self:
if p.efuse_block == blk:
if p.define is not None:
return p.get_bit_count()
if last_used_bit < p.bit_start + p.bit_count:
last_used_bit = p.bit_start + p.bit_count
if last_used_bit == 0:
return None
return str(last_used_bit)
def to_header(self, file_name):
rows = [get_copyright()]
rows += ['#ifdef __cplusplus',
'extern "C" {',
'// md5_digest_table ' + self.md5_digest_table,
'// This file was generated from the file ' + file_name + '.csv. DO NOT CHANGE THIS FILE MANUALLY.',
'// If you want to change some fields, you need to change ' + file_name + '.csv file',
'// then run `efuse_common_table` or `efuse_custom_table` command it will generate this file.',
"// To show efuse_table run the command 'show_efuse_table'.",
last_field_name = ''
for p in self:
if (p.field_name != last_field_name):
rows += ['extern const esp_efuse_desc_t* ' + 'ESP_EFUSE_' + p.field_name.replace('.', '_') + '[];']
last_field_name = p.field_name
rows += ['',
'#ifdef __cplusplus',
return '\n'.join(rows)
def to_c_file(self, file_name, debug):
rows = [get_copyright()]
rows += ['#include "sdkconfig.h"',
'#include "esp_efuse.h"',
'#include <assert.h>',
'#include "' + file_name + '.h"',
'// md5_digest_table ' + self.md5_digest_table,
'// This file was generated from the file ' + file_name + '.csv. DO NOT CHANGE THIS FILE MANUALLY.',
'// If you want to change some fields, you need to change ' + file_name + '.csv file',
'// then run `efuse_common_table` or `efuse_custom_table` command it will generate this file.',
"// To show efuse_table run the command 'show_efuse_table'."]
rows += ['']
if idf_target == 'esp32':
rows += ['']
last_free_bit_blk1 = self.get_str_position_last_free_bit_in_blk('EFUSE_BLK1')
last_free_bit_blk2 = self.get_str_position_last_free_bit_in_blk('EFUSE_BLK2')
last_free_bit_blk3 = self.get_str_position_last_free_bit_in_blk('EFUSE_BLK3')
rows += ['// The last free bit in the block is counted over the entire file.']
if last_free_bit_blk1 is not None:
rows += ['#define LAST_FREE_BIT_BLK1 ' + last_free_bit_blk1]
if last_free_bit_blk2 is not None:
rows += ['#define LAST_FREE_BIT_BLK2 ' + last_free_bit_blk2]
if last_free_bit_blk3 is not None:
rows += ['#define LAST_FREE_BIT_BLK3 ' + last_free_bit_blk3]
rows += ['']
if last_free_bit_blk1 is not None:
rows += ['_Static_assert(LAST_FREE_BIT_BLK1 <= MAX_BLK_LEN, "The eFuse table does not match the coding scheme. '
'Edit the table and restart the efuse_common_table or efuse_custom_table command to regenerate the new files.");']
if last_free_bit_blk2 is not None:
rows += ['_Static_assert(LAST_FREE_BIT_BLK2 <= MAX_BLK_LEN, "The eFuse table does not match the coding scheme. '
'Edit the table and restart the efuse_common_table or efuse_custom_table command to regenerate the new files.");']
if last_free_bit_blk3 is not None:
rows += ['_Static_assert(LAST_FREE_BIT_BLK3 <= MAX_BLK_LEN, "The eFuse table does not match the coding scheme. '
'Edit the table and restart the efuse_common_table or efuse_custom_table command to regenerate the new files.");']
rows += ['']
last_name = ''
for p in self:
if (p.field_name != last_name):
if last_name != '':
rows += ['};\n']
rows += ['static const esp_efuse_desc_t ' + p.field_name.replace('.', '_') + '[] = {']
last_name = p.field_name
rows += [p.to_struct(debug) + ',']
rows += ['};\n']
rows += ['\n\n\n']
last_name = ''
for p in self:
if (p.field_name != last_name):
if last_name != '':
rows += [' NULL',
rows += ['const esp_efuse_desc_t* ' + 'ESP_EFUSE_' + p.field_name.replace('.', '_') + '[] = {']
last_name = p.field_name
index = str(0) if str( == '' else str(
rows += [' &' + p.field_name.replace('.', '_') + '[' + index + '], \t\t// ' + p.comment]
rows += [' NULL',
return '\n'.join(rows)
class FuseDefinition(object):
def __init__(self):
self.field_name = '' = ''
self.efuse_block = ''
self.bit_start = None
self.bit_count = None
self.define = None
self.comment = ''
def from_csv(cls, line):
""" Parse a line from the CSV """
line_w_defaults = line + ',,,,' # lazy way to support default fields
fields = [f.strip() for f in line_w_defaults.split(',')]
res = FuseDefinition()
res.field_name = fields[0]
res.efuse_block = res.parse_block(fields[1])
res.bit_start = res.parse_num(fields[2])
res.bit_count = res.parse_bit_count(fields[3])
if res.bit_count is None or res.bit_count == 0:
raise InputError("Field bit_count can't be empty")
res.comment = fields[4]
return res
def parse_num(self, strval):
if strval == '':
return None # Field will fill in default
return self.parse_int(strval)
def parse_bit_count(self, strval):
if strval == 'MAX_BLK_LEN':
self.define = strval
return self.get_max_bits_of_block()
return self.parse_num(strval)
def parse_int(self, v):
return int(v, 0)
except ValueError:
raise InputError('Invalid field value %s' % v)
def parse_block(self, strval):
if strval == '':
raise InputError("Field 'efuse_block' can't be left empty.")
if idf_target == 'esp32':
if strval not in ['EFUSE_BLK0', 'EFUSE_BLK1', 'EFUSE_BLK2', 'EFUSE_BLK3']:
raise InputError("Field 'efuse_block' should be one of EFUSE_BLK0..EFUSE_BLK3")
if strval not in ['EFUSE_BLK0', 'EFUSE_BLK1', 'EFUSE_BLK2', 'EFUSE_BLK3', 'EFUSE_BLK4',
raise InputError("Field 'efuse_block' should be one of EFUSE_BLK0..EFUSE_BLK10")
return strval
def get_max_bits_of_block(self):
custom_table: ----------, ----------, ----------, EFUSE_BLK3(some reserved in common_table)
if self.efuse_block == 'EFUSE_BLK0':
return 256
return max_blk_len
def verify(self, type_table):
if self.efuse_block is None:
raise ValidationError(self, 'efuse_block field is not set')
if self.bit_count is None:
raise ValidationError(self, 'bit_count field is not set')
max_bits = self.get_max_bits_of_block()
if self.bit_start + self.bit_count > max_bits:
raise ValidationError(self, 'The field is outside the boundaries(max_bits = %d) of the %s block' % (max_bits, self.efuse_block))
def get_bit_count(self, check_define=True):
if check_define is True and self.define is not None:
return self.define
return self.bit_count
def to_struct(self, debug):
start = ' {'
if debug is True:
start = ' {' + '"' + self.field_name + '" ,'
return ', '.join([start + self.efuse_block,
str(self.get_bit_count()) + '}, \t // ' + self.comment])
def process_input_file(file, type_table):
status('Parsing efuse CSV input file ' + + ' ...')
input =
table = FuseTable.from_csv(input)
status('Verifying efuse table...')
return table
def ckeck_md5_in_file(md5, filename):
if os.path.exists(filename):
with open(filename, 'r') as f:
for line in f:
if md5 in line:
return True
return False
def create_output_files(name, output_table, debug):
file_name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(name))[0]
gen_dir = os.path.dirname(name)
dir_for_file_h = gen_dir + '/include'
except Exception:
file_h_path = os.path.join(dir_for_file_h, file_name + '.h')
file_c_path = os.path.join(gen_dir, file_name + '.c')
# src files are the same
if ckeck_md5_in_file(output_table.md5_digest_table, file_c_path) is False:
status('Creating efuse *.h file ' + file_h_path + ' ...')
output = output_table.to_header(file_name)
with open(file_h_path, 'w') as f:
status('Creating efuse *.c file ' + file_c_path + ' ...')
output = output_table.to_c_file(file_name, debug)
with open(file_c_path, 'w') as f:
print('Source files do not require updating correspond to csv file.')
def main():
if sys.version_info[0] < 3:
print('WARNING: Support for Python 2 is deprecated and will be removed in future versions.', file=sys.stderr)
elif sys.version_info[0] == 3 and sys.version_info[1] < 6:
print('WARNING: Python 3 versions older than 3.6 are not supported.', file=sys.stderr)
global quiet
global max_blk_len
global idf_target
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='ESP32 eFuse Manager')
parser.add_argument('--idf_target', '-t', help='Target chip type', choices=['esp32', 'esp32s2', 'esp32s3', 'esp32c3'], default='esp32')
parser.add_argument('--quiet', '-q', help="Don't print non-critical status messages to stderr", action='store_true')
parser.add_argument('--debug', help='Create header file with debug info', default=False, action='store_false')
parser.add_argument('--info', help='Print info about range of used bits', default=False, action='store_true')
parser.add_argument('--max_blk_len', help='Max number of bits in BLOCKs', type=int, default=256)
parser.add_argument('common_input', help='Path to common CSV file to parse.', type=argparse.FileType('r'))
parser.add_argument('custom_input', help='Path to custom CSV file to parse.', type=argparse.FileType('r'), nargs='?', default=None)
args = parser.parse_args()
idf_target = args.idf_target
max_blk_len = args.max_blk_len
print('Max number of bits in BLK %d' % (max_blk_len))
if max_blk_len not in [256, 192, 128]:
raise InputError('Unsupported block length = %d' % (max_blk_len))
quiet = args.quiet
debug = args.debug
info =
common_table = process_input_file(args.common_input, 'common_table')
two_table = common_table
if args.custom_input is not None:
custom_table = process_input_file(args.custom_input, 'custom_table')
two_table += custom_table
# save files.
if info is False:
if args.custom_input is None:
create_output_files(, common_table, debug)
create_output_files(, custom_table, debug)
return 0
class InputError(RuntimeError):
def __init__(self, e):
super(InputError, self).__init__(e)
class ValidationError(InputError):
def __init__(self, p, message):
super(ValidationError, self).__init__('Entry %s invalid: %s' % (p.field_name, message))
if __name__ == '__main__':
except InputError as e:
print(e, file=sys.stderr)