
2743 wiersze
120 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding=utf-8
# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2019-2023 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) CO LTD
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
# This script helps installing tools required to use the ESP-IDF, and updating PATH
# to use the installed tools. It can also create a Python virtual environment,
# and install Python requirements into it.
# It does not install OS dependencies. It does install tools such as the Xtensa
# GCC toolchain and ESP32 ULP coprocessor toolchain.
# By default, downloaded tools will be installed under $HOME/.espressif directory
# (%USERPROFILE%/.espressif on Windows). This path can be modified by setting
# IDF_TOOLS_PATH variable prior to running this tool.
# Users do not need to interact with this script directly. In IDF root directory,
# (.bat) and (.bat) scripts are provided to invoke this script.
# Usage:
# * To install the tools, run ` install`.
# * To install the Python environment, run ` install-python-env`.
# * To start using the tools, run `eval "$( export)"` — this will update
# the PATH to point to the installed tools and set up other environment variables
# needed by the tools.
import argparse
import contextlib
import copy
import datetime
import errno
import fnmatch
import functools
import hashlib
import json
import os
import platform
import re
import shutil
import ssl
import subprocess
import sys
import tarfile
import tempfile
import time
from collections import OrderedDict, namedtuple
from json import JSONEncoder
from ssl import SSLContext # noqa: F401
from tarfile import TarFile # noqa: F401
from zipfile import ZipFile
# Important notice: Please keep the lines above compatible with old Pythons so it won't fail with ImportError but with
# a nice message printed by python_version_checker.check()
import python_version_checker
# check the Python version before it will fail with an exception on syntax or package incompatibility.
except RuntimeError as e:
raise SystemExit(1)
from typing import IO, Any, Callable, Dict, Iterator, List, Optional, Set, Tuple, Union # noqa: F401
from urllib.error import ContentTooShortError
from urllib.parse import urljoin, urlparse
from urllib.request import urlopen
# the following is only for typing annotation
from urllib.response import addinfourl # noqa: F401
from exceptions import WindowsError
except ImportError:
# Unix
class WindowsError(OSError): # type: ignore
TOOLS_FILE = 'tools/tools.json'
TOOLS_SCHEMA_FILE = 'tools/tools_schema.json'
TOOLS_FILE_NEW = 'tools/'
IDF_ENV_FILE = 'idf-env.json'
IDF_TOOLS_PATH_DEFAULT = os.path.join('~', '.espressif')
SUBST_TOOL_PATH_REGEX = re.compile(r'\${TOOL_PATH}')
IDF_MAINTAINER = os.environ.get('IDF_MAINTAINER') or False
IDF_PIP_WHEELS_URL = os.environ.get('IDF_PIP_WHEELS_URL', '')
PYTHON_PLATFORM = platform.system() + '-' + platform.machine()
# Identifiers used in tools.json for different platforms.
PLATFORM_WIN32 = 'win32'
PLATFORM_WIN64 = 'win64'
PLATFORM_MACOS_ARM64 = 'macos-arm64'
PLATFORM_LINUX32 = 'linux-i686'
PLATFORM_LINUX64 = 'linux-amd64'
PLATFORM_LINUX_ARM32 = 'linux-armel'
PLATFORM_LINUX_ARMHF = 'linux-armhf'
PLATFORM_LINUX_ARM64 = 'linux-arm64'
class Platforms:
# Mappings from various other names these platforms are known as, to the identifiers above.
# This includes strings produced from "platform.system() + '-' + platform.machine()", see PYTHON_PLATFORM
# definition above.
# This list also includes various strings used in release archives of xtensa-esp32-elf-gcc, OpenOCD, etc.
# Windows
'Windows-i686': PLATFORM_WIN32,
'Windows-x86': PLATFORM_WIN32,
'i686-w64-mingw32': PLATFORM_WIN32,
'Windows-x86_64': PLATFORM_WIN64,
'Windows-AMD64': PLATFORM_WIN64,
'x86_64-w64-mingw32': PLATFORM_WIN64,
'Windows-ARM64': PLATFORM_WIN64,
# macOS
'Darwin-x86_64': PLATFORM_MACOS,
'x86_64-apple-darwin': PLATFORM_MACOS,
'Darwin-arm64': PLATFORM_MACOS_ARM64,
'aarch64-apple-darwin': PLATFORM_MACOS_ARM64,
'arm64-apple-darwin': PLATFORM_MACOS_ARM64,
# Linux
'linux64': PLATFORM_LINUX64,
'Linux-x86_64': PLATFORM_LINUX64,
'FreeBSD-amd64': PLATFORM_LINUX64,
'x86_64-linux-gnu': PLATFORM_LINUX64,
'linux32': PLATFORM_LINUX32,
'Linux-i686': PLATFORM_LINUX32,
'i586-linux-gnu': PLATFORM_LINUX32,
'i686-linux-gnu': PLATFORM_LINUX32,
'Linux-arm64': PLATFORM_LINUX_ARM64,
'Linux-aarch64': PLATFORM_LINUX_ARM64,
'Linux-armv8l': PLATFORM_LINUX_ARM64,
'aarch64': PLATFORM_LINUX_ARM64,
'arm-linux-gnueabihf': PLATFORM_LINUX_ARMHF,
'arm-linux-gnueabi': PLATFORM_LINUX_ARM32,
'Linux-armv7l': PLATFORM_LINUX_ARM32,
'Linux-arm': PLATFORM_LINUX_ARM32,
def get(platform_alias): # type: (Optional[str]) -> Optional[str]
if platform_alias is None:
return None
if platform_alias == 'any' and CURRENT_PLATFORM:
platform_alias = CURRENT_PLATFORM
platform_name = Platforms.PLATFORM_FROM_NAME.get(platform_alias, None)
# ARM platform may run on armhf hardware but having armel installed packages.
# To avoid possible armel/armhf libraries mixing need to define user's
# packages architecture to use the same
# See note section in
if platform_name in (PLATFORM_LINUX_ARM32, PLATFORM_LINUX_ARMHF) and 'arm' in platform.machine():
# suppose that installed python was built with a right ABI
with open(sys.executable, 'rb') as f:
if int.from_bytes(, sys.byteorder) != int.from_bytes(b'\x7fELF', sys.byteorder):
return platform_name # ELF magic not found. Use default platform name from PLATFORM_FROM_NAME # seek to e_flags (
e_flags = int.from_bytes(, sys.byteorder)
platform_name = PLATFORM_LINUX_ARMHF if e_flags & 0x400 else PLATFORM_LINUX_ARM32
return platform_name
def get_by_filename(file_name): # type: (str) -> Optional[str]
found_alias = ''
for platform_alias in Platforms.PLATFORM_FROM_NAME:
# Find the longest alias which matches with file name to avoid mismatching
if platform_alias in file_name and len(found_alias) < len(platform_alias):
found_alias = platform_alias
return Platforms.get(found_alias)
def parse_platform_arg(platform_str): # type: (str) -> str
platform = Platforms.get(platform_str)
if platform is None:
fatal(f'unknown platform: {platform}')
raise SystemExit(1)
return platform
EXPORT_SHELL = 'shell'
EXPORT_KEY_VALUE = 'key-value'
# the older "DigiCert Global Root CA" certificate used with
# the newer "DigiCert Global Root G2" certificate used with
global_quiet = False
global_non_interactive = False
global_idf_path = None # type: Optional[str]
global_idf_tools_path = None # type: Optional[str]
global_tools_json = None # type: Optional[str]
def fatal(text, *args): # type: (str, str) -> None
if not global_quiet:
sys.stderr.write('ERROR: ' + text + '\n', *args)
def warn(text, *args): # type: (str, str) -> None
if not global_quiet:
sys.stderr.write('WARNING: ' + text + '\n', *args)
def info(text, f=None, *args): # type: (str, Optional[IO[str]], str) -> None
if not global_quiet:
if f is None:
f = sys.stdout
f.write(text + '\n', *args)
def print_hints_on_download_error(err): # type: (str) -> None
info('Please make sure you have a working Internet connection.')
if 'CERTIFICATE' in err:
info('Certificate issues are usually caused by an outdated certificate database on your computer.')
info('Please check the documentation of your operating system for how to upgrade it.')
if sys.platform == 'darwin':
info('Running "./Install\\ Certificates.command" might be able to fix this issue.')
info('Running "{} -m pip install --upgrade certifi" can also resolve this issue in some cases.'.format(sys.executable))
# Certificate issue on Windows can be hidden under different errors which might be even translated,
# e.g. "[WinError -2146881269] ASN1 valor de tag inválido encontrado"
if sys.platform == 'win32':
info('By downloading and using the offline installer from '
'you might be able to work around this issue.')
def run_cmd_check_output(cmd, input_text=None, extra_paths=None):
# type: (List[str], Optional[str], Optional[List[str]]) -> bytes
# If extra_paths is given, locate the executable in one of these directories.
# Note: it would seem logical to add extra_paths to env[PATH], instead, and let OS do the job of finding the
# executable for us. However this does not work on Windows:
if extra_paths:
found = False
extensions = ['']
if sys.platform == 'win32':
for path in extra_paths:
for ext in extensions:
fullpath = os.path.join(path, cmd[0] + ext)
if os.path.exists(fullpath):
cmd[0] = fullpath
found = True
if found:
input_bytes = None
if input_text:
input_bytes = input_text.encode()
result =, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, check=True, input=input_bytes)
return result.stdout + result.stderr
except (AttributeError, TypeError):
p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
stdout, stderr = p.communicate(input_bytes)
if p.returncode != 0:
raise subprocess.CalledProcessError(p.returncode, cmd, stdout, stderr)
except TypeError:
raise subprocess.CalledProcessError(p.returncode, cmd, stdout)
return stdout + stderr
def to_shell_specific_paths(paths_list): # type: (List[str]) -> List[str]
if sys.platform == 'win32':
paths_list = [p.replace('/', os.path.sep) if os.path.sep in p else p for p in paths_list]
return paths_list
def get_env_for_extra_paths(extra_paths): # type: (List[str]) -> Dict[str, str]
Return a copy of environment variables dict, prepending paths listed in extra_paths
to the PATH environment variable.
env_arg = os.environ.copy()
new_path = os.pathsep.join(extra_paths) + os.pathsep + env_arg['PATH']
if sys.version_info.major == 2:
env_arg['PATH'] = new_path.encode('utf8') # type: ignore
env_arg['PATH'] = new_path
return env_arg
def get_file_size_sha256(filename, block_size=65536): # type: (str, int) -> Tuple[int, str]
sha256 = hashlib.sha256()
size = 0
with open(filename, 'rb') as f:
for block in iter(lambda:, b''):
size += len(block)
return size, sha256.hexdigest()
def report_progress(count, block_size, total_size): # type: (int, int, int) -> None
percent = int(count * block_size * 100 / total_size)
percent = min(100, percent)
sys.stdout.write('\r%d%%' % percent)
def mkdir_p(path): # type: (str) -> None
except OSError as exc:
if exc.errno != errno.EEXIST or not os.path.isdir(path):
def unpack(filename, destination): # type: (str, str) -> None
info('Extracting {0} to {1}'.format(filename, destination))
if filename.endswith(('.tar.gz', '.tgz')):
archive_obj =, 'r:gz') # type: Union[TarFile, ZipFile]
elif filename.endswith(('.tar.xz')):
archive_obj =, 'r:xz')
elif filename.endswith(('.tar.bz2')):
archive_obj =, 'r:bz2')
elif filename.endswith('zip'):
archive_obj = ZipFile(filename)
raise NotImplementedError('Unsupported archive type')
if sys.version_info.major == 2:
# This is a workaround for the issue that unicode destination is not handled:
destination = str(destination)
def splittype(url): # type: (str) -> Tuple[Optional[str], str]
match = re.match('([^/:]+):(.*)', url, re.DOTALL)
if match:
scheme, data = match.groups()
return scheme.lower(), data
return None, url
# An alternative version of urlretrieve which takes SSL context as an argument
def urlretrieve_ctx(url, filename, reporthook=None, data=None, context=None):
# type: (str, str, Optional[Callable[[int, int, int], None]], Optional[bytes], Optional[SSLContext]) -> Tuple[str, addinfourl]
url_type, path = splittype(url)
# urlopen doesn't have context argument in Python <=2.7.9
extra_urlopen_args = {}
if context:
extra_urlopen_args['context'] = context
with contextlib.closing(urlopen(url, data, **extra_urlopen_args)) as fp: # type: ignore
headers =
# Just return the local path and the "headers" for file://
# URLs. No sense in performing a copy unless requested.
if url_type == 'file' and not filename:
return os.path.normpath(path), headers
# Handle temporary file setup.
tfp = open(filename, 'wb')
with tfp:
result = filename, headers
bs = 1024 * 8
size = int(headers.get('content-length', -1))
read = 0
blocknum = 0
if reporthook:
reporthook(blocknum, bs, size)
while True:
block =
if not block:
read += len(block)
blocknum += 1
if reporthook:
reporthook(blocknum, bs, size)
if size >= 0 and read < size:
raise ContentTooShortError(
'retrieval incomplete: got only %i out of %i bytes'
% (read, size), result)
return result
def download(url, destination): # type: (str, str) -> Optional[Exception]
info(f'Downloading {url}')
info(f'Destination: {destination}')
for site, cert in DL_CERT_DICT.items():
# For and, add the DigiCert root certificate.
# This works around the issue with outdated certificate stores in some installations.
if site in url:
ctx = ssl.create_default_context()
ctx = None
urlretrieve_ctx(url, destination, report_progress if not global_non_interactive else None, context=ctx)
return None
except Exception as e:
# urlretrieve could throw different exceptions, e.g. IOError when the server is down
return e
# Sometimes renaming a directory on Windows (randomly?) causes a PermissionError.
# This is confirmed to be a workaround:
def rename_with_retry(path_from, path_to): # type: (str, str) -> None
retry_count = 20 if sys.platform.startswith('win') else 1
for retry in range(retry_count):
os.rename(path_from, path_to)
except OSError:
msg = f'Rename {path_from} to {path_to} failed'
if retry == retry_count - 1:
fatal(msg + '. Antivirus software might be causing this. Disabling it temporarily could solve the issue.')
warn(msg + ', retrying...')
# Sleep before the next try in order to pass the antivirus check on Windows
def do_strip_container_dirs(path, levels): # type: (str, int) -> None
assert levels > 0
# move the original directory out of the way (add a .tmp suffix)
tmp_path = path + '.tmp'
if os.path.exists(tmp_path):
rename_with_retry(path, tmp_path)
base_path = tmp_path
# walk given number of levels down
for level in range(levels):
contents = os.listdir(base_path)
if len(contents) > 1:
raise RuntimeError('at level {}, expected 1 entry, got {}'.format(level, contents))
base_path = os.path.join(base_path, contents[0])
if not os.path.isdir(base_path):
raise RuntimeError('at level {}, {} is not a directory'.format(level, contents[0]))
# get the list of directories/files to move
contents = os.listdir(base_path)
for name in contents:
move_from = os.path.join(base_path, name)
move_to = os.path.join(path, name)
rename_with_retry(move_from, move_to)
class ToolNotFound(RuntimeError):
class ToolExecError(RuntimeError):
class IDFToolDownload(object):
def __init__(self, platform_name, url, size, sha256): # type: (str, str, int, str) -> None
self.platform_name = platform_name
self.url = url
self.size = size
self.sha256 = sha256
self.platform_name = platform_name
class IDFToolVersion(object):
STATUS_RECOMMENDED = 'recommended'
STATUS_SUPPORTED = 'supported'
STATUS_DEPRECATED = 'deprecated'
def __init__(self, version, status): # type: (str, str) -> None
self.version = version
self.status = status
self.downloads = OrderedDict() # type: OrderedDict[str, IDFToolDownload]
self.latest = False
def __lt__(self, other): # type: (IDFToolVersion) -> bool
if self.status != other.status:
return self.status > other.status
assert not (self.status == IDFToolVersion.STATUS_RECOMMENDED
and other.status == IDFToolVersion.STATUS_RECOMMENDED)
return self.version < other.version
def __eq__(self, other): # type: (object) -> bool
if not isinstance(other, IDFToolVersion):
return NotImplemented
return self.status == other.status and self.version == other.version
def add_download(self, platform_name, url, size, sha256): # type: (str, str, int, str) -> None
self.downloads[platform_name] = IDFToolDownload(platform_name, url, size, sha256)
def get_download_for_platform(self, platform_name): # type: (Optional[str]) -> Optional[IDFToolDownload]
platform_name = Platforms.get(platform_name)
if platform_name and platform_name in self.downloads.keys():
return self.downloads[platform_name]
if 'any' in self.downloads.keys():
return self.downloads['any']
return None
def compatible_with_platform(self, platform_name=PYTHON_PLATFORM):
# type: (Optional[str]) -> bool
return self.get_download_for_platform(platform_name) is not None
def get_supported_platforms(self): # type: () -> set[str]
return set(self.downloads.keys())
IDFToolOptions = namedtuple('IDFToolOptions', [
class IDFTool(object):
# possible values of 'install' field
INSTALL_ON_REQUEST = 'on_request'
def __init__(self, name, description, install, info_url, license, version_cmd, version_regex, supported_targets, version_regex_replace=None,
strip_container_dirs=0, is_executable=True):
# type: (str, str, str, str, str, List[str], str, List[str], Optional[str], int, bool) -> None = name
self.description = description
self.version_in_path = None # type: Optional[str]
self.versions_installed = [] # type: List[str]
if version_regex_replace is None:
version_regex_replace = VERSION_REGEX_REPLACE_DEFAULT
self.options = IDFToolOptions(version_cmd, version_regex, version_regex_replace, is_executable,
[], OrderedDict(), install, info_url, license, strip_container_dirs, supported_targets) # type: ignore
self.platform_overrides = [] # type: List[Dict[str, str]]
self._platform = CURRENT_PLATFORM
self.is_executable = is_executable
def copy_for_platform(self, platform): # type: (str) -> IDFTool
result = copy.deepcopy(self)
result._platform = platform
return result
def _update_current_options(self): # type: () -> None
self._current_options = IDFToolOptions(*self.options)
for override in self.platform_overrides:
if self._platform and self._platform not in override['platforms']:
override_dict = override.copy()
del override_dict['platforms']
self._current_options = self._current_options._replace(**override_dict) # type: ignore
def drop_versions(self): # type: () -> None
self.versions = OrderedDict() # type: Dict[str, IDFToolVersion]
def add_version(self, version): # type: (IDFToolVersion) -> None
assert type(version) is IDFToolVersion
self.versions[version.version] = version
def get_path(self): # type: () -> str
return os.path.join(global_idf_tools_path or '', 'tools',
def get_path_for_version(self, version): # type: (str) -> str
assert version in self.versions
return os.path.join(self.get_path(), version)
def get_export_paths(self, version): # type: (str) -> List[str]
tool_path = self.get_path_for_version(version)
return [os.path.join(tool_path, *p) for p in self._current_options.export_paths] # type: ignore
def get_export_vars(self, version): # type: (str) -> Dict[str, str]
Get the dictionary of environment variables to be exported, for the given version.
- ${TOOL_PATH} => the actual path where the version is installed
result = {}
for k, v in self._current_options.export_vars.items(): # type: ignore
replace_path = self.get_path_for_version(version).replace('\\', '\\\\')
v_repl = re.sub(SUBST_TOOL_PATH_REGEX, replace_path, v)
if v_repl != v:
v_repl = to_shell_specific_paths([v_repl])[0]
old_v = os.environ.get(k)
if old_v is None or old_v != v_repl:
result[k] = v_repl
return result
def get_version(self, extra_paths=None, executable_path=None): # type: (Optional[List[str]], Optional[str]) -> str
Execute the tool, optionally prepending extra_paths to PATH,
extract the version string and return it as a result.
Raises ToolNotFound if the tool is not found (not present in the paths).
Raises ToolExecError if the tool returns with a non-zero exit code.
Returns 'unknown' if tool returns something from which version string
can not be extracted.
# this function can not be called for a different platform
assert self._platform == CURRENT_PLATFORM
cmd = self._current_options.version_cmd # type: ignore
if executable_path:
cmd[0] = executable_path
if not cmd[0]:
# There is no command available, so return early. It seems that
# within some very strange context empty [''] may actually execute
# something
raise ToolNotFound('Tool {} not found'.format(
version_cmd_result = run_cmd_check_output(cmd, None, extra_paths)
except OSError:
# tool is not on the path
raise ToolNotFound('Tool {} not found'.format(
except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
raise ToolExecError('returned non-zero exit code ({}) with error message:\n{}'.format(
e.returncode, e.stderr.decode('utf-8',errors='ignore'))) # type: ignore
in_str = version_cmd_result.decode('utf-8')
match =, in_str) # type: ignore
if not match:
return re.sub(self._current_options.version_regex, self._current_options.version_regex_replace, # type: ignore
def check_version(self, executable_path): # type: (Optional[str]) -> bool
version = self.get_version(executable_path=executable_path)
return version in self.versions
def get_install_type(self): # type: () -> Callable[[str], None]
return self._current_options.install # type: ignore
def get_supported_targets(self): # type: () -> list[str]
return self._current_options.supported_targets # type: ignore
def is_supported_for_any_of_targets(self, targets): # type: (list[str]) -> bool
Checks whether the tool is suitable for at least one of the specified targets.
supported_targets = self.get_supported_targets()
return (any(item in targets for item in supported_targets) or supported_targets == ['all'])
def compatible_with_platform(self): # type: () -> bool
return any([v.compatible_with_platform() for v in self.versions.values()])
def get_supported_platforms(self): # type: () -> Set[str]
result = set()
for v in self.versions.values():
return result
def get_recommended_version(self): # type: () -> Optional[str]
recommended_versions = [k for k, v in self.versions.items()
if v.status == IDFToolVersion.STATUS_RECOMMENDED
and v.compatible_with_platform(self._platform)]
assert len(recommended_versions) <= 1
if recommended_versions:
return recommended_versions[0]
return None
def get_preferred_installed_version(self): # type: () -> Optional[str]
recommended_versions = [k for k in self.versions_installed
if self.versions[k].status == IDFToolVersion.STATUS_RECOMMENDED
and self.versions[k].compatible_with_platform(self._platform)]
assert len(recommended_versions) <= 1
if recommended_versions:
return recommended_versions[0]
return None
def find_installed_versions(self): # type: () -> None
Checks whether the tool can be found in PATH and in global_idf_tools_path.
Writes results to self.version_in_path and self.versions_installed.
# this function can not be called for a different platform
assert self._platform == CURRENT_PLATFORM
# First check if the tool is in system PATH
ver_str = self.get_version()
except ToolNotFound:
# not in PATH
except ToolExecError as e:
warn('tool {} found in path, but {}'.format(, e))
self.version_in_path = ver_str
# Now check all the versions installed in global_idf_tools_path
self.versions_installed = []
for version, version_obj in self.versions.items():
if not version_obj.compatible_with_platform():
tool_path = self.get_path_for_version(version)
if not os.path.exists(tool_path):
# version not installed
if not self.is_executable:
ver_str = self.get_version(self.get_export_paths(version))
except ToolNotFound:
warn('directory for tool {} version {} is present, but tool was not found'.format(, version))
except ToolExecError as e:
warn('tool {} version {} is installed, but {}'.format(, version, e))
if ver_str != version:
warn('tool {} version {} is installed, but has reported version {}'.format(, version, ver_str))
def latest_installed_version(self): # type: () -> Optional[str]
Get the latest installed tool version by directly checking the
tool's version directories.
tool_path = self.get_path()
if not os.path.exists(tool_path):
return None
dentries = os.listdir(tool_path)
dirs = [d for d in dentries if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(tool_path, d))]
for version in sorted(dirs, reverse=True):
# get_path_for_version() has assert to check if version is in versions
# dict, so get_export_paths() cannot be used. Let's just create the
# export paths list directly here.
paths = [os.path.join(tool_path, version, *p) for p in self._current_options.export_paths]
ver_str = self.get_version(paths)
except (ToolNotFound, ToolExecError):
if ver_str != version:
return version
return None
def download(self, version): # type: (str) -> None
assert version in self.versions
download_obj = self.versions[version].get_download_for_platform(self._platform)
if not download_obj:
fatal('No packages for tool {} platform {}!'.format(, self._platform))
raise SystemExit(1)
url = download_obj.url
archive_name = os.path.basename(url)
local_path = os.path.join(global_idf_tools_path or '', 'dist', archive_name)
if os.path.isfile(local_path):
if not self.check_download_file(download_obj, local_path):
warn('removing downloaded file {0} and downloading again'.format(archive_name))
info('file {0} is already downloaded'.format(archive_name))
downloaded = False
local_temp_path = local_path + '.tmp'
for retry in range(DOWNLOAD_RETRY_COUNT):
err = download(url, local_temp_path)
if not os.path.isfile(local_temp_path) or not self.check_download_file(download_obj, local_temp_path):
warn('Download failure: {}'.format(err))
warn('Failed to download {} to {}'.format(url, local_temp_path))
rename_with_retry(local_temp_path, local_path)
downloaded = True
if not downloaded:
fatal('Failed to download, and retry count has expired')
raise SystemExit(1)
def install(self, version): # type: (str) -> None
# Currently this is called after calling 'download' method, so here are a few asserts
# for the conditions which should be true once that method is done.
assert version in self.versions
download_obj = self.versions[version].get_download_for_platform(self._platform)
assert download_obj is not None
archive_name = os.path.basename(download_obj.url)
archive_path = os.path.join(global_idf_tools_path or '', 'dist', archive_name)
assert os.path.isfile(archive_path)
dest_dir = self.get_path_for_version(version)
if os.path.exists(dest_dir):
warn('destination path already exists, removing')
unpack(archive_path, dest_dir)
if self._current_options.strip_container_dirs: # type: ignore
do_strip_container_dirs(dest_dir, self._current_options.strip_container_dirs) # type: ignore
def check_download_file(download_obj, local_path): # type: (IDFToolDownload, str) -> bool
expected_sha256 = download_obj.sha256
expected_size = download_obj.size
file_size, file_sha256 = get_file_size_sha256(local_path)
if file_size != expected_size:
warn('file size mismatch for {}, expected {}, got {}'.format(local_path, expected_size, file_size))
return False
if file_sha256 != expected_sha256:
warn('hash mismatch for {}, expected {}, got {}'.format(local_path, expected_sha256, file_sha256))
return False
return True
def from_json(cls, tool_dict): # type: (Dict[str, Union[str, List[str], Dict[str, str]]]) -> IDFTool
# Validate json fields
tool_name = tool_dict.get('name') # type: ignore
if not isinstance(tool_name, str):
raise RuntimeError('tool_name is not a string')
description = tool_dict.get('description') # type: ignore
if not isinstance(description, str):
raise RuntimeError('description is not a string')
is_executable = tool_dict.get('is_executable', True) # type: ignore
if not isinstance(is_executable, bool):
raise RuntimeError('is_executable for tool %s is not a bool' % tool_name)
version_cmd = tool_dict.get('version_cmd')
if type(version_cmd) is not list:
raise RuntimeError('version_cmd for tool %s is not a list of strings' % tool_name)
version_regex = tool_dict.get('version_regex')
if not isinstance(version_regex, str) or (not version_regex and is_executable):
raise RuntimeError('version_regex for tool %s is not a non-empty string' % tool_name)
version_regex_replace = tool_dict.get('version_regex_replace')
if version_regex_replace and not isinstance(version_regex_replace, str):
raise RuntimeError('version_regex_replace for tool %s is not a string' % tool_name)
export_paths = tool_dict.get('export_paths')
if type(export_paths) is not list:
raise RuntimeError('export_paths for tool %s is not a list' % tool_name)
export_vars = tool_dict.get('export_vars', {}) # type: ignore
if type(export_vars) is not dict:
raise RuntimeError('export_vars for tool %s is not a mapping' % tool_name)
versions = tool_dict.get('versions')
if type(versions) is not list:
raise RuntimeError('versions for tool %s is not an array' % tool_name)
install = tool_dict.get('install', False) # type: ignore
if not isinstance(install, str):
raise RuntimeError('install for tool %s is not a string' % tool_name)
info_url = tool_dict.get('info_url', False) # type: ignore
if not isinstance(info_url, str):
raise RuntimeError('info_url for tool %s is not a string' % tool_name)
license = tool_dict.get('license', False) # type: ignore
if not isinstance(license, str):
raise RuntimeError('license for tool %s is not a string' % tool_name)
strip_container_dirs = tool_dict.get('strip_container_dirs', 0)
if strip_container_dirs and type(strip_container_dirs) is not int:
raise RuntimeError('strip_container_dirs for tool %s is not an int' % tool_name)
overrides_list = tool_dict.get('platform_overrides', []) # type: ignore
if type(overrides_list) is not list:
raise RuntimeError('platform_overrides for tool %s is not a list' % tool_name)
supported_targets = tool_dict.get('supported_targets')
if not isinstance(supported_targets, list):
raise RuntimeError('supported_targets for tool %s is not a list of strings' % tool_name)
# Create the object
tool_obj = cls(tool_name, description, install, info_url, license, # type: ignore
version_cmd, version_regex, supported_targets, version_regex_replace, # type: ignore
strip_container_dirs, is_executable) # type: ignore
for path in export_paths: # type: ignore
tool_obj.options.export_paths.append(path) # type: ignore
for name, value in export_vars.items(): # type: ignore
tool_obj.options.export_vars[name] = value # type: ignore
for index, override in enumerate(overrides_list):
platforms_list = override.get('platforms') # type: ignore
if type(platforms_list) is not list:
raise RuntimeError('platforms for override %d of tool %s is not a list' % (index, tool_name))
install = override.get('install') # type: ignore
if install is not None and not isinstance(install, str):
raise RuntimeError('install for override %d of tool %s is not a string' % (index, tool_name))
version_cmd = override.get('version_cmd') # type: ignore
if version_cmd is not None and type(version_cmd) is not list:
raise RuntimeError('version_cmd for override %d of tool %s is not a list of strings' %
(index, tool_name))
version_regex = override.get('version_regex') # type: ignore
if version_regex is not None and (not isinstance(version_regex, str) or not version_regex):
raise RuntimeError('version_regex for override %d of tool %s is not a non-empty string' %
(index, tool_name))
version_regex_replace = override.get('version_regex_replace') # type: ignore
if version_regex_replace is not None and not isinstance(version_regex_replace, str):
raise RuntimeError('version_regex_replace for override %d of tool %s is not a string' %
(index, tool_name))
export_paths = override.get('export_paths') # type: ignore
if export_paths is not None and type(export_paths) is not list:
raise RuntimeError('export_paths for override %d of tool %s is not a list' % (index, tool_name))
export_vars = override.get('export_vars') # type: ignore
if export_vars is not None and type(export_vars) is not dict:
raise RuntimeError('export_vars for override %d of tool %s is not a mapping' % (index, tool_name))
tool_obj.platform_overrides.append(override) # type: ignore
recommended_versions = {} # type: dict[str, list[str]]
for version_dict in versions: # type: ignore
version = version_dict.get('name') # type: ignore
if not isinstance(version, str):
raise RuntimeError('version name for tool {} is not a string'.format(tool_name))
version_status = version_dict.get('status') # type: ignore
if not isinstance(version_status, str) and version_status not in IDFToolVersion.STATUS_VALUES:
raise RuntimeError('tool {} version {} status is not one of {}', tool_name, version,
version_obj = IDFToolVersion(version, version_status)
for platform_id, platform_dict in version_dict.items(): # type: ignore
if platform_id in ['name', 'status']:
if Platforms.get(platform_id) is None:
raise RuntimeError('invalid platform %s for tool %s version %s' %
(platform_id, tool_name, version))
platform_dict['url'], platform_dict['size'], platform_dict['sha256'])
if version_status == IDFToolVersion.STATUS_RECOMMENDED:
if platform_id not in recommended_versions:
recommended_versions[platform_id] = []
for platform_id, version_list in recommended_versions.items():
if len(version_list) > 1:
raise RuntimeError('tool {} for platform {} has {} recommended versions'.format(
tool_name, platform_id, len(recommended_versions)))
if install != IDFTool.INSTALL_NEVER and len(recommended_versions) == 0:
raise RuntimeError('required/optional tool {} for platform {} has no recommended versions'.format(
tool_name, platform_id))
return tool_obj
def to_json(self): # type: ignore
versions_array = []
for version, version_obj in self.versions.items():
version_json = {
'name': version,
'status': version_obj.status
for platform_id, download in version_obj.downloads.items():
version_json[platform_id] = {
'url': download.url,
'size': download.size,
'sha256': download.sha256
overrides_array = self.platform_overrides
tool_json = {
'description': self.description,
'export_paths': self.options.export_paths,
'export_vars': self.options.export_vars,
'install': self.options.install,
'info_url': self.options.info_url,
'license': self.options.license,
'version_cmd': self.options.version_cmd,
'version_regex': self.options.version_regex,
'supported_targets': self.options.supported_targets,
'versions': versions_array,
if self.options.version_regex_replace != VERSION_REGEX_REPLACE_DEFAULT:
tool_json['version_regex_replace'] = self.options.version_regex_replace
if overrides_array:
tool_json['platform_overrides'] = overrides_array
if self.options.strip_container_dirs:
tool_json['strip_container_dirs'] = self.options.strip_container_dirs
if self.options.is_executable is False:
tool_json['is_executable'] = self.options.is_executable
return tool_json
class IDFEnvEncoder(JSONEncoder):
IDFEnvEncoder is used for encoding IDFEnv, IDFRecord, SelectedIDFRecord classes to JSON in readable format. Not as (__main__.IDFRecord object at '0x7fcxx')
Additionally remove first underscore with private properties when processing
def default(self, obj): # type: ignore
return {k.lstrip('_'): v for k, v in vars(obj).items()}
class IDFRecord:
IDFRecord represents one record of installed ESP-IDF on system.
* version - actual version of ESP-IDF (example '5.0')
* path - absolute path to the ESP-IDF
* features - features using ESP-IDF
* targets - ESP chips for which are installed needed toolchains (example ['esp32' , 'esp32s2'])
- Default value is [], since user didn't define any targets yet
def __init__(self) -> None:
self.version = '' # type: str
self.path = '' # type: str
self._features = ['core'] # type: list[str]
self._targets = [] # type: list[str]
def __iter__(self): # type: ignore
yield from {
'version': self.version,
'path': self.path,
'features': self._features,
'targets': self._targets
def __str__(self) -> str:
return json.dumps(dict(self), ensure_ascii=False, indent=4) # type: ignore
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return self.__str__()
def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool:
if not isinstance(other, IDFRecord):
return False
return all(getattr(self, x) == getattr(other, x) for x in ('version', 'path', 'features', 'targets'))
def __ne__(self, other: object) -> bool:
if not isinstance(other, IDFRecord):
return False
return not self.__eq__(other)
def features(self) -> List[str]:
return self._features
def update_features(self, add: Tuple[str, ...] = (), remove: Tuple[str, ...] = ()) -> None:
# Update features, but maintain required feature 'core'
# If the same feature is present in both argument's tuples, do not update this feature
add_set = set(add)
remove_set = set(remove)
# Remove duplicates
features_to_add = add_set.difference(remove_set)
features_to_remove = remove_set.difference(add_set)
features = set(self._features)
self._features = list(features)
def targets(self) -> List[str]:
return self._targets
def extend_targets(self, targets: List[str]) -> None:
# Targets can be only updated, but always maintain existing targets.
self._targets = list(set(targets + self._targets))
def get_active_idf_record(cls): # type: () -> IDFRecord
idf_record_obj = cls()
idf_record_obj.version = get_idf_version()
idf_record_obj.path = global_idf_path or ''
return idf_record_obj
def get_idf_record_from_dict(cls, record_dict): # type: (Dict[str, Any]) -> IDFRecord
idf_record_obj = cls()
idf_record_obj.version = record_dict['version']
idf_record_obj.path = record_dict['path']
except KeyError:
# When some of these key attributes, which are irreplaceable with default values, are not found, raise VallueError
raise ValueError('Inconsistent record')
idf_record_obj.update_features(record_dict.get('features', []))
idf_record_obj.extend_targets(record_dict.get('targets', []))
return idf_record_obj
class IDFEnv:
IDFEnv represents ESP-IDF Environments installed on system and is responsible for loading and saving structured data
All information is saved and loaded from IDF_ENV_FILE
* idf_installed - all installed environments of ESP-IDF on system
def __init__(self) -> None:
active_idf_id = active_repo_id()
self.idf_installed = {active_idf_id: IDFRecord.get_active_idf_record()} # type: Dict[str, IDFRecord]
def __iter__(self): # type: ignore
yield from {
'idfInstalled': self.idf_installed,
def __str__(self) -> str:
return json.dumps(dict(self), cls=IDFEnvEncoder, ensure_ascii=False, indent=4) # type: ignore
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return self.__str__()
def save(self) -> None:
Diff current class instance with instance loaded from IDF_ENV_FILE and save only if are different
# It is enough to compare just active records because others can't be touched by the running script
if self.get_active_idf_record() != self.get_idf_env().get_active_idf_record():
idf_env_file_path = os.path.join(global_idf_tools_path or '', IDF_ENV_FILE)
if global_idf_tools_path: # mypy fix for Optional[str] in the next call
# the directory doesn't exist if this is run on a clean system the first time
with open(idf_env_file_path, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as w:
info('Updating {}'.format(idf_env_file_path))
json.dump(dict(self), w, cls=IDFEnvEncoder, ensure_ascii=False, indent=4) # type: ignore
except (IOError, OSError):
if not os.access(global_idf_tools_path or '', os.W_OK):
raise OSError('IDF_TOOLS_PATH {} is not accessible to write. Required changes have not been saved'.format(global_idf_tools_path or ''))
raise OSError('File {} is not accessible to write or corrupted. Required changes have not been saved'.format(idf_env_file_path))
def get_active_idf_record(self) -> IDFRecord:
return self.idf_installed[active_repo_id()]
def get_idf_env(cls): # type: () -> IDFEnv
# IDFEnv class is used to process IDF_ENV_FILE file. The constructor is therefore called only in this method that loads the file and checks its contents
idf_env_obj = cls()
idf_env_file_path = os.path.join(global_idf_tools_path or '', IDF_ENV_FILE)
with open(idf_env_file_path, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as idf_env_file:
idf_env_json = json.load(idf_env_file)
idf_installed = idf_env_json['idfInstalled']
except KeyError:
# If no ESP-IDF record is found in loaded file, do not update and keep default value from constructor
# Load and verify ESP-IDF records found in IDF_ENV_FILE
idf_installed.pop('sha', None)
idf_installed_verified = {} # type: dict[str, IDFRecord]
for idf in idf_installed:
idf_installed_verified[idf] = IDFRecord.get_idf_record_from_dict(idf_installed[idf])
except ValueError as err:
warn('{} "{}" found in {}, removing this record.' .format(err, idf, idf_env_file_path))
# Combine ESP-IDF loaded records with the one in constructor, to be sure that there is an active ESP-IDF record in the idf_installed
# If the active record is already in idf_installed, it is not overwritten
idf_env_obj.idf_installed = dict(idf_env_obj.idf_installed, **idf_installed_verified)
except (IOError, OSError, ValueError):
# If no, empty or not-accessible to read IDF_ENV_FILE found, use default values from constructor
return idf_env_obj
class ENVState:
ENVState is used to handle IDF global variables that are set in environment and need to be removed when switching between ESP-IDF versions in opened shell
Every opened shell/terminal has it's own temporary file to store these variables
The temporary file's name is generated automatically with suffix 'idf_ + opened shell ID'. Path to this tmp file is stored as env global variable (env_key)
The shell ID is crucial, since in one terminal can be opened more shells
* env_key - global variable name/key
* deactivate_file_path - global variable value (generated tmp file name)
* idf_variables - loaded IDF variables from file
deactivate_file_path = os.environ.get(env_key, '')
def __init__(self) -> None:
self.idf_variables = {} # type: Dict[str, Any]
def get_env_state(cls): # type: () -> ENVState
env_state_obj = cls()
if cls.deactivate_file_path:
with open(cls.deactivate_file_path, 'r') as fp:
env_state_obj.idf_variables = json.load(fp)
except (IOError, OSError, ValueError):
return env_state_obj
def save(self) -> str:
if self.deactivate_file_path and os.path.basename(self.deactivate_file_path).endswith('idf_' + str(os.getppid())):
# If exported file path/name exists and belongs to actual opened shell
with open(self.deactivate_file_path, 'w') as w:
json.dump(self.idf_variables, w, ensure_ascii=False, indent=4) # type: ignore
with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False, suffix='idf_' + str(os.getppid())) as fp:
self.deactivate_file_path =
fp.write(json.dumps(self.idf_variables, ensure_ascii=False, indent=4).encode('utf-8'))
except (IOError, OSError):
warn('File storing IDF env variables {} is not accessible to write. '
'Potentional switching ESP-IDF versions may cause problems'.format(self.deactivate_file_path))
return self.deactivate_file_path
def load_tools_info(): # type: () -> dict[str, IDFTool]
Load tools metadata from tools.json, return a dictionary: tool name - tool info
tool_versions_file_name = global_tools_json
with open(tool_versions_file_name, 'r') as f: # type: ignore
tools_info = json.load(f)
return parse_tools_info_json(tools_info) # type: ignore
def parse_tools_info_json(tools_info): # type: ignore
Parse and validate the dictionary obtained by loading the tools.json file.
Returns a dictionary of tools (key: tool name, value: IDFTool object).
if tools_info['version'] != TOOLS_FILE_VERSION:
raise RuntimeError('Invalid version')
tools_dict = OrderedDict()
tools_array = tools_info.get('tools')
if type(tools_array) is not list:
raise RuntimeError('tools property is missing or not an array')
for tool_dict in tools_array:
tool = IDFTool.from_json(tool_dict)
tools_dict[] = tool
return tools_dict
def dump_tools_json(tools_info): # type: ignore
tools_array = []
for tool_name, tool_obj in tools_info.items():
tool_json = tool_obj.to_json()
file_json = {'version': TOOLS_FILE_VERSION, 'tools': tools_array}
return json.dumps(file_json, indent=2, separators=(',', ': '), sort_keys=True)
def get_python_exe_and_subdir() -> Tuple[str, str]:
if sys.platform == 'win32':
subdir = 'Scripts'
python_exe = 'python.exe'
subdir = 'bin'
python_exe = 'python'
return python_exe, subdir
def get_idf_version() -> str:
version_file_path = os.path.join(global_idf_path, 'version.txt') # type: ignore
if os.path.exists(version_file_path):
with open(version_file_path, 'r') as version_file:
idf_version_str =
idf_version_str = ''
idf_version_str = subprocess.check_output(['git', 'describe'],
cwd=global_idf_path, env=os.environ,
except OSError:
# OSError should cover FileNotFoundError and WindowsError
warn('Git was not found')
except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
# This happens quite often when the repo is shallow. Don't print a warning because there are other
# possibilities for version detection.
match = re.match(r'^v([0-9]+\.[0-9]+).*', idf_version_str)
if match:
idf_version = # type: Optional[str]
idf_version = None
# fallback when IDF is a shallow clone
with open(os.path.join(global_idf_path, 'components', 'esp_common', 'include', 'esp_idf_version.h')) as f: # type: ignore
m ='^#define\s+ESP_IDF_VERSION_MAJOR\s+(\d+).+?^#define\s+ESP_IDF_VERSION_MINOR\s+(\d+)',, re.DOTALL | re.MULTILINE)
if m:
idf_version = '.'.join((,
warn('Reading IDF version from C header file failed!')
except Exception as e:
warn('Is it not possible to determine the IDF version: {}'.format(e))
if idf_version is None:
fatal('IDF version cannot be determined')
raise SystemExit(1)
return idf_version
def get_python_env_path() -> Tuple[str, str, str, str]:
python_ver_major_minor = '{}.{}'.format(sys.version_info.major, sys.version_info.minor)
idf_version = get_idf_version()
idf_python_env_path = os.getenv('IDF_PYTHON_ENV_PATH') or os.path.join(global_idf_tools_path or '', 'python_env',
'idf{}_py{}_env'.format(idf_version, python_ver_major_minor))
python_exe, subdir = get_python_exe_and_subdir()
idf_python_export_path = os.path.join(idf_python_env_path, subdir)
virtualenv_python = os.path.join(idf_python_export_path, python_exe)
return idf_python_env_path, idf_python_export_path, virtualenv_python, idf_version
def parse_tools_arg(tools_str): # type: (List[str]) -> List[str]
Base parsing "tools" argumets: all, required, etc
if not tools_str:
return ['required']
return tools_str
def expand_tools_arg(tools_spec, overall_tools, targets): # type: (list[str], OrderedDict, list[str]) -> list[str]
""" Expand list of tools 'tools_spec' in according:
- a tool is in the 'overall_tools' list
- consider metapackages like "required" and "all"
- process wildcards in tool names
- a tool supports chips from 'targets'
tools = []
# Filtering tools if they are in overall_tools
# Processing wildcards if possible
for tool_pattern in tools_spec:
tools.extend([k for k, _ in overall_tools.items() if fnmatch.fnmatch(k,tool_pattern) and k not in tools])
# Processing "metapackage"
if 'required' in tools_spec:
tools.extend([k for k, v in overall_tools.items() if v.get_install_type() == IDFTool.INSTALL_ALWAYS and k not in tools])
elif 'all' in tools_spec:
tools.extend([k for k, v in overall_tools.items() if v.get_install_type() != IDFTool.INSTALL_NEVER and k not in tools])
# Filtering by ESP_targets
tools = [k for k in tools if overall_tools[k].is_supported_for_any_of_targets(targets)]
return tools
def parse_targets_arg(targets_str): # type: (str) -> List[str]
Parse and check if targets_str is a valid list of targets and return a target list
targets_from_tools_json = get_all_targets_from_tools_json()
invalid_targets = []
targets_str = targets_str.lower()
targets = targets_str.replace('-', '').split(',')
if targets == ['all']:
return targets_from_tools_json
invalid_targets = [t for t in targets if t not in targets_from_tools_json]
if invalid_targets:
warn('Targets: "{}" are not supported. Only allowed options are: {}.'.format(', '.join(invalid_targets), ', '.join(targets_from_tools_json)))
raise SystemExit(1)
return targets
def add_and_check_targets(idf_env_obj, targets_str): # type: (IDFEnv, str) -> list[str]
Define targets from targets_str, check that the target names are valid and add them to idf_env_obj
targets = parse_targets_arg(targets_str)
return idf_env_obj.get_active_idf_record().targets
def feature_to_requirements_path(feature): # type: (str) -> str
return os.path.join(global_idf_path or '', 'tools', 'requirements', 'requirements.{}.txt'.format(feature))
def process_and_check_features(idf_env_obj, features_str): # type: (IDFEnv, str) -> list[str]
new_features = []
remove_features = []
for new_feature_candidate in features_str.split(','):
if new_feature_candidate.startswith('-'):
remove_features += [new_feature_candidate.lstrip('-')]
new_feature_candidate = new_feature_candidate.lstrip('+')
# Feature to be added needs to be checked if is valid
if os.path.isfile(feature_to_requirements_path(new_feature_candidate)):
new_features += [new_feature_candidate]
idf_env_obj.get_active_idf_record().update_features(tuple(new_features), tuple(remove_features))
return idf_env_obj.get_active_idf_record().features
def get_all_targets_from_tools_json(): # type: () -> list[str]
tools_info = load_tools_info()
targets_from_tools_json = [] # type: list[str]
for _, v in tools_info.items():
# remove duplicates
targets_from_tools_json = list(set(targets_from_tools_json))
if 'all' in targets_from_tools_json:
return sorted(targets_from_tools_json)
def filter_tools_info(idf_env_obj, tools_info): # type: (IDFEnv, OrderedDict[str, IDFTool]) -> OrderedDict[str,IDFTool]
targets = idf_env_obj.get_active_idf_record().targets
if not targets:
return tools_info
filtered_tools_spec = {k:v for k, v in tools_info.items() if
(v.get_install_type() == IDFTool.INSTALL_ALWAYS or v.get_install_type() == IDFTool.INSTALL_ON_REQUEST) and
(any(item in targets for item in v.get_supported_targets()) or v.get_supported_targets() == ['all'])}
return OrderedDict(filtered_tools_spec)
def add_variables_to_deactivate_file(args, new_idf_vars): # type: (list[str], dict[str, Any]) -> str
Add IDF global variables that need to be removed when the active esp-idf environment is deactivated.
if 'PATH' in new_idf_vars:
new_idf_vars['PATH'] = new_idf_vars['PATH'].split(':')[:-1] # PATH is stored as list of sub-paths without '$PATH'
new_idf_vars['PATH'] = new_idf_vars.get('PATH', [])
args_add_paths_extras = vars(args).get('add_paths_extras') # remove mypy error with args
new_idf_vars['PATH'] = new_idf_vars['PATH'] + args_add_paths_extras.split(':') if args_add_paths_extras else new_idf_vars['PATH']
env_state_obj = ENVState.get_env_state()
if env_state_obj.idf_variables:
exported_idf_vars = env_state_obj.idf_variables
new_idf_vars['PATH'] = list(set(new_idf_vars['PATH'] + exported_idf_vars.get('PATH', []))) # remove duplicates
env_state_obj.idf_variables = dict(exported_idf_vars, **new_idf_vars) # merge two dicts
env_state_obj.idf_variables = new_idf_vars
deactivate_file_path =
return deactivate_file_path
def deactivate_statement(args): # type: (list[str]) -> None
Deactivate statement is sequence of commands, that remove IDF global variables from enviroment,
so the environment gets to the state it was before calling export.{sh/fish} script.
env_state_obj = ENVState.get_env_state()
if not env_state_obj.idf_variables:
warn('No IDF variables to remove from environment found. Deactivation of previous esp-idf version was not successful.')
unset_vars = env_state_obj.idf_variables
env_path = os.getenv('PATH') # type: Optional[str]
if env_path:
cleared_env_path = ':'.join([k for k in env_path.split(':') if k not in unset_vars['PATH']])
unset_list = [k for k in unset_vars.keys() if k != 'PATH']
unset_format, sep = get_unset_format_and_separator(args)
unset_statement = sep.join([unset_format.format(k) for k in unset_list])
export_format, sep = get_export_format_and_separator(args)
export_statement = export_format.format('PATH', cleared_env_path)
deactivate_statement_str = sep.join([unset_statement, export_statement])
# After deactivation clear old variables
def get_export_format_and_separator(args): # type: (list[str]) -> Tuple[str, str]
return {EXPORT_SHELL: ('export {}="{}"', ';'), EXPORT_KEY_VALUE: ('{}={}', '\n')}[args.format] # type: ignore
def get_unset_format_and_separator(args): # type: (list[str]) -> Tuple[str, str]
return {EXPORT_SHELL: ('unset {}', ';'), EXPORT_KEY_VALUE: ('{}', '\n')}[args.format] # type: ignore
def different_idf_detected() -> bool:
# If IDF global variable found, test if belong to different ESP-IDF version
if 'IDF_TOOLS_EXPORT_CMD' in os.environ:
if global_idf_path != os.path.dirname(os.environ['IDF_TOOLS_EXPORT_CMD']):
return True
# No previous ESP-IDF export detected, nothing to be unset
if all(s not in os.environ for s in ['IDF_PYTHON_ENV_PATH', 'OPENOCD_SCRIPTS', 'ESP_IDF_VERSION']):
return False
# User is exporting the same version as is in env
if os.getenv('ESP_IDF_VERSION') == get_idf_version():
return False
# Different version detected
return True
# Function returns unique id of running ESP-IDF combining current idfpath with version.
# The id is unique with same version & different path or same path & different version.
def active_repo_id() -> str:
if global_idf_path is None:
return 'UNKNOWN_PATH' + '-v' + get_idf_version()
return global_idf_path + '-v' + get_idf_version()
def list_default(args): # type: ignore
tools_info = load_tools_info()
for name, tool in tools_info.items():
if tool.get_install_type() == IDFTool.INSTALL_NEVER:
optional_str = ' (optional)' if tool.get_install_type() == IDFTool.INSTALL_ON_REQUEST else ''
info('* {}: {}{}'.format(name, tool.description, optional_str))
versions_for_platform = {k: v for k, v in tool.versions.items() if v.compatible_with_platform()}
if not versions_for_platform:
info(' (no versions compatible with platform {})'.format(PYTHON_PLATFORM))
versions_sorted = sorted(versions_for_platform.keys(), key=tool.versions.get, reverse=True) # type: ignore
for version in versions_sorted:
version_obj = tool.versions[version]
info(' - {} ({}{})'.format(version, version_obj.status,
', installed' if version in tool.versions_installed else ''))
def list_outdated(args): # type: ignore
tools_info = load_tools_info()
for name, tool in tools_info.items():
if tool.get_install_type() == IDFTool.INSTALL_NEVER:
versions_for_platform = {k: v for k, v in tool.versions.items() if v.compatible_with_platform()}
if not versions_for_platform:
version_installed = tool.latest_installed_version()
if not version_installed:
version_available = sorted(versions_for_platform.keys(), key=tool.versions.get, reverse=True)[0]
if version_installed < version_available:
info(f'{name}: version {version_installed} is outdated by {version_available}')
def action_list(args): # type: ignore
if args.outdated:
def action_check(args): # type: ignore
tools_info = load_tools_info()
tools_info = filter_tools_info(IDFEnv.get_idf_env(), tools_info)
not_found_list = []
info('Checking for installed tools...')
for name, tool in tools_info.items():
if tool.get_install_type() == IDFTool.INSTALL_NEVER:
tool_found_somewhere = False
info('Checking tool %s' % name)
if tool.version_in_path:
info(' version found in PATH: %s' % tool.version_in_path)
tool_found_somewhere = True
info(' no version found in PATH')
for version in tool.versions_installed:
info(' version installed in tools directory: %s' % version)
tool_found_somewhere = True
if not tool_found_somewhere and tool.get_install_type() == IDFTool.INSTALL_ALWAYS:
if not_found_list:
fatal('The following required tools were not found: ' + ' '.join(not_found_list))
raise SystemExit(1)
def action_export(args): # type: ignore
if args.deactivate and different_idf_detected():
tools_info = load_tools_info()
tools_info = filter_tools_info(IDFEnv.get_idf_env(), tools_info)
all_tools_found = True
export_vars = {}
paths_to_export = []
self_restart_cmd = f'{sys.executable} {__file__}{(" --tools-json " + args.tools_json) if args.tools_json else ""}'
self_restart_cmd = to_shell_specific_paths([self_restart_cmd])[0]
prefer_system_hint = '' if IDF_TOOLS_EXPORT_CMD else f' To use it, run \'{self_restart_cmd} export --prefer-system\''
install_cmd = to_shell_specific_paths([IDF_TOOLS_INSTALL_CMD])[0] if IDF_TOOLS_INSTALL_CMD else self_restart_cmd + ' install'
for name, tool in tools_info.items():
if tool.get_install_type() == IDFTool.INSTALL_NEVER:
version_to_use = tool.get_preferred_installed_version()
if not tool.is_executable and version_to_use:
tool_export_vars = tool.get_export_vars(version_to_use)
export_vars = {**export_vars, **tool_export_vars}
if tool.version_in_path:
if tool.version_in_path not in tool.versions:
# unsupported version
if args.prefer_system: # type: ignore
warn('using an unsupported version of tool {} found in PATH: {}'.format(, tool.version_in_path))
# unsupported version in path
# supported/deprecated version in PATH, use it
version_obj = tool.versions[tool.version_in_path]
if version_obj.status == IDFToolVersion.STATUS_SUPPORTED:
info('Using a supported version of tool {} found in PATH: {}.'.format(name, tool.version_in_path),
info('However the recommended version is {}.'.format(tool.get_recommended_version()),
elif version_obj.status == IDFToolVersion.STATUS_DEPRECATED:
warn('using a deprecated version of tool {} found in PATH: {}'.format(name, tool.version_in_path))
if not tool.versions_installed:
if tool.get_install_type() == IDFTool.INSTALL_ALWAYS:
all_tools_found = False
fatal('tool {} has no installed versions. Please run \'{}\' to install it.'.format(, install_cmd))
if tool.version_in_path and tool.version_in_path not in tool.versions:
info('An unsupported version of tool {} was found in PATH: {}. '.format(name, tool.version_in_path) +
prefer_system_hint, f=sys.stderr)
# tool is optional, and does not have versions installed
# use whatever is available in PATH
if tool.version_in_path and tool.version_in_path not in tool.versions:
info('Not using an unsupported version of tool {} found in PATH: {}.'.format(, tool.version_in_path) + prefer_system_hint, f=sys.stderr)
export_paths = tool.get_export_paths(version_to_use)
if export_paths:
paths_to_export += export_paths
tool_export_vars = tool.get_export_vars(version_to_use)
export_vars = {**export_vars, **tool_export_vars}
current_path = os.getenv('PATH')
idf_python_env_path, idf_python_export_path, virtualenv_python, _ = get_python_env_path()
if os.path.exists(virtualenv_python):
idf_python_env_path = to_shell_specific_paths([idf_python_env_path])[0]
if os.getenv('IDF_PYTHON_ENV_PATH') != idf_python_env_path:
export_vars['IDF_PYTHON_ENV_PATH'] = to_shell_specific_paths([idf_python_env_path])[0]
if idf_python_export_path not in current_path:
idf_version = get_idf_version()
if os.getenv('ESP_IDF_VERSION') != idf_version:
export_vars['ESP_IDF_VERSION'] = idf_version
idf_tools_dir = os.path.join(global_idf_path, 'tools')
idf_tools_dir = to_shell_specific_paths([idf_tools_dir])[0]
if idf_tools_dir not in current_path:
if sys.platform == 'win32':
old_path = '%PATH%'
path_sep = ';'
old_path = '$PATH'
path_sep = ':'
export_format, export_sep = get_export_format_and_separator(args)
if paths_to_export:
export_vars['PATH'] = path_sep.join(to_shell_specific_paths(paths_to_export) + [old_path])
if export_vars:
# if not copy of export_vars is given to function, it brekas the formatting string for 'export_statements'
deactivate_file_path = add_variables_to_deactivate_file(args, export_vars.copy())
export_vars[ENVState.env_key] = deactivate_file_path
export_statements = export_sep.join([export_format.format(k, v) for k, v in export_vars.items()])
if not all_tools_found:
raise SystemExit(1)
def get_idf_download_url_apply_mirrors(args=None, download_url=IDF_DL_URL): # type: (Any, str) -> str
url = apply_mirror_prefix_map(args, download_url)
url = apply_github_assets_option(url)
return url
def apply_mirror_prefix_map(args, idf_download_url): # type: (Any, str) -> str
"""Rewrite URL for given idf_download_url.
if --mirror-prefix-map flag or IDF_MIRROR_PREFIX_MAP environment variable is given.
new_url = idf_download_url
mirror_prefix_map = None
mirror_prefix_map_env = os.getenv('IDF_MIRROR_PREFIX_MAP')
if mirror_prefix_map_env:
mirror_prefix_map = mirror_prefix_map_env.split(';')
if IDF_MAINTAINER and args and args.mirror_prefix_map:
if mirror_prefix_map:
warn('Both IDF_MIRROR_PREFIX_MAP environment variable and --mirror-prefix-map flag are specified, ' +
'will use the value from the command line.')
mirror_prefix_map = args.mirror_prefix_map
if mirror_prefix_map:
for item in mirror_prefix_map:
warn('invalid mirror-prefix-map item (missing \'{}\') {}'.format(URL_PREFIX_MAP_SEPARATOR, item))
search, replace = item.split(URL_PREFIX_MAP_SEPARATOR, 1)
new_url = re.sub(search, replace, idf_download_url)
if new_url != idf_download_url:
info('Changed download URL: {} => {}'.format(idf_download_url, new_url))
return new_url
def apply_github_assets_option(idf_download_url): # type: (str) -> str
""" Rewrite URL for given idf_download_url if the download URL is an URL and the variable
IDF_GITHUB_ASSETS is set. The part of the URL will be replaced.
new_url = idf_download_url
github_assets = os.environ.get('IDF_GITHUB_ASSETS', '').strip()
if not github_assets:
# no IDF_GITHUB_ASSETS or variable exists but is empty
return new_url
# check no URL qualifier in the mirror URL
if '://' in github_assets:
fatal("IDF_GITHUB_ASSETS shouldn't include any URL qualifier, https:// is assumed")
raise SystemExit(1)
# Strip any trailing / from the mirror URL
github_assets = github_assets.rstrip('/')
new_url = re.sub(r'^', 'https://{}/'.format(github_assets), idf_download_url)
if new_url != idf_download_url:
info('Using GitHub assets mirror for URL: {} => {}'.format(idf_download_url, new_url))
return new_url
def get_tools_spec_and_platform_info(selected_platform, targets, tools_spec,
quiet=False): # type: (str, list[str], list[str], bool) -> Tuple[list[str], Dict[str, IDFTool]]
# If this function is not called from action_download, but is used just for detecting active tools, info about downloading is unwanted.
global global_quiet
old_global_quiet = global_quiet
global_quiet = quiet
tools_info = load_tools_info()
tools_info_for_platform = OrderedDict()
for name, tool_obj in tools_info.items():
tool_for_platform = tool_obj.copy_for_platform(selected_platform)
tools_info_for_platform[name] = tool_for_platform
tools_spec = expand_tools_arg(tools_spec, tools_info_for_platform, targets)
info('Downloading tools for {}: {}'.format(selected_platform, ', '.join(tools_spec)))
global_quiet = old_global_quiet
return tools_spec, tools_info_for_platform
def action_download(args): # type: ignore
tools_spec = parse_tools_arg(
targets = [] # type: list[str]
# Saving IDFEnv::targets for selected ESP_targets if all tools have been specified
if 'required' in tools_spec or 'all' in tools_spec:
idf_env_obj = IDFEnv.get_idf_env()
targets = add_and_check_targets(idf_env_obj, args.targets)
except OSError as err:
if args.targets in targets:
warn('Downloading tools for targets was not successful with error: {}'.format(err))
# Taking into account ESP_targets but not saving them for individual tools (specified list of tools)
targets = parse_targets_arg(args.targets)
platform = parse_platform_arg(args.platform)
tools_spec, tools_info_for_platform = get_tools_spec_and_platform_info(platform, targets, tools_spec)
for tool_spec in tools_spec:
if '@' not in tool_spec:
tool_name = tool_spec
tool_version = None
tool_name, tool_version = tool_spec.split('@', 1)
if tool_name not in tools_info_for_platform:
fatal('unknown tool name: {}'.format(tool_name))
raise SystemExit(1)
tool_obj = tools_info_for_platform[tool_name]
if tool_version is not None and tool_version not in tool_obj.versions:
fatal('unknown version for tool {}: {}'.format(tool_name, tool_version))
raise SystemExit(1)
if tool_version is None:
tool_version = tool_obj.get_recommended_version()
if tool_version is None:
fatal('tool {} not found for {} platform'.format(tool_name, platform))
raise SystemExit(1)
tool_spec = '{}@{}'.format(tool_name, tool_version)
info('Downloading {}'.format(tool_spec))
_idf_tool_obj = tool_obj.versions[tool_version].get_download_for_platform(platform)
_idf_tool_obj.url = get_idf_download_url_apply_mirrors(args, _idf_tool_obj.url)
def action_install(args): # type: ignore
tools_spec = parse_tools_arg(
targets = [] # type: list[str]
# Saving IDFEnv::targets for selected ESP_targets if all tools have been specified
if 'required' in tools_spec or 'all' in tools_spec:
idf_env_obj = IDFEnv.get_idf_env()
targets = add_and_check_targets(idf_env_obj, args.targets)
except OSError as err:
if args.targets in targets:
warn('Installing targets was not successful with error: {}'.format(err))
info('Selected targets are: {}'.format(', '.join(targets)))
# Taking into account ESP_targets but not saving them for individual tools (specified list of tools)
targets = parse_targets_arg(args.targets)
info('Current system platform: {}'.format(CURRENT_PLATFORM))
tools_info = load_tools_info()
tools_spec = expand_tools_arg(tools_spec, tools_info, targets)
info('Installing tools: {}'.format(', '.join(tools_spec)))
for tool_spec in tools_spec:
if '@' not in tool_spec:
tool_name = tool_spec
tool_version = None
tool_name, tool_version = tool_spec.split('@', 1)
if tool_name not in tools_info:
fatal('unknown tool name: {}'.format(tool_name))
raise SystemExit(1)
tool_obj = tools_info[tool_name]
if not tool_obj.compatible_with_platform():
fatal('tool {} does not have versions compatible with platform {}'.format(tool_name, CURRENT_PLATFORM))
raise SystemExit(1)
if tool_version is not None and tool_version not in tool_obj.versions:
fatal('unknown version for tool {}: {}'.format(tool_name, tool_version))
raise SystemExit(1)
if tool_version is None:
tool_version = tool_obj.get_recommended_version()
assert tool_version is not None
tool_spec = '{}@{}'.format(tool_name, tool_version)
if tool_version in tool_obj.versions_installed:
info('Skipping {} (already installed)'.format(tool_spec))
info('Installing {}'.format(tool_spec))
_idf_tool_obj = tool_obj.versions[tool_version].get_download_for_platform(PYTHON_PLATFORM)
_idf_tool_obj.url = get_idf_download_url_apply_mirrors(args, _idf_tool_obj.url)
def get_wheels_dir(): # type: () -> Optional[str]
tools_info = load_tools_info()
wheels_package_name = 'idf-python-wheels'
if wheels_package_name not in tools_info:
return None
wheels_package = tools_info[wheels_package_name]
recommended_version = wheels_package.get_recommended_version()
if recommended_version is None:
return None
wheels_dir = wheels_package.get_path_for_version(recommended_version)
if not os.path.exists(wheels_dir):
return None
return wheels_dir
def get_requirements(new_features): # type: (str) -> list[str]
idf_env_obj = IDFEnv.get_idf_env()
features = process_and_check_features(idf_env_obj, new_features)
except OSError as err:
if new_features in features:
warn('Updating features was not successful with error: {}'.format(err))
return [feature_to_requirements_path(feature) for feature in features]
def get_constraints(idf_version, online=True): # type: (str, bool) -> str
idf_download_url = get_idf_download_url_apply_mirrors()
constraint_file = 'espidf.constraints.v{}.txt'.format(idf_version)
constraint_path = os.path.join(global_idf_tools_path or '', constraint_file)
constraint_url = '/'.join([idf_download_url, constraint_file])
temp_path = constraint_path + '.tmp'
if not online:
if os.path.isfile(constraint_path):
return constraint_path
fatal(f'{constraint_path} doesn\'t exist. Perhaps you\'ve forgotten to run the install scripts. '
f'Please check the installation guide for more information.')
raise SystemExit(1)
age = -
if age < datetime.timedelta(days=1):
info(f'Skipping the download of {constraint_path} because it was downloaded recently.')
return constraint_path
except OSError:
# doesn't exist or inaccessible
for _ in range(DOWNLOAD_RETRY_COUNT):
err = download(constraint_url, temp_path)
if not os.path.isfile(temp_path):
warn('Download failure: {}'.format(err))
warn('Failed to download {} to {}'.format(constraint_url, temp_path))
if os.path.isfile(constraint_path):
# Windows cannot rename to existing file. It needs to be deleted.
rename_with_retry(temp_path, constraint_path)
return constraint_path
if os.path.isfile(constraint_path):
warn('Failed to download, retry count has expired, using a previously downloaded version')
return constraint_path
fatal('Failed to download, and retry count has expired')
info('See the help on how to disable constraints in order to work around this issue.')
raise SystemExit(1)
def install_legacy_python_virtualenv(path): # type: (str) -> None
# Before creating the virtual environment, check if pip is installed.
subprocess.check_call([sys.executable, '-m', 'pip', '--version'])
except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
fatal('Python interpreter at {} doesn\'t have pip installed. '
'Please check the Getting Started Guides for the steps to install prerequisites for your OS.'.format(sys.executable))
raise SystemExit(1)
virtualenv_installed_via_pip = False
import virtualenv # noqa: F401
except ImportError:
info('Installing virtualenv')
subprocess.check_call([sys.executable, '-m', 'pip', 'install', '--user', 'virtualenv'],
stdout=sys.stdout, stderr=sys.stderr)
virtualenv_installed_via_pip = True
# since we just installed virtualenv via pip, we know that version is recent enough
# so the version check below is not necessary.
with_seeder_option = True
if not virtualenv_installed_via_pip:
# virtualenv is already present in the system and may have been installed via OS package manager
# check the version to determine if we should add --seeder option
major_ver = int(virtualenv.__version__.split('.')[0])
if major_ver < 20:
warn('Virtualenv version {} is old, please consider upgrading it'.format(virtualenv.__version__))
with_seeder_option = False
except (ValueError, NameError, AttributeError, IndexError):
info(f'Creating a new Python environment using virtualenv in {path}')
virtualenv_options = ['--python', sys.executable]
if with_seeder_option:
virtualenv_options += ['--seeder', 'pip']
subprocess.check_call([sys.executable, '-m', 'virtualenv',
stdout=sys.stdout, stderr=sys.stderr)
def action_install_python_env(args): # type: ignore
use_constraints = not args.no_constraints
reinstall = args.reinstall
idf_python_env_path, _, virtualenv_python, idf_version = get_python_env_path()
is_virtualenv = hasattr(sys, 'real_prefix') or (hasattr(sys, 'base_prefix') and sys.base_prefix != sys.prefix)
if is_virtualenv and (not os.path.exists(idf_python_env_path) or reinstall):
fatal('This script was called from a virtual environment, can not create a virtual environment again')
raise SystemExit(1)
if os.path.exists(virtualenv_python):
subprocess.check_call([virtualenv_python, '--version'], stdout=sys.stdout, stderr=sys.stderr)
except (OSError, subprocess.CalledProcessError):
# At this point we can reinstall the virtual environment if it is non-functional. This can happen at least
# when the Python interpreter was removed which was used to create the virtual environment.
reinstall = True
subprocess.check_call([virtualenv_python, '-m', 'pip', '--version'], stdout=sys.stdout, stderr=sys.stderr)
except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
warn('pip is not available in the existing virtual environment, new virtual environment will be created.')
# Reinstallation of the virtual environment could help if pip was installed for the main Python
reinstall = True
if sys.platform != 'win32':
subprocess.check_call([virtualenv_python, '-c', 'import curses'], stdout=sys.stdout, stderr=sys.stderr)
except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
warn('curses can not be imported, new virtual environment will be created.')
reinstall = True
if reinstall and os.path.exists(idf_python_env_path):
warn('Removing the existing Python environment in {}'.format(idf_python_env_path))
venv_can_upgrade = False
if not os.path.exists(virtualenv_python):
if[sys.executable, '-m', 'venv', '-h'], check=False, stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL, stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL).returncode == 0:
# venv available
virtualenv_options = ['--clear'] # delete environment if already exists
if sys.version_info[:2] >= (3, 9):
# upgrade pip & setuptools
virtualenv_options += ['--upgrade-deps']
venv_can_upgrade = True
info('Creating a new Python environment in {}'.format(idf_python_env_path))
subprocess.check_call([sys.executable, '-m', 'venv',
stdout=sys.stdout, stderr=sys.stderr)
# The embeddable Python for Windows doesn't have the built-in venv module
env_copy = os.environ.copy()
if env_copy.get('PIP_USER') == 'yes':
warn('Found PIP_USER="yes" in the environment. Disabling PIP_USER in this shell to install packages into a virtual environment.')
env_copy['PIP_USER'] = 'no'
if not venv_can_upgrade:
info('Upgrading pip and setuptools...')
subprocess.check_call([virtualenv_python, '-m', 'pip', 'install', '--upgrade', 'pip', 'setuptools'],
stdout=sys.stdout, stderr=sys.stderr, env=env_copy)
run_args = [virtualenv_python, '-m', 'pip', 'install', '--no-warn-script-location']
requirements_file_list = get_requirements(args.features)
for requirement_file in requirements_file_list:
run_args += ['-r', requirement_file]
if use_constraints:
constraint_file = get_constraints(idf_version)
run_args += ['--upgrade', '--constraint', constraint_file]
if args.extra_wheels_dir:
run_args += ['--find-links', args.extra_wheels_dir]
if args.no_index:
run_args += ['--no-index']
if args.extra_wheels_url:
run_args += ['--extra-index-url', args.extra_wheels_url]
wheels_dir = get_wheels_dir()
if wheels_dir is not None:
run_args += ['--find-links', wheels_dir]
info('Installing Python packages')
if use_constraints:
info(' Constraint file: {}'.format(constraint_file))
info(' Requirement files:')
info(os.linesep.join(' - {}'.format(path) for path in requirements_file_list))
subprocess.check_call(run_args, stdout=sys.stdout, stderr=sys.stderr, env=env_copy)
def action_check_python_dependencies(args): # type: ignore
use_constraints = not args.no_constraints
req_paths = get_requirements('') # no new features -> just detect the existing ones
_, _, virtualenv_python, idf_version = get_python_env_path()
if not os.path.isfile(virtualenv_python):
fatal('{} doesn\'t exist! Please run the install script or " install-python-env" in order to '
'create it'.format(virtualenv_python))
raise SystemExit(1)
if use_constraints:
constr_path = get_constraints(idf_version, online=False) # keep offline for checking
info('Constraint file: {}'.format(constr_path))
info('Requirement files:')
info(os.linesep.join(' - {}'.format(path) for path in req_paths))
info('Python being checked: {}'.format(virtualenv_python))
# The dependency checker will be invoked with virtualenv_python. could have been invoked with a
# different one, therefore, importing is not a suitable option.
dep_check_cmd = [virtualenv_python,
if use_constraints:
dep_check_cmd += ['-c', constr_path]
for req_path in req_paths:
dep_check_cmd += ['-r', req_path]
ret =
if ret and ret.returncode:
# returncode is a negative number and system exit output is usually expected be positive.
raise SystemExit(-ret.returncode)
except FileNotFoundError:
# Python environment not yet created
fatal('Requirements are not satisfied!')
raise SystemExit(1)
class ChecksumCalculator():
A class used to get size/checksum/basename of local artifact files.
def __init__(self, files): # type: (list[str]) -> None
self.files = files
def __iter__(self): # type: () -> Iterator[Tuple[int, str, str]]
for f in self.files:
yield (*get_file_size_sha256(f), os.path.basename(f))
class ChecksumParsingError(RuntimeError):
class ChecksumFileParser():
A class used to get size/sha256/filename of artifact using checksum-file with format:
# <artifact-filename>: <size> bytes
<sha256sum-string> *<artifact-filename>
... (2 lines for every artifact) ...
def __init__(self, tool_name, url): # type: (str, str) -> None
self.tool_name = tool_name
sha256_file_tmp = os.path.join(global_idf_tools_path or '', 'tools', 'add-version.sha256.tmp')
sha256_file = os.path.abspath(url)
# download sha256 file if URL presented
if urlparse(url).scheme:
sha256_file = sha256_file_tmp
download(url, sha256_file)
with open(sha256_file, 'r') as f:
self.checksum =
# remove temp file
if os.path.isfile(sha256_file_tmp):
def parseLine(self, regex, line): # type: (str, str) -> str
match =, line)
if not match:
raise ChecksumParsingError(f'Can not parse line "{line}" with regex "{regex}"')
# parse checksum file with formatting used by crosstool-ng, gdb, ... releases
# e.g.
def __iter__(self): # type: () -> Iterator[Tuple[int, str, str]]
for bytes_str, hash_str in zip(self.checksum[0::2], self.checksum[1::2]):
bytes_filename = self.parseLine(r'^# (\S*):', bytes_str)
hash_filename = self.parseLine(r'^\S* \*(\S*)', hash_str)
if hash_filename != bytes_filename:
fatal('filename in hash-line and in bytes-line are not the same')
raise SystemExit(1)
# crosstool-ng checksum file contains info about few tools
# e.g.: "xtensa-esp32-elf", "xtensa-esp32s2-elf"
# filter records for file by tool_name to avoid mismatch
if not hash_filename.startswith(self.tool_name):
size = self.parseLine(r'^# \S*: (\d*) bytes', bytes_str)
sha256 = self.parseLine(r'^(\S*) ', hash_str)
yield int(size), sha256, hash_filename
except (TypeError, AttributeError) as err:
fatal(f'Error while parsing, check checksum file ({err})')
raise SystemExit(1)
def action_add_version(args): # type: ignore
tools_info = load_tools_info()
tool_name = args.tool
tool_obj = tools_info.get(tool_name)
if not tool_obj:
info('Creating new tool entry for {}'.format(tool_name))
tool_obj = IDFTool(tool_name, TODO_MESSAGE, IDFTool.INSTALL_ALWAYS,
tools_info[tool_name] = tool_obj
version = args.version
version_status = IDFToolVersion.STATUS_SUPPORTED
if args.override and len(tool_obj.versions):
version_status = IDFToolVersion.STATUS_RECOMMENDED
version_obj = tool_obj.versions.get(version)
if not version_obj:
info('Creating new version {}'.format(version))
version_obj = IDFToolVersion(version, version_status)
tool_obj.versions[version] = version_obj
url_prefix = args.url_prefix or 'https://%s/' % TODO_MESSAGE
checksum_info = ChecksumFileParser(tool_name, args.checksum_file) if args.checksum_file else ChecksumCalculator(args.artifact_file)
for file_size, file_sha256, file_name in checksum_info:
# Guess which platform this file is for
found_platform = Platforms.get_by_filename(file_name)
if found_platform is None:
info('Could not guess platform for file {}'.format(file_name))
found_platform = TODO_MESSAGE
url = urljoin(url_prefix, file_name)
info('Adding download for platform {}'.format(found_platform))
info(' size: {}'.format(file_size))
info(' SHA256: {}'.format(file_sha256))
info(' URL: {}'.format(url))
version_obj.add_download(found_platform, url, file_size, file_sha256)
json_str = dump_tools_json(tools_info)
if not args.output:
args.output = os.path.join(global_idf_path, TOOLS_FILE_NEW)
with open(args.output, 'w') as f:
info('Wrote output to {}'.format(args.output))
def action_rewrite(args): # type: ignore
tools_info = load_tools_info()
json_str = dump_tools_json(tools_info)
if not args.output:
args.output = os.path.join(global_idf_path, TOOLS_FILE_NEW)
with open(args.output, 'w') as f:
info('Wrote output to {}'.format(args.output))
def action_uninstall(args): # type: (Any) -> None
""" Print or remove installed tools versions, that are not used by active ESP-IDF version anymore.
Additionally remove all older versions of previously downloaded archives.
tools_info = load_tools_info()
tools_path = os.path.join(global_idf_tools_path or '', 'tools')
dist_path = os.path.join(global_idf_tools_path or '', 'dist')
installed_tools = os.listdir(tools_path) if os.path.isdir(tools_path) else []
unused_tools_versions = {}
for tool in installed_tools:
tool_versions = os.listdir(os.path.join(tools_path, tool)) if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(tools_path, tool)) else []
unused_versions = ([x for x in tool_versions if x != tools_info[tool].get_recommended_version()])
except KeyError: # When tool that is not supported by tools_info (tools.json) anymore, remove the whole tool file
unused_versions = ['']
if unused_versions:
unused_tools_versions[tool] = unused_versions
# Keeping tools added by windows installer
KEEP_WIN_TOOLS = ['idf-git', 'idf-python']
for tool in KEEP_WIN_TOOLS:
if tool in unused_tools_versions:
# Print unused tools.
if args.dry_run:
if unused_tools_versions:
print('For removing old versions of {} use command \'{} {} {}\''.format(', '.join(unused_tools_versions), get_python_exe_and_subdir()[0],
os.path.join(global_idf_path or '', 'tools', ''), 'uninstall'))
# Remove installed tools that are not used by current ESP-IDF version.
for tool in unused_tools_versions:
for version in unused_tools_versions[tool]:
if version:
path_to_remove = os.path.join(tools_path, tool, version)
path_to_remove = os.path.join(tools_path, tool)
info(path_to_remove + ' was removed.')
except OSError as error:
warn(f'{error.filename} can not be removed because {error.strerror}.')
# Remove old archives versions and archives that are not used by the current ESP-IDF version.
if args.remove_archives:
tools_spec, tools_info_for_platform = get_tools_spec_and_platform_info(CURRENT_PLATFORM, ['all'], ['all'], quiet=True)
used_archives = []
# Detect used active archives
for tool_spec in tools_spec:
if '@' not in tool_spec:
tool_name = tool_spec
tool_version = None
tool_name, tool_version = tool_spec.split('@', 1)
tool_obj = tools_info_for_platform[tool_name]
if tool_version is None:
tool_version = tool_obj.get_recommended_version()
# mypy-checks
if tool_version is not None:
archive_version = tool_obj.versions[tool_version].get_download_for_platform(CURRENT_PLATFORM)
if archive_version is not None:
archive_version_url = archive_version.url
archive = os.path.basename(archive_version_url)
downloaded_archives = os.listdir(dist_path)
for archive in downloaded_archives:
if archive not in used_archives:
os.remove(os.path.join(dist_path, archive))
info(os.path.join(dist_path, archive) + ' was removed.')
def action_validate(args): # type: ignore
import jsonschema
except ImportError:
fatal('You need to install jsonschema package to use validate command')
raise SystemExit(1)
with open(os.path.join(global_idf_path, TOOLS_FILE), 'r') as tools_file:
tools_json = json.load(tools_file)
with open(os.path.join(global_idf_path, TOOLS_SCHEMA_FILE), 'r') as schema_file:
schema_json = json.load(schema_file)
jsonschema.validate(tools_json, schema_json)
# on failure, this will raise an exception with a fairly verbose diagnostic message
def action_gen_doc(args): # type: ignore
f = args.output
tools_info = load_tools_info()
def print_out(text): # type: (str) -> None
f.write(text + '\n')
print_out('.. |zwsp| unicode:: U+200B')
print_out(' :trim:')
idf_gh_url = ''
for tool_name, tool_obj in tools_info.items():
info_url = tool_obj.options.info_url
if idf_gh_url + '/tree' in info_url:
info_url = re.sub(idf_gh_url + r'/tree/\w+/(.*)', r':idf:`\1`', info_url)
license_url = '' + tool_obj.options.license
.. _tool-{name}:
.. include::
:start-after: tool-{name}-notes
:end-before: ---
License: `{license} <{license_url}>`_
More info: {info_url}
.. list-table::
:widths: 10 10 80
:header-rows: 1
* - Platform
- Required
- Download
underline=args.heading_underline_char * len(tool_name),
for platform_name in sorted(tool_obj.get_supported_platforms()):
platform_tool = tool_obj.copy_for_platform(platform_name)
install_type = platform_tool.get_install_type()
if install_type == IDFTool.INSTALL_NEVER:
elif install_type == IDFTool.INSTALL_ALWAYS:
install_type_str = 'required'
elif install_type == IDFTool.INSTALL_ON_REQUEST:
install_type_str = 'optional'
raise NotImplementedError()
version = platform_tool.get_recommended_version()
version_obj = platform_tool.versions[version]
download_obj = version_obj.get_download_for_platform(platform_name)
# Note: keep the list entries indented to the same number of columns
# as the list header above.
* - {}
- {}
- {}
.. rst-class:: tool-sha256
SHA256: {}
""".strip('\n').format(platform_name, install_type_str, download_obj.url, download_obj.sha256))
def action_check_tool_supported(args): # type: (Any) -> None
Print "True"/"False" to stdout as a result that tool is supported in IDF
Print erorr message to stderr otherwise and set exit code to 1
tools_info = load_tools_info()
for _, v in tools_info.items():
if == args.tool_name:
except (RuntimeError, ToolNotFound, ToolExecError) as err:
fatal(f'Failed to check tool support: (name: {args.tool_name}, exec: {args.exec_path})')
raise SystemExit(1)
def action_get_tool_supported_versions(args): # type: (Any) -> None
Print supported versions of a tool to stdout
Print erorr message to stderr otherwise and set exit code to 1
tools_info = load_tools_info()
for _, v in tools_info.items():
if == args.tool_name:
except RuntimeError as err:
fatal(f'Failed to get tool supported versions. (tool: {args.tool_name})')
raise SystemExit(1)
def main(argv): # type: (list[str]) -> None
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('--quiet', help='Don\'t output diagnostic messages to stdout/stderr', action='store_true')
parser.add_argument('--non-interactive', help='Don\'t output interactive messages and questions', action='store_true')
parser.add_argument('--tools-json', help='Path to the tools.json file to use')
parser.add_argument('--idf-path', help='ESP-IDF path to use')
subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(dest='action')
list_parser = subparsers.add_parser('list', help='List tools and versions available')
list_parser.add_argument('--outdated', help='Print only outdated installed tools', action='store_true')
subparsers.add_parser('check', help='Print summary of tools installed or found in PATH')
export = subparsers.add_parser('export', help='Output command for setting tool paths, suitable for shell')
export.add_argument('--format', choices=[EXPORT_SHELL, EXPORT_KEY_VALUE], default=EXPORT_SHELL,
help='Format of the output: shell (suitable for printing into shell), ' +
'or key-value (suitable for parsing by other tools')
export.add_argument('--prefer-system', help='Normally, if the tool is already present in PATH, ' +
'but has an unsupported version, a version from the tools directory ' +
'will be used instead. If this flag is given, the version in PATH ' +
'will be used.', action='store_true')
export.add_argument('--deactivate', help='Output command for deactivate different ESP-IDF version, previously set with export', action='store_true')
export.add_argument('--unset', help=argparse.SUPPRESS, action='store_true')
export.add_argument('--add_paths_extras', help='Add idf-related path extras for deactivate option')
install = subparsers.add_parser('install', help='Download and install tools into the tools directory')
install.add_argument('tools', metavar='TOOL', nargs='*', default=['required'],
help='Tools to install. ' +
'To install a specific version use <tool_name>@<version> syntax. ' +
'To install tools by pattern use wildcards in <tool_name_pattern> . ' +
'Use empty or \'required\' to install required tools, not optional ones. ' +
'Use \'all\' to install all tools, including the optional ones.')
install.add_argument('--targets', default='all', help='A comma separated list of desired chip targets for installing.' +
' It defaults to installing all supported targets.')
download = subparsers.add_parser('download', help='Download the tools into the dist directory')
download.add_argument('--platform', default=CURRENT_PLATFORM, help='Platform to download the tools for')
download.add_argument('tools', metavar='TOOL', nargs='*', default=['required'],
help='Tools to download. ' +
'To download a specific version use <tool_name>@<version> syntax. ' +
'To download tools by pattern use wildcards in <tool_name_pattern> . ' +
'Use empty or \'required\' to download required tools, not optional ones. ' +
'Use \'all\' to download all tools, including the optional ones.')
download.add_argument('--targets', default='all', help='A comma separated list of desired chip targets for installing.' +
' It defaults to installing all supported targets.')
uninstall = subparsers.add_parser('uninstall', help='Remove installed tools, that are not used by current version of ESP-IDF.')
uninstall.add_argument('--dry-run', help='Print unused tools.', action='store_true')
uninstall.add_argument('--remove-archives', help='Remove old archive versions and archives from unused tools.', action='store_true')
no_constraints_default = os.environ.get('IDF_PYTHON_CHECK_CONSTRAINTS', '').lower() in ['0', 'n', 'no']
for subparser in [download, install]:
subparser.add_argument('--mirror-prefix-map', nargs='*',
help='Pattern to rewrite download URLs, with source and replacement separated by comma.' +
' E.g.,')
install_python_env = subparsers.add_parser('install-python-env',
help='Create Python virtual environment and install the ' +
'required Python packages')
install_python_env.add_argument('--reinstall', help='Discard the previously installed environment',
install_python_env.add_argument('--extra-wheels-dir', help='Additional directories with wheels ' +
'to use during installation')
install_python_env.add_argument('--extra-wheels-url', help='Additional URL with wheels', default=IDF_PIP_WHEELS_URL)
install_python_env.add_argument('--no-index', help='Work offline without retrieving wheels index')
install_python_env.add_argument('--features', default='core', help='A comma separated list of desired features for installing.'
' It defaults to installing just the core funtionality.')
install_python_env.add_argument('--no-constraints', action='store_true', default=no_constraints_default,
help='Disable constraint settings. Use with care and only when you want to manage '
'package versions by yourself. It can be set with the IDF_PYTHON_CHECK_CONSTRAINTS '
'environment variable.')
add_version = subparsers.add_parser('add-version', help='Add or update download info for a version')
add_version.add_argument('--output', help='Save new tools.json into this file')
add_version.add_argument('--tool', help='Tool name to set add a version for', required=True)
add_version.add_argument('--version', help='Version identifier', required=True)
add_version.add_argument('--url-prefix', help='String to prepend to file names to obtain download URLs')
add_version.add_argument('--override', action='store_true', help='Override tool versions with new data')
add_version_files_group = add_version.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=True)
add_version_files_group.add_argument('--checksum-file', help='URL or path to local file with checksum/size for artifacts')
add_version_files_group.add_argument('--artifact-file', help='File names of the download artifacts', nargs='*')
rewrite = subparsers.add_parser('rewrite', help='Load tools.json, validate, and save the result back into JSON')
rewrite.add_argument('--output', help='Save new tools.json into this file')
subparsers.add_parser('validate', help='Validate tools.json against schema file')
gen_doc = subparsers.add_parser('gen-doc', help='Write the list of tools as a documentation page')
gen_doc.add_argument('--output', type=argparse.FileType('w'), default=sys.stdout,
help='Output file name')
gen_doc.add_argument('--heading-underline-char', help='Character to use when generating RST sections', default='~')
check_python_dependencies = subparsers.add_parser('check-python-dependencies',
help='Check that all required Python packages are installed.')
check_python_dependencies.add_argument('--no-constraints', action='store_true', default=no_constraints_default,
help='Disable constraint settings. Use with care and only when you want '
'to manage package versions by yourself. It can be set with the IDF_PYTHON_CHECK_CONSTRAINTS '
'environment variable.')
if os.environ.get('IDF_TOOLS_VERSION_HELPER'):
check_tool_supported = subparsers.add_parser('check-tool-supported',
help='Check that selected tool is compatible with IDF. Writes "True"/"False" to stdout in success.')
check_tool_supported.add_argument('--tool-name', required=True, help='Tool name (from tools.json)')
check_tool_supported.add_argument('--exec-path', required=True, help='Full path to executable under the test')
get_tool_supported_versions = subparsers.add_parser('get-tool-supported-versions', help='Prints a list of tool\'s supported versions')
get_tool_supported_versions.add_argument('--tool-name', required=True, help='Tool name (from tools.json)')
args = parser.parse_args(argv)
if args.action is None:
if args.quiet:
global global_quiet
global_quiet = True
if args.non_interactive:
global global_non_interactive
global_non_interactive = True
if 'unset' in args and args.unset:
args.deactivate = True
global global_idf_path
global_idf_path = os.environ.get('IDF_PATH')
if args.idf_path:
global_idf_path = args.idf_path
if not global_idf_path:
global_idf_path = os.path.realpath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..'))
os.environ['IDF_PATH'] = global_idf_path
global global_idf_tools_path
global_idf_tools_path = os.environ.get('IDF_TOOLS_PATH') or os.path.expanduser(IDF_TOOLS_PATH_DEFAULT)
# On macOS, unset __PYVENV_LAUNCHER__ variable if it is set.
# Otherwise sys.executable keeps pointing to the system Python, even when a python binary from a virtualenv is invoked.
# See
os.environ.pop('__PYVENV_LAUNCHER__', None)
if sys.version_info.major == 2:
global_idf_tools_path.decode('ascii') # type: ignore
except UnicodeDecodeError:
fatal('IDF_TOOLS_PATH contains non-ASCII characters: {}'.format(global_idf_tools_path) +
'\nThis is not supported yet with Python 2. ' +
'Please set IDF_TOOLS_PATH to a directory with an ASCII name, or switch to Python 3.')
raise SystemExit(1)
fatal('Platform {} appears to be unsupported'.format(PYTHON_PLATFORM))
raise SystemExit(1)
global global_tools_json
if args.tools_json:
global_tools_json = args.tools_json
global_tools_json = os.path.join(global_idf_path, TOOLS_FILE)
action_func_name = 'action_' + args.action.replace('-', '_')
action_func = globals()[action_func_name]
if __name__ == '__main__':
if 'MSYSTEM' in os.environ:
fatal('MSys/Mingw is not supported. Please follow the getting started guide of the documentation to set up '
'a supported environment')
raise SystemExit(1)