
72 wiersze
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* SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021-2022 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) CO LTD
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Unlicense OR CC0-1.0
#include "esp_log.h"
#include "driver/rmt_tx.h"
#include "musical_score_encoder.h"
#define RMT_BUZZER_RESOLUTION_HZ 1000000 // 1MHz resolution
static const char *TAG = "example";
* @brief Musical Score: Beethoven's Ode to joy
static const buzzer_musical_score_t score[] = {
{740, 400}, {740, 600}, {784, 400}, {880, 400},
{880, 400}, {784, 400}, {740, 400}, {659, 400},
{587, 400}, {587, 400}, {659, 400}, {740, 400},
{740, 400}, {740, 200}, {659, 200}, {659, 800},
{740, 400}, {740, 600}, {784, 400}, {880, 400},
{880, 400}, {784, 400}, {740, 400}, {659, 400},
{587, 400}, {587, 400}, {659, 400}, {740, 400},
{659, 400}, {659, 200}, {587, 200}, {587, 800},
{659, 400}, {659, 400}, {740, 400}, {587, 400},
{659, 400}, {740, 200}, {784, 200}, {740, 400}, {587, 400},
{659, 400}, {740, 200}, {784, 200}, {740, 400}, {659, 400},
{587, 400}, {659, 400}, {440, 400}, {440, 400},
{740, 400}, {740, 600}, {784, 400}, {880, 400},
{880, 400}, {784, 400}, {740, 400}, {659, 400},
{587, 400}, {587, 400}, {659, 400}, {740, 400},
{659, 400}, {659, 200}, {587, 200}, {587, 800},
void app_main(void)
ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Create RMT TX channel");
rmt_channel_handle_t buzzer_chan = NULL;
rmt_tx_channel_config_t tx_chan_config = {
.clk_src = RMT_CLK_SRC_DEFAULT, // select source clock
.gpio_num = RMT_BUZZER_GPIO_NUM,
.mem_block_symbols = 64,
.resolution_hz = RMT_BUZZER_RESOLUTION_HZ,
.trans_queue_depth = 10, // set the maximum number of transactions that can pend in the background
ESP_ERROR_CHECK(rmt_new_tx_channel(&tx_chan_config, &buzzer_chan));
ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Install musical score encoder");
rmt_encoder_handle_t score_encoder = NULL;
musical_score_encoder_config_t encoder_config = {
ESP_ERROR_CHECK(rmt_new_musical_score_encoder(&encoder_config, &score_encoder));
ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Enable RMT TX channel");
ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Playing Beethoven's Ode to joy...");
for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(score) / sizeof(score[0]); i++) {
rmt_transmit_config_t tx_config = {
.loop_count = score[i].duration_ms * score[i].freq_hz / 1000,
ESP_ERROR_CHECK(rmt_transmit(buzzer_chan, score_encoder, &score[i], sizeof(buzzer_musical_score_t), &tx_config));