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# Copyright 2021 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) CO LTD
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import collections
import fnmatch
import itertools
from collections import namedtuple
from entity import Entity
from fragments import Mapping, Scheme, Sections
from ldgen_common import LdGenFailure
from output_commands import AlignAtAddress, InputSectionDesc, SymbolAtAddress
class Placement():
A Placement is an assignment of an entity's input sections to a target
in the output linker script - a precursor to the input section description.
A placement can be excluded from another placement. These are represented
as contents of EXCLUDE_FILE in the input section description. Since the linker uses the
first matching rule, these exclusions make sure that accidental matching
of entities with higher specificity does not occur.
The placement which a placement is excluded from is referred to as the
'basis' placement. It operates on the same input section of the entity on
one of the parent (or parent's parent and so forth), but might have
a different target (see is_significant() for the criteria).
A placement is explicit if it was derived from an actual entry in one of
the mapping fragments. Just as intermediate entity nodes are created in some cases,
intermediate placements are created particularly for symbol placements.
The reason is that EXCLUDE_FILE does not work on symbols (see ObjectNode
for details).
def __init__(self, node, sections, target, flags, explicit, force=False, dryrun=False):
self.node = node
self.sections = sections
self.target = target
self.flags = flags
self.exclusions = set()
self.subplacements = set()
# Force this placement to be output
self.force = force
# This placement was created from a mapping
# fragment entry.
self.explicit = explicit
# Find basis placement.
parent = node.parent
candidate = None
while parent:
candidate = parent.placements[sections]
except KeyError:
if candidate and candidate.is_significant():
parent = parent.parent
self.basis = candidate
if self.is_significant() and not dryrun and self.basis:
def is_significant(self):
# Check if the placement is significant. Significant placements
# are the end of a basis chain (not self.basis) or a change
# in target (self.target != self.basis.target)
# Placement can also be a basis if it has flags
# (self.flags) or its basis has flags (self.basis.flags)
return (not self.basis or
self.target != self.basis.target or
(self.flags and not self.basis.flags) or
(not self.flags and self.basis.flags) or
def force_significant(self):
if not self.is_significant():
self.force = True
if self.basis:
def add_exclusion(self, exclusion):
def add_subplacement(self, subplacement):
class EntityNode():
Node in entity tree. An EntityNode
is created from an Entity (see entity.py).
The entity tree has a maximum depth of 3. Nodes at different
depths are derived from this class for special behavior (see
RootNode, ArchiveNode, ObjectNode, SymbolNode) depending
on entity specificity.
Nodes for entities are inserted at the appropriate depth, creating
intermediate nodes along the path if necessary. For example, a node
for entity `lib1.a:obj1:sym1` needs to be inserted. If the node for `lib1:obj1`
does not exist, then it needs to be created.
A node contains a dictionary of placements (see Placement).
The key to this dictionary are contents of sections fragments,
representing the input sections of an entity. For example,
a node for entity `lib1.a` might have a placement entry for its `.text` input section
in this dictionary. The placement will contain details about the
target, the flags, etc.
Generation of output commands to be written to the output linker script
requires traversal of the tree, each node collecting the output commands
from its children, so on and so forth.
def __init__(self, parent, name):
self.children = []
self.parent = parent
self.name = name
self.child_t = EntityNode
self.entity = None
self.placements = dict()
def add_child(self, entity):
child_specificity = self.entity.specificity.value + 1
assert child_specificity <= Entity.Specificity.SYMBOL.value
name = entity[Entity.Specificity(child_specificity)]
assert name and name != Entity.ALL
child = [c for c in self.children if c.name == name]
assert len(child) <= 1
if not child:
child = self.child_t(self, name)
child = child[0]
return child
def get_output_commands(self):
commands = collections.defaultdict(list)
def process_commands(cmds):
for (target, commands_list) in cmds.items():
# Process the commands generated from this node
node_commands = self.get_node_output_commands()
# Process the commands generated from this node's children
# recursively
for child in sorted(self.children, key=lambda c: c.name):
children_commands = child.get_output_commands()
return commands
def get_node_output_commands(self):
commands = collections.defaultdict(list)
for sections in self.get_output_sections():
placement = self.placements[sections]
if placement.is_significant():
assert placement.node == self
keep = False
sort = None
surround_type = []
placement_flags = placement.flags if placement.flags is not None else []
for flag in placement_flags:
if isinstance(flag, Mapping.Keep):
keep = True
elif isinstance(flag, Mapping.Sort):
sort = (flag.first, flag.second)
for flag in surround_type:
if flag.pre:
if isinstance(flag, Mapping.Surround):
commands[placement.target].append(SymbolAtAddress('_%s_start' % flag.symbol))
else: # ALIGN
# This is for expanded object node and symbol node placements without checking for
# the type.
placement_sections = frozenset(placement.sections)
command_sections = sections if sections == placement_sections else placement_sections
command = InputSectionDesc(placement.node.entity, command_sections, [e.node.entity for e in placement.exclusions], keep, sort)
# Generate commands for intermediate, non-explicit exclusion placements here, so that they can be enclosed by
# flags that affect the parent placement.
for subplacement in placement.subplacements:
if not subplacement.flags and not subplacement.explicit:
command = InputSectionDesc(subplacement.node.entity, subplacement.sections,
[e.node.entity for e in subplacement.exclusions], keep, sort)
for flag in surround_type:
if flag.post:
if isinstance(flag, Mapping.Surround):
commands[placement.target].append(SymbolAtAddress('_%s_end' % flag.symbol))
else: # ALIGN
return commands
def self_placement(self, sections, target, flags, explicit=True, force=False):
placement = Placement(self, sections, target, flags, explicit, force)
self.placements[sections] = placement
return placement
def child_placement(self, entity, sections, target, flags, sections_db):
child = self.add_child(entity)
child.insert(entity, sections, target, flags, sections_db)
def insert(self, entity, sections, target, flags, sections_db):
if self.entity.specificity == entity.specificity:
# Since specificities match, create the placement in this node.
self.self_placement(sections, target, flags)
# If not, create a child node and try to create the placement there.
self.child_placement(entity, sections, target, flags, sections_db)
def get_output_sections(self):
return sorted(self.placements.keys(), key=' '.join)
class SymbolNode(EntityNode):
Entities at depth=3. Represents entities with archive, object
and symbol specified.
def __init__(self, parent, name):
EntityNode.__init__(self, parent, name)
self.entity = Entity(self.parent.parent.name, self.parent.name)
class ObjectNode(EntityNode):
Entities at depth=2. Represents entities with archive
and object specified.
Creating a placement on a child node (SymbolNode) has a different behavior, since
exclusions using EXCLUDE_FILE for symbols does not work.
The sections of this entity has to be 'expanded'. That is, we must
look into the actual input sections of this entity and remove
the ones corresponding to the symbol. The remaining sections of an expanded
object entity will be listed one-by-one in the corresponding
input section description.
An intermediate placement on this node is created, if one does not exist,
and is the one excluded from its basis placement.
def __init__(self, parent, name):
EntityNode.__init__(self, parent, name)
self.child_t = SymbolNode
self.entity = Entity(self.parent.name, self.name)
self.subplacements = list()
def child_placement(self, entity, sections, target, flags, sections_db):
child = self.add_child(entity)
sym_placement = Placement(child, sections, target, flags, True, dryrun=True)
# The basis placement for sym_placement can either be
# an existing placement on this node, or nonexistent.
if sym_placement.is_significant():
obj_sections = self.placements[sections].sections
except KeyError:
obj_sections = None
if not obj_sections or obj_sections == sections:
# Expand this section for the first time
found_sections = sections_db.get_sections(self.parent.name, self.name)
obj_sections = []
for s in sections:
obj_sections.extend(fnmatch.filter(found_sections, s))
if obj_sections:
symbol = entity.symbol
remove_sections = [s.replace('.*', '.%s' % symbol) for s in sections if '.*' in s]
filtered_sections = [s for s in obj_sections if s not in remove_sections]
if set(filtered_sections) != set(obj_sections):
if sym_placement.basis:
subplace = False
# If existing placement exists, make sure that
# it is emitted.
obj_placement = self.placements[sections]
except KeyError:
# Create intermediate placement.
obj_placement = self.self_placement(sections, sym_placement.basis.target, None, False)
if obj_placement.basis.flags:
subplace = True
if subplace:
obj_placement.sections = filtered_sections
sym_placement.basis = obj_placement
sym_placement.sections = remove_sections
child.placements[sections] = sym_placement
def get_output_sections(self):
output_sections = [key for key in self.placements if key not in self.subplacements]
return sorted(output_sections, key=' '.join)
class ArchiveNode(EntityNode):
Entities at depth=1. Represents entities with archive specified.
def __init__(self, parent, name):
EntityNode.__init__(self, parent, name)
self.child_t = ObjectNode
self.entity = Entity(self.name)
class RootNode(EntityNode):
Single entity at depth=0. Represents entities with no specific members
def __init__(self):
EntityNode.__init__(self, None, Entity.ALL)
self.child_t = ArchiveNode
self.entity = Entity(Entity.ALL)
class Generation:
Processes all fragments processed from fragment files included in the build.
Generates output commands (see output_commands.py) that LinkerScript (see linker_script.py) can
write to the output linker script.
# Processed mapping, scheme and section entries
EntityMapping = namedtuple('EntityMapping', 'entity sections_group target flags')
def __init__(self, check_mappings=False, check_mapping_exceptions=None):
self.schemes = {}
self.placements = {}
self.mappings = {}
self.check_mappings = check_mappings
if check_mapping_exceptions:
self.check_mapping_exceptions = check_mapping_exceptions
self.check_mapping_exceptions = []
def _prepare_scheme_dictionary(self):
scheme_dictionary = collections.defaultdict(dict)
# Collect sections into buckets based on target name
for scheme in self.schemes.values():
sections_bucket = collections.defaultdict(list)
for (sections_name, target_name) in scheme.entries:
# Get the sections under the bucket 'target_name'. If this bucket does not exist
# is is created automatically
sections_in_bucket = sections_bucket[target_name]
sections = self.placements[sections_name]
except KeyError:
message = GenerationException.UNDEFINED_REFERENCE + " to sections '" + sections_name + "'."
raise GenerationException(message, scheme)
scheme_dictionary[scheme.name] = sections_bucket
# Search for and raise exception on first instance of sections mapped to multiple targets
for (scheme_name, sections_bucket) in scheme_dictionary.items():
for sections_a, sections_b in itertools.combinations(sections_bucket.values(), 2):
set_a = set()
set_b = set()
for sections in sections_a:
for sections in sections_b:
intersection = set_a.intersection(set_b)
# If the intersection is a non-empty set, it means sections are mapped to multiple
# targets. Raise exception.
if intersection:
scheme = self.schemes[scheme_name]
message = 'Sections ' + str(intersection) + ' mapped to multiple targets.'
raise GenerationException(message, scheme)
return scheme_dictionary
def _prepare_entity_mappings(self, scheme_dictionary, entities):
# Prepare entity mappings processed from mapping fragment entries.
def get_section_strs(section):
s_list = [Sections.get_section_data_from_entry(s) for s in section.entries]
return frozenset([item for sublist in s_list for item in sublist])
entity_mappings = dict()
for mapping in self.mappings.values():
archive = mapping.archive
for (obj, symbol, scheme_name) in mapping.entries:
entity = Entity(archive, obj, symbol)
# Check the entity exists
if (self.check_mappings and
entity.specificity.value > Entity.Specificity.ARCHIVE.value and
mapping.name not in self.check_mapping_exceptions):
if not entities.check_exists(entity):
message = "'%s' not found" % str(entity)
raise GenerationException(message, mapping)
if (obj, symbol, scheme_name) in mapping.flags.keys():
flags = mapping.flags[(obj, symbol, scheme_name)]
# Check if all section->target defined in the current
# scheme.
for (s, t, f) in flags:
if (t not in scheme_dictionary[scheme_name].keys() or
s not in [_s.name for _s in scheme_dictionary[scheme_name][t]]):
message = "%s->%s not defined in scheme '%s'" % (s, t, scheme_name)
raise GenerationException(message, mapping)
flags = None
# Create placement for each 'section -> target' in the scheme.
for (target, sections) in scheme_dictionary[scheme_name].items():
for section in sections:
# Find the applicable flags
_flags = []
if flags:
for (s, t, f) in flags:
if (s, t) == (section.name, target):
sections_str = get_section_strs(section)
key = (entity, sections_str)
existing = entity_mappings[key]
except KeyError:
existing = None
if not existing:
entity_mappings[key] = Generation.EntityMapping(entity, sections_str, target, _flags)
# Check for conflicts.
if (target != existing.target):
raise GenerationException('Sections mapped to multiple targets.', mapping)
# Combine flags here if applicable, to simplify
# insertion logic.
if (_flags or existing.flags):
if ((_flags and not existing.flags) or (not _flags and existing.flags)):
entity_mappings[key] = Generation.EntityMapping(entity,
target, _flags)
elif (_flags == existing.flags):
raise GenerationException('Conflicting flags specified.', mapping)
# Sort the mappings by specificity, so as to simplify
# insertion logic.
res = list(entity_mappings.values())
res.sort(key=lambda m: m.entity)
return res
def generate(self, entities):
scheme_dictionary = self._prepare_scheme_dictionary()
entity_mappings = self._prepare_entity_mappings(scheme_dictionary, entities)
root_node = RootNode()
for mapping in entity_mappings:
(entity, sections, target, flags) = mapping
root_node.insert(entity, sections, target, flags, entities)
except ValueError as e:
raise GenerationException(str(e))
# Traverse the tree, creating the placements
commands = root_node.get_output_commands()
return commands
def add_fragments_from_file(self, fragment_file):
for fragment in fragment_file.fragments:
dict_to_append_to = None
if isinstance(fragment, Mapping) and fragment.deprecated and fragment.name in self.mappings.keys():
self.mappings[fragment.name].entries |= fragment.entries
if isinstance(fragment, Scheme):
dict_to_append_to = self.schemes
elif isinstance(fragment, Sections):
dict_to_append_to = self.placements
dict_to_append_to = self.mappings
# Raise exception when the fragment of the same type is already in the stored fragments
if fragment.name in dict_to_append_to.keys():
stored = dict_to_append_to[fragment.name].path
new = fragment.path
message = "Duplicate definition of fragment '%s' found in %s and %s." % (fragment.name, stored, new)
raise GenerationException(message)
dict_to_append_to[fragment.name] = fragment
class GenerationException(LdGenFailure):
Exception for linker script generation failures such as undefined references/ failure to
evaluate conditions, duplicate mappings, etc.
UNDEFINED_REFERENCE = 'Undefined reference'
def __init__(self, message, fragment=None):
self.fragment = fragment
self.message = message
def __str__(self):
if self.fragment:
return "%s\nIn fragment '%s' defined in '%s'." % (self.message, self.fragment.name, self.fragment.path)
return self.message