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# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) CO LTD
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
from __future__ import print_function
import logging
import os.path
import sys
import time
import traceback
from unittest.mock import MagicMock
from .. import Env
'white': u'\033[0m',
'red': u'\033[31m',
'green': u'\033[32m',
'orange': u'\033[33m',
'blue': u'\033[34m',
'purple': u'\033[35m',
'W': u'\033[0m',
'R': u'\033[31m',
'G': u'\033[32m',
'O': u'\033[33m',
'B': u'\033[34m',
'P': u'\033[35m'
def _get_log_file_name():
file_name = os.path.join(Env.Env.CURRENT_LOG_FOLDER, 'console.txt')
raise OSError('env log folder does not exist, will not save to log file')
return file_name
def format_timestamp():
ts = time.time()
return '{}:{}'.format(time.strftime('%m-%d %H:%M:%S', time.localtime(ts)), str(ts % 1)[2:5])
def console_log(data, color='white', end='\n'):
log data to console.
(if not flush console log, Gitlab-CI won't update logs during job execution)
:param data: data content
:param color: color
if color not in _COLOR_CODES:
color = 'white'
color_codes = _COLOR_CODES[color]
if isinstance(data, type(b'')):
data = data.decode('utf-8', 'replace')
print(color_codes + data, end=end)
if color not in ['white', 'W']:
# reset color to white for later logs
print(_COLOR_CODES['white'] + u'\r')
log_data = '[{}] '.format(format_timestamp()) + data
log_file = _get_log_file_name()
with open(log_file, 'a+') as f:
f.write(log_data + end)
except OSError:
__LOADED_MODULES = dict() # type: ignore
# we should only load one module once.
# if we load one module twice,
# python will regard the same object loaded in the first time and second time as different objects.
# it will lead to strange errors like `isinstance(object, type_of_this_object)` return False
def load_source(path, mock_missing=False):
Dynamic loading python file. Note that this function SHOULD NOT be used to replace ``import``.
It should only be used when the package path is only available in runtime.
:param path: The path of python file
:param mock_missing: If True, will mock the module if the module is not found.
:return: Loaded object
path = os.path.realpath(path)
# load name need to be unique, otherwise it will update the already loaded module
load_name = str(len(__LOADED_MODULES))
return __LOADED_MODULES[path]
except KeyError:
folder = os.path.dirname(path)
from importlib.machinery import SourceFileLoader
ret = SourceFileLoader(load_name, path).load_module()
except ModuleNotFoundError as e:
if not mock_missing:
# mock the missing third-party libs. Don't use it when real-testing
while True:
sys.modules[] = MagicMock()
logging.warning('Mocking python module %s',
ret = SourceFileLoader(load_name, path).load_module()
except ModuleNotFoundError as f:
e = f # another round
except SyntaxError:
# well, let's ignore it... non of our business
return None
__LOADED_MODULES[path] = ret
return ret
def handle_unexpected_exception(junit_test_case, exception):
Helper to log & add junit result details for an unexpected exception encountered
when running a test case.
Should always be called from inside an except: block
# AssertionError caused by an 'assert' statement has an empty string as its 'str' form
e_str = str(exception) if str(exception) else repr(exception)
junit_test_case.add_failure_info('Unexpected exception: {}\n{}'.format(e_str, traceback.format_exc()))
def format_case_id(case_name, target='esp32', config='default'):
return '{}.{}.{}'.format(target, config, case_name)