
720 wiersze
30 KiB

# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022-2023 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) CO LTD
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
import asyncio
import json
import os
import re
import subprocess
import sys
from asyncio.subprocess import Process
from io import open
from types import FunctionType
from typing import Any, Dict, Generator, List, Match, Optional, TextIO, Tuple, Union
import click
import yaml
from esp_idf_monitor import get_ansi_converter
from idf_py_actions.errors import NoSerialPortFoundError
from .constants import GENERATORS
from .errors import FatalError
# Name of the program, normally ''.
# Can be overridden from idf.bat using IDF_PY_PROGRAM_NAME
PROG = os.getenv('IDF_PY_PROGRAM_NAME', '')
# environment variable used during click shell completion run
# was shell completion invoked?
def executable_exists(args: List) -> bool:
return True
except Exception:
return False
def _idf_version_from_cmake() -> Optional[str]:
version_path = os.path.join(os.environ['IDF_PATH'], 'tools/cmake/version.cmake')
regex = re.compile(r'^\s*set\s*\(\s*IDF_VERSION_([A-Z]{5})\s+(\d+)')
ver = {}
with open(version_path) as f:
for line in f:
m = regex.match(line)
if m:
ver[] =
return 'v%s.%s.%s' % (ver['MAJOR'], ver['MINOR'], ver['PATCH'])
except (KeyError, OSError):
sys.stderr.write('WARNING: Cannot find ESP-IDF version in version.cmake\n')
return None
def get_target(path: str, sdkconfig_filename: str='sdkconfig') -> Optional[str]:
path = os.path.join(path, sdkconfig_filename)
return get_sdkconfig_value(path, 'CONFIG_IDF_TARGET')
def idf_version() -> Optional[str]:
"""Print version of ESP-IDF"""
# Try to get version from git:
version: Optional[str] = subprocess.check_output([
'--git-dir=%s' % os.path.join(os.environ['IDF_PATH'], '.git'),
'--work-tree=%s' % os.environ['IDF_PATH'],
'describe', '--tags', '--dirty', '--match', 'v*.*',
]).decode('utf-8', 'ignore').strip()
except (subprocess.CalledProcessError, UnicodeError):
# if failed, then try to parse cmake.version file
sys.stderr.write('WARNING: Git version unavailable, reading from source\n')
version = _idf_version_from_cmake()
return version
def get_default_serial_port() -> Any:
# Import is done here in order to move it after the check_environment()
# ensured that pyserial has been installed
import esptool
ports = list(sorted(p.device for p in
# high baud rate could cause the failure of creation of the connection
esp = esptool.get_default_connected_device(serial_list=ports, port=None, connect_attempts=4,
if esp is None:
raise NoSerialPortFoundError(
"No serial ports found. Connect a device, or use '-p PORT' option to set a specific port.")
serial_port = esp.serial_port
return serial_port
except NoSerialPortFoundError:
except Exception as e:
raise FatalError('An exception occurred during detection of the serial port: {}'.format(e))
# function prints warning when autocompletion is not being performed
# set argument stream to sys.stderr for errors and exceptions
def print_warning(message: str, stream: TextIO=None) -> None:
print(message, file=stream or sys.stderr)
def color_print(message: str, color: str, newline: Optional[str]='\n') -> None:
""" Print a message to stderr with colored highlighting """
ansi_normal = '\033[0m'
sys.stderr.write('%s%s%s%s' % (color, message, ansi_normal, newline))
def yellow_print(message: str, newline: Optional[str]='\n') -> None:
ansi_yellow = '\033[0;33m'
color_print(message, ansi_yellow, newline)
def red_print(message: str, newline: Optional[str]='\n') -> None:
ansi_red = '\033[1;31m'
color_print(message, ansi_red, newline)
def debug_print_idf_version() -> None:
print_warning(f'ESP-IDF {idf_version() or "version unknown"}')
def load_hints() -> Any:
"""Helper function to load hints yml file"""
with open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'hints.yml'), 'r') as file:
hints = yaml.safe_load(file)
return hints
def generate_hints_buffer(output: str, hints: list) -> Generator:
"""Helper function to process hints within a string buffer"""
for hint in hints:
variables_list = hint.get('variables')
hint_list, hint_vars, re_vars = [], [], []
match: Optional[Match[str]] = None
if variables_list:
for variables in variables_list:
hint_vars = variables['hint_variables']
re_vars = variables['re_variables']
regex = hint['re'].format(*re_vars)
if re.compile(regex).search(output):
except KeyError as e:
red_print('Argument {} missing in {}. Check hints.yml file.'.format(e, hint))
match = re.compile(hint['re']).search(output)
except KeyError as e:
red_print('Argument {} missing in {}. Check hints.yml file.'.format(e, hint))
except re.error as e:
red_print('{} from hints.yml have {} problem. Check hints.yml file.'.format(hint['re'], e))
if hint_list:
for message in hint_list:
yield ' '.join(['HINT:', message])
elif match:
extra_info = ', '.join(match.groups()) if hint.get('match_to_output', '') else ''
yield ' '.join(['HINT:', hint['hint'].format(extra_info)])
except KeyError:
raise KeyError("Argument 'hint' missing in {}. Check hints.yml file.".format(hint))
def generate_hints(*filenames: str) -> Generator:
"""Getting output files and printing hints on how to resolve errors based on the output."""
hints = load_hints()
for file_name in filenames:
with open(file_name, 'r') as file:
output = ' '.join(line.strip() for line in file if line.strip())
yield from generate_hints_buffer(output, hints)
def fit_text_in_terminal(out: str) -> str:
"""Fit text in terminal, if the string is not fit replace center with `...`"""
space_for_dots = 3 # Space for "..."
terminal_width, _ = os.get_terminal_size()
if not terminal_width:
return out
if terminal_width <= space_for_dots:
# if the wide of the terminal is too small just print dots
return '.' * terminal_width
if len(out) >= terminal_width:
elide_size = (terminal_width - space_for_dots) // 2
# cut out the middle part of the output if it does not fit in the terminal
return '...'.join([out[:elide_size], out[len(out) - elide_size:]])
return out
class RunTool:
def __init__(self, tool_name: str, args: List, cwd: str, env: Dict=None, custom_error_handler: FunctionType=None, build_dir: str=None,
hints: bool=True, force_progression: bool=False, interactive: bool=False, convert_output: bool=False) -> None:
self.tool_name = tool_name
self.args = args
self.cwd = cwd
self.env = env
self.custom_error_handler = custom_error_handler
# build_dir sets by tools that do not use build directory as cwd
self.build_dir = build_dir or cwd
self.hints = hints
self.force_progression = force_progression
self.interactive = interactive
self.convert_output = convert_output
def __call__(self) -> None:
def quote_arg(arg: str) -> str:
""" Quote the `arg` with whitespace in them because it can cause problems when we call it from a subprocess."""
if re.match(r"^(?![\'\"]).*\s.*", arg):
return ''.join(["'", arg, "'"])
return arg
self.args = [str(arg) for arg in self.args]
display_args = ' '.join(quote_arg(arg) for arg in self.args)
print('Running %s in directory %s' % (self.tool_name, quote_arg(self.cwd)))
print('Executing "%s"...' % str(display_args))
env_copy = dict(os.environ)
env_copy.update(self.env or {})
process: Union[Process, subprocess.CompletedProcess[bytes]]
if self.hints:
process, stderr_output_file, stdout_output_file =, env_copy))
process =, env=env_copy, cwd=self.cwd)
stderr_output_file, stdout_output_file = None, None
if process.returncode == 0:
if self.custom_error_handler:
self.custom_error_handler(process.returncode, stderr_output_file, stdout_output_file)
if stderr_output_file and stdout_output_file:
# hints in interactive mode were already processed, don't print them again
if not self.interactive:
for hint in generate_hints(stderr_output_file, stdout_output_file):
raise FatalError('{} failed with exit code {}, output of the command is in the {} and {}'.format(self.tool_name, process.returncode,
stderr_output_file, stdout_output_file))
raise FatalError('{} failed with exit code {}'.format(self.tool_name, process.returncode))
async def run_command(self, cmd: List, env_copy: Dict) -> Tuple[Process, Optional[str], Optional[str]]:
""" Run the `cmd` command with capturing stderr and stdout from that function and return returncode
and of the command, the id of the process, paths to captured output """
log_dir_name = 'log'
os.mkdir(os.path.join(self.build_dir, log_dir_name))
except FileExistsError:
# Note: we explicitly pass in os.environ here, as we may have set IDF_PATH there during startup
# limit was added for avoiding error in confserver
p = await asyncio.create_subprocess_exec(*cmd, env=env_copy, limit=1024 * 256, cwd=self.cwd, stdout=asyncio.subprocess.PIPE,
except NotImplementedError:
message = f'ERROR: {sys.executable} doesn\'t support asyncio. The issue can be worked around by re-running with the "--no-hints" argument.'
if sys.platform == 'win32':
message += ' To fix the issue use the Windows Installer for setting up your python environment, ' \
'available from:'
stderr_output_file = os.path.join(self.build_dir, log_dir_name, f'idf_py_stderr_output_{}')
stdout_output_file = os.path.join(self.build_dir, log_dir_name, f'idf_py_stdout_output_{}')
if p.stderr and p.stdout: # it only to avoid None type in p.std
await asyncio.gather(
self.read_and_write_stream(p.stderr, stderr_output_file, sys.stderr),
self.read_and_write_stream(p.stdout, stdout_output_file, sys.stdout))
await p.wait() # added for avoiding None returncode
return p, stderr_output_file, stdout_output_file
async def read_and_write_stream(self, input_stream: asyncio.StreamReader, output_filename: str,
output_stream: TextIO) -> None:
"""read the output of the `input_stream` and then write it into `output_filename` and `output_stream`"""
def delete_ansi_escape(text: str) -> str:
ansi_escape = re.compile(r'\x1B(?:[@-Z\\-_]|\[[0-?]*[ -/]*[@-~])')
return ansi_escape.sub('', text)
def print_progression(output: str) -> None:
# Print a new line on top of the previous line
print('\r' + fit_text_in_terminal(output.strip('\n\r')) + '\x1b[K', end='', file=output_stream)
def is_progression(output: str) -> bool:
# try to find possible progression by a pattern match
if re.match(r'^\[\d+/\d+\]|.*\(\d+ \%\)$', output):
return True
return False
async def read_stream() -> Optional[str]:
output_b = await input_stream.readline()
return output_b.decode(errors='ignore')
except (asyncio.LimitOverrunError, asyncio.IncompleteReadError) as e:
print(e, file=sys.stderr)
return None
except AttributeError:
return None
async def read_interactive_stream() -> Optional[str]:
buffer = b''
while True:
output_b = await
if not output_b:
return None
return (buffer + output_b).decode()
except UnicodeDecodeError:
buffer += output_b
if len(buffer) > 4:
# Multi-byte character contain up to 4 bytes and if buffer have more then 4 bytes
# and still can not decode it we can just ignore some bytes
return buffer.decode(errors='replace')
# use ANSI color converter for Monitor on Windows
output_converter = get_ansi_converter(output_stream) if self.convert_output else output_stream
# used in interactive mode to print hints after matched line
hints = load_hints()
last_line = ''
is_progression_last_line = False
is_progression_processing_enabled = self.force_progression and output_stream.isatty() and '-v' not in self.args
with open(output_filename, 'w', encoding='utf8') as output_file:
while True:
if self.interactive:
output = await read_interactive_stream()
output = await read_stream()
if not output:
output_noescape = delete_ansi_escape(output)
# Always remove escape sequences when writing the build log.
# If output is redirected and the output stream is not a TTY,
# strip the escape sequences as well.
# (There shouldn't be any, but just in case.)
if not output_stream.isatty():
output = output_noescape
if is_progression_processing_enabled and is_progression(output):
is_progression_last_line = True
if is_progression_last_line:
is_progression_last_line = False
# process hints for last line and print them right away
if self.interactive:
last_line += output
if last_line[-1] == '\n':
for hint in generate_hints_buffer(last_line, hints):
last_line = ''
except (RuntimeError, EnvironmentError) as e:
yellow_print('WARNING: The exception {} was raised and we can\'t capture all your {} and '
'hints on how to resolve errors can be not accurate.'.format(e,'<>')))
def run_tool(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None:
# Added in case someone uses run_tool externally in extensions
return RunTool(*args, **kwargs)()
def run_target(target_name: str, args: 'PropertyDict', env: Optional[Dict]=None,
custom_error_handler: FunctionType=None, force_progression: bool=False, interactive: bool=False) -> None:
"""Run target in build directory."""
if env is None:
env = {}
generator_cmd = GENERATORS[args.generator]['command']
if args.verbose:
generator_cmd += [GENERATORS[args.generator]['verbose_flag']]
# By default, GNU Make and Ninja strip away color escape sequences when they see that their stdout is redirected.
# If's stdout is not redirected, the final output is a TTY, so we can tell Make/Ninja to disable stripping
# of color escape sequences. (Requires Ninja v1.9.0 or later.)
if sys.stdout.isatty():
if 'CLICOLOR_FORCE' not in env:
env['CLICOLOR_FORCE'] = '1'
RunTool(generator_cmd[0], generator_cmd + [target_name], args.build_dir, env, custom_error_handler, hints=not args.no_hints,
force_progression=force_progression, interactive=interactive)()
def _strip_quotes(value: str, regexp: re.Pattern=re.compile(r"^\"(.*)\"$|^'(.*)'$|^(.*)$")) -> Optional[str]:
Strip quotes like CMake does during parsing cache entries
matching_values = regexp.match(value)
return [x for x in matching_values.groups() if x is not None][0].rstrip() if matching_values is not None else None
def _parse_cmakecache(path: str) -> Dict:
Parse the CMakeCache file at 'path'.
Returns a dict of name:value.
CMakeCache entries also each have a "type", but this is currently ignored.
result = {}
with open(path, encoding='utf-8') as f:
for line in f:
# cmake cache lines look like: CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_DEBUG:STRING=-g
# groups are name, type, value
m = re.match(r'^([^#/:=]+):([^:=]+)=(.*)\n$', line)
if m:
result[] =
return result
def _parse_cmdl_cmakecache(entries: List) -> Dict[str, str]:
Parse list of CMake cache entries passed in via the -D option.
Returns a dict of name:value.
result: Dict = {}
for entry in entries:
key, value = entry.split('=', 1)
value = _strip_quotes(value)
result[key] = value
return result
def _new_cmakecache_entries(cache: Dict, cache_cmdl: Dict) -> bool:
for entry in cache_cmdl:
if entry not in cache:
return True
if cache_cmdl[entry] != cache[entry]:
return True
return False
def _detect_cmake_generator(prog_name: str) -> Any:
Find the default cmake generator, if none was specified. Raises an exception if no valid generator is found.
for (generator_name, generator) in GENERATORS.items():
if executable_exists(generator['version']):
return generator_name
raise FatalError("To use %s, either the 'ninja' or 'GNU make' build tool must be available in the PATH" % prog_name)
def ensure_build_directory(args: 'PropertyDict', prog_name: str, always_run_cmake: bool=False,
env: Dict=None) -> None:
"""Check the build directory exists and that cmake has been run there.
If this isn't the case, create the build directory (if necessary) and
do an initial cmake run to configure it.
This function will also check args.generator parameter. If the parameter is incompatible with
the build directory, an error is raised. If the parameter is None, this function will set it to
an auto-detected default generator or to the value already configured in the build directory.
if not executable_exists(['cmake', '--version']):
raise FatalError(f'"cmake" must be available on the PATH to use {PROG}')
project_dir = args.project_dir
# Verify the project directory
if not os.path.isdir(project_dir):
if not os.path.exists(project_dir):
raise FatalError('Project directory %s does not exist' % project_dir)
raise FatalError('%s must be a project directory' % project_dir)
if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(project_dir, 'CMakeLists.txt')):
raise FatalError('CMakeLists.txt not found in project directory %s' % project_dir)
# Verify/create the build directory
build_dir = args.build_dir
if not os.path.isdir(build_dir):
# Parse CMakeCache, if it exists
cache_path = os.path.join(build_dir, 'CMakeCache.txt')
cache = _parse_cmakecache(cache_path) if os.path.exists(cache_path) else {}
args.define_cache_entry.append('CCACHE_ENABLE=%d' % args.ccache)
cache_cmdl = _parse_cmdl_cmakecache(args.define_cache_entry)
# Validate IDF_TARGET
_check_idf_target(args, prog_name, cache, cache_cmdl, env)
if always_run_cmake or _new_cmakecache_entries(cache, cache_cmdl):
if args.generator is None:
args.generator = _detect_cmake_generator(prog_name)
cmake_args = [
if args.cmake_warn_uninitialized:
cmake_args += ['--warn-uninitialized']
if args.define_cache_entry:
cmake_args += ['-D' + d for d in args.define_cache_entry]
cmake_args += [project_dir]
hints = not args.no_hints
RunTool('cmake', cmake_args, cwd=args.build_dir, env=env, hints=hints)()
except Exception:
# don't allow partially valid CMakeCache.txt files,
# to keep the "should I run cmake?" logic simple
if os.path.exists(cache_path):
# need to update cache so subsequent access in this method would reflect the result of the previous cmake run
cache = _parse_cmakecache(cache_path) if os.path.exists(cache_path) else {}
generator = cache['CMAKE_GENERATOR']
except KeyError:
generator = _detect_cmake_generator(prog_name)
if args.generator is None:
args.generator = (generator) # reuse the previously configured generator, if none was given
if generator != args.generator:
raise FatalError("Build is configured for generator '%s' not '%s'. Run '%s fullclean' to start again." %
(generator, args.generator, prog_name))
home_dir = cache['CMAKE_HOME_DIRECTORY']
if os.path.realpath(home_dir) != os.path.realpath(project_dir):
raise FatalError(
"Build directory '%s' configured for project '%s' not '%s'. Run '%s fullclean' to start again." %
(build_dir, os.path.realpath(home_dir), os.path.realpath(project_dir), prog_name))
except KeyError:
pass # if cmake failed part way, CMAKE_HOME_DIRECTORY may not be set yet
python = cache['PYTHON']
if python != sys.executable:
raise FatalError(
"'{}' is currently active in the environment while the project was configured with '{}'. "
"Run '{} fullclean' to start again.".format(sys.executable, python, prog_name))
except KeyError:
def merge_action_lists(*action_lists: Dict) -> Dict:
merged_actions: Dict = {
'global_options': [],
'actions': {},
'global_action_callbacks': [],
for action_list in action_lists:
merged_actions['global_options'].extend(action_list.get('global_options', []))
merged_actions['actions'].update(action_list.get('actions', {}))
merged_actions['global_action_callbacks'].extend(action_list.get('global_action_callbacks', []))
return merged_actions
def get_sdkconfig_filename(args: 'PropertyDict', cache_cmdl: Dict=None) -> str:
Get project's sdkconfig file name.
if not cache_cmdl:
cache_cmdl = _parse_cmdl_cmakecache(args.define_cache_entry)
config = cache_cmdl.get('SDKCONFIG')
if config:
return os.path.abspath(config)
proj_desc_path = os.path.join(args.build_dir, 'project_description.json')
with open(proj_desc_path, 'r') as f:
proj_desc = json.load(f)
return str(proj_desc['config_file'])
except (OSError, KeyError):
return os.path.join(args.project_dir, 'sdkconfig')
def get_sdkconfig_value(sdkconfig_file: str, key: str) -> Optional[str]:
Return the value of given key from sdkconfig_file.
If sdkconfig_file does not exist or the option is not present, returns None.
assert key.startswith('CONFIG_')
if not os.path.exists(sdkconfig_file):
return None
# keep track of the last seen value for the given key
value = None
# if the value is quoted, this excludes the quotes from the value
pattern = re.compile(r"^{}=\"?([^\"]*)\"?$".format(key))
with open(sdkconfig_file, 'r') as f:
for line in f:
match = re.match(pattern, line)
if match:
value =
return value
def is_target_supported(project_path: str, supported_targets: List) -> bool:
Returns True if the active target is supported, or False otherwise.
return get_target(project_path) in supported_targets
def _check_idf_target(args: 'PropertyDict', prog_name: str, cache: Dict,
cache_cmdl: Dict, env: Dict=None) -> None:
Cross-check the three settings (sdkconfig, CMakeCache, environment) and if there is
mismatch, fail with instructions on how to fix this.
sdkconfig = get_sdkconfig_filename(args, cache_cmdl)
idf_target_from_sdkconfig = get_sdkconfig_value(sdkconfig, 'CONFIG_IDF_TARGET')
idf_target_from_env = os.environ.get('IDF_TARGET')
idf_target_from_cache = cache.get('IDF_TARGET')
idf_target_from_cache_cmdl = cache_cmdl.get('IDF_TARGET')
# Called from set-target action. The original sdkconfig will be renamed
# in cmake, so ignore any CONFIG_IDF_TARGET which may be defined in
# stale sdkconfig.
if env and env.get('_IDF_PY_SET_TARGET_ACTION') == '1':
idf_target_from_sdkconfig = None
if idf_target_from_env:
# Let's check that IDF_TARGET values are consistent
if idf_target_from_sdkconfig and idf_target_from_sdkconfig != idf_target_from_env:
raise FatalError("Project sdkconfig '{cfg}' was generated for target '{t_conf}', but environment variable IDF_TARGET "
"is set to '{t_env}'. Run '{prog} set-target {t_env}' to generate new sdkconfig file for target {t_env}."
.format(cfg=sdkconfig, t_conf=idf_target_from_sdkconfig, t_env=idf_target_from_env, prog=prog_name))
if idf_target_from_cache and idf_target_from_cache != idf_target_from_env:
raise FatalError("Target settings are not consistent: '{t_env}' in the environment, '{t_cache}' in CMakeCache.txt. "
"Run '{prog} fullclean' to start again."
.format(t_env=idf_target_from_env, t_cache=idf_target_from_cache, prog=prog_name))
if idf_target_from_cache_cmdl and idf_target_from_cache_cmdl != idf_target_from_env:
raise FatalError("Target '{t_cmdl}' specified on command line is not consistent with "
"target '{t_env}' in the environment."
.format(t_cmdl=idf_target_from_cache_cmdl, t_env=idf_target_from_env))
elif idf_target_from_cache_cmdl:
# Check if -DIDF_TARGET is consistent with target in CMakeCache.txt
if idf_target_from_cache and idf_target_from_cache != idf_target_from_cache_cmdl:
raise FatalError("Target '{t_cmdl}' specified on command line is not consistent with "
"target '{t_cache}' in CMakeCache.txt. Run '{prog} set-target {t_cmdl}' to re-generate "
.format(t_cache=idf_target_from_cache, t_cmdl=idf_target_from_cache_cmdl, prog=prog_name))
elif idf_target_from_cache:
# This shouldn't happen, unless the user manually edits CMakeCache.txt or sdkconfig, but let's check anyway.
if idf_target_from_sdkconfig and idf_target_from_cache != idf_target_from_sdkconfig:
raise FatalError("Project sdkconfig '{cfg}' was generated for target '{t_conf}', but CMakeCache.txt contains '{t_cache}'. "
"To keep the setting in sdkconfig ({t_conf}) and re-generate CMakeCache.txt, run '{prog} fullclean'. "
"To re-generate sdkconfig for '{t_cache}' target, run '{prog} set-target {t_cache}'."
.format(cfg=sdkconfig, t_conf=idf_target_from_sdkconfig, t_cache=idf_target_from_cache, prog=prog_name))
class TargetChoice(click.Choice):
A version of click.Choice with two special features:
- ignores hyphens
- not case sensitive
def __init__(self, choices: List) -> None:
super(TargetChoice, self).__init__(choices, case_sensitive=False)
def convert(self, value: Any, param: click.Parameter, ctx: click.Context) -> Any:
def normalize(string: str) -> str:
return string.lower().replace('-', '')
saved_token_normalize_func = ctx.token_normalize_func
ctx.token_normalize_func = normalize
return super(TargetChoice, self).convert(value, param, ctx)
ctx.token_normalize_func = saved_token_normalize_func
class PropertyDict(dict):
def __getattr__(self, name: str) -> Any:
if name in self:
return self[name]
raise AttributeError("'PropertyDict' object has no attribute '%s'" % name)
def __setattr__(self, name: str, value: Any) -> None:
self[name] = value
def __delattr__(self, name: str) -> None:
if name in self:
del self[name]
raise AttributeError("'PropertyDict' object has no attribute '%s'" % name)