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# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2023-2024 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) CO LTD
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
Pytest Related Constants. Don't import third-party packages here.
import os
import typing as t
import warnings
from dataclasses import dataclass
from enum import Enum
from functools import cached_property
from pathlib import Path
from _pytest.python import Function
from idf_ci_utils import IDF_PATH
from idf_ci_utils import idf_relpath
from pytest_embedded.utils import to_list
SUPPORTED_TARGETS = ['esp32', 'esp32s2', 'esp32c3', 'esp32s3', 'esp32c2', 'esp32c6', 'esp32h2', 'esp32p4']
PREVIEW_TARGETS: t.List[str] = [] # this PREVIEW_TARGETS excludes 'linux' target
DEFAULT_LOGDIR = 'pytest-embedded'
'esp32': 'support esp32 target',
'esp32s2': 'support esp32s2 target',
'esp32s3': 'support esp32s3 target',
'esp32c3': 'support esp32c3 target',
'esp32c2': 'support esp32c2 target',
'esp32c6': 'support esp32c6 target',
'esp32h2': 'support esp32h2 target',
'esp32p4': 'support esp32p4 target',
'linux': 'support linux target',
'supported_targets': "support all officially announced supported targets ('esp32', 'esp32s2', 'esp32c3', 'esp32s3', 'esp32c2', 'esp32c6')",
'preview_targets': "support all preview targets ('none')",
'all_targets': 'support all targets, including supported ones and preview ones',
'temp_skip_ci': 'temp skip tests for specified targets only in ci',
'temp_skip': 'temp skip tests for specified targets both in ci and locally',
'nightly_run': 'tests should be executed as part of the nightly trigger pipeline',
'host_test': 'tests which should not be built at the build stage, and instead built in host_test stage',
# special markers
'qemu': 'build and test using qemu, not real target',
'macos_shell': 'tests should be run on macos hosts',
# single-dut markers
'generic': 'tests should be run on generic runners',
'flash_suspend': 'support flash suspend feature',
'eth_ip101': 'connected via IP101 ethernet transceiver',
'eth_lan8720': 'connected via LAN8720 ethernet transceiver',
'eth_rtl8201': 'connected via RTL8201 ethernet transceiver',
'eth_ksz8041': 'connected via KSZ8041 ethernet transceiver',
'eth_dp83848': 'connected via DP83848 ethernet transceiver',
'eth_w5500': 'SPI Ethernet module with two W5500',
'eth_ksz8851snl': 'SPI Ethernet module with two KSZ8851SNL',
'eth_dm9051': 'SPI Ethernet module with two DM9051',
'quad_psram': 'runners with quad psram',
'octal_psram': 'runners with octal psram',
'usb_host_flash_disk': 'usb host runners with USB flash disk attached',
'usb_device': 'usb device runners',
'ethernet_ota': 'ethernet OTA runners',
'flash_encryption': 'Flash Encryption runners',
'flash_encryption_f4r8': 'Flash Encryption runners with 4-line flash and 8-line psram',
'flash_encryption_f8r8': 'Flash Encryption runners with 8-line flash and 8-line psram',
'flash_multi': 'Multiple flash chips tests',
'psram': 'Chip has 4-line psram',
'ir_transceiver': 'runners with a pair of IR transmitter and receiver',
'twai_transceiver': 'runners with a TWAI PHY transceiver',
'flash_encryption_wifi_high_traffic': 'Flash Encryption runners with wifi high traffic support',
'ethernet': 'ethernet runner',
'ethernet_flash_8m': 'ethernet runner with 8mb flash',
'ethernet_router': 'both the runner and dut connect to the same router through ethernet NIC',
'ethernet_vlan': 'ethernet runner GARM-32-SH-1-R16S5N3',
'wifi_ap': 'a wifi AP in the environment',
'wifi_router': 'both the runner and dut connect to the same wifi router',
'wifi_high_traffic': 'wifi high traffic runners',
'wifi_wlan': 'wifi runner with a wireless NIC',
'wifi_iperf': 'the AP and ESP dut were placed in a shielded box - for iperf test',
'Example_ShieldBox': 'multiple shielded APs connected to shielded ESP DUT via RF cable with programmable attenuator',
'xtal_26mhz': 'runner with 26MHz xtal on board',
'xtal_40mhz': 'runner with 40MHz xtal on board',
'external_flash': 'external flash memory connected via VSPI (FSPI)',
'sdcard_sdmode': 'sdcard running in SD mode, to be removed after test migration',
'sdcard_spimode': 'sdcard running in SPI mode',
'emmc': 'eMMC card',
'sdcard': 'sdcard runner',
'MSPI_F8R8': 'runner with Octal Flash and Octal PSRAM',
'MSPI_F4R8': 'runner with Quad Flash and Octal PSRAM',
'MSPI_F4R4': 'runner with Quad Flash and Quad PSRAM',
'jtag': 'runner where the chip is accessible through JTAG as well',
'usb_serial_jtag': 'runner where the chip is accessible through builtin JTAG as well',
'adc': 'ADC related tests should run on adc runners',
'xtal32k': 'Runner with external 32k crystal connected',
'no32kXtal': 'Runner with no external 32k crystal connected',
'psramv0': 'Runner with PSRAM version 0',
'esp32eco3': 'Runner with esp32 eco3 connected',
'ecdsa_efuse': 'Runner with test ECDSA private keys programmed in efuse',
'ccs811': 'Runner with CCS811 connected',
'nvs_encr_hmac': 'Runner with test HMAC key programmed in efuse',
'i2c_oled': 'Runner with ssd1306 I2C oled connected',
'httpbin': 'runner for tests that need to access the httpbin service',
'flash_4mb': 'C2 runners with 4 MB flash',
'jtag_re_enable': 'Runner to re-enable jtag which is softly disabled by burning bit SOFT_DIS_JTAG on eFuse',
# multi-dut markers
'multi_dut_modbus_rs485': 'a pair of runners connected by RS485 bus',
'ieee802154': 'ieee802154 related tests should run on ieee802154 runners.',
'openthread_br': 'tests should be used for openthread border router.',
'openthread_bbr': 'tests should be used for openthread border router linked to Internet.',
'openthread_sleep': 'tests should be used for openthread sleepy device.',
'zigbee_multi_dut': 'zigbee runner which have multiple duts.',
'wifi_two_dut': 'tests should be run on runners which has two wifi duts connected.',
'generic_multi_device': 'generic multiple devices whose corresponding gpio pins are connected to each other.',
'twai_network': 'multiple runners form a TWAI network.',
'sdio_master_slave': 'Test sdio multi board, esp32+esp32',
'sdio_multidev_32_c6': 'Test sdio multi board, esp32+esp32c6',
'usj_device': 'Test usb_serial_jtag and usb_serial_jtag is used as serial only (not console)',
'twai_std': 'twai runner with all twai supported targets connect to usb-can adapter',
DEFAULT_CONFIG_RULES_STR = ['', '*=', '=default']
DEFAULT_IGNORE_WARNING_FILEPATH = os.path.join(IDF_PATH, 'tools', 'ci', 'ignore_build_warnings.txt')
DEFAULT_BUILD_TEST_RULES_FILEPATH = os.path.join(IDF_PATH, '.gitlab', 'ci', 'default-build-test-rules.yml')
# tools
# ci
class CollectMode(str, Enum):
SINGLE_SPECIFIC = 'single_specific'
MULTI_SPECIFIC = 'multi_specific'
MULTI_ALL_WITH_PARAM = 'multi_all_with_param'
ALL = 'all'
class PytestApp:
Pytest App with relative path to IDF_PATH
def __init__(self, path: str, target: str, config: str) -> None:
self.path = idf_relpath(path) = target
self.config = config
def __hash__(self) -> int:
return hash((self.path,, self.config))
def build_dir(self) -> str:
return os.path.join(self.path, f'build_{}_{self.config}')
class PytestCase:
apps: t.List[PytestApp]
item: Function
multi_dut_without_param: bool
def __hash__(self) -> int:
return hash((self.path,, self.apps, self.all_markers))
def path(self) -> str:
return str(self.item.path)
def name(self) -> str:
return self.item.originalname # type: ignore
def targets(self) -> t.List[str]:
if not self.multi_dut_without_param:
return [ for app in self.apps]
# multi-dut test cases without parametrize
skip = True
for _t in [ for app in self.apps]:
if _t in self.target_markers:
skip = False
warnings.warn(f'`pytest.mark.[TARGET]` defined in parametrize for multi-dut test cases is deprecated. ' # noqa: W604
f'Please use parametrize instead for test case {self.item.nodeid}')
if not skip:
return [ for app in self.apps]
return [''] * len(self.apps) # this will help to filter these cases out later
def is_single_dut_test_case(self) -> bool:
return True if len(self.apps) == 1 else False
def is_host_test(self) -> bool:
return 'host_test' in self.all_markers or 'linux' in self.targets
# the following markers could be changed dynamically, don't use cached_property
def all_markers(self) -> t.Set[str]:
return { for marker in self.item.iter_markers()}
def target_markers(self) -> t.Set[str]:
def _get_temp_markers_disabled_targets(marker_name: str) -> t.Set[str]:
temp_marker = self.item.get_closest_marker(marker_name)
if not temp_marker:
return set()
# temp markers should always use keyword arguments `targets` and `reason`
if not temp_marker.kwargs.get('targets') or not temp_marker.kwargs.get('reason'):
raise ValueError(
f'`{marker_name}` should always use keyword arguments `targets` and `reason`. ' # noqa: W604
f'For example: '
f'`@pytest.mark.{marker_name}(targets=["esp32"], reason="IDF-xxxx, will fix it ASAP")`'
return set(to_list(temp_marker.kwargs['targets'])) # type: ignore
temp_skip_ci_targets = _get_temp_markers_disabled_targets('temp_skip_ci')
temp_skip_targets = _get_temp_markers_disabled_targets('temp_skip')
# in CI we skip the union of `temp_skip` and `temp_skip_ci`
if os.getenv('CI_JOB_ID'):
skip_targets = temp_skip_ci_targets.union(temp_skip_targets)
else: # we use `temp_skip` locally
skip_targets = temp_skip_targets
return {marker for marker in self.all_markers if marker in TARGET_MARKERS} - skip_targets
def env_markers(self) -> t.Set[str]:
return {marker for marker in self.all_markers if marker in ENV_MARKERS}
def target_selector(self) -> str:
return ','.join( for app in self.apps)
def requires_elf_or_map(self) -> bool:
This property determines whether the test case requires elf or map file. By default, one app in the test case
only requires .bin files.
:return: True if the test case requires elf or map file, False otherwise
if 'jtag' in self.env_markers or 'usb_serial_jtag' in self.env_markers:
return True
if any('panic' in Path(app.path).parts for app in self.apps):
return True
return False
def all_built_in_app_lists(self, app_lists: t.Optional[t.List[str]] = None) -> t.Optional[str]:
Check if all binaries of the test case are built in the app lists.
:param app_lists: app lists to check
:return: debug string if not all binaries are built in the app lists, None otherwise
if app_lists is None:
# ignore this feature
return None
bin_found = [0] * len(self.apps)
for i, app in enumerate(self.apps):
if app.build_dir in app_lists:
bin_found[i] = 1
if sum(bin_found) == 0:
msg = f'Skip test case {} because all following binaries are not listed in the app lists: ' # noqa: E713
for app in self.apps:
msg += f'\n - {app.build_dir}'
return msg
if sum(bin_found) == len(self.apps):
return None
# some found, some not, looks suspicious
msg = f'Found some binaries of test case {} are not listed in the app lists.' # noqa: E713
for i, app in enumerate(self.apps):
if bin_found[i] == 0:
msg += f'\n - {app.build_dir}'
msg += '\nMight be a issue of .build-test-rules.yml files'
return msg