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* SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2016-2022 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) CO LTD
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
#include <stdint.h> // for standard int types definition
#include <stddef.h> // for NULL and std defines
#include "esp_modbus_common.h" // for common types
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#define MB_MASTER_CHECK(a, err_code, format, ...) MB_RETURN_ON_FALSE(a, err_code, TAG, format __VA_OPT__(,) __VA_ARGS__)
#define MB_MASTER_ASSERT(con) do { \
if (!(con)) { ESP_LOGE(TAG, "assert errno:%d, errno_str: !(%s)", errno, strerror(errno)); assert(0 && #con); } \
} while (0)
* \brief Modbus descriptor table parameter type defines.
typedef enum {
PARAM_TYPE_U8 = 0x00, /*!< Unsigned 8 */
PARAM_TYPE_U16 = 0x01, /*!< Unsigned 16 */
PARAM_TYPE_U32 = 0x02, /*!< Unsigned 32 */
PARAM_TYPE_FLOAT = 0x03, /*!< Float type */
PARAM_TYPE_ASCII = 0x04 /*!< ASCII type */
} mb_descr_type_t;
* \brief Modbus descriptor table parameter size in bytes.
typedef enum {
PARAM_SIZE_U8 = 0x01, /*!< Unsigned 8 */
PARAM_SIZE_U16 = 0x02, /*!< Unsigned 16 */
PARAM_SIZE_U32 = 0x04, /*!< Unsigned 32 */
PARAM_SIZE_FLOAT = 0x04, /*!< Float size */
PARAM_SIZE_ASCII = 0x08, /*!< ASCII size */
PARAM_SIZE_ASCII24 = 0x18, /*!< ASCII24 size */
} mb_descr_size_t;
* \brief Modbus parameter options for description table
typedef union {
struct {
int opt1; /*!< Parameter option1 */
int opt2; /*!< Parameter option2 */
int opt3; /*!< Parameter option3 */
struct {
int min; /*!< Parameter minimum value */
int max; /*!< Parameter maximum value */
int step; /*!< Step of parameter change tracking */
} mb_parameter_opt_t;
* @brief Permissions for the characteristics
typedef enum {
PAR_PERMS_READ = 1 << BIT0, /**< the characteristic of the device are readable */
PAR_PERMS_WRITE = 1 << BIT1, /**< the characteristic of the device are writable*/
PAR_PERMS_TRIGGER = 1 << BIT2, /**< the characteristic of the device are triggerable */
PAR_PERMS_READ_WRITE = PAR_PERMS_READ | PAR_PERMS_WRITE, /**< the characteristic of the device are readable & writable */
PAR_PERMS_READ_TRIGGER = PAR_PERMS_READ | PAR_PERMS_TRIGGER, /**< the characteristic of the device are readable & triggerable */
PAR_PERMS_WRITE_TRIGGER = PAR_PERMS_WRITE | PAR_PERMS_TRIGGER, /**< the characteristic of the device are writable & triggerable */
PAR_PERMS_READ_WRITE_TRIGGER = PAR_PERMS_READ_WRITE | PAR_PERMS_TRIGGER, /**< the characteristic of the device are readable & writable & triggerable */
} mb_param_perms_t;
* @brief Characteristics descriptor type is used to describe characteristic and
* link it with Modbus parameters that reflect its data.
typedef struct {
uint16_t cid; /*!< Characteristic cid */
const char* param_key; /*!< The key (name) of the parameter */
const char* param_units; /*!< The physical units of the parameter */
uint8_t mb_slave_addr; /*!< Slave address of device in the Modbus segment */
mb_param_type_t mb_param_type; /*!< Type of modbus parameter */
uint16_t mb_reg_start; /*!< This is the Modbus register address. This is the 0 based value. */
uint16_t mb_size; /*!< Size of mb parameter in registers */
uint16_t param_offset; /*!< Parameter name (OFFSET in the parameter structure) */
mb_descr_type_t param_type; /*!< Float, U8, U16, U32, ASCII, etc. */
mb_descr_size_t param_size; /*!< Number of bytes in the parameter. */
mb_parameter_opt_t param_opts; /*!< Parameter options used to check limits and etc. */
mb_param_perms_t access; /*!< Access permissions based on mode */
} mb_parameter_descriptor_t;
* @brief Modbus register request type structure
typedef struct {
uint8_t slave_addr; /*!< Modbus slave address */
uint8_t command; /*!< Modbus command to send */
uint16_t reg_start; /*!< Modbus start register */
uint16_t reg_size; /*!< Modbus number of registers */
} mb_param_request_t;
* @brief Initialize Modbus controller and stack for TCP port
* @param[out] handler handler(pointer) to master data structure
* @return
* - ESP_OK Success
* - ESP_ERR_NO_MEM Parameter error
* - ESP_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED Port type not supported
* - ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE Initialization failure
esp_err_t mbc_master_init_tcp(void** handler);
* @brief Initialize Modbus Master controller and stack for Serial port
* @param[out] handler handler(pointer) to master data structure
* @param[in] port_type type of stack
* @return
* - ESP_OK Success
* - ESP_ERR_NO_MEM Parameter error
* - ESP_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED Port type not supported
* - ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE Initialization failure
esp_err_t mbc_master_init(mb_port_type_t port_type, void** handler);
* @brief Initialize Modbus Master controller interface handle
* @param[in] handler - pointer to master data structure
void mbc_master_init_iface(void* handler);
* @brief Destroy Modbus controller and stack
* @return
* - ESP_OK Success
* - ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE Parameter error
esp_err_t mbc_master_destroy(void);
* @brief Start Modbus communication stack
* @return
* - ESP_OK Success
* - ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG Modbus stack start error
esp_err_t mbc_master_start(void);
* @brief Set Modbus communication parameters for the controller
* @param comm_info Communication parameters structure.
* @return
* - ESP_OK Success
* - ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG Incorrect parameter data
esp_err_t mbc_master_setup(void* comm_info);
/***************************** Specific interface functions ********************************************
* Interface functions below provide basic methods to read/write access to slave devices in Modbus
* segment as well as API to read specific supported characteristics linked to Modbus parameters
* of devices in Modbus network.
* @brief Assign parameter description table for Modbus controller interface.
* @param[in] descriptor pointer to parameter description table
* @param num_elements number of elements in the table
* @return
* - esp_err_t ESP_OK - set descriptor successfully
* - esp_err_t ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG - invalid argument in function call
esp_err_t mbc_master_set_descriptor(const mb_parameter_descriptor_t* descriptor, const uint16_t num_elements);
* @brief Send data request as defined in parameter request, waits response
* from slave and returns status of command execution. This function provides standard way
* for read/write access to Modbus devices in the network.
* @param[in] request pointer to request structure of type mb_param_request_t
* @param[in] data_ptr pointer to data buffer to send or received data (dependent of command field in request)
* @return
* - esp_err_t ESP_OK - request was successful
* - esp_err_t ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG - invalid argument of function
* - esp_err_t ESP_ERR_INVALID_RESPONSE - an invalid response from slave
* - esp_err_t ESP_ERR_TIMEOUT - operation timeout or no response from slave
* - esp_err_t ESP_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED - the request command is not supported by slave
* - esp_err_t ESP_FAIL - slave returned an exception or other failure
esp_err_t mbc_master_send_request(mb_param_request_t* request, void* data_ptr);
* @brief Get information about supported characteristic defined as cid. Uses parameter description table to get
* this information. The function will check if characteristic defined as a cid parameter is supported
* and returns its description in param_info. Returns ESP_ERR_NOT_FOUND if characteristic is not supported.
* @param[in] cid characteristic id
* @param param_info pointer to pointer of characteristic data.
* @return
* - esp_err_t ESP_OK - request was successful and buffer contains the supported characteristic name
* - esp_err_t ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG - invalid argument of function
* - esp_err_t ESP_ERR_NOT_FOUND - the characteristic (cid) not found
* - esp_err_t ESP_FAIL - unknown error during lookup table processing
esp_err_t mbc_master_get_cid_info(uint16_t cid, const mb_parameter_descriptor_t** param_info);
* @brief Read parameter from modbus slave device whose name is defined by name and has cid.
* The additional data for request is taken from parameter description (lookup) table.
* @param[in] cid id of the characteristic for parameter
* @param[in] name pointer into string name (key) of parameter (null terminated)
* @param[out] value pointer to data buffer of parameter
* @param[out] type parameter type associated with the name returned from parameter description table.
* @return
* - esp_err_t ESP_OK - request was successful and value buffer contains
* representation of actual parameter data from slave
* - esp_err_t ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG - invalid argument of function or parameter descriptor
* - esp_err_t ESP_ERR_INVALID_RESPONSE - an invalid response from slave
* - esp_err_t ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE - invalid state during data processing or allocation failure
* - esp_err_t ESP_ERR_TIMEOUT - operation timed out and no response from slave
* - esp_err_t ESP_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED - the request command is not supported by slave
* - esp_err_t ESP_ERR_NOT_FOUND - the parameter is not found in the parameter description table
* - esp_err_t ESP_FAIL - slave returned an exception or other failure
esp_err_t mbc_master_get_parameter(uint16_t cid, char* name, uint8_t* value, uint8_t *type);
* @brief Set characteristic's value defined as a name and cid parameter.
* The additional data for cid parameter request is taken from master parameter lookup table.
* @param[in] cid id of the characteristic for parameter
* @param[in] name pointer into string name (key) of parameter (null terminated)
* @param[out] value pointer to data buffer of parameter (actual representation of json value field in binary form)
* @param[out] type pointer to parameter type associated with the name returned from parameter lookup table.
* @return
* - esp_err_t ESP_OK - request was successful and value was saved in the slave device registers
* - esp_err_t ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG - invalid argument of function or parameter descriptor
* - esp_err_t ESP_ERR_INVALID_RESPONSE - an invalid response from slave during processing of parameter
* - esp_err_t ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE - invalid state during data processing or allocation failure
* - esp_err_t ESP_ERR_TIMEOUT - operation timed out and no response from slave
* - esp_err_t ESP_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED - the request command is not supported by slave
* - esp_err_t ESP_FAIL - slave returned an exception or other failure
esp_err_t mbc_master_set_parameter(uint16_t cid, char* name, uint8_t* value, uint8_t *type);
#ifdef __cplusplus