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* SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2015-2024 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) CO LTD
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
#ifndef ESP_CORE_DUMP_H_
#define ESP_CORE_DUMP_H_
#include "sdkconfig.h"
#include <stddef.h>
#include "esp_err.h"
#include "esp_private/panic_internal.h"
#include "esp_core_dump_summary_port.h"
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
* @brief Core dump summary, Most meaningful contents of the core dump
* are accommodated in this structure
typedef struct {
uint32_t exc_tcb; /*!< TCB pointer to the task causing exception */
char exc_task[16]; /*!< Name of the task that caused exception */
uint32_t exc_pc; /*!< Program counter for exception */
esp_core_dump_bt_info_t exc_bt_info; /*!< Backtrace information for task causing exception */
uint32_t core_dump_version; /*!< Core dump version */
uint8_t app_elf_sha256[APP_ELF_SHA256_SZ]; /*!< Crashing application's SHA256 sum as a string */
esp_core_dump_summary_extra_info_t ex_info; /*!< Architecture specific extra data */
} esp_core_dump_summary_t;
/******************************** EXCEPTION MODE API **********************************/
* @brief Initializes core dump module internal data.
* @note Should be called at system startup.
void esp_core_dump_init(void);
/*********************************** USER MODE API ************************************/
* Core dump file consists of header and data (in binary or ELF format) for every task in the system at the moment of crash.
* For the data integrity, a checksum is used at the end of core the dump data.
* The structure of core dump file is described below in details.
* 1) Core dump starts with header:
* 1.1) TOTAL_LEN is total length of core dump data in flash including the checksum. Size is 4 bytes.
* 1.2) VERSION field keeps 4 byte version of core dump.
* 1.2) TASKS_NUM is the number of tasks for which data are stored. Size is 4 bytes. Unused in ELF format
* 1.3) TCB_SIZE is the size of task's TCB structure. Size is 4 bytes. Unused in ELF format
* 1.4) MEM_SEG_NUM is the number of memory segment. Size is 4 bytes. Unused in ELF format
* 1.5) CHIP_REV is the revision of the chip. Size is 4 bytes.
* 2) Core dump header is followed by the data for every task in the system. Data part is differs for the binary
* and elf formats.
* 2.1) The core dump file uses a subset of the ELF structures to store the crash information.
* Loadable ELF segments and ELF notes (ELF.PT_NOTE) used with a special name and type (CORE, NT_PRSTATUS type)
* 2.2) In Binary format task data are started with the task header:
* 2.2.1) TCB_ADDR is the address of TCB in memory. Size is 4 bytes.
* 2.2.2) STACK_TOP is the top of task's stack (address of the topmost stack item). Size is 4 bytes.
* 2.2.3) STACK_END is the end of task's stack (address from which task's stack starts). Size is 4 bytes.
* 2.2.4) Task header is followed by TCB data. Size is TCB_SIZE bytes.
* 2.2.5) Task's stack is placed after TCB data. Size is (STACK_END - STACK_TOP) bytes.
* 2.3) The checksum is placed at the end of the data.
* 3) The structure of the uart data is the same as the data stored in flash
* 3.1) Uart data is printed in base64 format surrounded with special messages to help user recognize the start and
* end of actual data.
* For more information about the implementation please check api-guides/core_dump_internals.rst
* @brief Print/store coredump data to the selected destination uart or flash.
* @param info Pointer to the panic information. It contains the execution frame.
* @return ESP_OK on success, otherwise \see esp_err_t
void esp_core_dump_write(panic_info_t *info);
* @brief Check integrity of coredump data in flash.
* This function reads the coredump data while calculating their checksum. If it
* doesn't match the checksum written on flash, it means data are corrupted,
* an error will be returned. Else, ESP_OK is returned.
* @return `ESP_OK` if core dump is present and valid, `ESP_ERR_NOT_FOUND` if no core dump
* is stored in the partition, `ESP_ERR_INVALID_SIZE` or `ESP_ERR_INVALID_CRC`
* if the core dump is corrupted, other errors when unable to access flash, in that
* case please refer to \see esp_err_t
esp_err_t esp_core_dump_image_check(void);
* @brief Retrieves address and size of coredump data in flash.
* This function is always available, even when core dump is disabled in menuconfig.
* @param out_addr pointer to store image address in flash.
* @param out_size pointer to store image size in flash (including checksum). In bytes.
* @return ESP_OK on success, otherwise \see esp_err_t
esp_err_t esp_core_dump_image_get(size_t* out_addr, size_t *out_size);
* @brief Erases coredump data in flash. esp_core_dump_image_get() will then return
* ESP_ERR_NOT_FOUND. Can be used after a coredump has been transmitted successfully.
* This function is always available, even when core dump is disabled in menuconfig.
* @return ESP_OK on success, otherwise \see esp_err_t
esp_err_t esp_core_dump_image_erase(void);
* @brief Get panic reason from the core dump.
* This function retrieves the panic reason from the core dump data and copies it to the provided buffer.
* @param[in,out] reason_buffer Pointer to the buffer where the panic reason will be copied.
* @param[in] buffer_size Size of the destination buffer in bytes.
* @return
* - ESP_OK if the panic reason was successfully copied.
* - ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG if reason_buffer is NULL or buffer_size is 0.
* - Other error codes indicating the outcome of the core dump retrieval.
* - ESP_ERR_NOT_FOUND if the panic reason is not found in the core dump.
* Example usage:
* @code{c}
char panic_reason[200];
esp_err_t err = esp_core_dump_get_panic_reason(panic_reason, sizeof(panic_reason));
if (err == ESP_OK) {
ESP_LOGW(TAG, "%s", panic_reason);
* @endcode
esp_err_t esp_core_dump_get_panic_reason(char *reason_buffer, size_t buffer_size);
* @brief Get the summary of a core dump.
* @param summary Summary of the core dump
* @return ESP_OK on success, otherwise \see esp_err_t
* @note This function works only if coredump is stored in flash and in ELF format
* Example usage:
* @code{c}
* esp_core_dump_summary_t *summary = malloc(sizeof(esp_core_dump_summary_t));
* if (summary) {
* if (esp_core_dump_get_summary(summary) == ESP_OK) {
* // Do stuff
* }
* }
* free(summary);
* @endcode
esp_err_t esp_core_dump_get_summary(esp_core_dump_summary_t *summary);
#ifdef __cplusplus